Printed pamphlet: ‘Some Suggestions concerning the Future Welfare of Ireland / An Address delivered before the Literary and Scientific Society of the Queen’s University. Belfast, on February 23rd. 1911. By the Right Hon. Lord MacDonnell of Swinford,

[Proportional Representation in Ireland, 1911; Electoral Reform] The Right Hon. Lord MacDonnell [Antony Patrick MacDonnell] (1844-1925); Independent Newspapers, Ltd., Dublin
Publication details: 
1911. Dublin: Independent Newspapers, Ltd., 110 and 111 Mid. Abbey St.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: copy in NLI, and three on JISC (LSE, Oxford and Cambridge), but not in BL. 30pp, 12mo. Stapled in wraps of shiny paper, with title and publication details on front cover (which is part of pagination). Text clear and complete, but in poor condition, aged and worn, with heavy creasing around spine. MacDonnell advocates ‘the adoption of proportional representation and the transferable vote’, which ‘would involve a radical, but simple representation of the electoral map of Ireland’.

[Edinburgh, 1832: 'The first voting which took place on the Reform Bill'.] Manuscript 'Copy of Entry in the Register of Qualified Voters for the City of Edinburgh', signed by Carlyle Bell, Conjunct-Clerk, on George Berry of Antigua Street.

Carlyle Bell (c.1779-1850), Conjunct-Clerk [joint town clerk] of the the City of Edinburgh [Great Reform Act, 1832]
Publication details: 
Entry dated 13 September 1832.

A nice piece of Edinburgh historical ephemera. See the entry on George Berry (1795-c.1874), the first man to register to vote there following the passing the Great Reform Act, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1874-1875, where he is described as 'an enthusiastic "Free Trader"'. 40 x 10 cm slip of laid paper, with printed form on one side, headed 'COPY of ENTRY in the REGISTER of QUALIFIED VOTERS for the CITY of EDINBURGH.' In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with clean vertical cut unobtrusively repaired with archival tape.

[ Sir William Evans on the [secret] ballot, 'secret voting', 'evils of intimidation'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T W Evans') to Rev. W. Griffith, expressing 'serious doubt' on the question, and explaining his reasons for abstaining to vote on it.

Sir William Evans [ Sir Thomas William Evans ] (1821-1892) of Allestree Hall, Liberal Party politician, Member of Parliament for Derbyshire South
Publication details: 
Allestree Hall [ Derbyshire ]. 11 April 1859.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He declares his belief that he will 'act well in accordance with what I stated on the nomination day in 1857, by pursuing the course followed by me since I have been in parliament, & abstaining from voting either way on the ballot'. The subject is one concerning which he feels 'great difficulty': 'I fully appreciate the evils of intimidation & bribery which the ballot is intended to cure, although I hope that they are gradually diminishing & will be still further diminished when we have fewer small constituencies'.

[Sir John Fischer Williams, international lawyer.] Typed Letter Signed ('John Fischer Williams') to R. F. Harrod, Hon. Sec., Oxford University Liberal Association, expounding at length on Professor Gilbert Murray and proportional representation.

Sir John Fischer Williams (1870-1947), English international lawyer and authority on proportional representation [Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), classical scholar and internationalist; electoral reform]
Publication details: 
British Delegation, Reparation Commission, 7 Rue de Tilsitt, Paris XVII. 19 March 1929.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On two leaves, with the second attached at the head of the blank reverse to a piece of grey card. In fair condition, on aged paper. He writes that he will be 'very glad to sign the memorandum enclosed with your letter of the 14th instant in support of Professor Gilbert Murray'. He proceeds to remark at length on a 'statement in the last paragraph of the memorandum as to the working of Proportional Representation'.

Alteration of Constitution. Federal Referendums. The Case FOR and AGAINST. ['Aviation' and 'Marketing']

[Australian Federal Referendums on Aviation and Marketing, 1937]
Publication details: 
By Authority: H. J. Green, Government Printer, Melbourne. [Canberra, 30th December, 1936.]

4to: [iii] + 15 + [ii] pp. Ten-leaf stapled pamphlet. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Slight rusting to staples. In small hand in red ink at head of title: 'M.S. 834 - 21/1/37'. Giving the texts of two proposed constitution alterations, 'Aviation' and 'Marketing', with the cases for and against, the referendums on which are both to be taken on 6 March 1937. 1 cm stamp in red ink of the Webster Collection at foot of final page, numbered 4190.

Verbatim report of the libel action Foster v. Beauchamp in the High Court of Justice, King's Bench Division, Royal Courts of Justice, before Mr Justice Darling and a special jury.

[SUFFOLK LIBEL ACTION] North Suffolk Election, December, 1910.
Publication details: 
19 and 20 July 1911. 'Published by Arthur E. Hebbes, Election Agent, and Chief Conservative and Unionist Agent for the Northern or Lowestoft Division of the County of Suffolk, 88, London Road, Lowestoft.

8vo. 94 pages. 2 pages facsimile of an electoral handbill. One fold-out plate. In poor condition. Damp stained, and in remains of repaired grey printed wraps. Paper browning. 'Printed by J. Rochford O'Driscoll, Printer, Dagmar House, Lowestoft.' The case for the plaintiff, Harry Seymour Foster, was led by the celebrated F. E. Smith (Later Earl of Birkenhead). The defendant was Edward (later Sir Edward) Beauchamp. The main cause of what the judge in summing-up described as 'a political action' was a letter by 'FISHERMAN' (i.e.

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