[Robert Lynd, Irish journalist and essayist at whose house James Joyce held his wedding reception.] Part of Corrected Autograph Draft of essay on ‘the Irish comic spirit’and ‘the Irish tradition’ in literature.

Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd] (1879-1949), Irish journalist and essayist, husband of the poet Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), at whose house James Joyce held his wedding reception
Publication details: 
No date, but published in the Irish Book Lover (London and Dublin), vol. 13, 1922.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Unsigned, but in Lynd’s hand and from the Lynd family papers. 6pp, 4to, on six leaves of ruled paper, twenty-six lines to a page. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dog-eared corners. Lynd’s handwriting is execrable, and he employs a number of abbreviations of common words, such as ‘and’, ‘the’, ‘of’. Begins: ‘[...] found expression in literature. / As I have suggested, however, it is in the art of conversation rather than the art of literature that the Irish comic spirit has found its fullest expression.

[Samuel Lover, Irish painter, author, entertainer.] Autograph Letter in third person to Sir Thomas Gery Cullum and wife, explaining why pressures of 'public engagement' mean he must stay at his hotel rather than enjoy 'the hospitality of Hardwicke'.

Samuel Lover (1797-1868), Irish miniature painter, author, songwriter and singer, friend of Charles Dickens [Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House, his wife Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875)]
Publication details: 
26 February 1845; Bell Hotel, Bury St Edmunds.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, 'In 1844 Lover abandoned miniature painting as a result of failing eyesight but continued to paint and exhibit landscapes. He invented a new form of entertainment which he called Irish Evenings, a monologue of songs, recitations, and stories, all of his own composition. These he performed at the Princess's Concert Rooms, London.' Between 1846 and 1848 he toured North America with great success. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice.

A large archive of letters, signed "HJR" or pseudonymously "Fitzjohn" or "F" (as of Fitzjohn Avenue, Hampstead), to his mistress, Brunhild 'Brynnie' Granger, with a body of printed and manuscript material relating to his life and career.

[An Aging Composer in Love; Ferguson's Gang] H V Jervis-Read [Harold Vincent Jervis-Read], English composer (b.1883), Royal Academy of Music.
Publication details: 
[Royal Academy of Music, High Street & Fitzjohns Avenue, Hampstead, etc, London], various pleaces (and hotels) when he travels, 1926-1934.

An unusual survival, the letters of a composer, Harold Jervis-Read, to his lover illustrating the growth of a relationship (and an ability to express his feelings) against the backcloth (sometimes foreground) of his musical activities, and his marriage. Total of letters circa 350 (three hundred and fifty) Autograph Letters, 118 (one hundred and eighteen) apparently complete letters (many start and end abruptly), dated, 432 (four hundred and thirty two) pages, with some APCSs, mainly 12mo, 1-8pp. each, 55 of these letters dated 1933 and 30 dated 1934, 1926-1928 comprising one letter only.

[Giuseppe 'Pino' Orioli, Florentine bookseller and companion of Norman Douglas.] Autograph Signature ('G. Orioli'), and Signed Autograph Inscription ('Pino') on title-leaf of his book 'Adventures of a Bookseller'.

Giuseppe Orioli [Pino Orioli] (1884-1942), Italian bookseller, first publisher of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' by D. H. Lawrence, and close companion of the English novelist Norman Douglas
Publication details: 
The inscription is dated 'Florence day of publication', the book being published in Florence in 1937.

Only the prelims of the book are present, on four leaves. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage at the margin of the first leaf. Orioli's two inscriptions are on the two central leaves. Comprising a leaf with series title ('The Lungarno Series No. 12'); leaf with half-title and limitation (no 5 of 300) on reverse, signed 'G. Orioli'; title leaf; and contents leaf. The inscription on the title reads: 'This is for Barbara and Raphael | with love and affection | from Pino [Orioli] | Florence day of publication'.

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