Autograph letter signed to Lyall Swete,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
19 July 1906, on the letterhead of the Marlborough Club, Pall Mall.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "Let me thank you very heartily for all the valuable work you have done for the young people in Gower Street, with a hope that it may long continue." The reference is clearly to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, in Gower Street.

Autograph letter signed to J. Dixon Spain,

William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire (1808-1891)
Publication details: 
19 September 1885, with letterhead Holker Hall, Carke-in-Cartmel, Carnforth.

One page, 12mo, with mourning border. "Sir / I enclose a cheque for 3£ the amount which I have subscribed during the last 2 or 3 years to the Lichfield Diocesan Church of England Temperance Society. As however Derbyshire is no longer in the diocese of Lichfield I cannot undertake to subscribe to the Society in future. / Yr obedt Servt / Devonshire".

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed reviewer,

Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea
Publication details: 
23 May 1838, Wilton House, Salisbury.

Politician (1810-61), friend and supporter of Florence Nightingale. 4 pp, 12mo. Difficult handwriting. "[...] I feel that I cannot undertake to do what you proposed to me; in such a manner as it ought to be done to do justice to the Review and to the subject. I must therefore ask you to cut me off at any rate for the next number. I hope this will not inconvenience you." Creased and grubby.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs F[rederick W.] Hollams,

Richard Everard Webster, Viscount Alverstone
Publication details: 
12 June 1902, Hornton Lodge, Kennington, with embossment of the Royal Courts of Justice.

Lord Chief Justice of England (1842-1915). One page, 12mo. Marked "Confidential". "My sister told me of the letter. I have made some enquiries about the man who wrote to you and from what I hear I certainly think you ought not to engage him. You will of course treat this letter as strictly confidential."

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Lord John Russell
Publication details: 
Pembroke Lodge, 21 May 1850

(Prime Minister) Three pages, 8vo, very good condition. Text as follows: I have a request to make to you, with which I hope you will compy. It is that you will serve in the Royal Commission to enquire into the state of the University of Cambrige./ Professor Sedgwick & Sir John Herschel I [...?] likewise to ask to be members of the Commission - And in any nomination I may number I should wish to choose persons whose names will inspire confidence in the University.

Autograph letter signed to the Rev. William Marshall of Harberton near Totness,

John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon
Publication details: 
without date or place.

Lord Chancellor of England (1751-1838). 2 pp, 12mo. An interesting sidelight into ecclesiastical preferment. "Sir / The Living in Newport Pagnell in Buckinghamshire is that, to which I propose to present you, if you are disposed to accept it. Its Value, I am informed, but a Chancellor's Information is seldom correct, is about 280l a year - / It will require much of Residence, as the Parish is populous, & contains very numerous Inhabitants. The Duty must, therefore, be considerable - After what my excellent deceased Friend, Dr Parsons, Bp.

one printed fragment signed,

George IV.
Publication details: 
without date or place.

(1762-1830), King of Great Britain and Ireland. One page, 12mo. Large florid signature "George PR", 2 inches by 4, on piece of paper 3 inches by 8. To the right and below signature: "By His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. / These in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to authorize you by beat of Drum or otherwise, to raise so many Volunteers in any County within that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and <...>". Slight discolouration to paper.

one autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland, on the subject of Cambridge University
Publication details: 
13 October 1840, Alnwick Castle.

2 pp, 8vo. "I am induced by the partiality of my friends, to offer myself as Candidate for the important Office of Chancellor, which has become vacant by the decease of the venerable Marquis Camden, & I am induced to do so with more confidence in consequence of my close official connection with The University. Should you deem me worthy of your choice for an Office so honorable and so dignified, I can with sincerity assure you that my best exertions shall be devoted to maintain the true Interests of the University.

Autograph note signed to an unnamed female correspondent,

Henry FitzAlan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk
Publication details: 
21 July 1870, London.

English Catholic nobleman (1847-1917). One page, 12mo. "Madam, / I beg to comply with your request for my autograph. / I am / Your obedient servant. / Norfolk E[arl] M[arshal]".

Pictorial Christmas Card, 8 x 6"

Frederick, Prince of Prussia and Brigid, his wife
Publication details: 
c. 1954

Conventional Christmas Card with winter's scene on front, signed inside "Brigid & Frederick" with greetings and their address (Patmore Hall, etc.) printed. In original envelope which says "Photographs Do Not Bend" suggesting that the card may have been accompanied by a photograph.

one autograph letter signed to Joshua Sharpe of Lincoln's Inn,

George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford (died 1791), prime minister Sir Robert Walpole's grandson and Horace Walpole's nephew
Publication details: 
1 November 1781, <Prince?>.

One page, 4to. Difficult handwriting. "Sir / On my return to this Cottage from Houghton I had the favor of your letters. I enclose a letter to Ld. Sandwich [...] I also enclose a letter to Sr. Horace Man [...]" Sir Horace Mann (1701-86) was British envoy at Florence. Docketted on verso of second leaf, "Ld. Orford, inclosing one to Ld. Sandwich wch was imediatly [sic] delivd. [...] Ensign Commis at Patna." Creased, and with loss to second leaf from removal of a seal.

one autograph letter signed to the civil engineer and politician Sir Charles Lanyon (1813-89),

Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns
Publication details: 
21 October 1876, with letterhead 5 Cromwell Houses.

Lord Chancellor of England (1819-85). 2 pp, 12mo. "I am much obliged to you for sending me the resolutions adopted at the large & influential meeting which assembled under your presidency at Belfast to express the opinions entertained in that part of the Kingdom on the Questions of Foreign Policy which now occupy so deeply the public mind.

Autograph Letter Signed (Part of ), correspondent unknown.

Sir William Grant
Publication details: 
No date (watermark, 1813)

Canadian lawyer and English Master of the Rolls (1752-1832). Part of ALS signed, referring to "Sir Alexr Cochrane's propositions as to prizes that may be taken in conjunct expeditions on the coast of America" on which he does not feel able to give directions.

Document Signed to the Duke of Kingston

John Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury (1693-1761)
Publication details: 

Summons on the command of the King to a meeting of the Knights of the Garter the following day.

One Autograph Letter, third person and one Autograph Letter Signed, to Dr Mahon and T. Phillips (portrait painter)

Charles, Earl Whitworth
Publication details: 
6 May 1820 and 18 Nov. 1822.

Diplomat and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland (1752-1825). 2 & 4pp., 8vo. (1820) He expresses gratitude for Mahon's part in getting him membership of the Society of Antiquaries, and discusses his future resolves in its regard. (1822) He renews a request for a portrait of Sir Walter Scott to hang at Knole, and goes into some detail. 2 items,

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