Autograph Letter Signed ('Clarendon') to Edmund Hodgson.

George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-1870) [Edmund Hodgson, bookseller and auctioneer, 192 Fleet Street; The Booksellers' Provident Institution, Abbots Langley]
Publication details: 
12 June 1867, on letterhead of The Grove, Watford.

12mo, 1 p, 11 lines. Good, with thin strip of discoloration along the outer edge. He is grateful to Hodgson 'for thinking of me'. Nothing would give Clarendon greater pleasure 'than to meet the Members of the Booksellers Provid[en]t Institution at Abbot's Langley', but unfortunately he has to go to London that Friday morning 'in order to keep some engagements that I have made on Saturday'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Edmund Yates (1831-94), British novelist, dramatist and editor of the 'World' magazine
Publication details: 
28 August 1886; on letterhead 1 York Street, Covent Garden, London.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly-aged grey paper. Reads 'Dear Sir. | Here is the autograph you require. | Faithfully your's | [signed] Edmund Yates'. The words 'Here' and 'to' are slightly smudged.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. E. Cockburn') to Thomas Cruttwell, solicitor, of Bath; together with Signed photograph of Cockburn, from the studio of Henry Dixon, Regent's Park, London.

Sir Alexander James Edmund Cockburn (1802-1880), 12th Baronet, Lord Chief Justice of England.
Publication details: 
Letter dated 5 April 1846; Castle Taunton. Photograph undated.

Letter: four pages, folio. Good, with a little aging and staining to verso of second leaf of bifolium. In Cruttwell's absence Cockburn has taken it upon himself 'to settle Richardson & . Taylor has communicated the result of his interview with Hellings the previous evening. 'He informed me that he had seen certain letters written by the D[e]f[endan]ts to Mrs. Richardson, in which he solicited her to leave her husband, and to bring away with her money and goods belonging to the husband'. Taylor recommends that Hellings' offer of £50 be accepted.

Autograph Card Signed ('J. Ashby-Sterry') to 'My dear Harmsworth' [Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount Northcliffe (1865-1922), newspaper publisher].

Joseph Ashby-Sterry (1836-1917), English novelist, poet, journalist and painter [Lord Harmsworth]
Publication details: 
Saint Martin's Chambers, Trafalgar Square [London]; 26 June 1894.

One page, 12 x 9 cms. Rust stain from paperclip and strip of offset discolouration. In purple ink. A recent letter to Harmsworth was sent to the wrong address. He has 'another letter of Yates's [Edmund Yates (1831-1894), journalist and writer?], better than the one of which you had a copy'. Wonders whether Harmsworth wishes 'to make use of it'. Would also like to know whether 'shares in "Answers" [Harmsworth's magazine 'Answers to Correspondents']' can 'be got through a broker in the ordinary way'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Kato') in English to [?] Beaufort.

Shozo Kato (of Osaka, Japan, and 8 New Oxford Street, London, England), dealer in 'Japanese & Chinese Works of Art' [Japanese; Oriental art]
Publication details: 
3 April 1919; on business letterhead.

One page, octavo. On aged, grubby paper with minor staining at foot. He has spent 'all his monney for prints & Books I bought at Sale last Week. I have no balance in my Bank at all. (ganz nichts) if you are not inconvenient [sic] Please bring some L. S. D. on Saturday next'. Postscript: 'My business is Ratton N. B. G.' It is thought that Kato obtained a large portion of the Japanese prints for Sir Edmund Walker's celebrated collection.

Autograph card signed to Mr [Spencer Cecil Brabazon?] Ponsonby-Fane,

Edmund Yates
Publication details: 
6 October [no year], with letterhead Thames Lawn, Great Marlow.

Journalist and playwright (1831-94). One page, 12mo. "Very many thanks for your kindness in sending me the records. I knew Bolland well, and many of the others who have 'gone over'. So the book is very interesting to me. "

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