Autograph Letter in the third person to [John Atkins,] 'the Lord Mayor [of London] elect'.

Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl of Harrowby and Viscount Sandon, and second Baron Harrowby
Publication details: 
London. 7. Nov[embe]r. 1818'.

English politician (1762-1847). One page, 4to. Stained, and with several closed tears and one small hole at foot; traces of previous mount adhering to blank reverse. Formal letter in the third person. 'Lord Harrowby presents his Compliments to the Lord Mayor Elect and the Sheriffs and is sorry that his absence from London will prevent his having the honour of attending the dinner at Guildhall on Monday the 9th of November.'

Autograph Letter in the third person to the City [of London] Remembrancer.

Sir Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquis of Lansdowne
Publication details: 
Berkley [sic] Sq[uar]e. | May 12th.' [no year, but post 1809].

Aristocrat and politician (1780-1863). Two pages, 4to. Grubby, stained and creased. Several folds. Remains of mount adhering to one edge, and with small piece of glued paper at foot of verso. Formal letter in the third person. 'The Marquis of Lansdowne presents his compliments to the City Remembrancer, & will be happy to present the petition of the Corporation of the City this day as requested. The House of Lords in consequence of the event of yesterday is to meet this day at two oclock, & may possibly adjourn soon afterwards.

Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr. Amory'.

Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley
Publication details: 
Downing Street | January 22d. 1821.'

English Chancellor of the Exchequer (1766-1851). One page, 4to. Formal letter in the third person. Very good, with remains of brown-paper stub adhering to the verso of the blank second leaf of the bifoliate. 'Mr. Vansittart presents his Compliments to Mr.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville
Publication details: 
Downing Street | Saturday. 12. O Clo | 2. 3. 1799'.

Scottish advocate and statesman (1742-1811). One page, quarto. Bifoliate on good laid paper watermarked 1798. Grubby and somewhat ruckled, and with small printed notice neatly pasted in bottom right-hand corner. 'My Dear Sir | I have your letter, and should be glad to see you before you see Lord Liverpool or any other Person. Will you dine with me tomorrow. | Yours sincerely | Henry Dundas'.

Autograph Letter Signed to William Upcott.

Francis C. Laird [ William Upcott ]
Publication details: 
No date, but postmarked from Fleet St, 14 July 1821.

Laird (presumably the 'Francis Laird of Peterborough Court Fleet Street' whose will was proved in May 1825) was the author of 'A topographical and historical description of the County of Rutland' (1815) and 'A topographical and historical description of the County of Worcester' (1818). Upcott (1779-1845) was a noted aniquary and collector of autographs. One page, quarto. In poor condition, grubby and creased, with fraying to extremities and traces of mount and some loss to one edge (affecting one word of text). Repaired loss of triangular fragment from breaking open wafer.

Autograph Signature on front of franked envelope.

John Thomas Townshend, 2nd Viscount Sydney
Publication details: 
27 January 1823; place indecipherable.

Lords of the Admiralty, the Treasury and of the Bedchamber under George III (1764-1831). On front of envelope, cut down to roughly 4 1/2 inches by 3 inches. Good only: ruckled and with one closed tear not affecting signature. Blank reverse docketed in pencil and with remains of paper from previous mounting. Difficult handwriting. Reads '<?> Twenty Seventh of January | 1823 | Richd <?> Esq | Queen Street | May Fair | London | Sydney'. 'FREE | 28JA28 | 1823' stamped in red ink in circle cropped at head.

Autograph Letter Signed to his agent [unnamed].

Frederick Keppel, Bishop of Exeter
Publication details: 
5 March 1773; Deanery House, Windsor.

English ecclesiastic (1729-77; DNB). 2 pages, 8vo. On paper stained and discoloured, with several small closed tears. Amusingly bad-tempered missive.

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