Art and Architecture

Autograph letter signed to John Burke, Irish genealogist.

Henry Gally Knight.
Publication details: 
Lower Grosvenor St., 13 July 1841.

Traveller, antiquary, writer on architecture (1786-1846). One page, 8vo with added page of verse, nick not affecting text, good. He responds to a request by sending an impression of a seal [not present] "which bears the armorial ensigns of the two families which I represent" - which he expands on.

Autograph Letters Signed to unknown correspondent(s?),

Walter Crane
Publication details: 
Holland Street and Neufchatel respectively, 3 Nov. 1904 and 31 August 1931

Artist and Poet (1845-1915). Two Autograph Letters Signed, 2 pages and one page respectively, 4to, staining and damage especially to 1910 letter, but texts clear. (1904) Crane outlines his understanding of "the terms under which 'The Golden Primer' was produced" based on his co-author's (Meiklejohn) letters - three fifths of the proceeds. He quotes relevant detail from two letters,on of which discusses a cheap edition for schools. "I find a dummy copy of this with a cover design of mine & Blackwood's imprint". He thinks a re-issue in the "original form" a good idea.

Autograph letter signed to Captain McFall,

Sir Thomas Brock
Publication details: 
7 April 1894, The Studio, 30 Osnaburgh Street, Regents Park.

Sculptor (1847-1922). 3 pp, 12mo, on mourning paper. "I have just returned from a short stay in the Country and find your letter of the 29th ult With regard to the proposed Statuette in silver I need scarcely say I shall have much pleasure in assisting you in any way I can. / Your letter however leaves me a little in the dark. Do you wihs me to recommend some young Sculptor for the task or would you like me to undertake it?" Signed "Thos Brock".

Autograph letter signed to Mrs Holdsworth

William Agnew
Publication details: 

Art dealer and Member of Parliament ((1825-1910). He is writing to her because hers is the first name on a list of "ladies" who have signed a petition "in favour of the extension of the suffrage to women householders". He has presented the petition with which he sympathises.

Autograph note signed to J.H. Gifford (prob. editor of the St James' Chronicle).

Martin Archer Shee
Publication details: 

Irish Painter, poet, dramatist and novelist (1770-1850). He gives his correspondent the address of a "Mr Herbert" who was, according to the Post Office Directory of 1846, a professor and publisher of music.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [Mark] Pattison, art critic.

Edward J. Poynter
Publication details: 
28 Albert Gate, 6 July 1883.

Painter, President of the Royal Academy (1836-1919). Four pages, 8vo. As follows: " I never thanked you for your postcard & its information which adds greatly to the interest of the drawing. " is puzzling certainly, but so unlike "canonico" that I can hardly think it can have been an error in the transcript of that word. I have not yet discovered the other two sketches I possess . . .

"On a Painting of the Fifteenth Century in the National Gallery"

James Robinson Planche
Publication details: 
(1878) Unknown periodical.

Antiquarian and dramatist (1796-1880), disbound article, [12] pages, in homemade blue wraps, contents partly detached, manuscript title on front "J.R. Planche on a battlepiece in the National Gallery, July. 1878".


Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff]
Publication details: 

Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). Portrait photograph, 3¾ inches by 2½, from the studio of Charles Watkins, 54 Chancery Lane, of a heavily-bearded Halliday looking to the right in jacket, coat and striped tie. The photographer's details and device are printed on the reverse of the mount, which is docketted "Andrew Halliday / 1873", and carries traces of glue and paper. Somewhat grubby.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp., 12mo, to "Mrs Hawes"

Richard Westmacott
Publication details: 

Sculptor (1775-1856). Work takes precedence over "gaieties" so he cannot accept an invitation.

Signature clipped from document

Richard Westmacott
Publication details: 
no date

Sculptor (1799-1872). Clipped signature from an appeal to the Artists' Benevolent Fund. Thomas Phillips, portrait painter (1770-1845), signature is on the same piece of paper

Autograph Letter Signed to (Maurice) Codner, artist

Oswald Birley,
Publication details: 

Artist. One page, 4to. He says that he is Secretary of the Artists' General Benevolent Fund for the year 1938-9 and asks for support for those artists in difficulty in "this period of unrest & uncertainty".

Autograph Notes Signed (x 2) to Shirley Slocombe, portrait painter

James Dewar.
Publication details: 
14 and 17 April 1906

Scottish natural philosopher. One page, 8vo. He finds the invitation to a lecture at the "Club" interesting but cannot manage it. He would welcome a copy of "any scientific abstract of the Lecture".

Autograph Postcard Signed to E.A. Carr

Bernard Partridge
Publication details: 

Caricaturist (1861-1945). He declines taking up a suggestion since he is "no longer doing that kind of illustration for 'Punch'".

Autograph Letter Signed to Fagan.

C.H. Read
Publication details: 
British Museum, 25 Nov. 1909

Antiquarian and art connoisseur (1857-1929). 3pp., 8vo. He wishes to clarify the view he and his colleagues at the British Museum are taking on "the Thompson memorial", ignoring it since it is a British Academy matter not British Museum.

One Autograph Letter, third person and one Autograph Letter Signed, to Dr Mahon and T. Phillips (portrait painter)

Charles, Earl Whitworth
Publication details: 
6 May 1820 and 18 Nov. 1822.

Diplomat and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland (1752-1825). 2 & 4pp., 8vo. (1820) He expresses gratitude for Mahon's part in getting him membership of the Society of Antiquaries, and discusses his future resolves in its regard. (1822) He renews a request for a portrait of Sir Walter Scott to hang at Knole, and goes into some detail. 2 items,

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2), to Lady Maitland and an unnamed correspondent

G.H. Broughton
Publication details: 
1 Nov. 1899 and 28 April 1904

Artist. One and 2pp., 8vo. (1899) He suggests the steps she must take to arrange the loan a a "miniature table" from the Royal Academy. (1904) He gives permission for his "Diploma Picture" to be reproduced in the "Windsor Magazine", revealing its history (an illustration to Tennyson's lines in "Break, break!"). He later appears to allude to a collection of moutaineering pictures(?). 2 items,

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