[ Herman Finck, composer. ] Nine black and white photographs of Herman Finck, from his papers, ranging from a carte-de-visite of him as a child in Amsterdam (by Hisgen Brothers), to images of him in theatrical settings (one by Langfier Ltd).

Herman Finck [ Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch conductor [ Hisgen Brothers, Amsterdam photographers; Langfier Ltd, London photographers ]
Publication details: 
[ Amsterdam (Hisgen Brothers, 128 P. C. Hoofstraat) and London (Langfier Ltd; Central News; Weekly Illustrated) and Nottingham (Nottingham Journal). ] From circa 1878 to the 1930s.

Although Finck was an extremely popular and well-connected figure in British musical and theatre circles, the National Portrait Gallery holds no image of him. The nine black and white photographs range in size from 18.5 x 24.5 cm down to the carte-de-visite, which is 10.5 x 6.5 cm. The collection is in fair overall condition, with some creasing and wear, and the corner of the largest photograph repaired on the reverse with archival tape.

Thirty-four etchings by Gérard de Lairesse ('The Dutch Poussin'), including some of the designs collected and published in ''Opus Elegantissimum' by Nicolaes Visscher II, and republished by Nicolaes Visscher II and republished by Gerard Valck.

Gérard de Lairesse (1640-1711), 'The Dutch Poussin', painter, engraver and art theorist; Nicolaes Visscher II (1649-1702), Amsterdam printer, publisher and cartographer; Gerard Valck (1651/2-1726)
Publication details: 
[Amsterdam: Nicolaes Visscher II? Gerard Valck? Late seventeenth century or early eighteenth century.]

Most of de Lairesse's plates were, as the British Museum Department of Prints and Drawings notes, 'originally published by Nicolaes Visscher, who published a collected edition under the title "Opus Elegantissimum" in c.1675. The BM holds an album bound in vellum containing the Gerard Valck edition of 'Opus Elegantissimum', a selection of numbered etchings by Lairesse and 13 unnumbered etchings and mezzotints by other printmakers (Valck, van den Berghe and Blooteling) after Lairesse'.

Keepsake, designed by Bram de Does and with text by John Dreyfus, presented to the members of The Wynken de Worde Society, and featuring a facsimile of a 1947 letter in English by Jan van Krimpen.

Jan van Krimpen; John Dreyfus; Bram de Does; Offsetdrukkerij Jan de Jong, Amsterdam; The Wynkyn de Worde Society
Keepsake, designed by Bram de Does and with text by John Dreyfus
Publication details: 
One of 250 copies 'printed by Offsetdrukkerij Jan de Jong, Amsterdam. | Presented to the members of The Wynknyn de Worde Society on the occasion of the International Luncheon Meeting 21 September 1995.'
Keepsake, designed by Bram de Does and with text by John Dreyfus

8vo, 3 pp. Bifolium on laid paper. Fair, aged and lightly-creased. 'Composed in Lexicon, designed by Bram de Does in 1992. 250 copies printed by Offsetdrukkerij Jan de Jong, Amsterdam. | Presented to the members of The Wynknyn de Worde Society on the occasion of the International Luncheon Meeting 21 September 1995.' The facsimile of the letter, by 'Jan', dated 'Heemstede 12 March 1947', is on both sides of the first leaf. Biograpical printed text by Dreyfus on recto of second leaf, the verso of which is blank.

Steel engraving by de Mare, after drawing by Rochussen, printed by Brugman, of 'Eene Dames Kunstbeschouwing in de Kunstzaal der Maatschappij: "Arti et Amicitiae."

Charles Rochussen (1814-94), Dutch painter; Johannes de Mare, Dutch engraver; J. F. Brugman, Dutch printer
Publication details: 
[Amsterdam: circa 1880?]

Paper dimensions roughly ten and a half inches by eleven and a half; print dimensions eight and a half inches by ten and a half. Aged and with three inch strip, roughly half an inch wide, torn away from surface of print in top left-hand corner. Depicts a crowded and rather grand hall, containing a long horseshoe-shaped table around which are crowded connoisseurs of both sexes contemplating engravings and illustrated books or engaged in discussion. Arti et Amicitiae is an Amsterdam society of artists and art lovers, founded in 1839.

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