[ William Dobinson Halliburton, physiologist and a founder of the science of biochemistry. ] Autograph Note Signed ('W. D. Halliburton') to [ V. G. Plarr ] the editor of 'Men and Women of the Time', returning the corrected proof of his entry.

W. D. Halliburton [ William Dobinson Halliburton ] (1860-1931), Professor of Physiology at King's College London, one of the founders of the science of biochemistry [ Victor Gustave Plarr (1863-1929)]
Publication details: 
9 Ridgmount Gardens W.C. [ London ] 20 April 1898.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He is enclosing 'the Extract from "Men and Women of the Time"' that the editor sent him, with corrections and additions, and would like to see a proof.

[ J. W. Hales, Professor of English literature at King's College London. ] Two Autograph Cards Signed (both 'John W. Hales') to 'Plarr' [ Victor Gustave Plarr ], on his leaving King's College for other employment, and an application to Lincoln's Inn.

J. W. Hales [ John Wesley Hales ] (1836-1914), Professor of English Literature at King's College London [ Victor Gustave Plarr (1863-1929), poet and editor of 'Men and Women of the Time' ]
Publication details: 
One: 1 Oppidans Road, N.W. [ London ] 6 August [ no year ]. Two: 'O R'. 11 October [ no year ].

Both cards around 9 x 12 cm. The first written on one side and the second on both sides. In fair condition, lightly aged. ONE: Begins: 'My dear Plarr, | We were delighted – for your sake – to see the announcement in the Times of your election to the <?> district, which we hope is well worth your acceptance'. He sure that 'we shall all be very sorry to lose you at King's. However I trust we shall sometimes see you.' Postscript: 'We are off to the Borders & the Roman Wall next week.

[ Victor Plarr, nineties poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Victor G. Plarr') to H. T. Scott, author of "A Guide to the Collector of Historical Documents, etc", describing a selection of autographs he has just purchased for resale.

Victor Plarr [ Victor Gustave Plarr; Victor G. Plarr ] (1863-1929), nineties poet, librarian of the Royal College of Surgeons, member of the Rhymers' Club
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 7 Eldon Road, Kensington, W. [ London ] 17 November 1900.

3pp., 12mo. In good condition. Plarr's entry in the Oxford English Dictionary does not note that he dealt in autographs, but the present item suggests that he was more than just a collector who dabbled. At the time of writing, and until his death, he was Librarian of the Royal College of Surgeons. The letter is addressed to 'H. T. Scott Esqre., M.D.' and begins: 'Dear Sir | It is long since you have heard from me. | I have just bought several autographs which you may care to know of -'.

[ Sir Joseph Prestwich, geologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Gustave', i.e. Victor Gustave Plarr, regarding 'Pebbles of white quartz'.

Sir Joseph Prestwich (1812-1896), geologist [ Victor Gustave Plarr (1863-1929), poet and editor of 'Men and Women of the Time' ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Darent-Hulme, Shoreham, Sevenoaks. 6 June [ no year ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He thanks him for a copy of his 'papers', 'though I regret to say they are sealed books to me'. He explains how 'Pebbles of white quartz are originally derived from veins in the metamorphic rocks by marine action. They may occur in any formation & are common in many.' He describes the locations where they are to be found, before sending his and his wife's regards to Plarr and his wife.

[James Archer, Scottish artist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Editor of 'Men & Women of the Time' [Victor Gustave Plarr], regarding the revision of his entry therein.

James Archer (1822-1904), Scottish artist [Victor Gustave Plarr]
Publication details: 
Haslemere, Surrey. 10 April 1898.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'I beg to re-enclose for the excerpt from your publication "Men & Women of the Time," of my biography which I have revised, making a very few alterations, & adding a few lines which I write on the other sheet of this note: [not present] my permanent address now is the above'. The note relates to the fifteenth edition of the work, published by G. Routledge & Sons in 1899.

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