[ Stephen Austin, Hertford printer, proprietor of the Hertfordshire Mercury. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Alexander Ramsay, offering to help promote 'The Scientific Roll', although Hertford is 'not a Literary or Scientific locality!'

Stephen Austin (1804-1892), Hertford stationer and printer, proprietor of the Hertfordshire Mercury [ Alexander Ramsay, editor of 'The Scientific Roll' ]
Publication details: 
On his Hertford letterhead. 10 November 1881.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter begins: 'It would afford me very great pleasure to help you in the matter of "The Scientific Roll" This is not a Literary or Scientific locality! and we have given up our Booksellers' Shop'. If Ramsay will send 'a copy of the numbers printed', he will 'give a notice in the "Hertfordshire Mercury" and perhaps that will make it known and induce people to take it.' The Austin family continued to run the Hertfordshire Mercury until the 1980s.

[ Messrs. Harrisons & Sons of Pall Mall, Booksellers and Stationers to His Majesty The King. ] Printed catalogue: 'A List of Messrs. Harrision & Sons' Publications.'

Messrs. Harrison & Sons, 'Booksellers and Stationers to His Majesty The King', 45 Pall Mall, London SW
Publication details: 
Messrs. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, London. [ Circa 1903. ]

16pp., 4to. Stitched pamphlet. Aged and worn. The lay-out is staid and old-fashioned, reminsicent of the 1880s. Very much geared to the St James's Palace market, with such titles as 'Bicycle Gymkhana and Musical Rides' by Major Walter Wingfield, 'No Army, No Empire' by the Earl of Dunraven, and 'Roulette: The Winning Rules' by 'Sperienza'. Includes various of Sir Bernard Burke's publications, and Hertslet's Treaties, as well as 'Dress Worn by Gentlemen at His Majesty's Court. The latest date within the catalogue is 1903. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., London publishers. ] Illustrated booksellers' 'order form': 'A New Series of Children's Toy Books'.

Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 4, Stationers Hall Court, London, EC4 [ catalogue of 'Children's Toy Books' ]
Publication details: 
Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 4, Stationers Hall Court, London, E.C.4. [1919, for 1920.]

8pp., 4to. Illustrations of covers on every page. Stapled. In good condition, on aged paper, with rusted staples. The cover (with a central photograph depicting the covers of eight titles) is headed: 'Order Form. | A New Series of Children's Toy Books. | The Publishers offer in this new series one of the most striking and original Coloured Toy Books ever published. They will please little children. | These Toy Books will command an immediate sale in any part of the country. They are not expensive.' In right-hand margin of cover: 'A Selection of 49 Titles'.

Printed 'Duplicate' of grant by 'The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company to Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son', of 'exclusive right of Selling Newspapers &c., and of Advertising at the Company's Stations and Premises', with two related documents.

[The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company; Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son, stationers and booksellers; A. de C. Parmiter, Manchester.
Publication details: 
Grant of 1908: A. de C. Parmiter, Manchester. 'Dated 5th November, 1908.' Agreement of 1915: place not stated. Duplicated agreement of 1918: A. De. C. Parmiter, Solicitor, Manchester. 'Dated 10 January 1918'.

ONE (Grant of 1908): 9 + [1]pp., 8vo. Unstitched and unbound. Properly printed and paginated, with marginal glosses. On aged and worn paper, with closed tears along fold lines. Containing 27 clauses, in an agreement for a term of seven years from 1 January 1909. Between the railway company and, on behalf of W. H. Smith and Son, the Honourable William Frederick Danvers Smith MP, Charles Awdry, Alfred Dyke Acland, Charles Harry St John Hornby and Charles Selwyn Awdry. W. H. Smith had opened their first railway bookstall almost exactly sixty years before, in November of 1848.

Extensive manuscript catalogue of 'Leicestershire Biography & Bibliography', compiled in 1935 by R. B. Halliday of Great Glen [i.e. the Leicester bookseller Bernard Halliday].

R. B. Halliday [the Leicester bookseller Bernard Halliday] of Great Glen, Leicestershire [William Barton (c.1598-1678), Vicar of St Martins; Leicestershire stationers and printers]
Publication details: 
Dated 'R B Halliday | Great Glenn [i.e. Great Glen, Leicestershire] | 1935'.

4to, [ii] + 71 pp, with numerous leaves of additional manuscript and typescript material loosely inserted, as well as laid down. A few cuttings and extracts from printed works, as well as a Typed Letter Signed (17 March 1937) to Halliday from Ralph M. Williams of Yale, describing himself as 'interested in securing books, manuscripts, or other documents by or about the eighteenth century poet John Dyer'. Neatly written out in pencil and pen, on watermarked wove paper, in sturdy buckram binding. Internally in excellent condition, tight and clean, in worn binding with staining to front board.

Prospectus for Oxberry's 'New English Drama', to be published [1812] by Simpkin and Marshall, as well as for 'The British Drama' and 'Dramatic Works published by C. Chapple, Pall Mall, and W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, Stationers Court'.

William Oxberry (1784-1824), of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [Simplin and Marshall, Stationers Court; C. Chapple, Pall Mall; Philip Massinger]
Prospectus for Oxberry's 'New English Drama'
Publication details: 
'On December 1 [1812], will be Published, by W. Simplin and R. Marshall, Stationers-court [London]'. [From the Press of W. Oxberry & Co, 8, White-hart-yard, Drury-lane.]
Prospectus for Oxberry's 'New English Drama'

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Stabbed as issued. On good wove paper. The 'New English Drama' is stated to be 'intended to comprise the most popular Theatrical Pieces of every description, in Monthly Parts of superior accuracy and unrivalled embellishment'. The first play, 'embellished with an elegantly engraved portrait of Mr. Kean', is Massinger's 'New Way to pay Old Debts'. The second leaf of the bifolium carries details of a further four works.

Printed notice of relocation, and advertisement for new publications.

James Blackwood & Co., London publishers and wholesale stationers
Publication details: 
[Circa 1910.] London: James Blackwood & Co., 12/14 Heneage Lane, Bevis Marks, E.C.

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Nicely printed with vignette of flowers and ribbons on first page. Fair, on aged paper. The firm, boasting establishment in 1849, is described on the first page as 'late of Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row, E.C.', where the announcement is made 'that they have Transferred their Business to the Above Address'. Six new editions of works are advertised on the following two pages, with details given of contents. The last page advertises 'Blackwood's Diaries for 1911' and 'Blackwood's New Series of Scribbling Diaries'.

Catalogue of Books published by James Blackwood & Co., Publishers & Wholesale Stationers.

James Blackwood & Co., Publishers and Wholesale Stationers [trade catalogues]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1910.] London: James Blackwood & Co., 8. Lowell's Court, Paternoster Row, E.C. [amended in manuscript to '12/14 Heneage Lane. E.C.']

12mo, 24 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusting to staples. Hundreds of titles, in such series as 'The Unique Library', 'Choice Readings. Books suitable for presents, etc.', 'Universal Library of Standard Authors', 'Blackwood's Edition of the Poets', 'Library of Thoughtful Books' and 'Choice Books for Young Persons'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J L Dayrell') to Messrs Brett & Clements.

John Langham Dayrell [J. L. Dayrell] (1756-1832), Vicar of Stowe and Rector of Lillingston Dayrell, Buckinghamshire
Publication details: 
24 September 1812; Leamington Spa.

4to, 1 p. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and stained paper. Addressed, with three postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf, to 'Messrs. Brett & Clements Stat[ione]rs - | near the New Church | Strand | London'. Asks for his 'Sunday's Paper' to be sent to him 'at Buckingham as usual', as he is leaving Leamington the following Saturday. 'You have not explained to me the difference of the Charge of the Newspapers from the last years to the one I have lately paid for, by doing of which you will oblige | Sir, | Yr humble Servant'.

Printed Advertisement Leaf, with illustration.

William and Joseph Marshall, Bookseller and Stationer, 'At the Bible in Newgate-street, over against the Blue-Coat Hospital Gate'
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1720].

Dimensions roughly six inches by three and a half. Wormed (but only affecting two letters of text) on aged paper. One page, blank reverse. Wood cut at head, roughly one and a quarter inches square, illustrating a leather-bound book with clasps. Thirty-three lines of text, beginning 'At the Bible in Newgate-street, over against the Blue-Coat Hospital Gate.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with a cancelled printed application form for membership of the Society.

Edward Unwin Junior [Unwin Brothers Ltd; The Gresham Press]
Publication details: 
23 January 1917; on ornate letterhead of Unwin Brothers Ltd, 27 Pilgrim St, Ludgate Hill.

Chairman of Unwin Brothers (born 1870). One page, quarto. Good, but discoloured and lightly creased, and with staple stain at head. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. He is sorry not to have answered sooner, but 'some very important business has engaged my attention during the last few days with the result that I put your letter into my private drawer without acknowledging it.

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