[Richard Cobden, Radical Liberal politician who led the fight to abolish the Corn Laws.] Three Autograph Items, including part of draft manuscript of account of his 1837 meeting in Egypt with Mehmet Ali.

Richard Cobden (1804-1865), English Radical Liberal politician and author, a leading figure in the fight to abolish the Corn Laws [Mehmet Ali [Muhammad Ali] (1769-1849), Ottoman governor of Egypt]
Publication details: 
The draft of the meeting with Mehmet Ali after his return from his travels in April 1837, and published in November of that year. One of the other items dated 18 April 1841, from 103 Westbourne Terrace [London]. Another from Midhurst, 20 June 1856.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. ONE: Autograph draft of conclusion of description of his meeting with Mehmet Ali (‘Mehemet Ali’). The ODNB states that in July 1836 Cobden produced a pamphlet ‘which analysed the Russo-Turkish dispute [...] attempting to play down the Turcophilia that was rife in Britain in the 1830s.

[Muley Ali ben Abdeslam, Shareef of Wazan.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Muley Ali Cherif H. de Wazan'), in English, to Lady Green, regarding her gift of a hunting dog, with an Autograph Note Signed to Lady Green from his brother 'Muley Ahmed de Wazan'.

Muley Ali ben Abdeslam, Shareef of Wazan, husband of Emily Keene (1849-1949), Shareefa of Wazan [his brother Muley Ahmed; Tangier, Morocco]
Publication details: 
Both letters from Tangier. Muley Ali's dated 18 July 1893. Muley Ahmed's 23 January 1895.

The two letters in good condition, both laid down on pieces of card cut from an album.`ONE: ALS from 'Muley Ali Cherif H. de Wazan' to Lady Green. 1p., 12mo. Reads: 'Dear Lady Green | Thank you for the dog you were so kind as to send me. I find he is very good for hunting rabbits, a sport I am devoted to, It is most kind of you to promise to take care of him while I am away.' TWO: ANS from 'Muley Ahmed de Wazan'. 1p., 12mo. In purple ink. 'Dear Lady Green | I will arrange the affair you mentioned in your letter of yesterday. With compliments | Your's sincerely'.

[ Inscribed copy of printed work. ] Three Letters on the Policy of England towards the Porte and Mohammed Ali.

[ Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (1797-1879); Muhammad[a] Ali Pasha al-Mas'ud ibn Agha (1769-1849), Khedive of Egypt and the Sudan ]
Publication details: 
London: John Murray, Albermarle [ sic, for 'Albemarle' ] Street. 1840. [ London: Printed by Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey. ]

63 + [1]pp., 8vo. Erratum slip after title-leaf. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and lightly worn paper. Withdrawal stamp of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society at foot of title-page, with shelf-marks at top-right of same page. Cropped inscription at head of page: 'With Sir Gardner Wiklkinson's | Compliments, to Gordon Gyle Esqr.' Beneath the title, in another hand: 'by Sir Gardiner [sic] Wilkinson Knt'. Scarce.

[Offprint.] Further Notes on "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves".

Duncan B. MacDonald [Duncan Black MacDonald (1863-1943), American orientalist] [The Royal Asiatic Society, London]
Publication details: 
From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, January, 1913. [Stephen Austin and Sons, Ltd., Printers, Hertford.]

13pp., 8vo, paginated 41-53. Stapled, in brown printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. Largely unopened. A learned exposition, with quotations in the original, beginning: 'It is now possible for me to supplement my Arabic text of Ali Baba by printing in full the only other original version so far known. I shall add some further information which I have gathered on the identity of the scribe of the Bodleian MS. and various notes on the text of that version.' No copy in the British Library, and a total of six copies on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC.

[Aghabab Advertising & Publicity Bureau, Baghdad, Iraq.] Duplicated translation of letter of introduction from Staff Brigadier Muhsen Mohamed Ali, Acting Director General of Guidance & Broadcasting, Iraq, for G. W. Wynne-Rushton, Advertising Manager.

Staff Brigadier Muhsen Mohamed Ali, Acting Director General of Guidance & Broadcasting, Iraq [Major Gerald Wynne-Rushton; Aghabab Advertising & Publicity Bureau, Baghdad, Iraq]
Publication details: 
Baghdad, Iraq, 11 February 1958.

Two items, in good condition. ONE: Duplicated typescript (1p., 8vo) headed 'TRANSLATION | MINISTRY OF INTERIOR. | DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF UIDANCE [sic] AND BROADCASTING'. Dated from 'Baghdad (Iraq)' on 11 February 1958. A letter of introduction for 'Mr. G. Wynne-Rushton', to five government ministries from 'Staff Brigadier Muhsen Mohamed Ali, Acting Director General of Guidance & Broadcasting'. Begins: 'Mr. G. Wynne-Rushton, who is now staying in Baghdad, is the Advertising Manager of Messrs.

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