Autograph Letter Signed to the bookseller [George] Offor.

Robert Mushet
Publication details: 
24 Augt 1819 | Mint'.

Mushet (died 1828) was an officer of the Mint, and author of 'An Inquiry into the Effects Produced on the National Currency, and Rates of Exchange, by the Bank Restriction Bill' (1810). The recipient (1787-1864) edited Bunyan. One page, octavo. Good, on slightly grubby discoloured paper with one spike hole. Two short printed accounts of Musket laid down at foot of page. Reads 'Dear Sir | I shall be obliged to you to send me this afternoon or early tomorrow morning a Copy of Ede's Book of Coins'. Signed 'R Musket' and addressed, on revese of second leaf of bifoliate, to 'Mr.

Autograph Letter to Paul Colnaghi.

George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1st Baron Dover
Publication details: 
Heythorpe | March 14th 1820'.

English author and politician (1797-1833), whose efforts resulted in the formation of the National Gallery. Colnaghi (1751-1833) was the leading printseller of the period. One page, quarto. Good, on slightly discoloured paper with traces of previous mount adhering to reverse. A formal letter in the third person. 'Mr Agar Ellis would be much obliged to Mr Colnaghi if he would procure for him the German prints in outline for "Ondine", published at Nuremberg - Also the Prints in the same style for the German play of "Faust".

Autograph Letter Signed to Henry Robertson, Secretary, Covent Garden Theatre, together with draft of Robertson's reply.

Publication details: 
T[heatre]. R[oyal]. D[rury] Lane | August 4th 1835'. With red wax Theatre Royal seal.

Theatrical manager (1796?-1860) and poet, manager of Drury Lane and Covent Garden theatres, 1833-48. One page, quarto. Good, but somewhat grubby on lightly-creased, discoloured paper. Reads 'My dear Sir | I do not remember at this moment any point, beyond those we discussed yesterday, that requires adjustment, except the return of £63-4-8 overpaid on the rent account up to July 5th. and the four weeks salaries to your watchmen & firemen from that day up to last Saturday, amounting to £27 - | The balance of the "Warwick Box" is still unpaid.' Signed 'A Bunn'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

William Behnes
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

British sculptor (died 1864). Paper dimensions roughly five inches by two inches. Good, but on slightly discoloured paper. Reads 'I have the Honor to be | Gentlemen | Your Obedient Humble Servant | [signed] William Behnes'. From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund. Behnes ended his days in considerable distress.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Theodore Edward Hook
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Novelist and wit (1788-1841). On piece of paper roughly four inches square. Folded twice and lightly creased and with traces of glue and paper from previous mounting adhering to four corners of reverse, and affecting text. Typed title neatly attached at foot. Reads 'Will you give our kindest regards to Your Family and always believe me | Yrs Very Sincerely | The: E. Hook'. Reverse reads '<...> club.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'T. Clark Junr. Esq.'

James Sheridan Knowles
Publication details: 
Sheffield, 20th. May, | 1843.'

English dramatist (1784-1862). One page, octavo. Ruckled, and with several closed tears. Reply to request for autograph. Reads 'Dear Sir, | Here it is. | Yours truly, | James Sheridan Knowles.'

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to her 'Cousin'.

Barbara Hofland
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Author (1770-1844) and friend of Miss Mitford. Paper dimensions roughly three and a half inches by one inch. Slightly discoloured, creased, and with one small closed tear. Read 'Believe me dear friend, | your truly affectionate Cousin | B Hofland'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male noble correspondent.

Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Marquis of Stafford and 2nd Earl Gower
Publication details: 
Trentham July ye 10th. 1771'.

English aristocrat and Whig politician (1721-1803). One page, quarto. In poor condition: grubby, discoloured and creased. Reads 'My Lord | Mr: Boothby of Ashbourne (who yr: Lordship may possibly know something of from his living in the neighbourhood of <?> forest has sollicited me much to apply to yr: Lordship for leave of Absence for his son who is a lieutenant in Ld: Drogheda's regiment to settle some family affairs, the time he wishes to have him with him [sic] is a month or two, if not unreasonable.

Printed governmental circular (in form of facsimile of manuscript) addressed to 'The Town Clerk' (with 'Town of Maidstone' in manuscript).

Henry Hobhouse [MAIDSTONE, KENT]
Publication details: 
Copy | Whitehall July 1827.'

Hobhouse (1776-1854) was a Privy Councillor in 1828, and Keeper of the State Papers, 1826-54. Quarto. One page. Very good, on first leaf of bifoliate. Folded twice. On watermarked Whatman paper of 1827. Facsimile signature 'H. Hobhouse'. Begins 'The King having been pleased to comply with the prayer of an humble Address presented to His Majesty in pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Commons [...] for a Return of all Towns Cities Places of Jurisdiction within England & Wales' and ending 'I am directed by Mr.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Legh Richmond
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

British evangelical divine (1772-1827) and author. Slip of paper roughly seven and a quarter inches by two. Discoloured and heavily creased. Stitched to larger piece of paper. Reads '<...> & thereby lengthen the period for the cultivation of acquaintance amongst us. Give my sincere regards & grateful acknowledgments for past kindness to your family: with true esteem & love from all here & believe me, | faithfully & affecty. yours | Legh Richmond'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

William Crockford
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Proprietor (1775-1844) of the celebrated London gambling house, set up in 1827, out of which he amassed a fortune of more than a million pounds. On piece of paper roughly three and a half inches by one and a half. Good, but mounted on larger piece of paper, creased once and slightly discoloured by glue. Reads 'I beg to Remain | Your most Obed[ie]nt | W Crockford'.

Part of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Lord Chancellor of England (1751-1838). Dimensions roughly four and a half inches square. Paper spotted and discoloured. Traces of previous blue-paper mount adhering to blank reverse. Unobtrusive archival-tape repair to closed tear. Reads 'May God support him in the Time of his great Calamity! | I shall be infinitely obliged by your allowing me to hope that thro' you I may occasionally hear of his Health | I remain, Dear Sir, | Yr obliged Servant | Eldon'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Thomas James Mathias
Publication details: 
74 Monte | d'Iddio | Pizzofalcone | 10 May 1831.'

Mathias (c.1754-1835), F.R.S., F.S.A., was librarian at Buckingham House and editor of Thomas Gray, &c. One page, 12mo. In good condition, although attached to sheet of larger paper by four wafers, all of which show through the paper. He asks his correspondent to accept 'a copy of a new edition of a little volume lately printed in Naples, entitled "Poesie Liriche, con l'Aggiunta di Saffo, Dramma lirico [...]'. Signed 'T. J. Mathias'. The work, by Mathias himself, went through various editions between 1810 and 1825.

Engraving by Reynolds of Birmingham.

James Bisset [ nineteenth-century illustrated list of Birmingham toy makers ]
Publication details: 
No date [1800?]; 'Publish'd, by J. Bisset, Museum Birmm. for his Magnificent Directory.'

According to the British Library Bisset's Directory was published in 1800. Paper dimensions roughly 5 1/4 inches by 9 inches; print dimensions roughly 4 1/4 inches by 7 inches. In very good condition although somewhat grubby. Paper watermarked '<179?>9 | TMAN'. At head of plate: 'M'. At foot of plate: 'Reynolds. Sct. Birm'.

Autograph Letter Signed to William Upcott.

Francis C. Laird [ William Upcott ]
Publication details: 
No date, but postmarked from Fleet St, 14 July 1821.

Laird (presumably the 'Francis Laird of Peterborough Court Fleet Street' whose will was proved in May 1825) was the author of 'A topographical and historical description of the County of Rutland' (1815) and 'A topographical and historical description of the County of Worcester' (1818). Upcott (1779-1845) was a noted aniquary and collector of autographs. One page, quarto. In poor condition, grubby and creased, with fraying to extremities and traces of mount and some loss to one edge (affecting one word of text). Repaired loss of triangular fragment from breaking open wafer.

Autograph Signature on front of franked envelope.

John Thomas Townshend, 2nd Viscount Sydney
Publication details: 
27 January 1823; place indecipherable.

Lords of the Admiralty, the Treasury and of the Bedchamber under George III (1764-1831). On front of envelope, cut down to roughly 4 1/2 inches by 3 inches. Good only: ruckled and with one closed tear not affecting signature. Blank reverse docketed in pencil and with remains of paper from previous mounting. Difficult handwriting. Reads '<?> Twenty Seventh of January | 1823 | Richd <?> Esq | Queen Street | May Fair | London | Sydney'. 'FREE | 28JA28 | 1823' stamped in red ink in circle cropped at head.

Autograph Signature on fragment of military document.

Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Maternal grandfather of Queen Mary (1774-1850). In very good condition. Paper dimensions approximately 1 1/2 inches by 4 inches. Reads 'Adolphus Frederick. | Lt: Genl: & Col. in Chief.'

Autograph Signature on fragment of military document.

Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Uncle (1773-1843) of Queen Victoria, notable book collector. Paper dimensions approximately 1 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches. In good condition. Florid signature 'Augustus Frederick' above printed word '(Rank)' beside 'Lieutt. Coll. Com.' in manuscript, which in turn is above printed word '(Corps)' beside 'Loyal North Britons' in manuscript.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Edward, Duke of Kent
Publication details: 
26 December 1808; no place.

Father of Queen Victoria (died 1820). On piece of paper roughly 3 1/2 inches square. In very good condition. Fragments of seven lines of letter on reverse. These, and the valediction ('<...> yours | most faithfu') are written in a secretary's hand, and the signature 'Edward' is deliberately written over the words '26 December 1808 | HRH The Duke | of Kent' which are lengthwise and downwards. Docketed 'Lr. to F. Marshal H. <...> | The Duke of Kent 29 D<...>'.

autograph signature

Winthrop Mackworth Praed
Publication details: 
two fragments of letter, both half an inch by three inches, Southampton, 6 November 1837

English poet and essayist. On the first slip: 'Winthrop M. Praed'; on the second: 'Southampton November Six | 1837'. Both slips are discoloured from pasting in autograph album.

autograph letter signed to unnamed correspondent

George Nugent-Temple-Grenville, 1st Marquis of Buckingham
Publication details: 
2pp, 8vo, dated 'Monday night' - watermark 1796

British statesman, several times Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (DNB). Intimate and interesting communication beginning 'I have only time to say in answer to your obliging note, that I shall be most happy to take you by the hand as soon as is convenient to you, as I trust in God that my poor wife after a most severe fever is this day beginning to recover.

autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt on George IV (1762-1830) as Prince Regent
Publication details: 
no date, but with watermark "1805", "Carlton House. / Tuesday night."

One page, 8vo. "My dear Sir, / I have dined with the Prince alone & well weighed all that can happen at Plymouth, & am prepared to meet it. / The most material Point seems this Will L. vacate on Monday? for as the House has now adjourned till that day, He cannot now accept Office before that day. / Gl Baker breakfasts with me at ten, & if you will meet him or as soon after as shall suit your convenience I shall be most happy to see you. / Very truly yours / Thomas Tyrwhitt". Tyrwhitt was knighted in 1812, and was Usher of the Black Rod from that year until 1832.

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