
Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'E. Contambert'), in French: three to Ange de Saint-Priest and one to 'Monsieur le Caissier' of 'L'Encyclopédie'.

Pierre-François Eugène Cortambert (1805-1881), geographer, Conservator of the Geographic Section of the Bibliothèque Nationale [Ange de Saint-Priest, editor of 'L'Encyclopédie du Dix-Neuvième Siècle']
Publication details: 
1852, 1874 and two undated.

All items in good condition, on lightly aged paper, with text clear and entire. Letter Two with a little light spotting to the recto of the first leaf. Written in a crabbed hand. Concerning contributions by Cortambert to 'L'Encyclopédie'. Letter One (12mo, 3 pp): To 'Monsieur et honorable directeur', 9 July 1852. Letter Two (12mo, 3 pp): To 'Monsieur et honorable directeur', 7 June 1874. Letter Three (12mo, 1 p): To 'Mr de St Priest', undated. Letter Four (8vo, 1 p): To 'Monsieur le Caissier de Encyclopédie du 19e Siècle', Paris, Rue de Saintonge, 64.

Autograph Letter Signed ('h. f.') to 'Madame [Eliza] Thomas'.

Henri-Jérôme-Marie Fournel (1799-1876), French civil engineer, geologist and disciple of Saint-Simon [Algeria]
Publication details: 
1 September 1842 ('4h du matin'); place not stated.

8vo bifolium, 3 pp. 57 lines of text. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium, with circular postmark in black ink, to 'Madame Thomas, chateau de marville, près et par St. Denis (Banlieue de Paris).' Good, on lightly creased and aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf from breaking of wafer. Text clear and entire, in a difficult, indiosyncratic hand. An interesting and significant letter, announcing Fournel's appointment to the post which would result in his greatest achievement.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Barbié du Bocage'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Rédacteur de la Quotidienne'.

Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage (1760-1825), Professor of geography at the Faculté des Lettres, Paris
Publication details: 
10 September 1825; on letterhead of the Université de France (headed 'Le Doyen de la faculté des Lettres').

4to, 1 p. Addressed in autograph on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. Good, though lightly creased and a little grubby. He is sending a notice (not present) announcing the courses for the term 1825-1826 at the Faculté, and asks for it to be inserted as soon as possible 'en totalité ou par extrait dans votre journal'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('henri Fournel') to the Parisian publisher and bookseller Duprat.

Henri-Jérôme-Marie Fournel (1799-1876), French civil engineer, geologist and disciple of Saint-Simon [Algeria]
Publication details: 
4 August 1861; 'rue de la Chaussée d’Antin 58 bis', Paris.

16mo (13 x 10.5 cm), 1 p, 8 lines of text. Good. Ordering a geographical work and referring (obscurely) to words with an arab flavour (hard to read).

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Picard') to Georges Berger (1834-1910), Directeur général de l'Exploitation de l'Exposition de 1889.

Alfred Picard (1844-1913), Vice-Président du Conseil d'État [Exposition Universelle de 1889; Paris Exhibition]
Publication details: 
24 April 1890; Paris. On letterhead of the Conseil d'État.

8vo: 3 pp. Bifolium. Very good. Written in French. After an 'etude attentive de rapport de M.M. de Lacretelle et Millas et des autres documents en ma possession' on the Exposition's foreign returns he finds 'certaines lacunes et certains points douteux' concerning which he hopes Berger can enlighten him. He gives a list of seventeen officially-participating countries, each with the subsidy it has received in francs, complaining that 'huit de ces chiffres sont douteux'. This is followed by a similar list of six countries which did not participate officially.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Marie Marimon') in French to an unnamed photographer.

Marie Marimon (1835-1923), of the théâtre des Fantaisies Parisiennes, French singer [Victorian photography]
Publication details: 

Three pages, 12mo. Good, on lightly aged and ruckled paper, with a little glue adhering to the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. She has received the two packets containing the small photographs. Apart from wanting the hair to appear lighter and clearer, she is satisfied with the large photograph, and would like several copies before her departure on 2 August. If this is not possible copies are to be sent to her at the theatre du Gymnase in Paris.

Four handbills relating to the election of the Society's council and officers for 1870, and a copy of 'Report of the Auditors of the Accounts of the Zoological Society of London, Appointed January 21, 1869.'

Zoological Society of London [Philip Lutley Sclater; Edward Greenaway; Edward Johnstone; James Tennant; Alexander Nowell Sherson; H. E. Dresser; Robert Low; F. Du Cane Godman]
Publication details: 
Report dated from '11 Hanover Square, February 26, 1869'; handbills all dated 1869.

All items are good, on lightly aged paper. The 'Report of the Auditors of the Accounts' is seven pages, octavo, stitched and unbound. It consists of five full-page tables: 'Receipts', 'Payments', 'Comparison of Receipts in 1867 and 1868', 'Comparison of Payments in 1867 and 1868' and one showing 'The Assets and Liabilities of the Society on the 31st of December 1868'. Comment by the seven auditors (all named) on final page, remarking on 'the unexampled state of prosperity of the Zoological Society at the close of the previous year'. The four handbills are each on one side of a 12mo leaf.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to 'Dear Mat'.

Edward Dubois [Du Bois]
Publication details: 
Two without date or place; the third dated 'Gower Place | Euston Sq[uar]e | Wedn[esda]y.'

English wit and man of letters (1774-1850). All three letters in octavo and skilfully mounted onto quarto paper. Two letters of three pages and one of two pages. All three in very good condition. Playful, witty communications to an intimate friend, characteristic of a droll, caustic wit, 'capital at the dinner table', who 'loved a joke, even in court' (Dictionary of National Biography). LETTER ONE (2 pages): Declines an invitation.

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