[Printed booklet for children, with illustrations.] The Bunch of Violets.

Anonymous [James Burns, 17 Portman Street, Portman Square, London; Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, 46 St Martin's Lane, London]
Publication details: 
London: James Burns, 17 Portman Street, Portman Square. 1840. [Printed by Levey, Robson, and Franklyn, 46 St Martin's Lane, London.]

19pp., 32mo. Stitched. In pink printed wraps. Lightly-aged, in worn wraps. The front cover duplicates the only different element being the central vignette. On the rear wrap is a list of twelve children's books, 'Just published, uniform in size with the present', 'The Series to be continued.' Stock engraving at head of first page, showing old man with stick at cottage door, admonishing three children, one of them crying. Final engraving shows man with hat and stick on tired horse, with accompanying dog in foreground and foliage in background.

Photographic portrait by Messrs W. Walker & Sons of Cavendish Square, London, of the English composer John Pyke Hullah, on albumen carte-de-visite.

John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla] (1812-1884), English composer for one of whose operas Charles Dickens wrote the libretto [St Martin's Hall, Long Acre]
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]
Publication details: 
Undated (circa 1860?). Messrs Walker & Sons, Artists & Photographers, 64 Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, London.
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]

Oval sepia photograph of the head and shoulders of Hullah, looking to his right in double-breasted jacket. Faded and on aged card, with traces of mount adhering to reverse. The sitter - who by comparison with other photographs is definitely Hullah - is named as 'JOHN HULLAH' in a contemporary hand on the card beneath the laid-down photograph, and as 'Mr Hullah' in pencil on the reverse. Not present in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, which only holds three images of the composer.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Hullah') from the English composer John Pyke Hullah to the organist Edward Francis Rimbault.

John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla] (1812-1884), English composer for one of whose operas Charles Dickens wrote the libretto [St Martin's Hall, Long Acre; Edward Francis Rimbault (1816-1876), organist]
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]
Publication details: 
30 March 1868; on letterhead of 11 Devonshire Place, W., London.
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. 12 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He would 'much like' to show him a song he has written for 'Exeter Hall', and proposes dinner the following day. In a postscript asks if he has 'learnt anything about R. J. S. Stevens'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Hullah.') from the English composer John Pyke Hullah to an unnamed male recipient.

John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla] (1812-1884), English composer for one of whose operas Charles Dickens wrote the libretto [St Martin's Hall, Long Acre]
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]
Publication details: 
24 May [no year]; 20 St James's Place, London.
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]

12mo, 1 p. 10 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The recipient 'had better be in Town for the Choral Meeting on the 4th. June'. Gives details of when the recipient will 'generally find' Hullah there.

Elizabeth Frink. Sculpture and Drawings. 4th June-25th June 1959.

Elizabeth Frink [The Waddington Galleries]
Publication details: 
London: The Waddington Galleries, 2 Cork Street, W1. [Printed by Graphis Press Ltd, London.]

8vo: 4 pp. Wih four pages of illustrations on art paper, the first being a full-page photographic portrait of Frink by Peter Collins. Stapled. In original blue printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper. No copy on COPAC.

The Betting-Book. By George Cruikshank. With Cuts.

George Cruikshank [Victorian London; gambling; betting]
Publication details: 
London: W. & F. G. Cash, 5, Bishopsgate Street Without; [successors to Charles Gilpin.] And sold by W. Tweedie, 337, Strand; George Gallie, Glasgow; and all booksellers. 1852.

8vo: 32 pp. Stitched. In original grey wraps. Text, four illustrations and map clear and entire. Printed on discoloured high-acidity paper. Lightly creased with a little wear to corners. Scarce. An attack on 'the Betting-offices that are springing up all over the town', with particular reference to those in the St Martin's Lane area. COPAC only lists four copies: at the British Library, Bodleian, Cambridge and Edinburgh; with two copies of the second edition: British Library and V & A National Art Library.

Autograph Note Signed ('John Hullah') to 'My dear Strettell'.

John Pyke Hullah (1812-1884), English composer, firnd of Dickens, and collaborator.
Publication details: 
18 July 1856; on letterhead, embossed with crest, of St Martin's Hall.

One page, 12mo. On creased, brittle, aged paper. Repaired with archival tape on reverse, which carries traces of previous mounting. He is sending some lines of introduction 'to my cameo friend who lives in Grafton St Bond St. - No. [i.e. number] unknown, but it is the second or third house on the right going from Bond St.' Hullah's 'Music Hall' - St Martin's Hall in Long Acre - opened in 1850. It burnt to the ground ten years later.

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