Charles Dickens, Britain's best-loved novelist [John Watkins, Photographer to the Queen, London]
Publication details:
[September 1863.] John Watkins, Photographer to the Queen The Prince of Wales and The Ex Royal Family of France, 34 Parliament Street, London, S.W.
The National Portrait Gallery copy of this item is NPG Ax17292, and the dating to September 1863 is theirs. A 5.8 x 8.8 cm photographic print, laid down on 6.2 x 10.3 cm piece of card. On the card beneath the portrait: 'JOHN WATKINS PHOT. / Copyright Secured'. On the reverse Watkins's full address, with crest. The image is faded and indistinct, compared with the NPG copy; otherwise the item is In fair condition lightly aged. A head and shoulders shot with a sepulchral Dickens turned almost to a left profile, eyes barely open, with a clenched right hand to the side of his face.