Autograph Letter Signed ('E: Lynn Linton') to 'Miss Shapland'.

Elizabeth [Eliza] Lynn Linton (1822-1898), Victorian writer
Publication details: 
Thursday' [no date]; on letterhead of Brougham House, Malvern.

12mo: 3 pp. 26 lines of text. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Chatty, apologetic letter. She thanks her for her invitation for the following day but she is already engaged. Unclear reference to 'Sir Boyle Roche's bird'. She would like to see her again, but 'I dare not make any engagements now, The weather is now my jailer'. She has to go to Malvern one day the following week. Suggests other possibilities. She may have to 'take my chance of finding you at home'. She was 'sorry to miss you when you were away & I called'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliza Hamilton') to Cecilia, wife of James Losh (1763-1833) of Jesmond.

Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton [Mrs. Eliza Hamilton] (1758-1816), Belfast-born miscellaneous writer
Publication details: 
26 August 1810; Whitburn.

Two pages, quarto. On aged paper, with several closed tears and loss at foot and remains of stub in margin, but with text clear and entire.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Locker.

Mrs Elizabeth Charles [nee Rundle] (1828-1896), English author
Publication details: 
Thursday | Combe Edge | Hampstead Heath'.

Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with some light glue stains on reverse, to which a small printed strip giving a printed list of Mrs Charles's works is attached. 'I was hoping to hear your boy was better - & I am very glad he is - thanks - but I am engaged on Thursday, & for some little time to come - so many people from all quarters coming just now & I hope you may be able to come & see me before very long'. Signed 'Bettie Charles'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Eastlake.

Samuel Jones Loyd, 1st Baron Overstone
Publication details: 
21 October 1880; on letterhead of Lockinge House, Wantage, Berks.

English banker and economist (1796-1883). The recipient (1809-93) was a writer, and wife of the President of the Royal Academy, Sir Charles Eastlake. Three pages, 12mo. Very good on lightly creased and slightly discoloured paper. Shaky hand. He thanks her for her life of Mrs Grote. 'I shall read it with pleasure as coming from your pen - but at the same time with that <?> interest which must always accompany the <?> recollection of the sayings and doings of a Friend who is no longer amongst us. | My daughter & Col: L. L.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Anna Brownell Jameson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Anglo-Irish author (1794-1860) and art critic. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two inches. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger sheet of paper. Reads '[...] Oxford Street London for the next 3 weeks - Ever yours truly & affecly - | Anna Jameson'. Docketed in pencil at foot '(Legendary Art etc) | Written to my Mother - S[arah]. E[lizabeth]. S[iddons]. M[air].'

The names of those persons who subscribed towards the defence of this country at the time of the Spanish Armada, 1588, and the amounts each contributed. With historical introduction [...]; and index.

T. C. Noble (intro.)
Publication details: 
London: Alfred Russell Smith, 1886.

1st edition, 1886. 8vo. Pages: xxxv + 92. Original cloth blind stamped on front board. Paper browing with age, some fraying at head of spine and title leaf loosening; otherwise good copy. Variant spellings of some of the names in the list have been added in ink in a neat small contemporary hand.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Graham'.

Elizabeth Jane Oswald
Publication details: 
4 February 1903; on letterhead 'Southank | Edinburgh'.

Author (died 1905) of the Icelandic travel guide 'By fell and fjord'. Two pages, 12mo. In good condition although grubby and with traces of mount adhering to verso and stub adhering along one edge. 'I am glad to say that I find the tickets in the row we are in - for the Reid Concerts on Friday, are not all gone - & excellent places - I enclose 2 - at 8/ each - 16/-. I expect it will be a lovely concert - I shall be glad to meet you thereX - | Yours truly | E J Oswald | X So dont send the money - as we shall be quite near each other'.

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