Autograph Letter Signed ('T. N. Talfourd.') to an unnamed male correspondent.

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), English writer, judge and politician
Publication details: 
19 May 1834; 2 Elm Court, Temple.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper, with traces of a paper stub neatly adhering to the blank bottom right-hand corner of the verso. Apologising for his 'long neglect of the subject of your last notice - the Mill Hill Medal. The truth is I am scarcely able to find strength and spirits for the work I have to do, and so am constantly involved in difficulties as to time like those to which extravagant people fall into as to money'. He hopes 'to be able to enjoy the pleasures of our anniversary dinner', although he does not feel he deserves them.

Autograph Note Signed ('Roland L. Vaughan Williams') to autograph hunter A. Hall.

Sir Roland Lomax Bowdler Vaughan Williams (1838-1916), English judge
Publication details: 
3 August 1892; on letterhead of St. George's Hall, Liverpool.

8vo: 1 p. Very good. Letterhead with crest. Reads 'Dear Sir | I understand from my son that you do me the honour to wish to have my autograph It gives me great pleasure to comply with yr request. | your's faithfully. | [signed] Roland L. Vaughan Williams | A Hall Esqre'.

Autograph Signature.

Stephen Lushington (1782-1873), English jurist, abolitionist, helped Lady Byron divorce the poet, and acted for Queen Caroline in her trial before the House of Lords
Publication details: 
2 April 1869; on letterhead of 18, Eaton Place, S.W. [London].

12mo: 1 p. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. Very good. Shaky hand. Clearly responding to a request for an autograph. Reads '[signed] Stephen Lushington | April 2 69'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of document.

Sir John Pratt (1657-1725), Lord Chief Justice of England
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly five inches by three-quarters of an inch. Signed 'John Pratt' between writing in a seventeenth-century chancery hand. Docketed with biographical details in a minute nineteenth-century hand, and enclosed in a piece of paper with further biographical details in another nineteenth-century hand.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

John Romilly, 1st baron Romilly
Publication details: 
L[aw]. C[ourts]. 13 Ap. 1839'.

Lawyer and Member of Parliament (1802-74), Master of the Rolls, 1851-73. On scrap of paper roughly three and a half inches square. Grubby and stained. Reads '<...> In Chancery | F. 131 <...> | L. C. 13 Ap. 1839 | Will [last word deleted] see minutes of judgment back of pp. 3 & 4. Will give final judgment on Monday. next, 15 Ap./ | John Romilly. | 10/- | <...> In the Matter of the <...>'

Autograph Note Signed to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie the younger.

John Romilly, 1st Baron Romilly
Publication details: 
6 February 1862; 6 Hyde Park Terrace, W.

English lawyer (1802-74) and Master of the Rolls, 1851-73. The recipient (1817-80) was a noted chemist. Two pages, 16mo. Very good, but sumwhat dusty and grubby. Reads 'My dear Sir Benjamin | I am much oblig'd to you for your kind. [sic] I am not aware of the circumstance, or rather the rule you mention or I should not have committed thte 'indiscretion' of asking you to sign my sons recommendation'. Signed 'John Romilly'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent (Edward Frederick Lecks, Secretary, the Royal Asylum of St Ann's Society).

Sir Lancelot Shadwell
Publication details: 
27 March 1837; no place.

Last Vice-Chancellor of England (1779-1850). Two pages, 12mo. Good, but lightly spotted, and with the lower third ruckled by attachment of verso to piece of brown paper. He says he will have great pleasure in 'being a Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Saint Ann's Society Schools'. He would have answered the note before, 'but it came at a time when I was much occupied & I put it by with the accompanying Papers till the Vacation arrived'. Signed 'Lancelot Shadwell'.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mrs Adolphus'.

Sir Robert Buckley Comyn
Publication details: 
New St. | Friday, morng' [no year].

Judge (1792-1853) and author. One page, 12mo. In very good condition. Reads 'My dear Mrs Adolphus, | I lament to say that severe illness makes it impossible for me to leave the house, & consequently to dine with you & <?> today. I hoped better things yesterday. | Sincerely yours | Robert Comyn'.

Autograph Letter Signed to <?>.

Francis Henry Bacon
Publication details: 
11 August 1893; on letterhead 'KENTWELL HALL, | LONG MELFORD, | SUFFOLK.'

Three pages, 12mo. In good condition, but with the name of the recipient scored through. Judge (born c. 1832), and son of Sir James Bacon (1798-1895), the last of the pre-1875 Vice-Chancellors. A late reply to a request for information for an article on snuffboxes for The Windsor Magazine. 'I have no snuffboxes I suppose somebody suggested our name but I have never been a collector and my father [the late Ex Vice Chancellor] who took snuff always used the commonest of boxes.' The name of the recipient has been scored through.

Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Frederick Lecks[, Secretary, St Ann's Society].

Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman
Publication details: 
Guildhall Feb 24 | 1838'.

Judge (1779-1854) and Lord Chief Justice of England. 'I must not defend one neglect by another; but I fear that other applications of the same kind as that from yourself respecting the St Ann's Schools remain also unanswered. My well known engagements will form some apology but I regret to add that I have found it absolutely necessary to decline acting as a steward at any public dinner'. Signed 'Denman'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Seymour Teulon.

Sir Richard Baggallay
Publication details: 
The first, 1 October 1874, Aldingbourne House, Chichester, but on letterhead '10, Old Square, | Lincolns Inn. W.C.'; the second, 27 August 1874, on letterhead '55, Queen's Gate, S.W.'

English judge and Tory politician (1816-88; DNB). Both letters 3 pages, 16mo, and both in good condition. Interesting letters giving his views on an important matter.

one autograph letter signed to [?] Lanyon,

Sir Edward Macnaghten, Baron Macnaghten
Publication details: 
23 June 1887, with embossment of the House of Lords.

Judge (1830-1913), formulator of the celebrated "Macnaghten rules" of criminal insanity. 3 pp, 12mo. He makes interesting comments on the process of public appointments. "I am sorry to say it is out of my power to comply with your wishes. It is not considered proper in a person holding a judicial office as I happen to do to ask for anything or to put himself in the way of coming under an obligation to any body.

Autograph note signed to the solicitor [Sir John] Hollams (1820-1910),

Sir George Essex Honyman
Publication details: 
17 January [1873], no place.

Judge (1819-75). One page, 12mo. "Jany 17. / My dear Hollams / I have with some hesitation accepted the Common Pleas." Honyman became a judge in the Court of Common Pleas on 23 January 1873. Dreadful sprawling handwriting. Paper worn, torn, grubby and creased, with blank second leaf repaired and with four pieces of gummed tape adhering to it from previous mounting.

Fragment signed,

Sir James Eyre
Publication details: 

Judge (1734-99). One page, 12mo. "<...> George Murley / Sarah Martin / Given under my Hand the 10th. day of August 1780 pursuant to the Statute in that case made and provided. / [signed] James Eyre". Paper slightly discoloured.

Autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Sir Samuel Martin
Publication details: 
without date or place.

Judge (1801-83), Baron of the Exchequer. One page, 12mo. "What is the true state of things at Belfast / Sam Martin". Martin was born in County Londonderry. Four pieces of gummed paper adhering from mounting adhering to the otherwise blank verso.

Autograph letter signed to the Rev. William Marshall of Harberton near Totness,

John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon
Publication details: 
without date or place.

Lord Chancellor of England (1751-1838). 2 pp, 12mo. An interesting sidelight into ecclesiastical preferment. "Sir / The Living in Newport Pagnell in Buckinghamshire is that, to which I propose to present you, if you are disposed to accept it. Its Value, I am informed, but a Chancellor's Information is seldom correct, is about 280l a year - / It will require much of Residence, as the Parish is populous, & contains very numerous Inhabitants. The Duty must, therefore, be considerable - After what my excellent deceased Friend, Dr Parsons, Bp.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs F[rederick W.] Hollams,

Richard Everard Webster, Viscount Alverstone
Publication details: 
12 June 1902, Hornton Lodge, Kennington, with embossment of the Royal Courts of Justice.

Lord Chief Justice of England (1842-1915). One page, 12mo. Marked "Confidential". "My sister told me of the letter. I have made some enquiries about the man who wrote to you and from what I hear I certainly think you ought not to engage him. You will of course treat this letter as strictly confidential."

Fragment signed,

William Henry Ashhurst [William Henry Ashurst]
Publication details: 

Judge (1725-1807). "<...> John Jaggers / John Holmes / James Graham / John Watkins / Given under my hand this 20th. day of March 1784 pursuant to the Statute in that Case made and provided. / [signed] W H Ashhurst". The DNB gives both spellings of the surname. Paper slightly discoloured.

Autograph note signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

James Scarlett, 1st Baron Abinger
Publication details: 
12 December 1835, New Street.

Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer (1769-1844), the most successful advocate of his day. One page, 12mo. "My dear Sir / If you will excuse so short a notice & happen to be disengaged on Wednesday next pray do me the favour to join a small party which I have hastily made up with Lord Lyndhurst at dinner here at seven oClock/ Your truly / Abinger / Wednesday 16th. at 7." Scarlett had succeeded Lyndhurst as Lord Chief Baron at the end of the previous year. Discoloured and with heavy traces of mount adhering to blank verso.

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