[Five pamphlets of laws relating to education from The States of Jersey.] 'Lois sur les Ecoles Elémentaires, etc.', 'Law on Primary Instruction', and three 'Règlements' ('Teachers' (Superannuation) Act 1925', and two on 'Pupil Teacher Centre').

[The States of Jersey [Les États de Jersey; Êtats d'Jèrri]; J. T. Bigwood, Imprimeur des États; C.-P. Du Parcq, Imprimeur-Libraire]
Publication details: 
All printed in Jersey, the first (1899, 'Réimpression 1901') by C.-P. Du Parcq, Imprimeur-Libraire, 23, Halkett Place; the other four by 'J.-T. Bigwood, Imprimeur des États, 13, Broad Street: 1909, 1912, 1913 and 1929.

All five items are scarce, with no copies of any of them located on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. ONE: 'Ordre de Sa Très Excellente Majeste en Conseil En date du 14 Juillet 1899, confirment certain Acte des Etats En date du 29 Mai 1899, intitule: Loi sur les Ecoles Elementaires, etc. Enregistre le 19 Aout 1899.' [19]pp. (text paginated 565-583), 12mo. No wraps. In fair condition, aged, and with punch hole at head. With shelfmarks (of the Board of Education Reference Library, London).

[Printed pamphlet.] The Report of the Committee of the Baptist College at Regent's Park for 1919-1920, with a List of Subscriptions & Donations. [Regent's Park College (University of London). Report For the Year ending September 30th, 1920.]

[The Baptist College at Regent's Park, Founded at Stepney, A.D. 1810, Removed to Regent's Park, 1856; Regent's Park College (University of London)]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Warren Hall & Lovitt, 88 and 90, Camden Road, N.W. 1920.

28pp., 12mo. Frontispiece photographic view of the college. Stitched. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn wraps. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Teaching of International Relations in Schools. An Enquiry into Methods and Principles.

[The Friends' Guild of Teachers, Yorkshire; Friends' School, Great Ayton, Yorks]
Publication details: 
Published by the Friends' Guild of Teachers. [Additional Copies can be obtained from the Secretary, Friends' School, Great Ayton, Yorks.] [Printed by J. Atkinson & Sons, Star Works, Pontefract.]

29pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with wear to front cover and slight rusting to staples. Shelfmarks, stamps and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated), London.] Entrance Requirements to Universities, Faculties and Requirements of Professional Bodies. [With three related items, two duplicated and one printed.]

[Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated), London]
Publication details: 
The Secretary, I.A.H.M. and H.M.C. [Incorporated Association of Head Masters and Headmasters' Conference (Incorporated)], 29 Gordon Square, London, W.C.1. [Printed by C. F. Hodgson & Son, Ltd., Pakenham St., London, W.C.1.] September 1950.

24pp., 12mo. In red printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged, with rusted staples, and stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. In manuscript on front cover: 'Reference copy only not for loan' and 'See edition | Revised 1957.' In manuscript at head of p.1: 'There has been a change in London University Entrance requirements. See T.E.S.

[Printed pamphlet with illustrations.] George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1. [...] Prospectus of Day Training Courses in the High School of Commerce.

[George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1; YMCA]
Publication details: 
[George Williams College, London Central, Young Men's Christian Association, Tottenham Court Road, W.1.] Session1919-20. [1920.]

8pp., 12mo. In blue-grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Engraved illustration of the college on front cover, and full-page photographs of 'The Vestibule' and 'General Lecture Room' within. Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed item.] Code of Regulations for European Schools in the Punjab; with Index and Explanatory Notes.

[European Schools in the Punjab, 1897; The Raj; British India]
Publication details: 
Fourth Edition. Published by Authority. Lahore: Printed at the Mufid-I-Am Press. 1897.

[2] + iii + 92pp., 8vo. Slips with printed emendations (the largest being 15.5 x 14 cm in size) have been tipped-in onto pp.5, 8, 12, 51 and 60. Stabbed as issued, but with the stitching removed, leaving the signatures loose. In grey printed wraps. Aged and worn, in repaired wraps. Shelfmark, labels and stamp of the Board of Education Reference Library.

[Printed British Home Office report.] Libraries for Reformatory and Industrial Schools. With Foreword by H.M. Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools. [Mainly comprising a 'List of Suggested Books.']

[Charles E. B. Russell, Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools; Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall; library lists; inventories; bibliographies]
Publication details: 
[Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall.] London: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office by Darling and Son, Limited, Bacon Street, E. 1916.

25pp., 8vo. Stitched pamphlet. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Stamp on cover of the Board of Education Library, London. Russell's letter, addressed from the 'Reformatories Department, Home Office, Whitehall, May 1st, 1916' covers pp.2-7. Pp.8-24 carry the 'List of Suggested Books', with prices, beginning with 'Across Texas' by E. S. Ellis, and ending with 'The Young Franc Tireurs' by G. A. Henty. The last page carries a list of 'Publishers' Names and Addresses'. Uncommon: a total of seven copies on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC, but none at the British Library.

[Printed handbill.] Annual Report for 1918 of the Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools.

[Alfred Perceval Graves, Chairman, Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools]
Publication details: 
Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools.] 'To be presented at the Annual General Meeting on Monday, February 24th, 1919, at five p.m. [...]'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. No copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet by the Society of Art Masters, London.] Paris Exhibition, 1900. International Congresses On Instruction in Drawing. Special Report prepared for the Society of Art Masters.

Walter Wallis, A.R.C.A. (Lond.) Chairman of the Society for the year 1899-1900, Head Master, School of Art, Croydon [Society of Art Masters, London]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by J. B. Nichols & Sons, Parliament Mansions, Orchard Street, Victoria Street. 1901.

16pp., 8vo. Stitched. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with creasing to wraps and front cover crossed through in red ink. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Professor Rein's System of Religious Instruction for Schools: A Paper read to the Rochdale Educational Society, January 20th, 1905.

T. C. Horsfall [Thomas Coglan Horsfall (1841-1932)] [Professor Wilhelm Rein (1847-1929)]
Publication details: 
London and Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes. 1905.

[2] + 33pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with stamp, labels and shelfmark of the Board of Education Reference Library, as well as stamp 'Supplied for the Public Service'. Three copies on COPAC and OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Development of Theological Education in the University of Wales. An Address given to a Society of Ministers in Bangor on March 27th, 1917.

Sir Harry R. Reichel, M.A., LL.D., Principal of the University College of North Wales.
Publication details: 
Bangor: Printed by Jarvis & Foster (W. A. Foster), Lorne House. [1917.]

18pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged paper. With stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Four copies on COPAC and a further three on OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Law and the City. Inaugural Lecture delivered by F. W. S. Cumbrae-Stewart, D.C.L. [...] On 15th March, 1926.

F. W. S. Cumbrae-Stewart, D.C.L. Formerly Scholar of Christ Church, Oxford. Of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Garrick Professor of Law in the University of Queensland.
Publication details: 
A. J. Cumming, Government Printer, Brisbane. [Australia.] 1926.

27pp., 12mo. With collotype frontispiece of memorial plaque to Sir James Francis Garrick (1836-1908). In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps with chipping to extremities and rusted staples. Stamp, label and shelfmark of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Only three copies on COPAC, and none at the British Library.

[Two printed pamphlets.] 'Children's Ethical Classes.' and 'Syllabus of Moral and Civic Instruction For the Elementary School. Arranged in Seven Stages. Also Suitable for Use in Preparatory Schools and the Lower Forms of Secondary Schools.'

F. J. Gould, Lecturer and Demonstrator for the Moral Education League
Publication details: 
Both published by The Moral Education League. The first from Surrey House, Victoria Embankment, W.C., London, in 1901; the second from 6, York Buildings, Adelphi, London, W.C. in 1914.

ONE: 'Children's Ethical Classes', 1901. 16pp., 12mo. Stitched. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamp, label and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library, London. Two copies on COPAC. TWO: 'Syllabus of Moral and Civic Instruction For the Elementary School.' 31pp., 12mo. In red printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With stamp, label and shelfmark of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Three copies on OCLC WorldCat and none on COPAC.

[Two printed items relating to the University Extension College, Reading.] 'Second Annual Report of the Executive Committee. Session 1894-5.' and 'The Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890. Memorandum and Articles of Association.'

[University Extension College, Reading; Beale & Martin, Solicitors, Reading]
Publication details: 
ONE: Reading: Printed by Edward J. Blackwell, London Street. 1894. TWO: Beale & Martin, Solicitors, Reading. [Beecroft and Alexander, Printers, Reading.] [1896.]

ONE: 24pp., 12mo. In brown printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slightly rusted staples and chipping to covers. Labels, stamp and shelfmark of the Education Department Library, London. No copy found on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. TWO: 26pp., 8vo. In light-blue printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper, with rusted staples. With label and shelfmark (of the Board of Education Reference Library, London). No copy on OCLC WorldCat, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford University.

[Printed pamphlet.] Report of the First Conference of the National Federation of Ratepayers (Incorporated). (Non-political and Unsectarian.) Subject: "The Cost of Education."

[The National Federation of Ratepayers (Incorporated), London]
Publication details: 
[The National Federation of Ratepayers, London.] Offices: 9 Bedford Mansions, Bedford Square, W.C. 1909. [Printed by C. F. Hodgson & Son, 2 Newton Street, Kingsway, W.C.]

32pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn and aged wraps with front cover crossed through in red ink and hole to back cover. Shelfmarks, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Year Book of the London Schools' Guild of Arts & Crafts MCMXXX [1930].

Ralph Mollet, editor [London Schools' Guild of Arts and Crafts]
Publication details: 
J. M. Stitt & Co. Ashford, Kent. 1930.

36pp., 12mo. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rusted staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Includes six pages of advertisements at front, and eight pages at rear. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The London Schools' Guild of Arts & Crafts. Its Origin and Purpose. A Leaflet of information issued with the object of extending the influence of the Guild outside London, 1928.

Professor Robert Anning Bell, President, The London Schools' Guild of Arts & Crafts; William J. Pettit, Hon. General Secretary; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
'Please address all communications to Mr. William J. Pettit, (Hon. Sec.) The London Schools' Guild of Arts & Crafts, Stoke Newington Central School, Albion Road, London, N.16.

12pp., 12mo. In cream wraps printed in brown. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rusted staples and shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Foreword (pp.1-2) by Bell, and text (pp.3-12) by Pettit. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[Prospectus printed by the Chiswick Press.] The Junior Art-Workers' Guild. What it is - and where it stands. An Appeal to Craftsmen.

Hugh Arnold and Dudley Heath, Hon. Secretaries, The Junior Art-Workers' Guild [The Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London; Board of Education Library]
Publication details: 
Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. June 1905.

7 + [1]pp., 8vo. In grey-green printed wraps, with vignette and title on cover. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with loose stitching. Light pencil annotation in margins. Shelfmark, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Subtitles: 'Early History of the Movement', 'The Emergence of New Art', 'The Economic Question', 'Back to Tradition', 'The Limitations of the Arts and Crafts Movement', 'An Appeal to Artists and Craftsmen'. Only copy on COPAC at NLScotland.

[Hon. William Torrey Harris, United States Commissioner of Education; Nicholas Murray Butler, Columbia University, New York.] Volume containing thirteen offprints and pamphlets on education, including eleven by.Harris and one by Butler.

Hon. W. T. Harris [William Torrey Harris] (1835-1909), LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, American educator and lexicographer; Nicholas Murray Butler (1862-1947), Columbia University, New
Publication details: 
All published in the United States, including seven offprints from the Education Review, New York. Dating from between 1892 and 1900.

The thirteen items bound in a modern grey buckram binding with shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. The pamphlets in good condition, on aged paper, in worn binding, with last item disbound. Each pamphlet numbered in red ink at head of title-page, the first with a shelfmark. ONE: [John W. Noble; William T. Harris.] 'In the Senate of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting A report of the Commissioner of Education upon the conditions of the public schools in the District of Columbia.' 15pp., 8vo.

[Printed handbill.] The Burnham Proposals, 1944. Memorandum issued by the National Union of Women Teachers for consideration by - Members of Parliament; and Members of Local Education Authorities.

[The National Union of Women Teachers, London; The Burnham Proposals, 1944]
Publication details: 
National Union of Women Teachers, 41 Cromwell Road, S.W.7. ['Temporary War-Time Address - 13 The Uplands, Ruislip, Middlesex.'] J. W. Sparks Limited, The Printing House, Forest Gate, E.7. [1944.]

2pp., 8vo. Handbill. In fair condition, on aged, creased and worn paper. Shelfmarks (of the Board of Education Reference Library, London). Discussing the proposals: 'Differentiation on Account of Sex', 'Differentiation on Account of the Age of Pupils', 'Differentiation on Account of Area' and 'Allowances over and above Scale Salary'. Scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[Printed prospectus.] The University of Leeds. Training of Women Teachers for Secondary Schools.

[The University of Leeds, England; women's education; teaching]
Publication details: 
The University of Leeds, England. Undated [circa 1918?].

4pp., 8vo. In grey-green printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with rusted staples. Shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. The pamphlet can be roughly dated from the fact that Michael E. Sadler is named as Vice-Chancellor, a post he occupied between 1911 and 1923. No copy on COPAC.

[Printed prospectus, with photographic illustrations.] Cherwell Hall, Oxford. Training College for Women Secondary Teachers.

[Cherwell Hall, Training College for Women Secondary Teachers, Oxford; St Hilda's College, Oxford; Catherine Isabella Dodd (1860-1932), educationalist]
Publication details: 
Cherwell Hall, Oxford. Waterlow & Sons, Printers, London and Dunstable. Undated [between 1917 and 1921].

[16]pp., landscape 12mo. With nine full-page photographic views ('Cherwell Hall - South East View', 'The Gateway', 'Cherwell Hall - The South Lawn', 'Porch at Front Door', 'The Entrance Hall', 'The Library, Cherwell Hall', 'The Iris Walk', 'A View in the Grounds, Cherwell Hall, showing Magdalen Tower', 'Cherwell Hall, The Oak Room'). In cream wraps printed in green. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Can be roughly dated from the fact of the College's principal being Catherine I.

[Printed 'Memorandum No. 90' by the Central Bureau of Hospital Information, London.] The Work of a Hospital Almoner.

[Central Bureau of Hospital Information, London.]
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain by Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, Bungay, Suffolk. 'Published January, 1935. Revised March, 1936. [Revised] February, 1938.'

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] School-Houses (Scotland). Return to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 27 March 1839; - for, An Account of the Expenditure [...] for the Erection of School-Houses or Model Schools in Scotland; [...]'

[British House of Commons parliamentary paper on 'School-Houses (Scotland)', 1839; Model Schools in Scotland]
Publication details: 
Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be Printed, 3 June 1839.

30 + [1]pp., foolscap 8vo. Stitched. In fair condition, with shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. The full title reads: 'School-Houses (Scotland).

[Printed pamphlet.] N.I.B. Bulletins No. 2. Museums and the Blind.

National Institute for the Blind, London [Board of Education Reference Library, London]
Publication details: 
National Institute for the Blind, 224-6-8, Great Portland Street, London, W.1. [1931.]

12pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with rusting staples, and stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat and the only copy on COPAC at the National Museum, Wales.

[Printed pamphlet.] The College & Association of Teachers of the Blind. School Teachers' Examination. Regulations and Syllabus for 1925.

The College & Association of Teachers of the Blind, London [Board of Education Reference Library, London]
Publication details: 
The College & Association of Teachers of the Blind [London]. 1925. [Herbert & Mobbs, Printers, 20, Bucklersbury, E.C.4.

15pp., 12mo. On aged and stained paper, with rust to staples. Stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no material relating to this organisation on COPAC, while OCLC WorldCat has two later items.

[Printed pamphlet.] Report of the London Society for Teaching and Training the Blind for the Year 1928-1929.

The London Society for Teaching and Training the Blind [Board of Education Reference Library, London]
Publication details: 
[The London Society for Teaching and Training the Blind. 1929.]

130pp., 12mo. In poor condition, with frontispiece detached and damaged, and possibly lacking full title, rusted staples. Shelfmark (of the Board of Education Reference Library). In makeshift brown folder carrying title in manuscript. Scarce: no copy of this report on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet.] 70th Annual Report of the Executive Committee, Presented May 7th at the Annual General Meeting, held at the Institution, Sir George Barham (High Sheriff of the County of Middlesex) in the Chair. [With rules and subscription list.]

London Society for Teaching the Blind to Read and for Training them in Industrial Occupations, London
Publication details: 
London: Baines and Scarsbrook, Printers, Fairfax Road, Swiss Cottage, N.W. 1908.

70pp., 12mo. With two full-page photographic illustrations: 'Girls Chair-Caning' and 'Boys' Industrial Work'. On aged and worn paper. Rear wrap only present, with photograph of the institution. With shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce: no copy of this report on COPAC.

Run of six printed reports of the British and Foreign Blind Association for Promoting the Education and Employment of the Blind, London.

[The British and Foreign Blind Association for Promoting the Education and Employment of the Blind, London]
Publication details: 
London: Bowles & Sons, Printers, 18 & 19, Sherborne Lane, E.C. 1907 to 1912.

The six issues, loose. Each with its printed wraps (the first two years light brown, the other four green). Ranging in size from 40pp., 12mo (1908) to 76pp., 12mo (1912). Last three issues with frontispiece drawing of the Association's building in Great Portland Street. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Each issue with stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. All with material relating to the Braille Alphabet (and in some cases the Braille Musical Alphabet) at rear. Scarce: no copies of any of the Association's reports on COPAC.

Five Victorian printed reports to conferences relating to the blind, including ones held at Yorkshire School for the Blind; Royal Normal College for the Blind; General Institution for the Blind, Edgbaston, Birmingham.

[Yorkshire School for the Blind; Royal Normal College for the Blind, Norwood; General Institution for the Blind, Edgbaston, Birmingham]
Publication details: 
Two in London in 1876; York, 1883; Norwood, 1890; Birmingham, 1894.

The five reports in good condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The five bound together in a worn red calf half-binding, with marbled endpapers and strengthened inner hinges (outer hinges sprung). In gilt on spine: 'THE BLIND | CONFERENCES | LONDON |1876 | LONDON | 1876 | YORK | 1883 | NORWOOD | 1890 | BIRMINGHAM | 1894.' First item carries stamp and shelfmarks of the Education Department Library, London; other items with numbered labels on title-pages. Presentation label on front fly-leaf, with following in manuscript: 'Presented to the Education Department Library by Mr.

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