[Lord Grenville, Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature ('W: W: Grenville') and seal, with those of Samuel Estwick, Richard Molesworth, Philip Deare, John Wigglesworth, to document appointing Isaac Phipps paymaster of British forces in West Indies.

Lord Grenville, Prime Minister [William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville (1759-1834)]; Samuel Estwick (c.1736-1795), Member of Parliament; Richard Molesworth; Philip Deare [West Indies]
Publication details: 
No place. 8 January 1784.

1p, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to an edge. Folded once. At bottom right are Grenville's signature ('W: W: Grenville') and a good impression of his seal in red wax. Twenty-line document, written in a secretarial hand, with two embossed tax stamps at head.

[Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, Whig politician and writer of the 'Athenian Letters'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hardwicke'), asking Thomas Astle to request the aid of John Topham on a projected third volume of his 'Miscellaneous State Papers'.

Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke (1720-1790), Whig politician and author [Thomas Astle (1735-1803), antiquary; Thomas Cadell the elder (1742-1802), publisher; John Topham (1746-1803), antiquary]
Publication details: 
Bath. 22 November 1783.

The Athenian Letters, primarily written by Hardwicke and his brother Charles, enjoyed considerable vogue on the publication in 1781 of the second edition (a first edition of ten copies had appeared in 1741). The present item relates to a projected third volume of the 'Miscellaneous State Papers', the first two volumes of which had been published by Strahan and Cadell in 1778. John Topham (later Librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury) and Thomas Astle worked together on the public records at Westminster. The present item is 1p, 4to. Bifolium.

[Sir Henry Halford and Sir Matthew John Tierney, royal physicians.] Autograph Note Signed by the two men, announcing that George IV 'is not able to receive company at the Drawing Room' due to 'an attack of the Gout'.

Sir Henry Halford (1766-1844), physician to George III, George IV, William IV and the young Victoria; Sir Matthew John Tierney (1776-1845), Irish surgeon, physician to George IV and William IV
Publication details: 
Carlton Palace [London]. 23 April 1823.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with strip of paper from mount on reverse, which also has another strip of paper strengthening a crease. The document is written out by Halford, with Tierney signing beneath his signature. A general announcement, with no recipient named. Reads: 'The King is not able to receive company at the Drawing Room to day – His Majesty having experienced an attack of the Gout in the night. | Carlton Palace | April 23. 1823 - | Henry Halford | Matthew John Tierney'.

[Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, son George III, brother of George IV and father of Queen Victoria.] Secretarial Letter, Signed ('Edward'), requesting Sir Francis Freeling to take particular pains in sending a letter to Germany.

Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent and Strathearn (1767-1820), fourth son of George III, brother of George IV, father of Queen Victoria [Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary, General Post Office]
Publication details: 
'Castle hill Lodge [Ealing] | 30th. June 1803'.

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. Signature ('Edward') in the prince's hand, the rest of the letter by a secretary. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight damage to one corner of first leaf, and thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is franked 'Kent & Strathearn', with postmark, and addressed to 'Francis Freeling Esquire | &c &c &c | Genl. Post Office | Lombard Street | London'. Folded four times.

[Francis Godolphin Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds, Foreign Secretary who antagonised Thomas Jefferson and damaged relations with United States.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Leeds') to 'Mr Alderman Clark', regarding Duke of Rutland and Bethlem Hospital.

Francis Godolphin Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds [Marquess of Carmarthen] (1751-1799), Foreign Secretary who antagonised Thomas Jefferson and damaged relations with the United States [Richard Clark]
Publication details: 
St. James's Square [London]. 5 April 1796.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to revese of second leaf, which is endorsed '5. April 1796 | Duke of Leeds.' Folded twice. Reads 'Dear Sir. | The Duke of Rutland & some of his friends being desirous of seeing Bethlem Hospital, I shall be much obliged to you for an order of admittance for His Grace & his Company. | Believe me Dear Sir | very sincerely yours | Leeds.' Richard Clark (1739-1831) was Treasurer of the Royal Hospitals of Bethlem and Bridewell.

[[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery.] Autograph Signature ('Boyle') to frank addressed in his Autograph to 'Miss L: Inglis | Milton Bryand | Wooborn'.

General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery (1767-1856), Irish peer and soldier, styled Viscount Dungarvan, 1768-1798
Publication details: 
'Woolverhampton [sic] July seventeenth 1848'.

The frank is on a piece of paper cut from the front of an envelope. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of leaf from album. The frank is set out in the customary manner, with the signature 'Boyle' at bottom left, and the address reading: 'Woolverhampton [sic] July | seventeenth 1848 | Miss L: Inglis | Milton Bryand [sic] | Wooborn'. The recipient is probably Mary Louisa Inglis (d.1853), sister of Sir Robert Harry Inglis (1786-1855), Conservative politician and Lord of the Manor of Milton Bryant (or Bryan), Bedfordshire.

[Charles Townshend, British politician behind the Townshend Acts.] Autograph Signature ('C Townshend') and seal, with signatures of Charles Bembridge, John Powell, Thomas Farraine, to document appointing Robert Digby deputy paymaster of Minorca.

Charles Townshend (1725-1767), British politician behind the Townshend Acts in the American Revolution; Charles Bembridge; John Powell; Thomas Farraine [Admiral Robert Digby (1732-1815); Minorca]
Publication details: 
'the 12th. of June 1765 in the Fifth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Third of Great Britain, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c.'

1p, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge on reverse. Folded once. Signed 'C Townshend' with good impression of seal in red wax at bottom right. Nineteen-line document in a secretarial hand, with tax stamp at head. At foot, by two members of the Army Pay Office, Horse Guards: 'Sign'd, Sealed and delivered, (being first duly stamp'd) in the presence of | John Powell | Chas: Bembridge'.

[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cork') to 'Mr: Vuillamy' [i.e. Benjamin Lewis Vuillamy, Clockmaker to the Crown], regarding a broken watch. Also franked by him, as 'Boyle'.

[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery (1767-1856), Irish peer and soldier, styled Viscount Dungarvan, 1768-1798 [Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy (1780-1854), Clockmaker to the Crown]
Publication details: 
Marston. 25 November 1814.

1p, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Franked on reverse of second leaf, with seal in red wax broken into two pieces, and franking postmark: 'Frome – November twenty fifth 1814 | Messrs: Wulliamys | Watch Maker's | Pall Mall | London | Boyle'.

[Thomas Pell Platt, orientalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T P Platt'), as Librarian to the British and Foreign Bible Society, to Rev. Charles Sumner [later Bishop of Winchester], Librarian to George IV at Carlton House, presenting a set of volumes.

Thomas Pell Platt (1798-1852), English orientalist, Librarian of the British and Foreign Bible Society [Charles Sumner (1790-1874), Bishop of Winchester, librarian to King George IV at Carlton House]
Publication details: 
Bible Society's House | Earl Street, Blackfriars | March 30. 1825'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn, with creasing and heavy wear at head. Folded three times. Addressed to 'The Rev. C. R. Sumner'. Reads: 'Rev. Sir | As Librarian of the British & Foreign Bible Society, I have the honor to state to you that a Resolution has been passed by the Committee of that Society, requesting permission to offer to His Majesty as a mark of their dutiful homage a set of Copies of the Versions of Holy Scripture executed or reprinted at their expence.

[L'Abbé Michaud, Roman Catholic theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Michaud') [to Hunt?], in French, regarding the recipient's articles in the 'Day of Rest' and 'Contemporary Review', and Michaud's dealings with Alexander Strahan.

L'Abbé Michaud [Eugène Michaud] (1839-1917), Roman Catholic theologian, after the Vatican Council a member of the breakaway Old Catholic movement [Alexander Strahan, publisher, Contemporary Review]
Publication details: 
Paris-Auteuil, Villa Montmorency. 4 November 1873.

p, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named. Addressed to 'Révérend et cher Monsieur'. Sixteen neatly-written lines of text. He thanks him 'mille fois' for the number of the 'Day of Rest'. He has read the recipient's article, as well as that of 'Madame Hunt', but he is sorry 'de n'être pas assez versé dans la connaissance de la langue anglaise, pour pouvoir apprécier vos écrits comme ils le méritent'. He hopes to make progress, and is at present reading the recipient's piece in the Contemporary Review, 'qui m'intéresse beaucoup'.

[Sir Henry Ellis, Principal Secretary at the British Museum.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Ellis') to the numismatist John Yonge Akerman, regarding the 'Certificate' of 'M. Meryon du Marsan' [i.e.Théophile Marion Dumersan].

Sir Henry Ellis (1777-1869), Principal Librarian at the British Museum, 1827-1856 [John Yonge Akerman (1806-1873), numismatist and antiquary; Théophile Marion Dumersan (1780-1849), French author]
Publication details: 
79 Great Russell Street [London]. 2 March 1845.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. He states that the 'Certificate' of 'M. Meryon [sic] du Mersan' has been 'signed by Lord Aberdeen', and that he wishes to 'get the signatures of Mr. Gurney and Mr. Hamilton to it'. If he does not – 'or rather cannot' – send it to Akerman beforehand, he asks him if 'you can add your signature before it is read on Thursday Evening'. In addition to his literary works, Dumersan was a numismatist and Curator attached to the Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques of the Bibliothèque Royale.

[Sir Francis Cowley Burnand, editor of Punch.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C. Burnand') to the playwright and author Mrs Craigie ('John Oliver Hobbes'), regarding publication of her latest 'story'.

F. C. Burnand [Sir Francis Cowley Burnand] (1836-1917), comic author and playwright, editor of Punch magazine ['John Oliver Hobbes', pen-name of dramatist Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie (1867-1906)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the publishers of Punch: Whitefriars, E.C. ('Telegrams: | CHARIVARI, LONDON.') 28 October 1899.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin vertical strip of paper from mount adhering along top of first page. Begins: 'My dear Mrs Craigie | Mr Arthur à Beckett tells me that your story will soon be ready. When? I want if possible to commence with it [?] within the next fortnight. I shall have to definitely settle the matter. I hope you will let me have it very soon as I will then have it set up for you at once [last two words underlined]'.

[Edward Kay Robinson, naturalist and BBC broadcaster.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Kay Robinson') [to publisher Grant Richards], regarding his misgivings over the proofs of his book 'To-day with Nature'.

E. Kay Robinson [Edward Kay Robinson] (1855-1928), British journalist and BBC broadcaster on natural history [Grant Richards (1872-1948), London publisher]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Northgate Hall, Warham, nr. Wells, Norfolk. 24 June 1901.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Robinson is concerned, as he sent 'the corrected proofs and copy of index some time ago – quite a fortnight, I should say': 'Have you not received them? Please wire on receipt of this, if you can find them: though I am afraid they may have got lost at this end, as several letters did lately.' If need be, he has 'duplicate proofs and could correct these sharp and I have rough copy of most of the index too'. If informed 'at once', he can 'set to work'. From the Grant Richards papers.

[Eric Linklater, Scottish author.] Typed Letter Signed ('Eric Linklater') to 'Ashmore' [i.e. director Basil Ashmore], regarding his play 'The Devil's in the News'.

Eric Linklater [Eric Robert Russell Linklater] (1899-1974), Welsh-born Scottish author [Basil Ashmore (1915-1998), author and director]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Pitcalzean House, Nigg, Ross-Shire. 19 December 1954.

1p, 12m. In good condition, lightly aged. Linklater writes that he is enclosing, as requested, his own copy of 'The Devil's in the News'. He asks Ashmore to 'consider the play your own property for the next six months', and to 'take any profit you can from it'. He does not expect royalties. Ashmore is 'at liberty to make any minor alterations, additions, or subtractions' that he may 'consider advisable'. The letter concludes: 'This is my only copy, and I shall be glad if some day you will return it.'

[A. C. Benson, Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, poet, essayist and ghost story writer.] Autograph Signature ('Arthur Christopher Benson') on leaf from diary.

A. C. Benson [Arthur Christopher Benson] (1862-1925), essayist, poet and ghost story writer, Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, author of the words to 'Land of Hope and Glory'
Publication details: 
No place or date. [On leaf from 'The Meredith Birthday Book', published in London in 1898.]

On 17 x 12 cm leaf of thickish paper, removed from 'The Meredith Birthday Book'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Scratchy signature, underlined. In one of three printed boxes of red rules on one side of the leaf, the other side bearing quotations from George Meredith for the days 25 to 27 April.

[Julia Maria Hallam, wife of historian Henry Hallam.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J M Hallam') to Lady Elizabeth Palgrave, wife of Sir Francis Palgrave, reporting in affectionate terms on her son's health at Eton College.

Julia Maria Hallam (1783-1840), wife of historian Henry Hallam (1777-1859), sister of poet Sir Charles Abraham Elton (1778-1853) [Lady Elizabeth Palgrave [née Turner] (1799-1852)]
Publication details: 
'Eton Friday Eveng.' [With postmark dated 29 July 1837.]

2pp, 4to. On first leaf of bifolium, the second leaf carrying the address to 'Lady Palgrave | Hampstead Green', with four postmarks, one dated 29 July 1837. In fair condition, on aged, worn and creased paper. Lady Elizabeth Palgrave was the wife of the archivist and historian Sir Francis Palgrave (1788-1861, né Cohen), and daughter of the banker, naturalist and bibliophile Dawson Turner (1775-1858) of Yarmouth.

[Lady Augusta Spencer-Churchill, as Chairman, British Legion Women's Section.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Augusta Spencer-Churchill') to 'Mrs Everett' of the Legion's Kettering Branch, regarding a funfair, and her award of an OBE.

Lady Augusta Spencer-Churchill [née Warburton] (1854-1941), wife of Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill (1853-1911), half-brother of the 7th Duke of Marlborough and close relation of Winston Churchill
Publication details: 
ONE: 28 Grosvenor Street, London SW1; 16 November 1934. TWO: Queensmead, Windsor; 9 January 1935. Each on letterhead of the British Legion, Women's Section, Haig House, 26 Ecclestone Square, London, SW1.

Each 1p, 4to. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, and each folded three times. On the letterhead she is referred to as 'The Lady Edward Spencer-Churchill O.B.E.' Chairman of the British Legion. Women's Section. ONE: 16 November 1934. Having been informed by 'Miss Gerds' that the recipient 'would like to know if I am coming by Car or by train on December 1st, to open your “Fun Fair,”' she states that she is 'not sure how long it would take to motor from London', but thinks it would be quicker by train. 'I see a good one arrives at 2-47!' TWO: 5 January 1935.

[Samuel Lee, Professor of Arabic and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('S Lee') to John Yonge Akerman, regarding a collection of coins and medals he has been offered by S. Jackson of Keswick.

Samuel Lee (1783-1852), orientalist and linguist, Professor of Arabic and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge [John Yonge Akerman (1806-1873), numismatist and antiquary]
Publication details: 
'D. C.' [Downing College, Cambridge?] 2 April 1847.

2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with several folds. Twenty-two lines written in a close, crabbed hand. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I looked for you at the last meeting of the Antiquarian Society [i.e. the Cambridge Antiquarian Society] – in vain.' He is forwarding a letter he has received from 'Mr S. Jackson of Keswick, Cumberland – concerning some coins & medals for sale', He does not 'wish to be a purchaser', but Akerman may wish to give notice to 'some one who would wish to possess some of the collection'.

Sir Francis Baring (latterly Lord Northbrook).] Autograph Signature ('Frans Baring') as frank of letter by the classical scholar Edmund Henry Barker, with fragment of Barker's letter with his damaged signature.

Francis Baring [Francis Thornhill Baring, 1st Baron Northbrook; Sir Francis Baring; Lord Northbrook] (1796-1866), Whig politician [Edmund Henry Barker (1788-1839) of Thetford, classical scholar]
Publication details: 
Thetford. 10 December 1834.

On 6 x 9.5 cm slip of paper, cut from the letter. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. On one side, with part of the franking postmark in red ink, Baring has addressed the letter in the customary fashion: 'Thetford December ten 1834 – | F. T. Maxon Esqr | 6 Little Friday St | Cheapside | London – | Frans Baring'. (The recipient is the solicitor Frederick Thomas Maxon.) The reverse of the slip carries part of the conclusion of the letter, with the top half of Barker's signature.

[Dame Eva Turner, dramatic soprano.] Typed Letter Signed ('Eva Turner.') to Constance Evans, whose claim that she was her 'earliest private accompanist' she accepts, with reminiscences.

Dame Eva Turner (1892-1990), English dramatic soprano [Constance Evans of Darlington, piano accompanist]
Publication details: 
26 Palace Court, London, W2. 6 April 1962.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with the top part of the blank reverse pasted onto a slip of paper cut from an album. Adressed to 'Miss Constance M. Evans, | Raventhorpe, | Carmel Road N., | Darlington.' She begins by stating that Evans's letter has been forwarded to her by Julian Herbage.

[Official announcement of the death of King George III.] Printed periodical: 'The London Gazette Extraordinary', announcing the king's death.

[Death of King George III] The London Gazette
Publication details: 
'Published by Authority. | Monday, January 31, 1820.' [Niumb. 17559.] London: 'Printed by Robert George Clarke, Cannon-Row, Parliament-Street.'

3pp, small 4to. Bifolium on wove paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with closed tear at head of gutter. Customary tax stamp in red on first page. Each page with mourning border. In small print and double column.

[Sir Henry Halford, Physician Extraordinary to four monarchs, including George III in his madness.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Halford.'), mentioning 'the King' (George IV?), and referring to a child of 'Lady Harriet' (wife of the recipient).

Sir Henry Halford (1766-1844), physician extraordinary to George III, George IV, William IV and the young Victoria
Publication details: 
Wistow Hall, Leicestershire. 21 August [no year, on paper watermarked 1825].

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. With thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse. The recipient is not named. He informs him that he will 'not be in Town' before the following Monday, instead of the Thursday, explaining that he 'was not able to leave the King until Saturday last – and a sejour here of less than a week would hardly justify a journey of 103 miles and back again'.

[William Heberden, Physician-in-Ordinary to George III.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Heberden') on putting 'Dr Halloran's proposal' on administering arsenic to the king to the mad-doctors Robert Darling Willis, Thomas Monro and Samuel Foart Simmons.

William Heberden the younger (1767-1845) [the madness of King George III; Robert Darling Willis; Thomas Monro; Samuel Foart Simmons; William Saunders Hallaran]
Publication details: 
Pall Mall [London]. 7 November [no year, but between 1810 and 1820].

The present item dates from the final period of the king's mental instability, 1810-1820. Heberden – the son of the 'father of rheumatology' William Heberden the elder (1710-1801) – had been appointed Physician-Extraordinary to the queen in 1795, and by 1809 was Physician-in-Ordinary to both queen and king.

[Thomas Garth, Equerry to George III, and alleged lover of the King's daughter Princess Sophia.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr Ford', discussing the king's forthcoming movements.

Thomas Garth (1744-1829), British Army officer, chief Equerry to George III and alleged lover of his daughter Princess Sophia, by whom he is said to have fathered a son [Richard Ford (1758-1806)]
Publication details: 
'The Kings Mews Tuesday August 13th, 1799'.

1p, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads 'Major General Garth presents his Compliments to Mr Ford and informs Him that Their Majesties and Princesses stop to breakfast at Hartford Bridge – and once afterwards for five Minutes at Stoney Cross – The Compton Arms – between Rumsey & Kingwood.' Postscript: 'The Majr Genl: supposes Mr Ford is acquainted that The King leaves Windsor 17th next.' Ford – the son of Queen Charlotte's physician, James Ford – was clearly enquiring with regard to the king's itinerary for security purposes.

[William Pitt the Younger, Tory Prime MInister.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Pitt'), asking Earl Gower to move the address in the House of Commons on George III's recovery from his first bout of mental instability.

William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), Tory Prime Minister during the wars with France and Napoleon [George Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of Sutherland [as Earl Gower] (1758-1833); George III]
Publication details: 
Downing Street [London]. 6 March 1789.

The letter is written a few weeks after the king's recovery from his first bout of mental instability. In the period immediately preceeding the king's recovery a Regency Bill had been making its way through the House of Commons. It was made redundant by the king's recovery; had it been enacted the Prince of Wales, as Regent, would almost certainly have dismissed Pitt in favour of his rival Charles James Fox.

[Sir William Knighton, Private Secretary to George IV.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Knighton'), praising the 'Merits' of the unnamed recipient, and reporting the king's complete satisfaction with his actions.

ir William Knighton (1776-1836) of Horndean, physician and Private Secretary to King George IV
Publication details: 
Horndean [Hampshire]; 26 December 1823.

3pp, 12mp. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tear at gutter. Folded three times. Having received the unnamed recipient's letter at Horndean that morning, he writes that there is no reason why he should not 'take to morrow Week, in place of to morrow, as I know it will be equally convenient to His Majesty'.

[Robert Fulke Greville, Equerry to George III.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robt: F: Greville') [to Richard Ford?], respecting the 'appointment on trial' of the Bow Street Runner William Anthony as a member of the king's retinue, stationed at Windsor.

Lieut-Col. Robert Fulke Greville (1751-1824), Equerry to George III, 1781-1797, and MP [Richard Ford (1758-1806), London police magistrate; Bow Street Runners; Duke of Portland, Home Secretary]
Publication details: 
The Queen's Lodge [Windsor]. 1 April 1796.

For the context of this letter see David J. Cox, 'A Certain Share of Low Cunning: A History of the Bow Street Runners, 1792-1839' (2010): 'From 1792 at least two Principal Officers were also permanently stationed at Windsor after the King had received several death threats.

[Robert Fulke Greville, Equerry to George III.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robt: F: Greville.') [to Richard Ford?], respecting a seditious communication found in the town of Windsor, which he is forwarding to the Duke of Portland, Home Secretary.

Lieut-Col. Robert Fulke Greville (1751-1824), Equerry to George III, 1781-1797, and MP [Richard Ford (1758-1806), London police magistrate; Bow Street Runners; Duke of Portland, Home Secretary]
Publication details: 
'The Queens Lodge Windsor | Saturday Janry. 9th: 1796.'

The subject of the letter is clearly a seditious communication found in the Windsor area and brought to Greville's attention, which he is forwarding for the attention of the Home Secretary, the Duke of Portland. David J. Cox casts light on the context in his 'A Certain Share of Low Cunning: A History of the Bow Street Runners, 1792-1839' (2010), stating that from 1792 'at least two Principal Officers were also permanently stationed at Windsor after the King had received several death threats'.

[ Robert Freind, Westminster School ] Autograph Note, Third Person "Dr Freind [...]" to "Mr Garth in Hare Court" [Samuel Garth, poet and physician, friend of Addison and Pope]

Robert Freind, clergyman, Headmaster of Westminster School, circle included Swift, Prior, etc
Publication details: 
Westminster, 20 June [1711 entered in pencil]

One page, 12mo, bifolium, fold marks, grubby, some staining, text clear and complete. "Dr Freinds Complements wait upon Mr Garth. If Colonel Cracherode has executed the two Deeds he begs the favor of Mr Garth to deliver them to his Servant the bearer." A Google snippet view (from The Genealogist) discusses a situation in which Cracherode and Dr Robert Freind are executors, perhaps in a family will.

[Sir Henry Halford, physician extraordinary to four monarchs, including George III in his madness. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Halford') to Sir Henry Ellis, Principal Librarian at the British Museum, asking for help in writing royal biographies

Sir Henry Halford (1766-1844), physician extraordinary to George III, George IV, William IV and the young Victoria [Sir Henry Ellis (1777-1869), Principal Librarian at the British Museum]
Publication details: 
Pall Mall [London]. 7 November [no year].

4pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tissue from mount adhering to one edge. Folded three times. An interesting letter, in which Halford asks Ellis for assistance in the writing of royal biographies for the Royal College of Physicians (of which he was President from 1820 to 1844), while explaining that it would not be 'proper' to go 'lower' than George II.

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