[Edmund Burke, Irish statesman.] Autograph Signature ('Edm Burke'), with seal in red wax, cut from legal document.

Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish statesman, orator and author, Whig Member of Parliament in the British House of Commons, member of the circle of Doctor Samuel Johnson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of a 7 x 12.5 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a legal document. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on 11 x 16.5 cm piece of cream paper, cut from the leaf of an album. The seal, in red wax, is at bottom right, and is crisp and clear, despite being lightly cracked. The excellent signature ('Edm Burke') is to the left of seal. The surviving text is above the signature, in another hand, and reads: '[...]ed remain in full force and Virtue - | [...]ourble. Edmund Burke'.

[Jane Octavia Brookfield, novelist and literary hostess, close friend of William Makepeace Thackeray.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jane O. Brookfield') to the actress Leonora Wigan, regarding her 'charming house' and her son's theatrical ambitions.

Jane Octavia Brookfield (1821-1896), novelist and literary hostess, close friend of William Makepeace Thackeray [Leonora Wigan [née Pincott] (1805-1884), actress, wife of actor-manager Alfred Wigan]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 30 Thurloe Place, S.W. [London] 24 January [1870s].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter is addressed to 'My dear Mrs. Wigan' and begins: 'I am sorry to find that the friends I mentioned to you, have decided on another house already – but if I hear of any one else who would be glad of your very charming house, I will not fail to mention it.' She thanks her for offering to 'help Charlie some day with a word or two of advice – in case he should eventually decide on choosing the Stage as his career'. She would be 'very grateful for your valuable opinion on many points connected with it'.

[General Election of 1835: the Duke of Wellington's brother Lord Charles Wellesley defeated at Rochester by one vote.] Manuscript documents from legal team of victorious candidate T. T. Hodges, at House of Commons 'Controverted Election' committee.

Lord Charles Wellesley; Thomas Twisden Hodges; General Election, 1835; Rochester Kent; Controverted Elections; House of Commons Committee of Privileges and Elections; Duke of Wellington
Publication details: 
House of Commons, Houses of Parliament, Westminster (London). [Rochester, Kent.] 1836 and 1837.

Between 1604 and 1868 the House of Commons exercised jurisdiction over controverted (disputed) elections, which were usually referred to its Committee of Privileges and Elections. The Parliamentary Archives hold the Controverted Elections Court Evidence minute books for the period between 1829 and 1906. The minute books contain transcripts of the evidence laid before the committee.

[Daniel O'Connell, 'The Liberator', Irish nationalist leader, fighter for Catholic emancipation.] Autograph Signature ('Daniel O Connell') on frank, addressed to Messrs Cox and Co, Army Agents. With correction initalled by him.

Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847), Irish nationalist leader, known as 'The Liberator', fighter for Catholic emancipation
Publication details: 
Dublin [Ireland]. December 18 1834.

On one side of 7 x 11.5 cm piece of watermarked laid paper, cut from the letter's envelope, in his bol hand. In fair condition, though somewhat ruckled and aged. Entirely in O'Donnell's hand, and laid out in the customary fashion, with the signature 'Daniel O Connell' between two lines at bottom left. Addressed: 'Dublin December Sixteen [corrected by O'Connell 'eighteen | D O C'] | 1834 | Messs Cox & Co | Army Agents | Craigs Court | London'.

[John Lindley, as Vice Secretary, Horticultural Society of London.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Hearne of St Domingo, on importing 'West Indian fruits' to English markets. With printed circular including 'Enquiries concerning the Pine Apple'.

John Lindley (1799-1865), Professor of Botany at University College, London, and Secretary of the Horticultural Society of London [John Hearne (c.1795-1849), merchant in Haiti and St Domingo]
Publication details: 
Stamped letterhead of the Horticultural Society, 21 Regent's Street [London]. 30 April 1844.

Two items, both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, but carelessly extracted from the volume in which they were previously bound up, so that Lindley's letter has suffered slight damage at the edge of both leaves, resulting in repair to one of the leaves, and the loss of a tiny strip of paper from the other, with the loss of a few letters of text (all easily supplied). ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from 'John Lindley | Vice Secretary' to 'John Hearne Esq | St. Domingo'. The letter begins: 'I am directed to transmit to you the Copy of a letter [i.e.

[Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel, and Michael Ayrton.] Duplicated Typescript of 'Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the Tel-Aviv Museum of Art', London, including four-page list of art library of David Leder.

Friends of the Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, London [Michael Ayrton (1921-1975), artist and author; David Leder, German textile manufacturer, and his wife Lola Leder, art patrons; Haim Gamzu (1910-1982)]
Publication details: 
'held on the 13th April 1948 at the House of Commons.' [London]

An interesting document, produced on the eve of the establishment of the State of Israel. Full heading on first page: 'Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the Tel-Aviv Museum of Art held on the 13th April 1948 at the House of Commons.' 5pp, foolscap 8vo, on five stapled leaves. Paginated and complete. In fair condition, aged and worn, with first leaf detached. Recorded as present are: 'Mrs Barbara Ayrton-Gould [Michael Ayrton's mother and a Member of Parliament] (Sitting-in for the Chairman) | Mr. J. Isaacs | Mr. Michael Ayrton | Mr.

Sir Francis Carruthers Gould ('FCG'), caricaturist and political cartoonist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould'), declining (as assistant editor of the Westminster Gazette), with much regret, an article by F. W. Sherwood.

F. Carruthers Gould [Sir Francis Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), caricaturist and political cartoonist, who signed his work 'FCG'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Westminster Gazette, Tudor Street, Blackfriars, E.C. [London] 22 September 1896.

1p, 12mo. Aged and worn. Reads: 'I should very much like to use your article, but we are so crowded with matter that I am afraid there is little chance of finding space for a considerable time and I therefore return the MS with much regret.'

[Orby Shipley, liturgical scholar and Roman Catholic convert.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Orby Shipley') to an unidentified collector of rare theological works, regarding his plans for reprinting Roman Catholic titles, and a meeting.

Orby Shipley (1832-1916), religious writer, liturgical scholar and Roman Catholic convert [William Wilfred Oates, Roman Catholic London publisher; Burns & Oates]
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 39 Thurloe Square, S.W. [London] 4 December 1884 and 8 December 1884.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged, on bifoliums, stitched together. ONE: 4 December 1884. 4pp, 12mo. The recipient is not identified. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I am advised by more than one common friend to take the liberty of writing to you. Mr. Oates [publisher], amongst others, tells me that you have great knowledge of old Catholic literature & have collected many curious & valuable books. As I think you see the Tablet, I should like to direct your attention to a letter which I hope may appear in the next or the following number on some points on which I wish for information.

[Sir Alfred Gilbert, sculptor of 'Eros', Piccadilly Circus, London.] Autograph Signature ('Alfred Gilbert') to conclusion of letter.

Sir Alfred Gilbert (1854-1934), sculptor and goldsmith responsible for the statue of Anteros (popularly Eros) in Piccadilly Circus, London
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on browned paper, with glue from mount adhering to blank reverse. The last leaf of a letter, evidently detached for an autograph hunter. Good bold handwriting. Reads: 'I shall be only too glad to avail myself of it | Yours very sincerely | Alfred Gilbert'.

[Sir George Henry Richards, Hydrographer to the British Admiralty, responsible for many Canadian place names.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Henry Richards') to '[Setcham?]'.

Admiral Sir George Henry Richards (1820-1896), Hydrographer to the British Admiralty from 1864 to 1874, responsible for many Canadian place names
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Cottage, Fetcham, Leatherhead. 21 February 1895.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. A letter of seventeen lines, written 'In haste'. Written in a difficult hand. He begins by thanking him for his 'Satisfactory note', written in answer to a point by '[Shuter?]' which Richards was 'not able to answer then'. The postscript refers to the 'sad loss […] I never knew a better man & friend'. As a hydrographer on the coast of British Columbia from 1857 to 1862, Richards was responsible for the selection and designation of dozens of place names (e.g.

[The Old Poor Law in the late Nineteenth Century.] Anonymous Manuscript Document, calling in forthright terms for the amending of 'The Plan of the Poor Laws of England', to weed out 'the loose Profligate and those who do not like work'.

[The Old Poor Law; English Poor Laws; eighteenth-century poor relief]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [English, late eighteenth century.]

2pp, foolscap 8vo. On the rectos of the leaves of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. On laid paper with indistinct watermark. The context of the document, with the capitalisation and spelling ('mechanick', 'shou'd', 'Publick', 'tyed down', 'lookt', 'Profitt'), points to a late eighteenth-century origin (certainly before the Speenhamland System and Michael Nolan's 1805 'Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the Poor'). No title or heading. A forthright document, whose rhetorical tone suggests that it was intended for public delivery.

[Sir Henry Taylor's 'peculiarly severe' poem on Caroline Norton.] Autograph Manuscript of untitled poem beginning 'Soft be the voice & friendly that rebukes | The error of thy way'.

Sir Henry Taylor (1800-1886), poet and dramatist, civil servant at the Colonial Office [Caroline Norton (1808-1877), social reformer and fighter for women's rights]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1847.]

2pp, 12mo. On a bifolium of grey laid paper, with fleur-de-lys 'J M & Co' watermark. In good condition, lightly aged, with creases from having been neatly folded three times, and stub adhering to edge of blank second leaf of bifolium. The item derives from the collection of a notable nineteenth-century autograph collector, Lord Houghton, a friend of both Taylor and Norton.

[Sir James Alan Park, Georgian judge.] Two notebooks filled with modern manuscript transcriptions of 'Extracts from his Diary 1805-38'. With typescript of some of the transcriptions.

Sir James Alan Park (1763-1838), Scottish judge in the English courts
Publication details: 
The entries from Park's diary dating from between 1805 and 1838. The transcriptions apparently made in the 1970s [in Kent?].

Vol.1: [1] + 78pp. Vol.2: 8 [+ 8]pp. A total of 86pp of extracts from Park's twelve volumes of diaries. Unpublished. In two uniform stapled notebooks, small 4to, in orange card covers, with the following printed on the reverse of each: 'Manufactured by Supplies Department, Kent County Council'. Accompanied by eleven pages of typed transcriptions from the notebooks. Altogether in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Each volume titled in manuscript on the front cover, with the following shelfmark or entry number: '(M265)'.

[Randolph Spencer-Churchill, Conservative politician, son of Winston Churchill.] Autograph Signature ('Randolph S. Churchill.').

Randolph S. Churchill [Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer-Churchill] (1911-1968), Conservative politician and journalist, son of Winston Churchill [Geoffrey Herbert Crump (1891-1984)]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On 10 x 6 cm slip of laid paper cut from an album, with partial ruled border in pink and blue. In good condition, lightly aged. A good firm signature, reading 'Randolph S. Churchill.' No other writing on the same side; with signature of 'Geoffrey H. Crump' on the reverse.

[Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States of America.] Typed Letter Signed ('Richard Nixon'), as Vice President, to Hugh Burnett of the BBC, warmly commending the programme 'Press Conference', on which he appeared while in London.

Richard Nixon [Richard Milhous Nixon] (1913-1994), 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974, and the only President to resign from office [Hugh Burnett (1924-2011), BBC producer]
Publication details: 
Office of the Vice President, Washington. 22 December 1958, envelope with facsimile signature.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, folded twice, with staple holes to one corner. In envelope, carrying facsimile of Nixon's signature and printed 'Office of the Vice President | Washington', with typed address to 'Mr. Hugh Burnett | The British Broadcasting Corporation | Lime Grove, London, W. 12 | England'. The letter carries a good strong signature in black ink, with the merest of smudges coming outwards from the left-hand side.

[James Nasmyth, Scottish engineer, inventor and artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Nasmyth', with fingerprint jokingly appended to signature as 'Hys marke', inviting the artist John Callcott Horsley to dinner with 'Col Colville' and others.

James Nasmyth [James Hall Nasmyth] (1808-1890), Scottish engineer, inventor and artist [John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), artist]
Publication details: 
[Baileze?] Hotel. 14 January 1880.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed 'James Nasmyth', with a fingerprint beneath the signature, flanked by the words 'Hys' and 'marke', and with 'impression before Letters' jokingly added beneath. Written in a shaky hand, the letter invites Horsley to a dinner 'to meet Col Colville Mrs. [Maclins?] and Dr. [Savile?]'.

[John Callcott Horsley, RA, painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. C. Horsley.') to 'Archdeacon Farrar' [Frederic William Farrar], asking him to officiate at the wedding of his daughter Fanny to Dr Arthur Whitelegge.

John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), RA, painter [Frederic William Farrar (1831-1903), Desn of Canterbury]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of High Row, Kensington, W. [London] 31 January 1885.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Lord Birkett, judge who officiated at the Nuremberg Trials.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Norman Birkett') to 'Mr Burnett', i.e. Hugh Burnett, producer of BBC TV series 'Face to Face', regarding arrangements for his interview by John Freeman.

Lord Birkett [William Norman Birkett, 1st Baron Birkett] (1883-1962), judge, a British representative at the Nuremberg Trials [Hugh Burnett (1924-2011), producer of BBC TV series 'Face to Face']
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, W.C.2. 25 May and 9 July 1953.

'Face to Face', consisting of interviews of notable figures by John Freeman, was a television milestone, and Birkett's was the first interview in the series, broadcast on 4 February 1959. As Burnett recalled in his book of the series: 'Lord Birkett was the first guest on FACE TO FACE. It was a live transmission, as were most FACE TO FACE broadcasts, and much of the character and success of the whole new series depended on his candour and co-operation. We plotted together as we had often done in the past. He enjoyed broadcasting and he liked the challenge of attempting something new.

[Lord Strabolgi, Labour Chief Whip in the House of Lords.] Typed reference, signed 'Strabolgi", for 'Mr. T. Avery Radford', his private secretary when 'Member for Hull'.

Lord Strabolgi [Joseph Montague Kenworthy, 10th Baron Strabolgi] (7 March 1886 – 8 October 1953), Scottish peer and Liberal and later Labour politician [T. Avery Radford]
Publication details: 
On House of Lords letterhehad. 16 August 1935.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. At top of page: 'From: Lord Strabolgi.' Headed beneath the letterhead: 'TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.' Reads: 'This is to certify that Mr. T. Avery Radford worked for me as my Private Secretary when I was Member for Hull, from 1919 to 1921. He performed his duties most efficiently, was entirely reliable and trustworthy, an a great help to me in my political work.

[George Vicat Cole,RA, Victorian artist.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Callcott Horsley, RA, enclosing a belated 'small donation' which missed his dinner for 'a charitable purpose'.

George Vicat Cole (1833-1893), popular Victorian painter [John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), artist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Little Campden House, Kensington, W. [London] 6 March 1882.

2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'I pray your forgiveness. I am sincerely ashamed of my bad behaviours in putting by your letter & forgetting to answer it, especially when it was written for a charitable purpose. With great pleasure I enclose a small donation & am sorry it was not in time for your dinner.'

[The Royal Aid in Bristol, 1666.] Two Manuscript Assessments of 'three moneths Royall Aide mony' (land and goods) for 58 individuals, each signed by four mayors of Bristol: John Willougby, Walter Sandby, Sir John Knight and John Lawford.

[The Royal Aid in Bristol, 1666.] Mayors of Bristol: John Willougby of the Society of Merchant Venturers; Walter Sandby; Sir John Knight; John Lawford
Publication details: 
Both Bristol, 1666.

Ainsworth's 'Thesaurus' (1752) neatly defines 'The Royal Aid, or subsidy money' as 'tributum quod regi ex plebiscito in sumptus belli, &c. praestatur'. It was a one-off household tax, set by assessors and collected locally. (For further information see M. J. Braddick's 2013 paper 'Resistance to the Royal Aid and Further Supply in Chester, 1664–1672'.) The present two documents are each laid out in identical fashion, the two carrying different assessments for 'Land' and 'Goods' for the same 58 individuals.

[Sheila Kaye-Smith, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Greenwood', explaining her reason for doubting the possibility of making a film 'setting out the Christian attitude towards divorce'.

Sheila Kaye-Smith (1887-1956), novelist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Little Douce Grove, Northiam, Rye, Sussex. 26 January [no year]

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, with pin holes to one corner and a few drops of light staining. She thanks Greenwood for her letter, but does not feel that her 'Valiant Woman' has any 'chance of making a successful film, for the very reasons you say it ought to'. She explains: 'In this country there would not be a large enough public for a film setting out the Christian attitude towards divorce, as popular sympathy is mostly on the other side'. Nevertheless she is sending Greenwood's letter to her agent 'Mr. A. D.

[Jomo Kenyatta, first President of Kenya, interviewed by John Freeman for BBC TV series 'Face to Face'.] Producer Hugh Burnett's copy of the typescript of the interview.

Jomo Kenyatta (c.1897-1978), First President of Kenya [John Freeman (1915-2014), Labour MP and broadcaster; Hugh Burnett (1924-2011), producer; BBC TV series 'Face to Face']
Publication details: 
Undated transcript of a BBC TV interview broadcast on 26 November 1961.

JJohn Freeman's interview with Jomo Kenyatta was broadcast on 26 November 1961 in the BBC TV series 'Face to Face'. The present duplicated typescript of the interview is from the papers of the programme's producer Hugh Burnett, and is edited for publication in the book 'Face to Face | Edited and introduced by Hugh Burnett' (London: Jonathan Cape, 1964). 1p., foolscap 8vo. Headed 'JOMO KENYATTA', otherwise consisting entirely of the transcript, with no other details.

[Leo Genn, British stage and screen actor.] Typed Letter Signed ('Leo Genn') to 'Miss Grundy', on his forthcoming film 'Green for Danger', his preference for the theatre over the screen, and his playing 'strong stuff'.

Leo Genn [Leopold John Genn] (1905-1978), English stage and screen actor
Publication details: 
'c/o Two Cities Films, | 15, Hanover Square, | London, W.1.' June 1946.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with binder holes in one margin. Folded once. He apologises for not answering her letter sooner, but he has been 'buried in a film studio for the past four months'. She will know that the film he is working on is 'Green for Danger'. The film has a planned autumn release.

[Paddy Carstairs, film and television director.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Mrs Greenwood', the first encouraging her screenwriter aspirations, the second rejecting one of her scripts.

Paddy Carstairs [John Paddy Carstairs, born John Keys] (1910-1970), film and television director
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of Two Cities Films Ltd, 15 Hanover Square, London. The first undated (but with date of receipt noted as 10 July 1949; the second dated 22 July 1949.

Both 1p, 8vo, and each in fair condition, on aged paper, with creasing along one edge. The first letter with smudged date of receipt in one corner. The first letter signed 'Paddy Carstairs', the second 'John Paddy Carstairs'. ONE: Begins: 'Dear Miss Greenwood | What can I possibly say? I am “set” for my next pic, but always want very unique stories – who doesn't?! | In 22 years (nearly!) I've only sold 3 originals for the screen and none of my novels – you see, there aren't any rules'.

[Rafael Sabatini, Anglo-Italian popular novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Greenwood', regarding a 'flagrant' cause for complaint, and the removal of his name from the 'author credits' of a film with an 'unutterable scenario'..

Rafael Sabatini (1875-1950), Anglo-Italian author of romance and adventure novels
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Clock Mill, Clifford, Hertfordshire. 23 July 1949.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Folded once. Signed 'Rafael Sabatini'. After thanking her for her letter of sympathy, he notes: 'In the past I have had plenty of cause for complaint, but nothing quite so flagrant.' He has been 'avenged by the Press, which described the unutterable scenario from which the film was made in terms similar to those which I employed when I requested that my name be removed from the “author credits”'. He ends with good wishes to her 'laudable enterprise'.

[Rev. Charles Edward Kennaway, Vicar of Chipping Campden and Canon of Gloucester Cathedral.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Sabrina', ruminating on youth and age, with inscribed copy of his book 'Poems of the Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A.'

Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A. [Charles Edward Kennaway (1800-1875), Vicar of Chipping Campden and Canon of Gloucester Cathedral]
Publication details: 
Book: London: Francis and John Rivington. Cheltenham: Henry Davies. 1846. Letter: Campden Vicarage. 30 October 1868.

The son of Sir John Kennaway of the East India Company, Kennaway was well-connected. In 1819 Poet Laureate Robert Southey provided him with a letter of introduction to Walter Scott. ONE: 'Poems of Rev. C. E. Kennaway, M.A.' (1846). xv + 216pp, 12mo. Black leather binding, with stamp of Nisbet & Co, 21 Berners Street, London, on front free gilt, stamped with the words 'Bagster's Binding'; all edges gilt. Internally a good tight copy on lightly-aged paper; in worn binding, especially at the spine and hinges. Bookplate of Sarah Godley.

[Robert Gittings, poet and literary biographer, to close friend playwright Christopher Fry.] Autograph Letter Sgined ('Robert'), largely concerning the writing of their plays 'Masters of Violence' (Gittings) and 'The Dark is Light Enough' (Fry).

Robert Gittings [Robert William Victor Gittings] (1911-1992), poet and literary biographer [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
West Broyle House, Chichester. 8 June 1952.

For the context of the letter see Pamela M. King's 2007 paper 'Twentieth-Century Medieval-Drama Revivals and the Universities', which states that at the time of the writing, there was in Canterbury 'to be a new play by Robert Gittings about St Alphege and the Danish invasion entitled Makers of Violence', and that at the Pilgrim Players in Norwich planned to put on, at the church of St Peter Mancroft, a production of Fry's 'Sleep of Prisoners'. 2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a little light damp spotting. Folded once.

[Herbert van Thal and J. C. Trewin discuss the possibility of a book on the murderer Eugene Aram.] Typed Letter Signed from van Thal, with copy of Typed Letter from Trewin, on theatrical matters, with two-age treatment of Trewin's proposed book.

J. C. Trewin [John Courtenay Trewin] (1908-1990), author and journalist; Herbert van Thal [Bertie Maurice van Thal] (1904-1983), author, publisher, agent and anthologist; Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London
Publication details: 
Both letters from London, March 1978. Van Thal's letter on letterhead of the publishers Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

ONE: Typed Letter Signed from 'Bertie' (i.e. Herbert van Thal) to 'John' (i.e. J. C. Trewin). 15 March 1978. On letterhead of the London publishers Weidenfeld & Nicolson. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter reads: 'My dear John, Alas, they do not think that they would be able to sell this Eugene Aram idea here, without the backing of a television programme or a film to back it up. But Orbis recently asked me if I had any ideas, and I have sent it on to them. Will let you know what they have to say.

[Jack Jones, Welsh playwright: a Mid-Rhondda production of his Mid-Rhondda Depression-era play.] Typescript of 'Rhondda Roundabout', for a production by Garrick Dramatic Society of Mid-Rhondda, belonging to Jack Heycock, who played the male lead.

Jack Jones (1884-1970), Welsh novelist, playwright and trade union officer [Jack Heywood, Garrick Dramatic Society, Mid-Rhondda]
Publication details: 
'Garrick Dramatic Society, Mid-Rhondda'. Circa 1939.

A satisfying association: a copy of the typescript of a play set in 'Mid-Rhondda', for a production by an amateur dramatic company from Mid-Rhondda. [1] + 80pp, 4to. Duplicated typescript. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Each page is on the recto of a separate leaf. Stapled into a dark-blue card binding, with cloth spine, the front cover of which carries: '”RHONDDA ROUNDABOUT” | A Play in 3 Acts by | JACK JONES | GARRICK DRAMATIC SOCIETY | Mid – Rhondda'. Preceding the text of the play is a page carrying a list of characters and their ages, and a 'Scene-Sequence'.

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