[The first census of the British Empire.] Two documents printed for Earl Grey at the Colonial Office: Major Graham's 'Memorandum' of 'suggestions' on how to take a colonial census; and a letter from Grey instructing colonial governors to prepare one.

Major George Graham (1801-1888), Registrar General of England and Wales, 1842-1879; Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey (1802-1894)] [Sir Frederick Peel (1823-1906), Liberal MP]
Publication details: 
[HMSO, London.] The Major Graham document, dated from the General Register Office [Somerset House, London], 7 December 1848. The Grey circular dated from Downing Street, 20 January 1849.

Two printed documents: the first carrying Major Graham's 'Memorandum' of 'suggestions respecting the mode of taking a Census in each of our Colonial Posssessions', together with his observations on the making up of 'Statistical Abstracts', a specimen 'Form of Return' and a covering letter; the second a circular letter from Earl Grey, instructing colonial governors 'to cause a Return of the Population of the Colony under your Government to be prepared'. For the background to these two documents, see A. J.

[Lord Stanley (later Earl of Derby) and West Indian trade.] Manuscript, signed by Stanley, of a 'Circular Dispatch to Governors of West Indian Colonies' on the 'Act to amend the laws for the regulation of the Trade of the British Possessions abroad'.

Earl of Derby, British Prime Minister [Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby] (1799-1869), as Lord Stanley [Sir Frederick Peel (1823-1906), Liberal MP; British West Indian colonies]
Publication details: 
The present draft dated from Downing Street, 30 July 1842. The circular as published, from teh same place, 17 August 1842.

An apparently-unique Manuscript – signed by Lord Stanley as Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, and dated from 'Downing Street, | 30: July 1842' – of what W. P. Morrell describes in his 'British Colonial Policy in the Age of Peel and Russell' (1966) as a 'Circular Dispatch to Governors of West Indian Colonies', regarding the 'Act to amend the laws for the regulation of the Trade of the British Possessions abroad' (5 & 6 Vic. c. 49). The document discusses the act with regard to 'the West Indian Colonists' and 'the British Possessions in South America and the West Indies'.

[Ivan Maisky, Soviet Union Ambassador to the United Kingdom during the Second World War.] Autograph Signature ('I. Maisky').

Ivan Maisky [Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky] (1884-1975), Soviet Union Ambassador to the United Kingdom during the Second World War
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On 6 x 7.5 cm slip of paper, laid down on a piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. A good firm and large signature, reading 'I. Maisky'.

[Alexander Campbell Fraser, Scottish philosopher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Campbell Fraser') to 'Miss Alice', expressing pleasure at her request for his autograph, 'inartistic & illegible as it is'.

Alexander Campbell Fraser (1819-1914), Scottish philosopher
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Gorton, Hawthornden, Midlothian, N.B. [Scotland] 6 October 1893.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with central vertical fold. The letter reads: 'Dear Miss Alice, | I am flattered to learn that you desire to have a Specimen of my Writing, - inartistic & illegible as it is, and I am truly glad to learn that you do not contemplate going from your native country next winter.'

[Mabel Constanduros [Mabel Tilling], radio comedienne.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mabel Constanduros') to Fleet Street editor Collin Brooks

Mabel Constanduros (1880-1957, born Mabel Tilling), radio comedienne, actress and screenwriter [Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist and Fleet Street editor; Collie Knox (1899-1977), journalist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 9 Wetherby Gardens, S.W.5. [London] 13 December 1946.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight damp staining. Addressed to 'Mr Brooks'. She is sending 'the script for you. It can, of course, be knocked about how you like. It is just a peg on which to hang things.' She reports that 'Collie' (i.e. Collie Knox) was pleased with Brooks's message, 'and sent most cordial ones back to you'. She concludes: 'We had an extremely pleasant lunch, and I shall look forward very much to meeting you again'.

[Richard Garnett, biographer and poet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Garnett') to 'Mrs. Epps', regarding the forthcoming visit of her party to the British Museum.

Richard Garnett (1835-1906), biographer and poet, Assistant Keeper of Printed Books in the British Museum
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Museum [London]. 'Saturday' [no date].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and spotted. Reads: 'Dear Mrs. Epps, | I shall be very glad to see you and your party this afternoon; or, if I am not able to be with you, an assistant shall meet you in the hall at 3.'

[Thomas Arnold, influential headmaster of Rugby School.] Commencementt of an Autograph Letter, written while touring the South of France, describing scenes. Presented to an autograph collector by Arnold's widow Mary.

Thomas Arnold (1795-1842), headmaster of Rugby School and pioneering educationalist; father of the poet Matthew Arnold [his wife, nee Mary Penrose]
Publication details: 
'Lyons, July 18th. [no year]'

On both sides of a 17.5 x 20.5 cm piece of wove paper cut from the first leaf of a letter, with 14 lines of text on the recto, and 20 lines of text on the verso. In fair condition, lightly aged, with two small labels used as mounts still adhering. Annotated at the head of the first page, in a small light hand, dating the letter by reference to Arnold's 'Memoirs', and explaining that the letter is written 'To Mrs. Arnold who gave me this | [?] from Her dear hand | Autumn 1860'. For the context of the letter see the Memoirs, 'Appendix C. | VIII. Tour in the South of France'.

[Hugh Gaitskell, Leader of the Labour Party.] Typed Letter Signed to 'Rowe', sending Christmas greetings.

Hugh Gaitskell [Hugh Todd Naylor Gaitskell] (1906-1963), Leader of the Labour Party
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Treasury Chambers, Great George Street, S.W.1. [London] 10 January 1951.

1p., 4to. The salutation 'My dear Rowe,' and the valediction 'Yours sincerely | Hugh Gaitskell' are in Gaitskell's autograph, written in red ink; the rest of the letter is typed. Aged and worn, with discoloration and a small insect crushed onto a blank part. Reads: 'Many thanks for your kind Christmas note and good wishes.

[Earl Grey and the Australian Constitutions Act 1850.] Privately-circulated printed transcript of the dispatch of Earl Grey to Sir Charles Augustus Fitzroy, Governor of New South Wales, dated 30 August 1850, explaining the details of the act.

Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey (1802-1894)] [Sir Frederick Peel (1823-1906), Liberal Liberal MP]
Publication details: 
No printer or date. [London: HMSO, circa 1850.] Letter dated 'Downing Street, | August 30, 1850.'

No other copy of the present document, which was privately printed by Her Majesty's Stationery Office for Grey, as Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, has been discovered. It certainly pre-dates the first publication of the dispatch in 1851. The dispatch is of high significance, being Grey's own explanation of the 'details' of a highly-significant 'measure' in the history of the Australian constitution. [12]pp, foolscap 8vo.

[Ballooning and Victorian Music Hall.] Anonymous Manuscript of the lyrics of two comic songs: 'Balooning [sic]' (inspired by a piece in Charles Dickens's 'Household Words') and Harry Sydney's 'It's just as well to take it in a quiet sort of way'.

[Ballooning and Victorian Music Hall; Harry Sydney, music hall artiste and songwriter; Charles Dickens and 'Household Words']
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London? Circa 1865.]

3pp., foolscap 8vo. On a bifolium of laid paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. The first poem, 'Balooning [sic]', covers both sides of the first leaf. No evidence has been discovered that this poem was ever published, but it is inspired by the exploits of 'Mr. Green' in a humorous essay titled 'Ballooning', which appeared in Charles Dickens's 'Household Words' on 25 October 1851. The choice of two phrases ('pipes & backy' and 'Mounted Meershaums') is given in the present manuscript, these variants perhaps suggesting that this item is authorial rather than a transcription.

[George Cruikshank, celebrated caricaturist, on Sir Charles Wheatstone and the 'Submarine Telegraph'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geoe Cruikshank') to C. Le Motte, describing Wheatstone's attempts to 'lay a wire across the Thames' and in Swansea.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), celebrated caricaturist, friend and illustrator of Charles Dickens [Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), inventor, pioneer of the submarine telegraph]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 263 Hampstead Road, N.W. [London] 17 October 1866.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. With Cruikshank's splendid sprawling signature. Addressed to 'C. Le Motte Esq' and beginning: 'Sir, | Professor Wheatstone did not lay the wire across the Thames as he proposed to do, on account of the “Trawling” in that River and also finding some trouble in obtaining permission from the Lord Mayor – as “Conservator of the Thames” - In 1840 he had all the plans and apparatus ready – and in 1844 he in company with the Member for Swansea [i.e.

[Matthew Arnold, poet and educationalist.] Autograph Signature with date.

Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), celebrated poet and critic
Publication details: 
1 February 1868. Place not stated.

In very good condition, on 12mo leaf, with light horizontal folds above and below the signature. Clearly written in response to a request for an autograph. Excellent underlined signature, firm and bold, centred on the page, and reading: 'Matthew Arnold. | February 1st, 1868.' Arnold is one of the great Victorian poets, author of 'Dover Beach' and 'The Scholar Gypsy'.

[Constantin François, Comte de Volney.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C Volney'), in English, to the publisher Sir Richard Phillips, discussing plans for a new London edition of his 'Ruins of Empires', previously translated by Thomas Jefferson.

Comte de Volney [Constantin François de Chassebœuf, Comte de Volney] (1757-1820), radical French politician [Sir Richard Phillips (1767-1840), author and publisher; Thomas Jefferson; Joel Barlow]
Publication details: 
Paris. 3 August 1818.

Volney's 'Ruines' (1791) was extremely influential, particularly in the United States. In 1796 Volney met Thomas Jefferson at Monticello to discuss Jefferson's plan to translate the book into English. Jefferson had completed the greater part of his translation by the time he mounted his 1800 bid for the presidency, at which point he handed over the project to Joel Barlow, who translated the last four chapters and, at Jefferson's request, put his name to the whole translation, which was published in 1801.

[Constantin François, Comte de Volney.] Autograph Note in the third person, 'au Ministre du tresor public', presenting a copy of his 'Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis'.

Comte de Volney [Constantin François de Chassebœuf, Comte de Volney] (1757-1820), radical French politician and friend of Thomas Jefferson
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Replied to on 25 October 1803.]

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. On bifolium with stub from mount adhering to blank second leaf. Neatly written and reading: 'Le Senateur Volney a l'honneur d'offrir au Ministre du tresor public, comme a l'un des juges les plus competens et les plus Eclairés l'examplaire ci-joint de Son Nouveau livre Tableau du climat et du Sol des Etats-unis D'Amerique | et leprie d'agreer des tres humbles civilités.' At the head of the page the recipient has written: 'Rep. 2o Br[umair]e. 12. [i.e.

[Hester Lynch Piozzi, 'Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale'.] Autograph Note in the third person to Dr. Perney, inviting him to visit 'to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh [i.e. Felix Janewicz] play on the Violin'.

Mrs Piozzi (born Hester Lynch Salusbury, then Hester Lynch Thrale, then Hester Lynch Piozzi] (1741-1821), diarist and friend of Dr Samuel Johnson [Rev. Dr John Anthony Perney (1781-1827)]
Publication details: 
'Steatham Park | Fryday [sic] 24.' [No year.]

Autograph Note in the third person. On one of 11 x 20 cm slip of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to reverse. Reads: 'Mrs. Piozzi's Coms. And if Dr. Perney is disengaged this Eveng & would like to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh play on the Violin She should be happy in his Company to Tea - - - and it would be very obliging in him to bring the Viol D'Amore with him. | Streatham Park | Friday 24.' Perney was domestic chaplain to the Earl of Coventry.

[ Transjordan; Hussein of Jordan; Arab Legion; Manuscript ] Substantial Holograph Assessment (three autograph manuscripts) of King Husain [sic] in 1959

Glubb Pasha [John Bagot Glubb soldier, scholar and author, who led and trained Transjordan's Arab Legion between 1939 and 1956 as its commanding general.]
Publication details: 
[ 1959 ]

'If he survives he may well be a great man at 40':Glubb Pasha gives his assessment of King Hussein of Jordan in 1959Three autograph documents by 'Glubb Pasha', giving a detailed and perceptive assessment of the character and situation of his erstwhile master King Hussein of Jordan (1935-1999), written to assist John Freeman (1915-2014) in preparing the interview with King Hussein broadcast in the BBC series 'Face to Face' on 1 January 1960. From the papers of the programme's producer Hugh Burnett (1924-2011).

[Hannah More and her sisters Sally and Patty.] Parts of Autograph Letters from the three sisters, each with signature ('H More', 'S More' and 'Martha More').

Hannah More (1745-1833), bluestocking, poet and playwright; her sisters Sarah More ('Sally', 1743-1819), and Martha More ('Patty', 1747-1819)
Publication details: 
None of the three with place or date.

Three slips of paper cut from letters. All in good condition, lightly aged, and each with minor evidence of previous mounting. ONE: Hannah More. On both sides of 4 x 15.5 cm slip. On one side: '[…] I am this moment come from Charlotte she is vastly well only her eyes have some remaining weknesses | Adieu my dear Madam believe me with all possible regard your ever obliged and affectionate | Servant | H More'. Other side: '[…] the good People here enough to be all concerned any of their judgment or their Actions where Taste has any thing to do.

[Henry Hallam, historian, responds indignantly to Dr Thomas Arnold's claim that he has made 'false quotations'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Hallam') [to Dr Thomas Arnold], defending himself against an allegation made in a lecture at Oxford.

Henry Hallam (1777-1859), English Whig historian [Dr Thomas Arnold (1795-1842), headmaster of Rugby School, and Regius Professor of History at Oxford]
Publication details: 
24 Wilton Crescent [London]. 28 February 1842.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with short closed tears at edges of some folds. An excellent letter, indignantly countering what must be the most serious accusation one historian can level against another, that of making 'false quotations'. The recipient is not named, but from the context is undoubtedly the Headmaster of Rugby School, Thomas Arnold, who since the previous year had held the Regius Professorship of History at Oxford, and would die four months later, on 12 June 1842.

[Kamehameha IV, King of Hawaii.] Autograph Letter in the third person, to the British Representative on Hawaii, W. W. F. Synge, declining 'Mr. Allan's invitation' and thanking him for the loan of a magazine.

Kamehameha IV [born Alexander ?Iolani Liholiho] (1834-1863), fourth King of Hawaii, 1855-1863 [William Webb Follett Synge (1826-1891), diplomat and author]
Publication details: 
'Hamaikamalama [sic] | Sunday Morning.' No date, but between 1861 and 1863.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Hamaikamalama [sic] | Sunday Morning. | The King wishes to acknowledge Mr. Synge's Kindness in sending him the “Saturday Review”, which will be returned after perusal. - | The King & Queen regret they cannot accept Mr. Allan's invitation to be of the morning's riding party. - | To H. B. M. Representative'. For information on the recipient William Webb Follett Synge, see his entry in the Oxford DNB.

[Edward Gordon, Lord Penrhyn, Scottish politician and industrialist in Wales.] Autograph Signature ('Penrhyn | Lord Lieutenant') to Commission appointing D. G. Griffiths to a captaincy in the Royal Carnarvon Rifle Militia.

Edward Gordon, Lord Penrhyn [Edward Gordon Douglas-Pennant, 1st Baron Penrhyn] (1800-1886), Scottish politician and Welsh industrialist [Captain David Glynne Griffith, Royal Carnarvon Rifle Militia]
Publication details: 
9 August 1870.

1p., foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. On bifolium, docketed on reverse of second leaf: 'Dated the 9th. August 1870. | The Right Honorable Edward Gordon Lord Penrhyn | to | Lieutenant D: G: Griffith | Commission promoting him to be Captain of and in the Royal Carnarvon Rifle Militia.' Added in another hand at foot: 'Gazetted 16th. Augt 1870.' . The twenty-four line commission (appointing Griffith 'vice Kneeshaw resigned) is in a secretarial hand, signed at the foot by Penrhyn.

[Francis G. Pease's photographs of space, used by Edwin Hubble to identify new galaxies.] Five framed photographic astronomical prints of images by Pease, taken from Mount Vernon. Owned by Charles Chilton ('Journey into Space').

Francis G. Pease [Francis Gladheim Pease] (1881-1938), American astronomer at the Mount Wilson Observatory, California [Edwin Hubble [Edwin Powell Hubble] (1889-1953); Charles Chilton (1917-2013)]
Publication details: 
Mount Wilson Observatory, Los Angeles County, California, USA. None of the prints dated (1940s?). Two of the five photographic images dated 1919.

Five black and white prints, all laid down on mount and in glass frame. Later prints (1940s) rather than the early silver gelatin ones. Each with manuscript caption at foot of mount, and Negative Number written in manuscript on reverse of frame. Each print in excellent condition. All five behind glass in worn plain black frames. From the papers of Charles Chilton, the creator and producer of the influential BBC Radio series 'Journey into Space' (1953-1958), which numbered among its admirers Stephen Hawking and Colin Pillinger.

[George Dyer, poet and English Jacobin, writes to the Earl of Buchan following a visit to his seat, Dryburgh Abbey, Berwickshire.] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed ('G Dyer'), discussing the preparation of his volume of poems and other topics.

George Dyer (1755-1841), poet and radical, leading English Jacobin, in circle of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Godwin, Lamb; David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan (1742-1829), Scottish antiquarian
Publication details: 
Cambridge. Undated, but written shortly before the publication of his poems in 1801.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin stub from mount neatly adhering. A long, closely written letter of 116 lines, including eight-line postscript at head of first page. Addressed by Dyer on reverse of second leaf: 'To Lord Buchan | Dryburgh Abbey | Berwickshire | Scotland.' Buchan has annotated the reverse of the second leaf: 'George Dyer | Characteristic | while I reasoned with George Dyer in my Library at Dryburgh Abbey on the Economy of Nature and the Providence of God, I said Heaven itself will one day bear witness to my Words.

['Wee Georgie Wood', i.e. George Wood, music hall performer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('George.') to 'C. B.' [impressario C. B. Cochran?], regarding two photographs and a 'cutting from the NY Daily Mirror'.

'Wee Georgie Wood', i.e. George Wood (1894-1979), popular English music hall performer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Savage Club, 1 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1. 25 September 1947.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight rust staining at head from paperclip. Reads: 'Dear C. B/ | Choice of two photographs with pleasure that you so flatter me as to want one. | Thought the enclosed cuttings from the NY Daily Mirror would interest you. Dont trouble to retain them. | Yours | George.' Wood was a screen and stage actor and comedian. A dwarf, he usually performed as a child. He wrote a weekly column in The Stage, and was a stalwart of the Savage Club. He is mentioned by John Lennon in the Beatles song 'Dig It'.

[John Cartier, English baritone.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to 'David', describing the 'hard-going' of his touring existence, and enclosing photographs for his 'enormous collection'.

John Cartier (c.1923-1997), English baritone, singer of Gilbert and Sullivan with the D'Oyly Carte
Publication details: 
All from 10 Rutherford House, Brady Street, London E1. 15 January 1974, and 5 March and 21 May 1975.

First two letters 1p., 4to; third letter 2pp., 4to. All three signed 'John Cartier'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. In the last letter he states that he has received the 'envelopes', and has 'distributed them round to various singers and musicians who will eventually, I am sure, be sending you a photograph with best wishes'. He apologises for being unable to invite him to visit: 'You see, this is a very tiny flat and, in fact, I am very seldom here for any length of time as my work means continual journeying from place to place for concerts and shows.

[Muley Ali ben Abdeslam, Shareef of Wazan.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Muley Ali Cherif H. de Wazan'), in English, to Lady Green, regarding her gift of a hunting dog, with an Autograph Note Signed to Lady Green from his brother 'Muley Ahmed de Wazan'.

Muley Ali ben Abdeslam, Shareef of Wazan, husband of Emily Keene (1849-1949), Shareefa of Wazan [his brother Muley Ahmed; Tangier, Morocco]
Publication details: 
Both letters from Tangier. Muley Ali's dated 18 July 1893. Muley Ahmed's 23 January 1895.

The two letters in good condition, both laid down on pieces of card cut from an album.`ONE: ALS from 'Muley Ali Cherif H. de Wazan' to Lady Green. 1p., 12mo. Reads: 'Dear Lady Green | Thank you for the dog you were so kind as to send me. I find he is very good for hunting rabbits, a sport I am devoted to, It is most kind of you to promise to take care of him while I am away.' TWO: ANS from 'Muley Ahmed de Wazan'. 1p., 12mo. In purple ink. 'Dear Lady Green | I will arrange the affair you mentioned in your letter of yesterday. With compliments | Your's sincerely'.

[Robert Ranulph Marett, Oxford ethnologist and archaeologist, on 'Women anthropologists' and Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. R. Marett') to 'Mr. Westlake' [Ernest Westlake], regarding his daughter's desire to study anthropology at Oxford.

R. R. Marett [Robert Ranulph Marett] (1866-1943), Oxford ethnologist and archaeologist, exponent of the British Evolutionary School of cultural anthropology [Ernest Westlake (1855-1922)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of La Haule Manor, Jersey. 11 August 1915.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with rust-spotting at foot and to one margin. An interesting document relating to the early days of women's admission to British universities. The recipient is the geologist Ernest Westlake (1855-1922), and the subject is his daughter Margaret Agnes Westlake, who would become a diploma student at St Hugh's. Westlake's papers are held at the Museum of Natural History, Oxford. Marett thinks it is 'a bother about your daughter not being able to enter Somerville, but Somerville is not Oxford'.

[BBC General Television Training Course, 1958.] Folder compiled by the producer Charles Chilton, containing documents (typescripts and forms) relating to the course, headed by Andrew Miller Jones, another attendee being the poet Louis MacNeice.

BBC General Television Training Course, 1958, headed by Andrew Miller Jones (1910-1994), Chief Television Instructor [Charles Chilton (1917-2013), producer; Louis MacNeice (1907-1963), poet]
Publication details: 
The British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC], London. April to June 1958.

A significant document in the history of BBC Television, casting valuable light on production practices and internal procedure in the years following the end of the BBC's television monopoly. From the papers of distinguished producer Charles Chilton (1917-2013), best known for his radio series 'Journey into Space' and association with the Goon Show. The present item relates to the first of the BBC Television Training Courses.

[ Transjordan; Hussein of Jordan; Arab Legion; Manuscript ] Substantial Holograph Assessment (three autograph manuscripts) of King Husain [sic] in 1959

Glubb Pasha [John Bagot Glubb soldier, scholar and author, who led and trained Transjordan's Arab Legion between 1939 and 1956 as its commanding general.]
Publication details: 
[ 1959 ]

'If he survives he may well be a great man at 40':Glubb Pasha gives his assessment of King Hussein of Jordan in 1959Three autograph documents by 'Glubb Pasha', giving a detailed and perceptive assessment of the character and situation of his erstwhile master King Hussein of Jordan (1935-1999), written to assist John Freeman (1915-2014) in preparing the interview with King Hussein broadcast in the BBC series 'Face to Face' on 1 January 1960. From the papers of the programme's producer Hugh Burnett (1924-2011).

[Letter from William Hayley ('Blake's Hayley') to Miss Harriet Poole of Chichester, franked by the Earl of Egremont.] Unsigned Autograph letter from Hayley to 'Miss Poole' regarding 'the Sheffield Travellers'. Franked 'Egremont'.

William Hayley (1745-1820), English author, friend of William Cowper and William Blake; George Wyndham (1751-1837), 3rd Earl of Egremont [Miss Harriet Poole of Chichester]
Publication details: 
London. 3 February 1795.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. Franked on the other side, with broken seal in red wax and postmark: 'London Feby: the 3 1795 | Miss Poole | Chichester | Egremont'. Unsigned, and in Hayley's untidy hand. Reads: 'Tuesday | 5 oclock | I have not been able to call on the Sheffield Travellers today but having caught a Frank from my noble Friend of Petworth I will dispatch my Servant without losing another post | adio'. Hayley later introduced his friend Miss Harriet Poole (‘the Lady of Lavant’) to William Blake, who would join him on visits to her villa in Lavant.

[Evelyn Waugh and the John Freeman interview on 'Face to Face'.] Producer Hugh Burnett's copy of the full transcript (by 'HMB') of the interview, featuring eight passages which do not appear to have been broadcast.

Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966), novelist; John Freeman (1915-2014), Labour MP and broadcaster; Hugh Burnett (1924-2011), producer; BBC TV series 'Face to Face']
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but with 'tv 26.6.60' [i.e. interview broadcast by the BBC, London, 26 June 1960].

This is the transcript of John Freeman's celebrated interview of Evelyn Waugh, broadcast in the BBC series 'Face to Face' on 26 June 1960. The Waugh interview is not among those which feature in Burnett's book 'Face to Face' (Jonathan Cape, 1964) and has never been published. Waugh was apprehensive about the interview, writing beforehand to his friend Tom Driberg, who knew Freeman from his time as a fellow Labour MP: ‘I have let myself in for cross-examination on Television by a man named Major Freeman who I am told was a colleague of yours in the Working Class Movement.

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