[George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer, politician and bibliophile.] Document in a secretarial hand, signed 'Spencer', to a peer, regarding 'the pay and allowances to the Lamerton and Milton Abbott Corps'.

George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834), politician and bibliophile, first President of the Roxburghe Club, owner of the Althorp Library (now at the John Rylands Library in Manchester)
Publication details: 
Whitehall. 15 April 1806.

1p., 8vo. Slight damp damage along left-hand margin, otherwise in fair condition. Reads: 'My Lord, | I have been honoured with your Lordship's Letter of this day's date; and I will lose no time in giving fresh authority to the Secretary at War to issue the pay and allowances to the Lamerton and Milton Abbott Corps, according to the amended return now transmitted to me by your Lordship.' Docketed on reverse.

[James Bertrand Payne, fraudster who brought down the London publishing house Edward Moxon & Co.] Four Autograph Letters Signed to H. Cholmondeley-Pennell, one explaining his retirement from the firm, and two about Pennell's book 'Crescent'.

James Bertrand Payne (1833-1898), editor, author and fraudster [Henry Cholmondeley-Pennell (1837-1915), poet and writer on angling]
Publication details: 
The first two on letterhead 44 Dover Street, Piccadilly, London, W. [i.e. the premises of Edward Moxon & Co.], 17 and 26 October 1868. The third from The Grange, Brompton, 22 February 1869. The fourth with no place, 23 May 1869.

The four letters are in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Written in Payne's neat and mannered hand, and all four signed 'J Bertrand Payne'. For the background to the correspondence see Jim Cheshire's article 'The Fall of the House of Moxon', Victorian Poetry, Spring 2012. Payne was manager of the London publishing house Edward Moxon & Co., celebrated for their association with poets.

[Rebecca West, author and journalist.] Autograph Card Signed ('R. W.') to John M[?] of the BBC, postponing arrangements due to illness. With Autograph Note by Rex Moorfoot.

Rebecca West [Dame Cicely Isabel Fairfield (1892-1983)], author and journalist [Rex Moorfoot (1921-1994), BBC producer and broadcaster]
Publication details: 
Card with letterhead of Ibstone House, Ibstone, near High Wycombe, Bucks. Postmark date 21 August 1951.

In fair condition, lightly aged, with punch holes for ring binder. Addressed to 'John M[?] Esq. | (Far Eastern Section) | B.B.C. | 200 Oxford St | London W'. Text reads 'Alas, I have been ill with a virus infection and am going to France for a holiday with Henry, who has been ill too, and I don't think I had better undertake anything. Can I leave it till I come back – that will be at the end of September? | R. W.' In addition to two date stamps and a reference number the card carries two initialled manuscript notes on the address side.

[Dame Edith Sitwell and John Freeman's 'Face to Face' BBC TV interview. ] Two items: Autograph Letter Signed ('Edith Sitwell') to producer Hugh Burnett; & Typescript (printer's copy) of the section on the interview in Burnett's book of the series.

Dame Edith Sitwell (1887-1964), iconic poet and critic [Hugh Burnett; John Freeman; Face to Face, BBC Television series]
Publication details: 
Letter with letterhead of Renishaw Hall, near Sheffield, in envelope on which Sitwell gives her address as Castello di Montegufoni, Montagnana, Val di Peso [near Florence, Italy]. 18 August 1959. Typescript undated (for book published in 1964).

Two items relating to Sitwell's interview with John Freeman (1915-2014), broadcast in the BBC series 'Face to Face' on 6 May 1959. The two items are from the papers of the programme's producer Hugh Burnett (1924-2011). ONE: Autograph Letter Signed to Burnett. Signed 'Edith Sitwell'. On letterhead of Renishaw Hall, Renishaw, nr. Sheffield. 18 August 1959. 3pp., 12mo. In envelope with Italian stamp and postmark, addressed by Sitwell to 'Hugh Burnett, Esqre. | Television Studio | Lime Grove | London. W.12'.

[The Campden Hill Club, London.] Three manuscript volumes, comprising minute book, day book and visitors book to the Club's exhibition at Leighton House, with signature of Duncan Grant, Roy Plomley and others.

The Campden Hill Club, London [Sir Miles Fletcher de Montmorency (1893-1963), Chairman, writer and art historian; Byan Shaw; Vicat Cole; Leighton House, Kensington]
Publication details: 
The Campden Hill Club, London. Minute Book, 1946-1958; Day Book, 1956-1972; Leighton House Visitors book, 1958-1976.

The Campden Hill Club was founded in 1907, 'in affectionate memory of Byam Shaw, and as a tribute to his teaching', and comprised, according to the Studio magazine in 1922, 'mainly of past and present students of the Byam Shaw and Vicat Cole School of Art, with which it keeps closely and stimulatingly in touch'. The three items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn bindings. ONE (Visitors Book, 1958-1976): 190pp., 4to. Ruled notebook bound in red cloth, with 'Visitors' stamped in gilt on the front cover.

[Philip Hofer, book collector and curator at the Houghton Library, Harvard University.] Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Note Signed to Stephen Harrison, regarding his collection of drawings by Edward Lear

Philip Hofer (1898-1984), book collector and founder of the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts in the Houghton Library of Harvard University [Stephen Harrison; Edward Lear]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of The Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Autograph letter dated 19 October 1966. Typed note dated 28 November 1966.

See Hofer's obituary in the New York Times, 12 October 1984, in which it is stated that 'Mr. Hofer, who was secretary of the Fogg Museum at Harvard for 12 years, was a recognized book collector focusing on 18th-century German, Iberian and Italian publications. Mr. Hofer put together an Italian book collection considered the finest outside Italy. | Konrad Oberhuber, professor of fine arts at Harvard, said of Mr. Hofer: ''He was one of the most farsighted collectors that Harvard ever had. [...]”'. Two airmail letters, both in good condition.

[Richard Bentley, London publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed to Leicester Buckingham, regarding his 'Life of Mary Queen of Scots'.

Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London publisher for whom Charles Dickens edited 'Bentley's Miscellany' [Leicester Silk Buckingham (1825-1867), dramatist and author]
Publication details: 
New Burlington Street [London]. 11 May 1855.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Leicester Buckingham Esq'. Bentley writes that the matter of Buckingham's life of Mary Queen of Scots is 'just now brought to [his] attention'. 'If you are passing this way any day between 12 and 2 o'C you will be sure to find me, or my son, who will be able to discuss the subject with you'. He finds that he 'paid to Mr Wageman for a copy of the Miniature of the Queen executed for yuou at your desire, £3 . 3. 0', and asks to be sent this.

[Sir Joseph Prestwich writes to his successor in the Chair of Geology at Oxford, Alexander Henry Green.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Prestwich') to 'Professor Green', regarding the plates of his book 'Geology'.

Sir Joseph Prestwich (1812-1896), geologist [Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), Prestwich's successor as Oxford Professor of Geology]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Darent-Hulme, Shoreham, Sevenoaks. 1 May 1889.

The previous year Green had succeeded Prestwich in the Chair of Geology at Oxford. In the same year the second volume of Prestwich's 'Geology' was published for the University by the Clarendon Press, the first volume having appeared in 1886. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. The subject of the letter is 'the plates of “Geology”', with Prestwich writing that his 'only object is to make the book useful in as many ways as possible.

[Tania Long of the New York Times writes from wartime London on 'queue psychology' in Britain and America.] Typed Letter Signed ('Tania Long Daniell') to Punch editor E. V. Knox, in connection with an article being commissioned from him.

Tania Long [Tania Long Daniell] (1913-1998), American journalist and war correspondent [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971, 'Evoe'), editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the London bureau of the New York Times, Savoy Hotel, London WC2. 24 May 1943.

Long's obituary in the New York Times, 6 September 1998, describes her as 'war correspondent for The New York Herald Tribune and The New York Times who covered the London blitz and the Nuremburg trials' and 'one of only a few women who were correspondents in World War II'. She had joined the New York Herald Tribune's London bureau in 1941, and subsequently married Raymond Daniell, chief of the New York Times's London bureau, joining that newspaper as a reporter in February 1942.

[James Sant, RA, portrait painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas: Sant') to 'Miss Nolan', requesting to see the daughter of 'Mrs Horsfall', whom he has arranged to paint.

James Sant (1820-1916), RA, portrait painter noted for his images of women and children, and studies of childhood
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 43 Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, W. [London] 10 May [no year].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Presumably written to the governess of a child he had arranged to paint. Reads: 'Madam | I have Mrs. Horsfall's permission to ask if you could make it convenient that I should see her little daughter tomorrow at ¼ past 2 oC – for the purposes of arranging sittings for her portrait.'

[John Percy, metallurgist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Percy') to society homeopathist, making a long transcription from his 'Metallurgy of Lead'.

John Percy (1817-1889), metallurgist, lecturer on metallurgy at Woolwich Arsenal [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885), society homeopathist]
Publication details: 
1 Gloucester Crescent, Paddington. 26 May 1885.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Addressed to 'Dear Dr.' and written in a neat and close hand. He gives a 22-line transcription of 'the extract [] from my vol[um]e. on Lead, p.177, published in 1870', headed 'Refining or Cupellation'.

[Marshal d'Albret, French soldier and court gallant during the reign of Louis XIV.] Autograph Signature ('Le Ma[resch]al d'Albret') on part of document.

Marshal d'Albret [César Phoebus d'Albret, comte de Miossens] (1614-1676), French soldier, a Marshal of France under Louis XIV, and court gallant
Publication details: 
Dated 1671.

2.5 x 11.5 cm slip of paper, laid down on part of leaf from album, with d'Albret's autograph dating ('i67i') on 1.5 x 6 cm slip laid down below it. In good condition, lightly aged. The valediction of a letter, written in an undisciplined hand.

[ Nineteenth-century Swiss architecture. ] Volume of 'Skizzen & Notizen' by 'G. Samuel Senn', containing numerous original architectural tracings, diagrams, illustrations, calculations, and manuscript text 'Bauvertrage, Akkörde und Akkordbedingungen'

G. Samuel Senn, architectural student [ Zofingen, Switzerland ]
Publication details: 
[ Zofingen, Switzerland? ] Between 1846 and 1850.

Around 280pp., small 4to (20.5 x 16 cm). In bulky notebook with marbled boards and label on front cover: 'Skizzen & Notizen | von | Samuel Senn. | 1848.' Internally in fair condition, shaken, on aged and worn paper. In heavily-worn binding with spine almost rubbed away and front cover coming loose. An attractive and impressive volume, crammed with detailed tracings, diagrams, illustrations and plans of architectural features, projections, patterns and ornaments, most in fine pen and a few in colour. Most of the tracings have been laid down, with a few folding out.

[Horace Sequeira, actor, portrait painter and make-up artist.] Four items: Autograph Duologue titled 'Seeing the Coronation'; duplicated duologue titled 'A Quiet Day's Sketching in Sussex'; and two price lists.

Horace Sequeira (1887-1973), actor, make-up artist, portrait painter [Old Vic and Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London]
Publication details: 
All four undated (one circa 1953 and the others earlier). One item from 5 Belsize Crescent, Hampstead, NW3 [London], and two others from 17 Welbeck Mansions, Inglewood Rd, NW6.

Sequeira was born in Aldgate. In the years following his service in the London Regiment during the First World War, he acted in Shakespeare at the Old Vic, and he would continue as an actor into the age of film and television. In addition to acting Sequeira taught (including a youthful Peter Cushing) at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, painted, and in 1953 published a book on stage make-up. The present four items, all undated, are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Autograph duologue titled 'Seeing the Coronation'. 5pp., foolscap 8vo. With revised conclusion, 1p., 12mo.

[Franz von Defregger, Austrian artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Defregger'), in German, to Julius Bondi of Salzburg, regarding the high demand for his paintings and his eye problems.

Franz von Defregger [Franz Defregger] (1835-1921), Austrian genre and history painter [Julius Bondi (1865-1920) of Salzburg]
Publication details: 
[Munich postmark.] 6 February 1918.

2pp., 12mo. In envelope, with postmarks, addressed to 'Herrn Julius Bondi | Sekretär | in Salzburg | Schlachtofgasse 19'. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, with minor staining from mount labels. Both letter and envelope carry Defregger's printed monogram 'F v D'. The item is offered with an English translation, according to which Defregger claims that demand for his pictures 'has never before been so high as in recent years', and that he has 'totally sold out of them apart from my personal collection'. He is also 'very much behind' with commissions as a result of his eye problems.

[Emilia Francis, Lady Dilke, and her adulterous husband Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke.] Autograph Signatures ('Charles W. Dilke' and 'Emilia F. S. Dilke'), made together for an autograph hunter after the Crawford Scandal.

Emilia Francis, Lady Dilke [née Strong] (1840-1904), English author, art historian, feminist and trade unionist; her second husband Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke (1843-1911), Radical Liberal politician
Publication details: 
Dated by Lady Dilke 'Newham | 10 June | 1891'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Charles W. Dilke. | Emilia F. S. Dilke | Newnham | 10 June | 1891'. Written after the celebrated Crawford Scandal of 1886, which resulted in Dilke losing his seat in parliament, and becoming a music-hall figure of fun as a result of the revelations of his adulterous behaviour.

[Florence O'Driscoll, Irish nationalist politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Willie', a moving letter of condolence on the death of his father.

Florence O'Driscoll (1858-1939), Irish nationalist politiician and member of the British parliament
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 18 Gower Street, W.C. [London] 10 December 1888.

By profession a mining engineer, O'Driscoll was the Irish National Federation (Anti-Parnellite) MP for the South Monaghan constituency between 1892 and 1895. 2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight patch of discoloration at the head of the second page. Despite the author's statement to the contrary, an eloquent and moving letter of condolence. Addressing his letter to 'My dear Willie', O'Driscoll sends his sympathies on the death of the recipient's father. 'I feel old man that I have a poor way of expressing myself.

[Sir Robert Peel, Troy Prime Minister.] Beginning of Autograph Letter in the third person, written while Prime Minister to Messrs Hanbury Taylor & Co'.

Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), Tory Prime Minister and creator of the Metropolitan Police ('Peelers')
Publication details: 
Whitehall [London]. 22 June 1844.

On one side of a 7.5 x 11 cm piece of paper, cut from the top of a letter. In good condition, lightly aged, and laid down on part of a leaf removed from an album. Reads 'Whitehall | June 22. 1844 | Sir Robert Peel requests Mess. Hanbury Taylor & Co [...]'. Written during his second ministry, 1841-1846, and after the Tamworth Manifesto of 1834, which brought into being the modern Conservative Party.

[William Gorman Wills, Irish dramatist, novelist and painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W G Wills') to 'Chepmell' [i.e. the society homeopathist Edward Charles Chepmell], expressing thanks for 'the cure you accomplished'.

W. G. Wills [William Gorman Wills], Irish dramatist, novelist and painter [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885), society homeopathist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Garrick Club [London]. No date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition. He has 'from week to week been purposing a visit to you to express my gratitude & sincere thanks for your kindness to me & the cure you accomplished'. He can only write his thanks, having been overwhelmed by 'the arrears of work that followed my illness', and leaving for Paris the following day.

[Malcolm Osborne, distinguished British printmaker.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Malcolm Osborne.') to 'Codner' [the artist Maurice Frederick Codner], regarding their ocular afflications, and Codner's need for information about printing an engraving.

Malcolm Osborne (1880-1963), RA, printmaker and President of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers [Maurice Frederick Codner (1888-1958), artist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 44 Redcliffe Gardens, South Kensington, SW10 [London]. 23 July 1939.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter has two themes. First, the condition of Osborne's eye following his departure from the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and treatment for amoebic dysentery. ('I have been away in Worcestershire having a slack time on a fruit farm. On my return I must have used the eye more than it could stand, and it became inflamed badly. […] I do hope your eye is now behaving itself and that you will soon be out of the doctor's hands and able to resume your work.

[Pavel Tchelitchew, Russian surrealist painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Pavel') to 'My dear, dear Sweet Stephen' [Stephen Tennant?], regarding his love of Italy, theatre design in America, Lincoln Kirstein and Osbert Sitwell.

Pavel Tchelitchew (1898-1957), Russian émigré surrealist painter, set designer and costume designer [Lincoln Kirstein; Osbert Sitwell; Stephen Tennant]
Publication details: 
'Lecourbe 43 – 65, 2 rue Jacques Mawas, Paris.' 23 April 1953.

2pp., 4to. Aged and worn, but legible. A splendid effervescent letter, highly characteristic, written in demotic English in a close unruly hand. Tchelitchew was a close friend (lover?) of Edith Sitwell, and in addition to her brother Osbert, the letter contains references to Lincoln Kirstein (1907-1996), influential figure in New York culture, founder with George Balanchine of the New York City Ballet and the School of American Ballet, and the book he was writing on Tchelitchew, as well as to Tchelitchew's partner the writer Charles Henry Ford (1908-2002).

[ Reginald Hill, crime writer ] Five Autograph Postcards and Cards Signed (all pictorial) "Reg" to Hunter Davies, author and journalist, and friend since childhood

Reginald Hill, crime writer (1936-2012)
Publication details: 
'Oakbank'. Broad Oak, Ravenglass, Cumbria, 3 dated (1994, 2000, 2011).

Three Postcards Signed, and two (folding) cards) with between 6-21 lines of writing. Good-humoured tone, with references to a novel published by "Margaret" [Forster, Davies's wife] which has given him an idea for a detective novel, a self-deprecating comment ("insecure jumped up northern grammer school lad"), reflection on how well he and friends have dome (no "jail-bait failures"), news of a death, a White Christmas, a plan for a "double-act at Keswick", treatment for illness (2011), etc.

[Sir Edgar MacCulloch, Bailiff of Guernsey, folklorist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edgar MacCulloch') to 'Chepmell' [society homeopathist Edward Charles Chepmell], discussing the arrangements for his forthcoming adoubement.

Sir Edgar MacCulloch (1808-1896), Bailiff of Guernsey, expert in Guernsey Folklore, and founding member of La Société Guernesiaise [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885), society homeopathist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Tavistock Hotel, London. 30 April 1886.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. He begins by thanking him for his 'kind note and ticket for the Private View at the Academy'. He explains that he 'must pay a visit to the Home Office at noon to report myself', and from there he will find his way to Burlington House. He hopes 'to learn from Mr Childers or one of the Under-secretaries when there is a likelihood of a day being fixed by the Queen for dubbing knights, and am in hopes that it may not be far distant, as I don't wish to be kept here for any lengthened time.' He explains that he came up to London 'on Genl.

[Collie Knox, the Daily Mail's 'star writer', bemoans his sacking from his £4000 a year job.] Typed Letter Signed ('Collie') with Autograph postscript, to Fleet Street editor Collin Brooks, discussing the circumstances of his dismissal.

Collie Knox [Columb Thomas Knox] (1899-1977), popular BBC broadcaster and Daily Mail journalist [Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist and Fleet Street editor]
Publication details: 
Whin Cottage, Beechy Leees, Otford, near Sevenoaks, Kent. (On cancelled letterhead of the Daily Mail, London.) 23 January 1941.

See Knox's obituary, Times, 4 May 1977 (which refers to 'some passages at arms' he had at the BBC with Sir John Reith). 3pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor staining from paperclip. An interesting glimpse into the world of Fleet Street 'big salaries' during the war period. He begins: 'My dear Collin Brooks, | A letter such as yours, from a man such as yourself for whom I have so strong a personal, and professional, regard comes as a gleam of blue in a darkish sky.' He proceeds to bemoan his sacking by the Daily Mail: 'Yes, it is a bad business.

[Francis Crawford Burkitt, Norris Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C Burkitt') to 'Mr Bushell' [W. D. B ushell, Chaplain of Harrow], on his election as professor, regarding his theological position.

F. C. Burkitt [Francis Crawford Burkitt] (1864-1935), theologian and scholar, Norris Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge [William Done Bushell (1838-1917), Chaplain of Harrow School;
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St Keynes, Cambridge. 14 November 1905.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. A long and interesting letter, describing in detail his position on his election as Cambridge Professor of Divinity. He begins by thanking him for writing, adding: 'You can imagine that we are feeling just now quite beside ourselves.' He agrees with him that 'the Professorship is a great responsibility to a layman'. He continues: 'The Heads have elected me, knowing that their choice represents a definite endorsement of what may be called in newspapers “free, advanced criticism”.

[ Fred Astaire ] Signature on detached leaf of an autograph album.

Fred Astaire, dancing film star
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Detached leaf of an autograph album, 12 x 9.5cm, beige, one edge roughened, good condition.

[Isabella Petrie Mills, Manchester suffragist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Isabella Petrie-Mills') to 'Mr Matthews' of Rochdale, reminiscing about her family and discussing her health.

Isabella Petrie Mills (b.c.1827; fl. 1916), suffragist, wife of the banker John Mills (1821-1896), President, Manchester Statistical Society; daughter of Rochdale engineer John Petrie (1792-1883)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Coniston, Hale, Nr. Altrincham. 2 October 1916.

In 1899 Mrs Mills published a biography of her husband, titled 'From Tinder Box to Larger Light'. See the references to her in Crawford, 'Women's Suffrage Movement' (2003), and Daley and Nolan, 'Suffrage and Beyond' (1994), the latter work containing a reference to a meeting with Frederick Douglass. Her father, as she states in this letter, was 'John Petrie of South St Rochdale' (Petrie (1792-1883) was a Belfast-born engineer). 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[Sir Donald MacAlister, physician, Chancellor of Glasgow University.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Donald MacAlister') to the 'Warden' [A. R. F. Hyslop, Warden of Trinity College, Glenalmond], giving details of his planned movements over the coming days

Sir Donald MacAlister (1854-1934), Scottish physician, Chancellor of Glasgow University, President of the General Medical Council. member of the Cambridge Apostles [A. R. F. Hyslop]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The University, Glasgow.] 23 July 1908.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'My dear Warden', and sending his 'kind regards to Mrs Hyslop & yourself', and so addressed to Rev. Archibald Richard Frith Hyslop (1866-1926), Warden of Trinity College, Glenalmond. He has received Hyslop's letter on his 'return from a Highland visit'. He gives his reasons for having to leave early on the following Monday and Tuesday (a journey to Perth and another to Oban).

[Lady Margaret Sackville, poet and lover of Ramsay MacDonald; book] Presentation inscription on copy of her 'The Double House and other poems'.

Margaret Sackville [Lady Margaret Sackville (1881-1963), poet and children's author, first President of the Poetry Society, lover of Labour prime minister Ramsay MacDonald]
Publication details: 
1935. Williams & Norgate Ltd, London. [The Whitefriars Press Ltd, London and Tonbridge.]

32pp., 12mo. In blue-green card wraps with light blue-green printed label on front cover. In good condition, lightly aged. Florid ownership inscription in thick black ink at front: 'Margaret (Sackville) | to | Henrietta | with love | 1936.' A question mark has been deleted in one poem, presumably by Sackville. Twenty-four poems in the Georgian idiom, some of which had previously appeared in Country Life, Chamber's Journal, Observer, Harper's Bazaar abd the Glasgow Herald. Now uncommon. Six copies on COPAC.

[Sir Charles Trevelyan and the Union of Democratic Control.] Typed Letter Signed ('Charles Trevelyan') to 'Mr. Armstrong [the journalist George Gilbert Armstrong]', offering to review his book.

Sir Charles Trevelyan (1870-1958), Liberal politician, one of the founders of the Union of Democratic Control, prominent group opposing the First World War [George Gilbert Armstrong (1870-1945)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Union of Democratic Control, 37 Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. London. 31 March 1916.

1p., 4to. Aged and creased, with closed tears and damage to extremities. He will be 'very glad if you will instruct Allen's to send me a copy of your book. I will review it, though I cannot promise to do it in any particular month for the "U.D.C".' The organisation will be glad to 'enclose a number of your circulars, if you will have them sent. Not more than a thousand.'

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