Autograph Letter Signed ('J. de la Gournerie') to 'Monsieur Pingard'.

Jules de la Gournerie [Jules Antoine René Maillard de la Gournerie] (1814-1883), French mathematician and engineer, member of the Académie des Sciences
Publication details: 
27 October 1875; Martigné.

16mo, 3 pp. Text clear and entire on aged, creased paper. In French. He was not able to go to the Académie on the day the tickets were distributed for the 'Séance annuelle des beaux arts'. He asks for his two tickets to be sent to his friend 'M. Canon', a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique. Canon's address ('29 Rue Jean de Beauvais') in another hand on otherwise-blank verso of second leaf of bifolium.

Letter, in a secretarial hand, in French, with what is said to be the illegible signature of Lacretelle [to Lenormand?].

Charles Lacretelle le jeune [Jean Charles Dominique de Lacretelle] (1766-1855), historian [Léonce Lenormand, editor of the 'Journal de Saône-et-Loire']
Publication details: 
1 September 1853; place not stated.

12mo, 2 pp, 32 lines. Good. Docketed in a nineteenth-century hand in pencil in top left-hand corner 'Lacretelle (Charles) à Lenormand, réd. du J. de Saone & Loire à Mâcon' and in another hand 'Acad. Fr'. Asks to be verbally informed of the news of 'Mr. Ochier, à supposer qu'il vous eut enfin révélé le motif de son long silence au milieu des prodiges qui s'opérent aujourd'hui pour les moyens de communication entre les deux hémisphères, je n'aurais jamais pensé que celle de Mâcon et de Cluny, présentassent de telles difficultés'.

Four lines in autograph on his calling card as 'Depute, Sous-Secretaire d'Etat à la Justice'.

Félix Jules Méline [Felix Jules Meline] (1838-1925), French Prime Minister, 1896-1898
Publication details: 

Card dimensions 6 x 10.5 cm. Good: lightly aged and with crease to top left-hand corner. Printed text reads 'Jules Méline, Deputé, Sous-Secrétaire d'Etat a la Justice. 84, Boulevard St. Garmain'. The autograph note, in French, is addressed to 'Mon cher ami', whom he addresses as 'tu'. He apologises for having neglected his correspondent's letter among his correspondence. 'Viens me voir à la chancellerie un matin; tu es sûre de me trouver mardi.' Thanks him for his 'bonnes félicitations'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Lalanne') to 'Monsieur Sisson' ('Mon cher capitaine').

Léon Lalanne [Léon Louis Chrétien Lalanne] (1811-1892), French engineer and mathematician [or, I'm told, his brother!]
Publication details: 
9 February [no year]; no place.

12mo, 2 pp, 11 lines. Concerns the 'porteur de ce billet', a 'M. Laudet', who has been the victim of 'un affreux malentendu'. 'Le malheureux perdait sa femme au moment où il manquait une garde'.

Document, in French, in a secretarial hand, signed by Méline ('J. Méline'), as Minister of Agriculture, to 'Monsieur Bailly, A.N. Président de la Société des Artistes Français | au Palais des Champs Elysées (porte 4).'

Félix Jules Méline [Felix Jules Meline] (1838-1925), French Prime Minister, 1896-1898 [Antoine-Nicolas Louis Bailly (1810-1892), French architect]
Publication details: 
26 April 1884; Paris, on letterhead of the Ministry of Agriculture.

8vo, 1 p. On aged paper, with wear and closed tears to extremities. Good, clear signature. Thanking Bailly for the 'cartes' and the 'lettres d'invitation' to the 'Salon de 1884'.

Letter in a secretarial hand, Signed by Méline ('J. Méline') as 'Président du Conseil' and 'Ministre de l'Agriculture', to 'Monsieur le Général Tournier | Secrétaire Général de la Présidence de la République'.

Félix Jules Méline [Felix Jules Meline] (1838-1925), French Prime Minister, 1896-1898 [Tournier]
Publication details: 
13 February 1897; Paris, on letterhead of 'République Française | Présidence du Conseil | Cabinet du Président'.

8vo, 1 p, 13 lines. Very good on lightly aged and creased paper. Docketed in red pencil in another hand. Lists the names of three couples, 'appartenant au cercle de mes relations', who would dearly like to receive 'invitations pour les fétes données au Palais de l'Elysee'. Méline would be 'vivement heureux' if Tournier could give 'satisfaction' to this desire. A good firm signature on a document written during Méline's term as French President.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Legentil') to 'Monsieur Tessier, Secretaire de la Société des Inventeurs 16 Rue N/Dame des Victoires'.

Charles Legentil, Parisian industrialist (Chambre de Commerce, 1831-1855; Régent de la Banque de France,1844-1855)
Publication details: 
12 September 1846; Paris.

4to, 1 p, 18 lines. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper with a few closed tears along folds. Written in French. He regrets that he cannot respond to the appeal that Tessier has made on behalf of the Société des Inventeurs. When he retired from business he thought he would have 'des moments de loisir', but the experience of each day teaches him the contrary, and his time has never been so occupied.

Autograph Note Signed ('E. de Jonquieres'), on visiting card, to 'Monsieur Lalanne, Conservateur de la Bibliothèque de l'Institut'.

Ernest de Jonquières (1820-1901), French naval officer and mathematician [Léon Lalanne [Léon Louis Chrétien Lalanne] (1811-1892), French engineer and mathematician]
Publication details: 
9 July 1886; Paris.

Written on both sides of the card, dimensions 5.5 x 9 cm. Good, with a little light scuffing on the front. Communication between two leading lights of French nineteenth-century mathematics. Printed text reads 'VICE-AMIRAL DE JONQUIERES | MEMBRE DE L'INSTITUT | AVENUE BUGEAUD, 2'. Asks Lalanne to 'inscrire Monsieur Bonnaffé, lauréat de l'Institut, parmi les lecteurs'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Costaz') to 'Monsieur Dupont' and his son.

Baron Louis Costaz (1767-1842), French mathematician and engineer
Publication details: 
19 October 1841; Mousseau.

12mo, 1 p, 12 lines. Inviting 'M.M. Dupont, père et fils' to help him eat 'le civet d'un lievre qui a eu la Bêtise de se laisser tuer par une femme du hameau du Mousseau'.

Autograph Letter to 'Monsieur Delacroix'.

Michel Alcan (1811-1877), 'ingénieur-professeur au Conservatoire des arts et métiers' [Ernest Stamm; Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863)?]
Publication details: 
13 February 1860; Paris.

4to, 1 p, 8 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. Small indentation from paperclip in margin. Reads 'Monsieur Alcan prie Monsieur Delacroix de remettre au porteur le Testament (tissé) de Louis XVI, dont il a besoin pour le cours de ce soir au conservatoire des Arts et metier. | le preparateur du cours | Ernest Stamm | Paris le 13 fevrier 1860'. Loosely inserted in blue paper wraps with slip of an entry for the letter from a French autograph catalogue, misattributing it to Stamm.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. de Freycinet') to an unnamed male correspondent.

Charles Louis de Saulces de Freycinet (1828-1923), 43rd Prime Minister of France, 1879-1880
Publication details: 
7 July 1860; Bordeaux.

12mo, 1 p, 20 lines. On grey paper, good, with a line of light offsetting from another document on the blank reverse. He wanted to read the work he has been sent before writing to acknowledge its receipt. 'Je suis trop peu de chose pour qu'un compliment de moi vous soit sensible'. He awaits the reprint with impatience, and regrets not having received a copy sooner. As for the introduction, he does not see how it could be changed. 'Ce que vous y dites sera toujours vrai et est aussi nouveau qu'il y a 19 ans'. The form is what one would expect 'd'un littérateur'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sédillot, professeur d'histoire, Secrètaire du Collège de France') in French to 'Monsieur Le Maire' [of the XIe arrondissement of Paris].

Louis Pierre Eugène Amélie Sédillot (1808-1875), French orientalist
Publication details: 
12 January 1849; on letterhead of the Collège de France.

4to, 1 p. Good, on aged paper worn at extremities. Text clear and entire. Gives details of his placement in 1837 in the 'cadre de reforme de la Garde Nationale', and of the registration of the decision by the Mayor. 'Cette décision [...] m'est réclamée par le nouveau Sergent major de la compagnie, M. Alger, et je viens vous prier de m'en faire délivrer une copie dûment légalisée.'

Calling Card with Autograph invitation on it to 'Mon cher docteur'.

Paul Baudry [Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry] (1828-1886), French painter
Publication details: 
Samedi 16h 1/2' [no date].

The calling card is roughly 6 x 9.5 cm, and reads 'Paul Baudry, | Membre de l'Institut. | 56, rue Notre Dame des Champs'. Around this Baudry has written 'Mon cher docteur | Venez s. v. p. voir ma petite avant votre déjeuner Vous me ferez plaisir. | Samedi 16h 1/2'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Picard') to Georges Berger (1834-1910), Directeur général de l'Exploitation de l'Exposition de 1889.

Alfred Picard (1844-1913), Vice-Président du Conseil d'État [Exposition Universelle de 1889; Paris Exhibition]
Publication details: 
24 April 1890; Paris. On letterhead of the Conseil d'État.

8vo: 3 pp. Bifolium. Very good. Written in French. After an 'etude attentive de rapport de M.M. de Lacretelle et Millas et des autres documents en ma possession' on the Exposition's foreign returns he finds 'certaines lacunes et certains points douteux' concerning which he hopes Berger can enlighten him. He gives a list of seventeen officially-participating countries, each with the subsidy it has received in francs, complaining that 'huit de ces chiffres sont douteux'. This is followed by a similar list of six countries which did not participate officially.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Depping') to Mathieu Guillaume Therese de Villenave (1762-1846).

Georges Bernard Depping [Georg Bernhard Depping] (1784-1853), Franco-German historian and geographer
Publication details: 

12mo: 4 pp. 78 lines. Very good. A highly interesting letter, addressed by Depping to his collaborator on an edition of the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (8 vols, 1817) praised by Brunet as the most complete that had yet appeared. Written in French. Such is the strength of Depping's feeling that he cannot bring himself to address Villenave directly. He begins by stating that he hopes that evening to end an arrangement with Villenave which fills him with disgust (qui m'accable de degout).

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