[Joseph Hatton, novelist and journalist, editor of the Sunday Times.] Autograph Letter Signed to Alexander Ireland, describing his grief at the death of his son the explorer Frank Hatton, and the comfort he has found in Ralph Waldo Emerson's writing.

Joseph Hatton (1837-1907), novelist and journalist, editor of the Sunday Times [his son Frank Hatton, geologist and explorer; Alexander Ireland, Scottish journalist and bibliophile]
Publication details: 
14 April 1883; with his stamped letterhead, 14 Titchfield Terrace, Regent's Park [London].

See the two men?s entries in the Oxford DNB. A long letter, covering all four sides of a 12mo bifolium with mourning border, with the first pages written conventionally on the recto of the first leaf, and the rest written lengthwise. Signed ?Joseph Hatton? and addressed to ?Alexander Ireland Esq?. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, with tape from mount adhering to the second leaf. Folded once. There were some doubts regarding Frank Hatton?s death in the jungles of Borneo, but the accepted account was that he had been accidentally shot.

[ Professor William Thomas Gordon of Kings College London, Scottish geologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. T. Gordon') to 'Mr. Joy', expressing condolences on the loss of a daughter, and grief at the recent death of an uncle.

W. T. Gordon [ William Thomas Gordon ] (1884-1950), Scottish geologist, Professor of Geology at Kings College London
Publication details: 
On leterhead of the University of London, Kings College. 5 May 1930.

2pp., 12mo. 29 lines of closely-written text. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Such a calamity must be a terrible blow for you all but more especially to Mrs. Joy and yourself. To lose a daugher just blossoming out into womanhood is tragic indeed, the more so, if that were possible, in that she was such a bright girl.' He continues 'By the same post I have word that one of my uncles has just died, and that another has been given up by the doctors. They have both lived full lives, and, in their way, interesting lives, so that, there, one can hardly talk of a tragic end.

[ Joseph Hatton, novelist and editor of The Sunday Times. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My Dear B.', regarding the response to the publication of his novel 'Cruel London'.

Joseph Hatton [ Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton ] (1837-1907), novelist and journalist, editor of The Sunday Times, 1874-1881
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'The Times (of New York), 449, Strand, London'. Docketed with date 27 July 1878.

4pp., 12mo. On aged and lightly-creased paper. Originally a bifolium, but with the two leaves separated, and evidence of previous stitching into a binding. Regarding his new book 'Cruel London', he asks him if he can send six copies of what is not only 'a kindly notice, but excellently well written. All the more gratifying. The Spectator is always my enemy just as the Saturday was Thackerays, to compare a big man with a small one.' He refers to a notice in the Sunday Times by Joseph Knight, who 'also sent me a charming letter of congratulation'.

[Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton, novelist and journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Hatton') to the autograph hunter J. T. Baron, discussing two of his works and enclosing a printed publicity flier for Hatton's publications.

Joseph Hatton [Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton] (1837-1907), novelist and journalist, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine and Sunday Times [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
Letter: on letterhead of the Garrick Club, London. 7 December 1881. Flier: London: Frederick Warne & Co. [1878.]

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by suggesting that Baron write to 'Mr Payn' (the novelist and editor James Payn) via the Reform Club, Pall Mall. (Baron's method involved asking one celebrity how to contact another.) He next discusses two of his works: '"The Memorial Windows" appeared in the Gentleman's & was published in Pippins & Cheese (Bradbury & Evans) - "The Valley" you will see in enclosed list'. He concludes by thanking Baron for his 'complimentary note'. With envelope addressed to 'J. T.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Whit: Bulstrode') from Whitelocke Bulstrode in London to his son Richard Bulstrode in Littleton, Middlesex,

Whitelocke Bulstrode (1652-1724), alchemist, religious writer, Whig lawyer and administrator, anti-Jacobite author under the pseudonym 'Philalethes' [his son Richard Bulstrode]
Publication details: 
'Hatton Garden Monday Night | 16 Nov 1724'. London; 16 November 1724.

1p., 4to. 22 lines of text. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf: 'To Richard Bulstrode Esqr at Littelton near Sunbury in Midd[lese]x'. In good condition, on aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Son' from 'Yr most affectionate Father | Whit: Bulstrode'. Bulstrode writes that, on his 'comeing to Towne', he 'met wth a letter from one Mr James Norris, who writes himself Auditor, &, it is fro ye Chapr at Canterbury', sending for the rent 'Due last month'.

Autograph Letter Signed to his former pupil Richard Twining, with a transcription in Twining's hand.

Samuel Parr (1747-1825), schoolmaster and classical scholar [Richard Twining (1772-1857), tea merchant]
Publication details: 
11 February 1824; Hatton.

8vo, 2 pp. Leaf dimensions 21 x 16.5 cm. On good wove paper. 29 lines. Text clear and complete. On the first leaf of the bifolium, with the transcription, presumably by Twining, on the recto of the second. Addressed by Parr to Twining at Devereux Court in the Strand, on the reverse of the second leaf, which carries Parr's broken seal in red wax, and a postmark. In good condition, though a little grubby. Parr's handwriting is legendarily bad (he received a flogging at Harrow because of it, and never reformed), and although the transcriber has made a game effort, there are a few lacunae.

Pamphlet advertising ''Mr. Joseph Hatton's Dramatic Reading, founded upon his Great Society Novel of English Life and Manners, entitled "The Queen of Bohemia." '

Joseph Hatton (1841-1907), English novelist and journalist [Victorian monologues; nineteenth-century dramatic readings; The Palace Hotel, Buxton]
Publication details: 
The Drawing-Room, Palace Hotel, Buxton. Thursday Evening, August 19th, 1880.'

4to, 8 pp. Stitched pamphlet on grey paper. Text clear and complete. Good, though somewhat creased, and a little stained. In small type. Divided into two sections: 'Selections from the opinions of the London press' and 'Selections from the opinions of the provincial press'. In a long quotation on the front page: 'Charles Dickens made the practice famous, and Mr. Joseph Hatton has begun his platform career in the same modest, careful, and unpretentious way [...]'. (p.1, 'From General Press Notices').

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. L. Hatton.') to Bennett.

John Liptrot Hatton [J. L. Hatton] (1809-1886), English composer and conductor [William Cox Bennett (1820-1895)]
Publication details: 
26 October 1859; 3 Goswell St. E.C. [London], on cancelled letterheada of 13 Park Village West, Regents Park.

12mo, 2 pp. Ten lines of text. Good. Asks 'upon what terms' he may 'publish some of the songs I have set from the charming volume you sent me'. He is 'acquainted with the Gentleman' to whom Bennett has dedicated his book: 'it was in his shop I was introduced to Longfellow'. Possibly referring to Bennett's 'A Sea Song' and 'The Sea-Boy's Dream', set to music by Hatton and both published in 1861.

Autograph Card Signed ('Joseph Hatton') to Edward Draper of Vincent Square.

Joseph Hatton [Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton] (1841-1907), English novelist and journalist
Publication details: 
On the <Maille?>' [postmarked Nijmegen, 17 August 1895].

Fourteen lines on the back of two-tone Dutch postcard, the front being tined light blue. Addressed to 'Edw Draper Esq, 3 Vincent Square, Westminster, London, England'. Aged and grubby, with two creases and slight traces of previous mount on front. Hatton's hand is difficult, but the note, addressed to 'My dear Friend', defending his use in a story of the following version of the celebrated quotation: 'When Greeks joined Greeks". Concludes 'You are right about the tinder box of course.'

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