Autograph Letter Signed ('Amaury-Duval') to unnamed female correspondent.

Amaury Duval (1760-1838), founder (1794) of the French review 'La décade philosophique, littéraire et politique'; member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres [the French Revolution]
Publication details: 
30 Germinal' [no year, but between 1794 and 1805].

12mo, 1 p, 14 lines. Good, on aged and lightly creased paper. Small red oval monogram in top left-hand corner. In French. As he was about to come and see her 'on est venu me chercher pour des affaires urgentes. il faut que je sorte à l'heure même'. The only news is that 'le ministre des finances refuse très inhumainement la petite maison d'Angivillers. S'il persiste, il y aura, plus que jamais, impossibilité de Loger plus à l'aise les Personnes qui réclament contre la première Distribution'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Barbié du Bocage'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Rédacteur de la Quotidienne'.

Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage (1760-1825), Professor of geography at the Faculté des Lettres, Paris
Publication details: 
10 September 1825; on letterhead of the Université de France (headed 'Le Doyen de la faculté des Lettres').

4to, 1 p. Addressed in autograph on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. Good, though lightly creased and a little grubby. He is sending a notice (not present) announcing the courses for the term 1825-1826 at the Faculté, and asks for it to be inserted as soon as possible 'en totalité ou par extrait dans votre journal'.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to unnamed female correspondent.

Léo de Laborde (1805-1874), French politician
Publication details: 
<Visaguet?> 28 de l'an 1865'.

12mo, 3 pp, 28 lines. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Difficult hand. References to a 'cher Docteur ' and a 'Mr. John '. Docketed in pencil, and with a biography of the archaeologist Léon de Laborde (1807-1869) in pencil in another hand on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium.

Autograph Note Signed ('Favé | officier d'ordonnance de l'Empereur | 29 Rue de Bellechasse'), in French, to Pierre Magne (1806-1879), 'Ministre des travaux Publics'.

Général de brigade Ildephonse Favé (1812-1894), successively Chevalier, Officier, Commandeur and Grand Officier (1874), aide de camp to Napoléon III
Publication details: 
14 December 1852; Paris, on letterhead of the Maison de l'Empereur ('Service de l'aide de Camp.').

12mo, 1 p. Good. On grey laid-paper bifolium. Requesting an audience.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. de la Gournerie') to 'Monsieur Pingard'.

Jules de la Gournerie [Jules Antoine René Maillard de la Gournerie] (1814-1883), French mathematician and engineer, member of the Académie des Sciences
Publication details: 
27 October 1875; Martigné.

16mo, 3 pp. Text clear and entire on aged, creased paper. In French. He was not able to go to the Académie on the day the tickets were distributed for the 'Séance annuelle des beaux arts'. He asks for his two tickets to be sent to his friend 'M. Canon', a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique. Canon's address ('29 Rue Jean de Beauvais') in another hand on otherwise-blank verso of second leaf of bifolium.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. de la Gournerie') to an unnamed male correspondent ('Mon cher ami').

Jules de la Gournerie [Jules Antoine René Maillard de la Gournerie] (1814-1883), French mathematician and engineer, member of the Academie des Sciences
Publication details: 
22 July 1870; Ecole Impériale Polytechnique.

12mo, 1 p, 7 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. He has received at the Ecole Polytechnique ('où je passe toutes mes journées les examens') his correspondent's 'important travail'. He sends his best wishes and thanks him for 'ce beau souvenir'. Loose in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the letter laid down on front.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Legentil') to 'Monsieur Tessier, Secretaire de la Société des Inventeurs 16 Rue N/Dame des Victoires'.

Charles Legentil, Parisian industrialist (Chambre de Commerce, 1831-1855; Régent de la Banque de France,1844-1855)
Publication details: 
12 September 1846; Paris.

4to, 1 p, 18 lines. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper with a few closed tears along folds. Written in French. He regrets that he cannot respond to the appeal that Tessier has made on behalf of the Société des Inventeurs. When he retired from business he thought he would have 'des moments de loisir', but the experience of each day teaches him the contrary, and his time has never been so occupied.

Document, in French, in a secretarial hand, signed by Méline ('J. Méline'), as Minister of Agriculture, to 'Monsieur Bailly, A.N. Président de la Société des Artistes Français | au Palais des Champs Elysées (porte 4).'

Félix Jules Méline [Felix Jules Meline] (1838-1925), French Prime Minister, 1896-1898 [Antoine-Nicolas Louis Bailly (1810-1892), French architect]
Publication details: 
26 April 1884; Paris, on letterhead of the Ministry of Agriculture.

8vo, 1 p. On aged paper, with wear and closed tears to extremities. Good, clear signature. Thanking Bailly for the 'cartes' and the 'lettres d'invitation' to the 'Salon de 1884'.

Autograph Letter to 'Monsieur Delacroix'.

Michel Alcan (1811-1877), 'ingénieur-professeur au Conservatoire des arts et métiers' [Ernest Stamm; Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863)?]
Publication details: 
13 February 1860; Paris.

4to, 1 p, 8 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. Small indentation from paperclip in margin. Reads 'Monsieur Alcan prie Monsieur Delacroix de remettre au porteur le Testament (tissé) de Louis XVI, dont il a besoin pour le cours de ce soir au conservatoire des Arts et metier. | le preparateur du cours | Ernest Stamm | Paris le 13 fevrier 1860'. Loosely inserted in blue paper wraps with slip of an entry for the letter from a French autograph catalogue, misattributing it to Stamm.

[Manuscript] Document Signed "Cte Dejean", "Amendement presente par le Comte Dejean".

Publication details: 
No place, c.1815.

Three pages, 4to, fragile and damaged with small loss of text. According to staff at the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, the signature is Dejean's but the body of the document is in another hand. Dejean lists the principles of the new "Chambre des Pairs" (House of Peers or Lords French-style). " Les membres de la chambre des Pairs sont hereditaire." Their "dignite" is transferable from male to male.They are named by the King based on a list proivided by the electoral colleges who name the "deputes".

Autograph Letter Signed ('Marie Marimon') in French to an unnamed photographer.

Marie Marimon (1835-1923), of the théâtre des Fantaisies Parisiennes, French singer [Victorian photography]
Publication details: 

Three pages, 12mo. Good, on lightly aged and ruckled paper, with a little glue adhering to the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. She has received the two packets containing the small photographs. Apart from wanting the hair to appear lighter and clearer, she is satisfied with the large photograph, and would like several copies before her departure on 2 August. If this is not possible copies are to be sent to her at the theatre du Gymnase in Paris.

Inauguration du Nouvel Hotel de la Societe; le 14 Janvier 1897.

M. A. Mallet; M. F. Delmas; Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France [Civil Engineering]
Publication details: 
Paris: Aulanier et Cie, Editeurs; 13, Rue Bonaparte, 13. [Imprimerie de la Construction Moderne.] 1897.

Octavo: 27 pages. A rather nice production, with nine double-page plates, frontispiece and double-page table. Unbound. In original grey printed wraps, with gold foil seal of the society laid down as part of cover design. Good, in lightly aged wraps. Some tissue guards. Two essays: 'La Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France de 1848 a 1896' by M. A. Mallet, and 'Le Nouvel Hotel de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France' by M. F. Delmas ('Architecte de la Societe').

Arrest de la Cour des Aydes . . . la vente exclusive de Tabac . . .

Publication details: 
23 Sept. 1723.

Two bifoliate leaves, three pages, disbound, some damage to edges and soiling but text clear and complete. [Title continued] "portant qu'en attendant l'Enregistrement des Lettres Patentes sur les Arrests du Conseil des 22. Mars dernier & premier du present mois de Septembre, Pierre le Sueur sera mis en possession de la vente exclusive du Tabac pour la Compagnie des Indes." Wroth and Annan 1028; colophon "A Paris, De l'Imprimerie royale, 1723". Scarce.

Document Signed by Rouland and de Berty, Administration des Cultes. Decret.

Rouland, Ministre Secretaire . . . [and] Nigon de Berty, [Pour] Le Conseiller d'EtatDirecteur general de l'Administration des Cultes
Publication details: 
Vichy [in ms.], 10 July 1861.

Part printed, a decree in the name of Napoleon, one page, folio, slightly chipped, faintly foxed but clear and complete, decree in manuscript as follows: La nomination faite par L'Archeveque de Paris de l'abbe [Bour?](Michel), aumonier de Ste Perine a Chaillot, au canonicat vacant dans son eglise metropolitaine par la promotion de M. L'abbe Ravinet a l'Eveche de Troyes, est agree." WITH: an official copy of the confidential letter from the Archbishop of Paris describing the circumstances of the promotion and recommending Bour.

Tables astronomiques publiées par le Bureau des Longitudes de France. Tables de la lune, par M. Burckhardt.

Johann Karl Burckhardt [Bureau des Longitudes, Paris]
Publication details: 
Paris: Mme Ve Courcier, Imprimeur-Libraire pour les Mathématiques, Quai des Augustins, No. 57. Décembre 1812.

Burckhardt (1773-1825) was a German astronomer, who first computed the orbits of a number of comets. First and only edition. Quarto. Pages: viii + 88. A rare survival, but in very poor condition: grubby, creased, stained and frayed at edges. In remains of makeshift wraps. Text perfectly legible throughout. Some scholarly annotations in pencil and pen.

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