Autograph Signature.

Eden Phillpots
Publication details: 
February 1928; no place.

English novelist, poet and dramatist (1862-1960), noted for his works on Devon. On piece of paper, 3 inches by 4 1/2. In good condition, and attached to a piece of blue card docketed with list of Phillpots works. Distinctive and attractive signature, 'Eden Philpotts | Feb: 1928'.

One Autograph Letter Signed, one Autograph Card Signed, one calling card bearing unsigned Autograph Note, and one obituary from an unnamed newspaper.

Sir Philip Montefiore Magnus, Bart.
Publication details: 
Card to C. H. Grinling of Red Roofs, Peaslake, Surrey: 15 December 1928; letter: 13 June 1930; both fromTangley-Hill, Chilworth, Surrey; calling card and newspaper cutting without place or date.

Educationalist and biographer of Kitchener and Edward VII. All items are in good condition, but bear traces of rust from paper clips. The card is 1 page, 12mo, with printed letterhead, and carries two stamps and postmark on reverse. He is going to London the next day and will stay till Thursday. He will be happy to see Grinling on Sunday or Monday if convenient and he will try to be at home. The letter is 1 page, 8vo. In it he thanks his correspondent for the 'interesting papers which I will return'.

autograph signature

Winthrop Mackworth Praed
Publication details: 
two fragments of letter, both half an inch by three inches, Southampton, 6 November 1837

English poet and essayist. On the first slip: 'Winthrop M. Praed'; on the second: 'Southampton November Six | 1837'. Both slips are discoloured from pasting in autograph album.

typed letter signed to theatrical bookseller I. F. Fletcher

Sir Donald Sinden
Publication details: 
1p, 8vo, on letterhead 60 Temple Fortune Lane, London, N.W.11

English thespian. Thanks Fletcher for his catalogue of autograph letters of nineteenth-century actors. 'I doubt if I will be able to get in before Christmas but hope to see you and them as soon as possible.' Signed 'Donald Sinden'. Creased and with some unobtrusive calculations on the reverse.

frank to John Browning

John Charles Spencer, Viscount Althorp [later 3rd Earl Spencer]
Publication details: 
envelope with two postmarks and seal in red wax, 16mo, 26 October 1836, Leamington

English Whig statesman, relation of Princess Diana and of Prince William. The envelope is in very frail condition, torn, frayed and discoloured, with some loss. Addressed 'Leamington Oct twenty six | 1834 | John Browning Esq | Viscount Althorp | Downing Street | London | Althorp'. The postmark on the front is in red ink, with a crown topping a circle containing 'FREE | 27OC27 | 1834'; the postmark on the reverse is in black ink, with 'LEAMINGTON' in a circle containing 'OC26 | 1834'. Red wax seal bearing Althorp crest on reverse.

autograph letter signed to W. D. Cooke

Lord Cleveland on Battle Abbey, Sussex
Publication details: 
4pp, 8vo, Battle Abbey, 11 November 1869

Is not sure whether he can find a ground plan of the Abbey before his alterations, but provides a detailed description of them, e.g. 'I took down some parts which were not old but added by Sir Godfrey Webster, built very badly of brick & cemented over to look like stone, and have rebuilt it of stone with a slight alteration so as to render it more in character'. He refers in detail to the rebuilding of the library 'which is 76 feet long is substantially the same building as the former one erected by Sir Anthony Brown after the dissolution of the monastery and its cession to him'.

autograph letter in the third person to the artist Shirley Slocombe

Duchess of Leeds
Publication details: 
3pp, 16mo, 11 August 1904, on letterhead 11 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.

She 'cannot apologise enough for having left his letter of May 29th so long unanswered'. It was supposed to be answered 'on her return from Italy' but was mislaid. She hopes Slocombe will 'forgive the unintentional rudeness'.

photograph and note signed,

John Laurence Toole
Publication details: 
the note dated 1898.

English actor and theatre manager (1830-1906). The photograph, a portrait of a formally-dressed Toole staring straight ahead, approximately 5½ inches by 4, somewhat creased, crudely mounted and bearing traces of paper and glue. The note, not in Toole's hand but signed by him, 28 April 1898, to an unnamed female correspondent, no place, one page, 8vo. "Dear Madam / Here is my Autograph as you wish / Yours truly / J. L. Toole". Two items,

ANS, 1p, 8vo, to "- Phillips Esq."

James Sheridan Knowles (DNB), dramatist
Publication details: 
No date, Rushy Green, Lewisham, Kent

Asks correspondent to give the trunk to the bearer ("the Lewisham carrier") if it has arrived, "and I shall take the first opportunity of calling to settle the expense". Grubby and creased, with glue and paper from mounting on reverse of otherwise-blank second leaf.

ANS, 1p, 16mo, to unnamed correspondent

George Manville Fenn (DNB), Victorian novelist
Publication details: 
10 March 1900, Isleworth

Difficult handwriting. "Dear Sir | I wish <?> good government and Peace [last word underlined three times] | Faithfully Yours | Geo Manville Fenn"

16mo fragment, in two pieces, of ALS to unnamed correspondent

Alfred Noyes (DNB), English poet
Publication details: 
11 May 1932, Southwell St Lawrence

The two pieces are attached on the reverse by gummed paper. The first is the head of the letter, giving place and date, and the second the conclusion, with Noyes' signature.

ALS, 2pp, 8vo, to J. P. Cooke

John Palgrave Simpson (DNB), dramatist and novelist
Publication details: 

He has heard that "a prospectus of the Company now being formed for the establishment of an English Opera Theatre in London has been sent to you at Thurloe Square", but he sends another with a few words. "I think that we have undertaken a good work: and I feel confident that, were the Company established, we should prosper." Needs to fill list of shareholders by 13 inst. Asks his correspondent to take a few shares "for the love of an art, which, if not your own, is akin to it".

ALS, 1p, 16mo, to "My dear Harry"

Captain George John Whyte-Melville (DNB), novelist and poet
Publication details: 
Shrove Tuesday [no year], <Roughton?>

"No Bye day!" He saw Charles Payne the day before. "It is freezing here with Arctic severity & I tremble for Friday and Saturday". Signed "J W Melville". Mounted on a piece of card.

2 ANS to unnamed correspondents and one autograph address, "H. Cholmondeley <Parnell?> Esq. | The Admiralty"

Charles Hamilton Aidé [Charles Hamilton Aide] (DNB), author and musician
Publication details: 
10 June 1889, Queen Anne's Mansion, and 1 July [no year], 68 Jermyn Street

The 1889 note: "Let me know whether you care to publish poetry - I can send you 3 stanzas". The other note: "I regret much that I am already engaged to dinner on Tuesday. If it were probable that yr party sat late into the night I would gladly join you in the coffee state of yr festivities". Two items,

Autograph Letter Signed to H.C. Bowen, American publisher and editor.

Edward Clodd
Publication details: 
Tufnell Park, 6 June1878.

Banker and writer (1840-1930). 2pp., 8vo, good. He is asking friends to his home for “chat and supper”, including Bowen.He gives minute directions how to get to his house in Tufnell Park.

Autograph letter signed to "Byham", of the Ordnance Office.

Robert Plumer Ward
Publication details: 
7 Oct. 1838(?).

Novelist and politician (1765-1846). One page, 8vo. (He is writing to his former colleague in the Ordnance Office where he was a clerk from 1811 to 1823). He asks him to forward an important packet and recalls "pleasant remembrances of former intercourse".

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2), to Lady Maitland and an unnamed correspondent

G.H. Broughton
Publication details: 
1 Nov. 1899 and 28 April 1904

Artist. One and 2pp., 8vo. (1899) He suggests the steps she must take to arrange the loan a a "miniature table" from the Royal Academy. (1904) He gives permission for his "Diploma Picture" to be reproduced in the "Windsor Magazine", revealing its history (an illustration to Tennyson's lines in "Break, break!"). He later appears to allude to a collection of moutaineering pictures(?). 2 items,

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