Autograph Letters

Autograph Note Signed to "Miss [Nancy] Sheppard". With original envelope, original address changed to another.

Katherine Mayo.
Publication details: 
Maaikenshof, Bedford Hills, New York, 1 Aug. 1927.

Author of "Mother India" (1927). One page, 12mo, very good condition, saying "If I sold [Ey land?] while this book [Mother India presumably] is still a matter of any interest. I shall certainly remember you. / Yours faithfully, / Katherine Mayo".

Autograph letters signed (x 3) to "Mr Silver"

Francis Paget
Publication details: 
Oxford, 1904

Bishop of Oxford (1851-1911). Thanks for a Report and congratulations on the work he has done. Thanks for partridges and a recollection of his first Diocesan Conference. Thanks for a brace of pheasants. 3 items,

Autograph Letter Signed to Messrs Macmillan & Co.

Rev. F. J. Brown, Curate of SS Philip and James, Oxford
Publication details: 
26 January 1918; Rectory, Steeple Aston, Oxford.

1 page, 8vo. Paper discoloured with age, with minor creasing and small closed tears, but in good condition overall. Stamped ('G. A. M.' and '28 JAN 1918') in purple ink and numbered ('352') in red pencil. Tight neat handwriting. He has been moved to write by a passage in Walter Jerrold's 'Highways and Byways in Middlesex', relating to the railings at New College, Oxford. He asks if his letter and that of 'a New College Friend who was in residence about 1887' (the latter not present) might be forwarded to Jerrold.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed noble male correspondent ('My dear Lord').

Sir Francis Thornhill Baring, 1st Baron Northbrook
Publication details: 
14 September 1857; no place.

Politician (1796-1866) and scion of the notable banking house. 1 page, 16mo. In good condition, but with the ink of one word smudged. Handwriting of extremely difficult decipherment: 'I <?> the <?> notwithstanding the <?> all this bird in the Bush - | Every yrs sincly | F T Baring'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Edward, Prince of Saxe-Weimar
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Army officer (1823-1902), nephew of Queen Adelaide, wife of William IV, and one of the young Queen Victoria's playfellows. Paper dimensions roughly 2 1/2 inches by 1 1/2. In good condition, although with two light creases. Reads 'Edd. Saxeweimar'. Small fragment of letter with mourning border on reverse. Docketed in heavy black ink on reverse 'Prince Edd of Saxe Weimar', with some showthrough under signature on other side.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Edward Charles Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke
Publication details: 
20 December 1887; on letterhead 'Membland, | Plympton, | South Devon.'

Merchant banker (1828-1897). 1 page, 16mo. Grubby but in good condition overall. 'Dear Sir. | I enclose £10 for the boy Evans - The Calls of all sorts on me increase daily & it is quite out of the question to comply with half of them | Yours truly | Revelstoke'. Docketed in pencil at head.

Autograph Letter Signed to J. Lawford

Henry Baring
Publication details: 
Somerley; 27 September [1817].

Banker and gambler (1777-1848), father of the politician Henry Bingham Baring (1804-69). 1 page, 8vo. In very good condition although grubby. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifoliate, which carries a red wax seal in two parts, to 'J. Lawford Esqr | Drapers hall'. Docketed in ink on verso of second leaf. 'Pray tell me whether my Berkeley Sqr. purchase is likely to be accepted soon as I want to move some funiture I have bought at a Sale into the house -'. Having been away from home he has sent no game.

1 Autograph Card Signed; 1 Typed Letter Signed. Both to 'Mr Wilson'.

W. H. Shelford
Publication details: 
Card, 1 August 1929, on letterhead 'Horncastle, | Sharpthorne, | East Grinstead, | Sussex.'; letter, 27 December 1930, on letterhead 'HORNCASTLE, | SHARPTHORNE, | SUSSEX.'

On 1 June 1935 Shelford bowled the first jack at the opening of West Hoathly Bowls Club. The card, dimensions roughly 4 inches by 5 inches, is 2 pages. The letter, 2 pages, 4to. Both somewhat grubby but in good condition. The card thanks Wilson for sending a copy of Francis Hackett's 'Henry VIII'. 'I dipped into it in the train this morning & it so <?> me that I had to skim my newspaper'. The letter begins with some Christmas chitchat, before discussing a lecture given by Shelford, a copy of which he encloses (not present).

3 Autograph Letters Signed and 1 Autograph Card Signed [to his publishers?]

James Britten
Publication details: 
The letters, 21 and 31 May and 29 July 1883, all from Isleworth; the card, 20 [month?] 1890, stamped '18, WEST SQUARE | SOUTHWARK, S.E.'

Botanist and Roman Catholic propagandist (1846-1924). All but the second letter, which is addressed 'Gentlemen', are addressed 'Dear Sirs'. The letters are all 12mo, and embossed at the head of the first leaf 'NOX VENIT QUANDO NEMO POTEST OPERARI'. In letter 1 (1 page) he asks that his 'Collecting book of Flowering Plants' be sent to him: he will mention it in his 'Journal of Botany' for June.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Francis Thornhill Baring, first Baron Northbrook
Publication details: 
16 February 1844, Stratton Park.

British politician (1796-1866), scion of the noted banking house. 2 pages, 16mo. Grubby but in good condition overall. Docketed in pencil at head of first page. 'Sir / I have the honor to acknowledge the received [sic] of your letter of the 30 Jany - Should the Director of the City of London General Pension Society be of opinion that my name as one of the Stewards at at [sic] the anniversary Festival on ye 1st. May will be of any service to the Institution they are at liberty to make use of it.' Signed 'Tho Baring'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Baring
Publication details: 
48 Charles Str - | Berkeley Square - | Monday morning', but docketed '20 April 1801'.

The elder brother of Charles and Sir Francis Baring, John Baring was a leading Exeter citizen and an MP from 1776. While in reality a sleeping partner, he was also the nominal head of John and Francis Baring & Co. of London, and John and Charles Baring & Co. of Exeter. 1 page, 8vo. In good condition. Apparently to his solicitors, concerning the drafting of his will. 'As my wish is to keep my home &c at perfectly distinct from my other property - be pleased on failure of Mr Shorts Children to let it go to my generally'.

Autograph Letter Signed to A. D. Snow, Lawnhurst, St Botolph's Road, Worthing.

Publication details: 
15 November 1897; on the Society's letterhead.

According to the letterhead Sharp was one of the Society's two Secretaries. 2 pages, 16mo. Creased, worn and discoloured, and with minor repair to head of first page, but in good condition overall. Closely written, this letter provides an interesting sidelight into the state of the Society at this time. He apologises for not responding to the 'enquiry about the circulation of the Revised Version' sooner. 'We are very short-handed at present at the Bible House. Since April death has taken from us the Rev. G. Wilson & Mr Chas. Finch, and the Rev. J. Austen-Binns has retired.

Autograph Signature, address and seal on fragment of envelope.

John Robert Townshend, 3rd Viscount Sydney
Publication details: 
Postmark 'FOOTSCRAY | DE 14 | 1840'.

Sydney (1805-1890) became 1st Earl Sydney in 1874. The front part of an envelope, dimensions roughly 3 inches by 8 inches. In good condition, but with traces of previous mounting on otherwise-blank reverse. Circular crested seal in red wax, roughly 1/2 inch in diameter. Reads 'H M S. | The Secretary to the Board of Ordnance | Pall Mall | London | Sydney'.

Autograph Letter Signed to <?> Scott.

Walter Baring
Publication details: 
2 October 1873; Athens.

Diplomat (1844-1915), Secretary of the British Legation at Athens, and scion of the noted banking house. 2 pages, 8vo. In good condition. Presumably written on Scott's appointment as chaplain to the Legation. As Mr Stuart was absent from Athens, Scott's letter of 28 September was opened by Baring. 'It was the first intimation received here of your appointment, though I had heard from Mr Stuart that there was a possibility of your coming out, & the letter which I forward strengthened this opinion.

Autograph Signature on fragment of receipt.

Philip Henry Stanhope, 5th Earl Stanhope, as Lord Mahon
Publication details: 

Stanhope (1805-1875) was styled Lord Mahon until his father's death in 1855. Signed 'Mahon' on fragment of document (dimensions 3 inches by 4 inches). Ruckled and discoloured as a result of previous mounting. Until 1846 Mahon was Secretary of the Board of Control for India, and the document would appear to be a fragment of a receipt for his salary.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

T.H. Horne.
Publication details: 
Rectory, Nicholas Lane, 2 July 1836.

Thomas Hartwell Horne. Biblical scholar, bibliographer, and polemic (DNB) Three pages, 8vo, remnants of laying down process, good condition. He is sending a copy of his "Manual of Parochial Psalmody" and its companion volume, "Selection of Tunes". He also is sending "a copy or two of my little publications.

Autograph Note Signed to illegible correspondent.

Rev. G.R. Gleig.
Publication details: 
Place illegible, 7 April [no year].

Later chaplain-general of the forces, author (DNB). One page, 8vo, remnants of laying down process on blank conjugate leaf, letter in good condition. "I will be happy to supply your place on Sunday morning [presumably taking a service] - & much regret the cause of your absence. / I too have had my gout, but it is pretty well over."

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir William Bingham Baring, 2nd Baron Ashburton
Publication details: 
No date; 'Inverary. | N B.'

Politican (1799-1864). 2 pages, 16mo, on grey paper. In good condition. 'The enclosed has travelled after me. Wd. it not be better that you should open all letters addressed to me as Paymaster General. I have no objection. I do not envy my London life here among the moors. The weather is beautiful.' Signed 'W B Baring'.

Letter in secretary's hand, signed in autograph.

Sir Francis Thornhill Baring, 1st Baron Northbrook, as Paymaster General
Publication details: 
7 March 1837; Treasury Chambers.

1 page. 4to. In good condition. Concerning three accounts forwarded to the Board of the Treasury from the Accountant General of the Navy ('Two for Subsistence of Seamen belonging to Revenue Cruizers in the Naval Hospitals in Christmas Quarter last, and the other for their maintainence in Sick Quarters'), the Treasury Commissioners 'have authorized the Board of Customs to ay the Sum of £405. 10. 5. in discharge thereof to your account at the Bank of England, or at the Pay Office Whitehall, and I am to desire you will carry the amount to the Credit of Navy Services'. Signed 'F T Baring'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent [his solicitor?'].

Sir Francis Baring
Publication details: 
1 October 1804; Bath.

Merchant and merchant banker (1740-1810). 3 pages, 16mo. In very good condition. He is unwilling to produce his title to the property, the request, in connection with the purchase of a neighbouring property from an individual named Bonar, having 'something else in view'. He encloses [not present] 'a plan of the premises, in all about 2 1/2 acres by which you may perceive it would be convenient for the purchaser of Bonars, to pick a hole in my title'. He gives a brief description of 'three seperate [sic], but contiguous tenements, all fronting the road'.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent (a contributor to a periodical).

William Beattie.
Publication details: 
13 Upper Berkeley St, Portman Square, Wednesday 7pm [no date].

Writer and M.D. (DNB) Two pages, 12mo, good condition. "I return the proofs herwith. It is much improved by the Editorial Notes and will [?] in this moment in the M. & N. Gaz [ Naval & Military Gazette?] It was very kind of you to admit it so promptly - & I feel assured it will be much read in Paris. A note from the author (Paris 17th) says - "Several officers here in the main agreed with me (in conversation) & others have sincerely thanked me for opening their eyes.

Autograph Letter Signed to Egerton Grey.

Teresa del Riego
Publication details: 
12 January 1937; on letterhead '18, HOLLYCROFT AVENUE, N.W.3. | TEL: HAMPSTEAD 0055.'

British composer (1876-1968) of light classical music and singer. 16mo. 2 pages. In good condition, with one neat vertical crease and one dog-eared corner. She thanks him for the 'charming lyrics'. 'I don't think I had better embark on any more at present, as I find it increasingly difficult to get things published, & my Store of MSS. is very large!' The two letters of his that she has are signed 'Grey' and she will be interested to see his 'real signature'. She wonders whether he has a spare copy of 'A recall'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of printed document.

George Bubb Dodington [Baron Melcombe of Melcombe Regis], Sir George Oxenden, Sir William Yonge
Publication details: 
19 [month?] 1734.

Dodington (1691-1762); Oxenden (1694-1775) and Yonge (1693-1755) were Whig politicians and allies of Sir Robert Walpole. The document would appear to relate to their positions as Commissioners of the Treasury. Dimensions 3 1/2 inches by 4 inches. Somewhat discoloured with age, but in good condition and with good clear signatures: 'Geo: Dodington | Geo Oxenden | Wia: Yonge'. The printed fragment to the left of the signatures reads: '<...>ceipt of His | <...> said [in manuscript] 34.

Autograph Signature

Tom Mix
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed '1925'.

Movie cowboy (1880-1940) whose real name was Thomas Hezekiah Mix. Dimensions approximately 2 inches by 3 inches, with the signature 'Tom Mix,' in blue ink and approximately 1 1/2 inches long. In good condition although the 'om' of 'Tom' slightly smudged, and with a small brown stain above the tip of the 'T'. Mounted on an irregularly-shaped piece of blue card, docketed '93 | Famous Cinema Star | noted particularly for His wonderful riding and His famous horse Tony'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Speaker' [the Speaker of the House of Commons].

Sir Francis Thornhill Baring, 1st Baron Northbrook
Publication details: 
28 January 1844; Stratton.

Politician (1796-1866) and scion of the notable banking house. 2 pages. 16mo. With a mourning border. In good condition. 'As brother Tom [Thomas Baring (1799-1873), banker and politician] is to second the address there are certain of his relations who are very desirous of hearing him but do not like to apply thro' him lest it should <?> the <?> orators modesty' He asks whether his order can be used on behalf of the Rev C. Baring & the Rev. H. G. Venn.

Autograph Letter Signed to George Glenny, horticultural writer and editor (DNB).

Julia Pardoe.
Publication details: 
Friday, no date.

Travel-writer and novelist (DNB). One page, 8vo, sl. marked, trimmed but text complete and clear, with partially detached conjugate leaf, verso of which has name "For George Glenny Esqre". "I have extracted all critiques on the Bouquet and R.L.M. [Royal Lady's Magazine and St. James's Archive] from the papers you sent me, and herewith enclose them. If you can send me any more by the bearer, I shall be obliged. / Papa, I am sorry to say, has not left his bed today . . ." Note: "The Bouquet" ([1835]) with contributions by eminent authors, Pardoe's role formerly unknown.

Autograph Letter Signed, to an unnamed correspondent.

William Adam
Publication details: 
Charlotte24 Nov. 1832.

Scottish lawyer and politician, friend of Walter Scott (1751-1839). 2pp., 4to, good condition. He is submitting letters to his correspondent for him to "peruse" and plans a discussion of "the matter" in a carriage. A note has been added "Of Sir Walter Scott" ( Scott died 21 Sept. 1832, and Adam was a friend), but there is no internal evidence of this.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Margaret Baillie-Saunders
Publication details: 
25 Nov. [no year].

Novelist. Four pages, 8vo, good condition. She responds to a question by revealing that she is working on a new novel called "Scarlet Sials" (pub. 1924, BLC) "all about the Isle of Wight and a rather fascinating love intrigue and social tragedy". She says it's "full of the sea . . . (Solent, Spithead) and the drifts of orange flower scented air form the Lotus Island, and is a great delight to write in the midst of fogs & General Elections". She mentions the Redwing Yacht Club ("cherry-coloured sails") but is torn from them by her being a speaker at election meetings ("blue" - Tory).

Autograph Note Signed to "Mr Nesbitt".

Henry B. Wheatley.
Publication details: 

Scholar, ed. Pepys Diary, etc. One page, 8vo, good condition. "I enclose subscription for Philological Society I am sorry to miss you in London - I hope you are comfortably settled at Glasgow."

Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Grave Hudson of London.

Publication details: 
19 September 1772; Exeter.

John and Charles Baring were the brothers of Sir Francis Baring (1740-1810), Charles being the head of the Exeter branch of the banking house and John, an Exeter merchant, the nominal head of both arms. 1 page, 8vo. Grubby but in good condition. Mounted on larger piece of paper. An interesting insight into eighteenth-century trade practice. 'Inclosed you have Invoice double sets of patterns & double bills of loading of eight bales No. 55 - 62 value £583 .. 4 ..

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