Autograph Letters

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George John Shaw-Lefevre, Baron Eversley
Publication details: 
23 June 1900; on letterhead '18. BRYANSTON SQUARE. W.'

Liberal statesman (1831-1928). One page, 12mo. Grubby and discoloured, and with some staining to blank reverse from previous mounting. Reads 'Dear Sir | I have been reading the evidence given before the Committee of the House of Commons on the Undersized Fish Bill: It may perhaps interest you to read an article which I have written as the result in the Fortnightly Review for this month (June).' Signed 'G Shaw Lefevre'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the wife of the Rev. Charles Henry Middleton Wake.

Alexander Henry Hallam Murray
Publication details: 
9 June 1881; on letterhead '50, ALBEMARLE ST. | W.'

Son (1854-1936) of the publisher John Murray and partner in the firm. The husband (1828-1915) of the recipient was a connoisseur and print collector. Two pages, 12mo. Folded three times. In very good condition. He cannot accept the dinner engagement for the 13th June. 'I have unfortunately an engagement on that evening to dine with friends in this neighbourhood.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Frederick Lecks[, Secretary, St Ann's Society].

Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman
Publication details: 
Guildhall Feb 24 | 1838'.

Judge (1779-1854) and Lord Chief Justice of England. 'I must not defend one neglect by another; but I fear that other applications of the same kind as that from yourself respecting the St Ann's Schools remain also unanswered. My well known engagements will form some apology but I regret to add that I have found it absolutely necessary to decline acting as a steward at any public dinner'. Signed 'Denman'.

Autograph Letter Signed to <?>.

Francis Henry Bacon
Publication details: 
11 August 1893; on letterhead 'KENTWELL HALL, | LONG MELFORD, | SUFFOLK.'

Three pages, 12mo. In good condition, but with the name of the recipient scored through. Judge (born c. 1832), and son of Sir James Bacon (1798-1895), the last of the pre-1875 Vice-Chancellors. A late reply to a request for information for an article on snuffboxes for The Windsor Magazine. 'I have no snuffboxes I suppose somebody suggested our name but I have never been a collector and my father [the late Ex Vice Chancellor] who took snuff always used the commonest of boxes.' The name of the recipient has been scored through.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Meades'.

Arthur Wellesley Peel, 1st Viscount Peel
Publication details: 
25 July 1906; Sandy [Bedfordshire].

Speaker of the House of Commons (1829-1912). Two pages, 12mo. On mourning paper. Folded once. In very good condition. Thanks his correspondent for the letter of condolence on the 'heavy calamity' of the loss of his daughter Eleanor. 'You knew dear Ella so well - that you can imagine how much her high spirits & her genuine and unselfish nature are missed here - and how irreparable is the loss to me and to her mother & sisters.' Signed 'Peel'. He is been touched by 'the sympathy of friends (which is abundantly given)'.

Autograph Letter Signed to James Heywood Markland, with autograph draft of Markland's reply.

John Wilson Croker [James Heywood Markland]
Publication details: 
12 May 1851; on letterhead 'West Molesey | Surrey'.

Politician and essayist (1780-1857). The recipient (1788-1864) was an antiquary and member of the Roxburghe Club. Four pages, 12mo. In very good condition, although rather grubby and with traces of stub adhering to one edge. He finds 'a letter of Pope to Beau Nash transmitting him an inscription [^ (not copied)] for, as I guess, a statue or bust of Fredk. Prince of Wales.

Note Signed to unnamed judge.

Hardinge Stanley Giffard, 1st Earl of Halsbury
Publication details: 
12 January 1888; on House of Lords letterhead.

Lord Chancellor of England (1825-1921), author of the monumental 'Laws of England'. One page, 4to. In good condition though somewhat grubby. Folded twice, and with embossed House of Lords stamp and armorial stamp in red ink in top left-hand corner. Opening ('My dear Judge') and salutation ('faithfully yours | Halsbury') by Halsbury, the rest in secretarial hand. Reads 'I have to thank you for your letter of the 11th., and for the arrangements which have been made, at Mr. Justice Stirling's request, and of which I entirely approve'.

Autograph Letter Signed to William <Wantjl?>.

Sir Edward Baines
Publication details: 
12 September 1859; on letterhead 'Headingley Lodge, Leeds'.

Journalist, economist and politician (1800-90), M.P. for Leeds. Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: grubby, folded three times and with two spike holes at foot. 'I am not aware that I have any power to obtain a Midshipman's Commission for any one: but if I had, I should not think it right to use it except in the application of the parents or guardians of the young man wishing for it. I must therefore request you to make your wishes known to your parents; & if they desire it I might forward to the Board of Admiralty a written application from them.

Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr Collins'.

Robert Shapland Carew, First Baron Carew of Castle Boro
Publication details: 
Woodstown | Waterford | Oct 10' [no year but post 1823].

Irish aristocrat (1787-1856). One page, 12mo. In good condition, but with slight staining at head and traces of grey-paper mount on reverse. 'Lord Carew has this day received Mr Collins letter - | Mr. Holmes shall have every facility of engraving from Lord & Lady Carews Portraits, on his calling here.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir James Graham of the Secretary of State's Office.

Sir Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland
Publication details: 
6 June 1842; Northumberland House.

English aristocrat (1785-1847). The recipient, Sr James Graham (1792-1861) was Home Secretary under Sir Robert Peel. One page, 4to. In good condition, but with traces of brown-paper mount adhering to reverse and causing ruckling, and some creasing to one edge. He forwards a 'Dutiful and Loyal Address from The Inhabitants of the Town of Alnwick and its Vicinity on the late Providential escape of the Queen', and asks that it be presented to her at 'an early opportunity'. Signed 'Northumberland'. There were two assassination attempts on Queen Victoria in 1842.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Ernest George
Publication details: 
January 1881; on letterhead 'CROWN HILL, | NORWOOD. S.E.'

Architect and engraver (1839-1922). One page, 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, but with evidence of previous mounting on brown paper on reverse. Addressed to 'Dear Doctor'. He thanks him for his 'kind care of us' ('your crippled patient gave you much trouble') and asks him to accept a copy of his 'Belgium' ('Etchings in Belgium. With descriptive letterpress', 1878), which he is sending through the '' and 'will probably arrive someday'. Signed 'Ernest George'. Docketed in ink on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Marrot" (presumably of Elkin Mathews and Marrot, publishers).

F. Yeats Brown
Publication details: 
Flat B, I Robert Street, Adelphi, W.C.2, 20 Feb. [no year].

Author of "The Bengal Lancer". One page, obl.8vo, very good condition. "Our mutual friend Mr E.F. Benson suggested I should write to say when I expected to have the book ready which you have so kindly consented to read. / At present I can only give the ends of the week to revision, but I hope to have it ready for you by March 10 at latest. Thanking you for your interest, . .

Autograph Note, Third Person, to [Edward] Jeffery, bookseller.

Lady Holland
Publication details: 
"Friday", no date.

Elizabeth Vassall Fox, Lady Holland, Society Hostess (DNB). Remnants of laying down process, chipped, text complete and clear, as follows: Lady Holland informs Mr Jeffery that in the set of English Poets sent to here there are six volumes wanting viz. 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 & 64 - which she wishes him to find as soon as possible in order to have the collection bound - She retruns one number of the Edinburgh [Review] as by mistake he has sent her two- / Holland House / Friday"

Autograph Letter Poss. in secretarial hand but signed "H. Blackett" to William Hepworth Dixon, editor of "The Athenaeum".

H[enry?] Blackett
Publication details: 
13 Great Marlborough Street, London, 10 June 1867.

Publisher ("Hurst & Blackett"). Two pages, 8vo, conjoint blank leaf, verso with remnants of laying down process, mourning black edge, text clear and complete, saying that he'll call on Dixon the following morning at the Athenaeum Office "to settle the acc[oun]t for the last issue of New America and also to consult y[ou]r wishes as to the new volume wh[ich] is to be prepared for the Autumn" [ "Spiritual Wives (pubd 1868]) which led to him being accused of indecency.]

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Neighbour'.

Anne Benson Procter
Publication details: 
Home | Wednesday.' [Docketed 'December. 23. '85'.]

Victorian writer (1799-1888), stepdaughter of the jurist Basil Montagu (1770-1851), wife of the poet Bryan Waller Procter (1787-1874), and mother of the poet Adelaide Ann Procter (1825-64). One page, 12mo. Folded once. Discoloured and heavily foxed, but in good condition otherwise. 'I really do not know how to thank you for your lovely present - | I hoped to have seen you yesterday and been able to say farewell - as I go tomorrow to the Thomson Hankeys until the 2d. Jany. | I have also to thank you, for the pleasant dinner, as well as your having presented me to Mr Buckston -.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville
Publication details: 
Downing Street | Saturday. 12. O Clo | 2. 3. 1799'.

Scottish advocate and statesman (1742-1811). One page, quarto. Bifoliate on good laid paper watermarked 1798. Grubby and somewhat ruckled, and with small printed notice neatly pasted in bottom right-hand corner. 'My Dear Sir | I have your letter, and should be glad to see you before you see Lord Liverpool or any other Person. Will you dine with me tomorrow. | Yours sincerely | Henry Dundas'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr James'.

Charles Tyrwhitt Jones
Publication details: 
Undated, but on paper watermarked 1824; '44 L[owe]r Brook St'.

Son of the English polititian, Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt Jones (1765-1811). One page, quarto. On mourning paper. Folded three times. Several closed tears and small creases, and with one stub hole at centre (not affecting text). 'Sir. | You will most particularly oblige me by sending me a Box for either Theatre this Evening as my Brother in Law Mr. Tollemache & myself are most anxious to be there. We shd. prefer Covent Garden.

Autograph Note Signed to 'My dear George'.

Francis Edward Paget
Publication details: 
Elford | Saturday.'

Divine and author (1806-82). One page, 12mo. In poor condition: creased and ruckled, and with some damage from removal from mount. Paper border attached to reverse. 'We can have you for a few days on Thursday next (the 25th.) & shall have pleasure in receiving you. I will forward the parcel to Mr. Hardman tonight.' Signed 'F: E: Paget'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Thomas James Mathias
Publication details: 
74 Monte | d'Iddio | Pizzofalcone | 10 May 1831.'

Mathias (c.1754-1835), F.R.S., F.S.A., was librarian at Buckingham House and editor of Thomas Gray, &c. One page, 12mo. In good condition, although attached to sheet of larger paper by four wafers, all of which show through the paper. He asks his correspondent to accept 'a copy of a new edition of a little volume lately printed in Naples, entitled "Poesie Liriche, con l'Aggiunta di Saffo, Dramma lirico [...]'. Signed 'T. J. Mathias'. The work, by Mathias himself, went through various editions between 1810 and 1825.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Charlotte Helen Sainton-Dolby
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English contralto singer (1821-85). Signature on piece of paper of irregular shape (practically oval): roughly nine centimeters by four centimeters at the widest points. In poor condition: on paper discoloured by age and glue from previous mounting, and with hole and closed tear slightly affecting signature. Reads 'Your's very truly | Charlotte H Dolby', so presumably predating the singer's marriage in 1860.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent, and Autograph Note in third person to Admiral Bowles.

The Right Hon. Thomas Grenville
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Diplomat (1755-1846) and bibliophile, one of the British Museum's greatest benefactors. Grenville's book collection, formerly in the Museum at Bloomsbury, is now kept with George III's books in a glass tower in the new British Library at Euston. Both items in very good condition, glued to the remains of a brown-paper mount. In a somewhat shaky version of Grenville's distinctive neat hand, so perhaps late productions. The note reads 'My Dear Sir | I am very sorry that, hearing of Lady Cawdor's illness I had promised Mr Gaskell to dine with him if I did not dine with Lady C.

Autograph Letter Signed by Frederick H Post to the editor of Polo Monthly, and catalogue of 'AUCTION SALE | Argentine Polo Ponies | PROPERTY | of | MR. J. D. NELSON | MR. C. N. LAND MR. LOUIS LACEY | MR. MANUEL ANDRA MR. ALFREDO PENA'.

George A. Bain, Auctioneer ('Under Management of WILLIAM POST & SON') [AUCTION CATALOGUE; EQUESTRIAN; POLO]
Publication details: 
LETTER: 20 November 1926, on letterhead of William Post and Son; CATALOGUE: Post's Polo Field, East Williston, Long Island, N. Y.; 6 October 1926.

CATALOGUE: Six unpaginated leaves, 8vo. Diagonal blue stripe printed on front and back covers. Unbound. In very good condition despite slight rust staining from staples and paper clip. The prices fetched and purchasers of the thirty-five lots are given in pencil. LETTER: one page, 4to, in very good condition with crease to one corner. Encloses marked copy of catalogue, asks to subscribe to Polo Monthly, and commends article in latest issue. Signed 'William Post & Son | pr Fred H Post'.

Autograph Note in third person to G. S. Allan.

Henry Hallam
Publication details: 
24 Wilton Crescent | Thursday May 2' (without year, but docketed '1844').

English historian (1777-1859). One page, 8vo. Folded twice. In good condition although slightly grubby and with one small closed tear at foot from clumsy cutting. Verso attached to remains of previous mount. Reads 'Mr Hallam will be glad to see Mr G. S. Allen tomorrow morning at ten, if he has ceased to attend Mrs Marcets [the author Jane Haldimand Marcet, 1769-1858] or at 1/2 past nine if he still does so.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs E(dward) Tootal (Tootal was manufacturer, friend of Stephenson, Fairburn, Nasmyth).

Sir Lyon Playfair.
Publication details: 
95, Grosvenor Street, Monday morning, n.d. [c.1858].

Scientist, 1818-1898 (DNB).Two pages, 8vo, affixed by margin of verso to mount), accepting an invitation and explaining his delay in replying. "I have this moment arrived from Edinburgh where I have been canvassing for the Chair of Chemistry. This therefore must be my apology for not having replied to your note of invitation of the 26th (?), which was not forwarded to me. I shall have much pleasure in waiting upon you on Friday, unless summoned back to Edinburgh by my canvassing Committee before that time.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Osbert Guy Stanhope] Crawford.

Publication details: 
7 September 1955; on letterhead of the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall.

One of the editors of the Dictionary of National Biography (born 1882). The recipient (1886-1957) was a noted archaeologist. Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: creased, grubby, worn, stained and repaired. Weaver has just been reading Crawford's 'extremely interesting autobiography with its most original title' ('Said and done.

Autograph Signature as front of franked envelope addressed to Sir James Kempt.

John Thomas Townshend, 2nd Viscount Sydney
Publication details: 

Lords of the Admiralty, the Treasury and of the Bedchamber under George III (1764-1831). On front of envelope, cut down to roughly 11 centimeters by 7 1/2 centimeters. Very good, if slightly grubby, and with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse. Kempt (1764-1854) was Governor-General of Canada. Address reads 'Lieut General | Sir James Kempt. | &c &c &c | Ordnance Office'. Signed 'Sydney.' Neatly docketed at head '1830. a Lord of the Treasury in 1800'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

[ATHENAEUM] Charles Wentworth Dilke
Publication details: 
Sloane St - Sunday'; on paper with embossed crest.

One page, 12mo. Very good. Neatly mounted on piece of orange paper. In Dilke's difficult hand. Concerns a 'Report': 'The only specific fact is that the misprints <?> cost to each of one shilling. [...] The enormous cost of about £12 per draft is to the Fund. How much the <?> cost to the <?> is not stated - <?> as 'almost too small to be noticed' - which is <?>. Why do they not publish the <?> expenditure. Then we should know what is the amount of an 'almost too small'. If you ever get an Acct with that fact set forth I should be glad to look at it.' Signed 'C W Dilke'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of document.

Anna Maria Hall
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Irish-born author (1800-81; nee Fielding), wife of Samuel Carter Hall. On slip of paper roughly 14 centimeters by 2 centimeters. In good condition, although paper discoloured and with traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. Apparently the foot of a page of printed accounts, with 'Brewster & West, Printers, Hand Court, Dowgate.' in bottom left-hand corner. 'To be returned to Mrs. S C Hall on or before the 1st. of June' written over the printed part, but the signature 'Anna Maria Hall' written across clear paper.

Two Autograph Signatures on fragments of letters.

Thomas Francis Fremantle, 1st Baron Cottesloe
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Conservative politician (1798-1890). Both stained by glue from mounting, and with traces of mount adhering to reverse. The first, on paper roughly two inches by half an inch, reads 'Thos. F. Fremantle'. The second, on paper roughly four and a half inches by one inch and a quarter, reads ' | Sir, | Your obedient Servant. | Tho F Fremantle | J. J. Kaune Esq.'

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr. W<?>'.

Walter George Frank Phillimore, 1st Baron Phillimore of Shiplake
Publication details: 
26 September 1907; on letterhead 'THE COPPICE | HENLEY ON THAMES'.

Judge, ecclesiastical lawyer and international jurist (1845-1929). One page, 12mo, in self-sealing stamped addressed envelope with postmark. In very good condition. 'Many many thanks for the tree-plants. They have arrived in beautiful and your directions shall be carefully followed.' Signed 'Walter G. F. Phillimore'.

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