Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A Henry Savage Landor') from the traveller Arthur Henry Savage Landor to 'Mr Roper' of Boston [the inventor Sylvester H. Roper?].

Arnold Henry Savage Landor (1865-1924), English painter, explorer and writer, born in Florence, discoverer in Tibet of sources of Indus and Brahmaputra rivers [Sylvester H. Roper (1823-96) of Boston]
Publication details: 
First Letter: 'Saturday' [1 December 1888]; on lettherhead of the Somerset Club, Boston. Second Letter: 'Sunday' [6 January 1889]; 2 Walnut Street [Boston].

Both items in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, each with slight trace of paper label at spine. Letter One: 3 pp, 12mo. Docketed at head of first page '1 Dec/88.' and 'The Explorer of Thibet [sic]'. He thanks him 'for the Card of the St Botolph Club' and will try to go there the following day. He has 'so many things to do' that he is not sure he will be able to stay there long. Letter Two: 4 pp, 12mo. Docketed beneath address '6 January 89.', and beneath signature 'The traveller in Thibet [sic]'. Thanking him for the 'note and cheque', and hoping that the sketch arrived safely.

[MS] Articles of Agreement signed by Draper and Richmond concerning "a large quantity of ice now stowed in [Draper's] houses at Horn Pond".

Daniel Draper and W.C. Richmond, both of Boston, Mass., peddlers of ice.
Publication details: 

Two pages, folio, bifolium (second leaf blank apart from a summary of the document), small closed tears on fold marks, mainly good condition. Witness signature indecipherable. Richmond wishes to peddle ice in Woburn, Mass. and surrounding towns.

One Autograph Letter Signed and one Typed Letter Signed to Stanley T. Cross, of the Registry of the International Court of Justice, the Hague; and four Typed Letters Signed to Cross's widow (all signatures 'E Hambro').

Edvard Hambro [Edvard Isak Hambro] (1911-1977), 25th President of the United Nations General Assembly
Publication details: 
Letters to Cross, 1949 and 1950; letters to Cross's widow, 1950 and 1951; five on the letterhead of the International Court of Justice, The Hague.

The collection in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with each item carrying a punch-hole in top left-hand corner of first page. Letter One: in manuscript; to Cross; 3 September 1949; on 'Edvard Hambro' letterhead; 8vo, 2 pp. Affectionate letter on Cross's retirement from the Registry of the International Court. '[...] I find the Peace Palace curiously empty without you. I am going to miss your visits to my room and mine to yours.

The Charter of the United Nations. Commentary and Documents. Second and Revised Edition. [with signed inscription by Hambro]

L. M. Goodrich and E. Hambro [Edvard Isak Hambro (1911-1977), 25th President of the United Nations General Assembly]
Publication details: 
London: Stevens & Sons Limited, 1949. [Published under the auspices of The London Institute of World Affairs]

8vo, xvi + 710 + [iv] pp. Tight copy, with foxing to top edge and endpapers. Bumped corners. In worn dustwrapper with closed tears at head and tail of spine. Inscribed on front free endpaper to 'Stanley T. Cross, with cordial regards and thanks for good collaboration for three years. [signed] E Hambro. The Hague, September 49.'

Letter 'by the hand of an amanuensis' to the poet and biblical scholar the Rev. Henry Alford (1810-1871).

Charles Mackay (1814-1889), Scottish poet and journalist
Publication details: 
7 March 1853; 21 Brecknock Crescent, Camden Road Villas, [London].

Three pages, 12mo. Very good: lightly aged and with the merest glue spot to blank verso of second leaf of bifolium. Mackay's 'signature' appears to be in the same hand as the rest of the letter. He has had a 'severe attack of inflammation of the eye', and this has prevented him from reading or writing during the previous week. For the same reason he is replying to Alford's letter of 1 March through an amanuensis. Three weeks previously Mackay 'received a packet from Mr.

An Article on the Debts of the States from the Christian Review for March, 1844.

[Boston; The Christian Review; <T Nayland? or Wayland?>; Sir E. F. Bromhead; nineteenth century economics; economic history]
Publication details: 
Boston: Printed by William S. Damrell, 11 Cornhill. 1844.

8vo: 24 pp. Unbound and stitched. With printed grey front wrap, inscribed to 'Sir E. F. Bromhead | Bassingham | Lincolnshire | from the author | '. On aged paper, grubby at extremities and a little dogeared, but tight and with text clear and entire. 'The general fact has been long before the public, that the several States in the Union are indebted to various individuals in Europe, to the amount of about two hundred millions of dollars. At the time when this debt was incurred, very few persons, either in or out of the indebted States, gave themselves any trouble about it.

A collection of twenty cuttings from American newspapers mostly relating to autograph collecting.

American Autograph Collecting [New York; the Declaration of Independence]
Publication details: 
[Boston, New York and other places]; 1867-1893.

Varying in size from a few lines to a column nineteen inches in length, and on aged high-acidity paper. In good condition, though frail, and with a few closed tears. Texts clear and complete. In the remains of a stamped envelope (postmarked Philadelphia, 21 February 1912), addressed to E. H. Lauer of the Cadmus Book Company. Fewer than half the items are dated. The dated items include a long and interesting article on a forgotten English-born Philadelphian forger, headed 'A FORGER OF AUTOGRAPHS. | ROBERT SPRING'S SUCCESS IN BOLD LITERARY FRAUDS.

Autograph Note Signed ('Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie') to unnamed male correspondent.

John Oliver Hobbes' (Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie, nee Richards, 1867-1906), Anglo-American Catholic novelist
Publication details: 
12 December 1901; Steephill Castle, Ventnor.

One page, 12mo. On aged and spotted paper, with traces of previous mount on reverse. Craigie's 'PMTC' monogram in top left-hand corner, and a red '45' in a red circle in top right-hand. Fourteen-line biographical cutting laid down along one edge. Reads 'Dear Sir | I have much pleasure in sending you my autograph. | Yours faithfully | Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie.'

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