Autograph Letter with illegible signature, to 'Frederick'

Publication details: 
25 September 1903; on letterhead, 'Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, London, S.W.', with oval Admiralty blind stamp of anchor at head.

1 page, 16mo. Creased and discoloured, with holes and loss caused by pin, and with strip at foot loose and neatly reattached with archival tape. Stamped in blue 'HYDROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT | 28 SEP. 1903'. Reads 'Dear Frederick | I see by the paper on Labuan sent over here that you have had a chart showing where Tanjong Batu &c is situated - Can you let me have this | Yours sincerely | '. Docketed in red at foot 'Chart Herewith Decr. 26/9'. Docketed on rerverse in blue pencil.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the Fleet.
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

For Keppel (1809-1904) see the DNB. On a slip of paper, 1 inch by 2¾, probably cut from a letter. Grubby and creased, and docketed in ink 'Admiral Keppel'. Mounted on a long slip, together with the signature of his brother 'Edwd. S[outhwell]: Keppel' (b. c. 1801), Rector Of Quidenham, Norfolk, on a piece cut from another letter, 1¼ inches by 3. This second signature is in better condition and is preceded by "Dear Sir | Yours very truly'. Two items,

40 Autograph Letters Signed to him from various "old shipmates", mostly senior naval figures; with 9 portrait photographs, a photograph of the Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert and the seal in red wax of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich.

Captain Charles Dickson Inglis, R.N.
Publication details: 
between 1858 and 1898; from various locations.

Captain Charles Dickson Inglis, R.N. (born c.1835; fl. 1898), is best known for his offer in 1887 to buy South Georgia in the Falkland Islands for the purposes of sheep-farming. This collection of his correspondence is neatly bound in a crude octavo volume, and is preceded by a manuscript index by him. Items in good condition overall, with minor discoloration and spotting, mainly caused by the glue used in mounting the photographs. All the letters are 8vo and smaller, several of them being cropped at the head, but with the cropped strips loosely inserted.

Signature only ("Althorp") with slight remains of Treasury document.

John Charles Spencer.:
Publication details: 

Viscount Althorp and third Earl Spencer 1782-1845. Signatures of Althorp, W. Wickham (see DNB) and J. , as Treasury officials, remains of documents (slight) indicate the grant of a pension to "Anne Thompson".

Fragment, signed by an amanuensis,

John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent
Publication details: 
18 February 1807, Mortimer Street.

English Admiral of the Fleet (1735-1823). The upper part of a letter on one 4to leaf. Recto: "Mortimer Street / the 18th of February 1807 / Sir / I have the honor to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 10th Instant reporting the account communicated by Lieutenant Batt, of <...>". Verso: "I have the honor to be / Sir / Your most obedient / humble Servant / St. Vincent". Grubby and with loss to one corner.

one formal autograph letter in the third person to Mr [?] Handley,

John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent
Publication details: 
13 June 1817, Rochetts

English Admiral of the Fleet (1735-1823). One page, 12mo. "Lord St. Vincent will thank Mr Handley to convey the inclosed, to Mr. Willan, as soon as possible / Rochetts / 13th. June 1817".

Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp., 8vo, to "Admiral" (Sir John Fisher)

Lord Burnham (Edward Levy-Lawson)
Publication details: 

Edward Levy-Lawson, Newspaper proprietor (1833-1916). He describes a variety of physical ailments to which he is prey but concludes that "My suffering has not diminished my belief in one popularly known as 'Jack Fisher'. . .". Burnham's relationship with Fisher is perhaps explained by his Newspaper, The Daily Telegraph's, support of a "strong navy" policy.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Lanyon"

F. Beauchamp Seymour, admiral
Publication details: 
"Narcisssus", Port Royal, n.d.

2pp., 8vo, chipped, not affecting the text. He expresses a liking for a photograph and tells of a "job" involving the "Immortalite".

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