Two Deeds Indented (Indentures), relating to the purchase by Guy of various Yorkshire estates, and the sale by him of the same to Sir Cyril Wyche.

Henry Guy (bap.1631 d.1711) of Tring, politician and courtier [Yorkshire topography; Sir Cyril Wyche; Richard Lightfoot; Francis, Lord Hawley; Sir Charles Harbord; Sir William Howard; Sir John Talbot]
Publication details: 
Indentures of 18 July 1672 and 11 March 1674; receipt of 12 August 1672; particular of 18 July 1672.

INDENTURE OF 1672: 'ex[ecute]d. by Rich: Lighfoot Clerk to ye Trustees', on one side each of two large vellum skins. Wear at folds, affecting the occasional word or phrase. Docketed on grubby reverse of first skin. Borders in red, and with attractive hand-drawn Royal Crest within large initial at head. 'Betwene the right honourable ffrancis Lord Hawley Sr. Charles Harbord Knight his majesties Surveyor generall Sr. William Howard of Tandridge in the County of Surrey Knight Sr.

An Impartial Account of Richard Duke of York's Treasons. And the several Arts and Methods made use of by him for the obtaining the Crown of England. To which is added the True Picture of a Popish Successor, [...].

[King Richard III; Anti-Catholic; Papist; Popery; Protestant]
Publication details: 
London, Printed for Allen Banks, MDCLXXXII. [1682]

Folio: ii + 21 pp. After 'Popish Successor,' the title continues 'Exactly drawn by the Reigns of Christian the Second, and Sygismond King of Sweden, and Ferdinand the Second King of Bohemia.' Text clear and entire, on discoloured and lightly-foxed paper. Slight chipping to edges, and quite heavy discoloration to the final few leaves, with small hole at foot of last leaf (the reverse of which is blank), affecting the word 'FINIS.' but leaving the text undamaged. In very good modern calf quarter-binding, with marbled boards and title on red label on spine.

Autograph Signature ('Arlington') on fragment of document.

Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington (bap. 1618; d.1685), English politician and member of the celebrated 'Cabal' ministry
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On a piece of paper roughly 4 x 7 cm. Very good, on slightly discoloured paper. Reads '<...> 34 years of His Maies <...> | [signed] Arlington'. The second of the two versions of Arlington's signature reproduced by Rawlins ('Five Hundred Years of British Autographs', p.63, no.8). Arlington was the first 'A' in the CABAL ministry, the name made up of the initials of the five privy councillors who conducted Charles II's government after the fall of Clarendon in 1667: Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley and Lauderdale.

Autograph Signature ('London=Derry:') on fragment of document.

Robert Ridgeway, 4th Earl of Londonderry (d.1714), Irish aristocrat
Publication details: 
Docketed '1711' on reverse.

On piece of paper roughly 1.5 x 7.5 cm. Closely cropped underlined signature 'London=Derry:'.

Signed legal agreement, docketed 'Mr. Richard Muskette agreem[en]t that <?> take the wholl benefitt of the Tenem[en]t - thermewoods -'.

Richard Muskett of 'Walpoole' [Walpole] in the County of Suffolk [Harleston Hall; Edward Winniffe of Brettenham]
Richard Muskett
Publication details: 
Richard Muskett

4to: 1 p. Good, though lightly stained and ruckled, and with seal removed from bottom right-hand corner. 18 lines of text. The document describes part of a previous agreement by 'Edward Wenyefe of Brottenham' to buy the Manor of Harleston Hall from 'Richard Muskett of Walpoole in the County of Suffc', and states a new agreement by Muskett that 'the sd Edward Wenyefe shall from the day & day hereof take the wholl proffitt of the sd Tenement [...]'. Signed 'Richard Muskett' and witnessed by 'Richard Walker', 'Tho: Sparrow' and Ed: '. J. J.

Warrant Signed ('Ro: Cary') in his capacity as Chamberlain to the Prince of Wales [the future King Charles I].

Robert Carey [Cary], 1st Earl of Monmouth (1560-1639) [Sir Adam Newton (d.1630)]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of laid paper, with pot watermark, 26 x 20 cm. On sound, crisp paper, heavily foxed, and with slight wear to extremities, and remains of previous mounting at corners of reverse. Two small oval stains beneath text, and small clipping from autograph dealer's catalogue laid down in bottom left-hand corner. Firm signature. Fifteen lines of text beneath two-line date in Latin.

Autograph Signature ('Will. Trumbull.') on fragment of document.

Sir William Trumbull (1639-1716), English politician, member of the first Whig Junto
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On irregular piece of paper roughly 4.5 x 4.5 cm. Good, on lightly discoloured paper. With part of signature '[S]mith' below. Docketed on reverse 'Sir Wm. Trumbull Statesman Wm 3d'.

Printed Advertisement Leaf.

Robert Akenhead, bookseller, 'at the Bible and Crown upon the Bridge, Newcastle' [provincial printing]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1723 re. pencilled note on reverse; Akenhead in businessc.1716-1768 re. BBTI]

Dimensions roughly three and a half inches by three. One page, blank reverse. On aged paper, with some staining along one edge and crude ink marking, including 'Bookes bound', in a contemporary hand. Twenty-seven lines, beginning 'ROBERT AKENHEAD [...] sells the Goods followsng, [sic] viz. | BIBLES, Common-Prayers, and all other Sorts of Books of Divinity, History, Physick, Mathematicks.

Printed Advertisement Leaf, with illustration.

William and Joseph Marshall, Bookseller and Stationer, 'At the Bible in Newgate-street, over against the Blue-Coat Hospital Gate'
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1720].

Dimensions roughly six inches by three and a half. Wormed (but only affecting two letters of text) on aged paper. One page, blank reverse. Wood cut at head, roughly one and a quarter inches square, illustrating a leather-bound book with clasps. Thirty-three lines of text, beginning 'At the Bible in Newgate-street, over against the Blue-Coat Hospital Gate.

Engraved portrait of Gutenberg by Gaywood, mounted on piece of paper with painted decorations.

Johannes Gutenberg, German printer; Peter Stent (fl.1643-67), London printseller; Richard Gaywood (fl.1644-68), English engraver
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Good clean image of a seventeenth-century engraving, from an earlier idealised portrait of the putative 'father of printing'. It is of irregular shape, the background having been carefully cut away. Neatly mounted on piece of beige paper, illustrated with a brown pseudo-frame with decorative book devices in the four corners. Half-length portrait of a bearded Gutenberg in fur-lined hat and coat, with composing stick in left hand and stylus in right. Dimensions roughly eight and a quarter inches by seven wide. Engraved beneath is 'P Stent Excudit: R Gaywood fecit'.

The Actors' Remonstrance, or Complaint, For the silencing of their Profession, and Banishment from their severall Playhouses.

[Francis Marshall; Edward Nickson; The British Stage]
Publication details: 
Reprinted by F[rancis]. Marshall, Kenton Street, Brunswick Sq. 1822.

Seven pages, octavo. Disbound, and with the four leaves detached from one another and neatly laid down on a paper mount. Very good. From (according to the title-page) the edition in 'LONDON. Printed for EDW. NICKSON. Januar. 24. 1643.' Republished as a supplement to the 'British Stage'. Only two copies on COPAC, at Bristol and in the British Library.

Signed Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript insertions.

Jane, Countess Dowager of Bridgewater [nee Lady Jane Paulet], widow of John Egerton, 3rd Earl of Bridgewater (1646–1701)
Publication details: 

One page. Paper dimensions roughly fourteen inches by nine and a half inches. Good, with cream paper backing. 'Received then by me [Jane Countess Dowager of Bridgewater ass[ign] of Charles Bertie Esqr] [...] Of [James Vernon Esqr] One of the Four Tellers of the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, the Sum of [Threescore pounds] being for [Twenty ffour] Months Interest of [ffive Hundred Pounds] [...]'. Signed 'J Bridgewater'. Witnessed by 'J Peirce'.

Printed Exchequer Receipt, with Manuscript insertions, and Autograph Signature, for three months' annuity.

Lady Ann Sylvius [nee Howard] [Anne Sylvius] [wife of the English diplomat Sir Gabriell Silvius] [Gabriel de Silvius]
Publication details: 

One page. Dimensions of paper roughly eight inches by six and three-quarters. Trimmed but with no loss to text. Very good on aged paper. 'Received by me [Lady Anne Silvius] Of the Honourable Richard Hampden Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Fifty pounds] in full of all former Directions, and for Three Months Annuity, due at [Xmas] last past, of [200] Pounds per Annum'. Signed 'Ann: Sylvius', and with the signature [slightly trimmed] of 'Eliz Jones'.

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