[ Josiah Burchett, Secretary of the Admiralty. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Burchett') to Lord of the Admiralty Sir Robert Rich, a sick note describing his symptoms and the circumstances.

Josiah Burchett (c.1666-1746), Secretary of the Admiralty, clerk and servant to Samuel Pepys [ Sir Robert Rich (1648-1699) of Roos Hall, Suffolk; James Welwood (1652-1727), physician ]
Publication details: 
Epsom. 26 August 1697.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged, with seal cut away from second leaf, which carries a postmark and the address: 'For the Rt. Honoble. Sr. Robert Rich, one of the Lords of the Admiralty. At his house near ye Admty. Office. | Westminster'. Thirty-two lines of text.

[ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, Whig statesman. ] Document with Autograph Signature ('Shaftesbury') to Sir Robert Long, regarding the payment of an annuity to David Walter, Groom of the Bedchamber.

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury (1621-1683), Whig statesman [ Sir Robert Long (1600-1673) ]
Publication details: 
Whitehall. 22 November 1672.

1p., small 4to. Irregular shaped leaf of paper, aged and worn, laid down on a piece of paper 21 cm. square. Fourteen lines of text in a secretarial hand, regarding the payment of an annuity of £500 to 'David Walter - Esqr. one of the Groomes of his Mats. Bedchambr.' Signed at bottom right by Shaftesbury, and addressed at bottom left by the secretary 'To oure loving freind Sr. Robt. Long Bart. Audr. of the Receipt of ye. Excheqr.'

[ Eighteenth-century French map. ] Attractive manuscript map in colours, captioned in French and titled 'Plan & description De Certains Prez Appartenants Aux Dames Religieuses de lopital & A Jacques Gviot & autres'.

[ Eighteenth-century French map ] [ Chanu, Bayeux? La Châtaigneraie, Vendée? ] [ Jacques Guiot; Maupas ]
French Map
Publication details: 
France [ Chanu, Bayeux? La Châtaigneraie, Vendée? ] Eighteenth century?
French Map

On piece of 38 x 30 cm watermarked paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. In red, green and sepia. Within a border, and with 'OCCIDENT' at the head, 'ORIANT' at the foot, 'MIDY' to the left and 'SEPTENTRION' to the right. Attractive in design, with capital letters in red and simple tree design around the boders of fields.

[ Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester, and Sir John Ernle. ] Signatures of 'Rochester' and 'J Ernle', cut from a treasury document.

Laurence Hyde (1642-1711), 1st Earl of Rochester, statesman, Lord High Treasurer and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [ Sir John Ernle (1620-1697), Chancellor off the Exchequer, 1676-1689 ]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On rectangle of laid paper, roughly 4 x 7 cm. In good condition, lightly-aged paper with one vertical fold. Good firm signatures, wih Rochester's above Ernle's. Writing on reverse relates to Sir Thomas Vernon and the payment of an order.

Early seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, a Fine between Thomas Jurdon and John Jurdon, plaintiffs, and Thomas Hollande, wife Anne, Laurence Husloke and wife Mary, defendants, of a messuage &c in Bishopps Cleeve and Woodmancott.

[Thomas Jurdon; John Jurdon; Thomas Hollande; Anne Hollande; Laurence Husloke; Mary Husloke; Bishop's Cleeve, Gloucestershire; Woodmancott, Hampshire]
Publication details: 
[Bishop's Cleeve, Gloucestershire, and Woodmancott, Hampshire.] Hilary Term 15 James I [1616/1617].

On one side of a piece of vellum (roughly 15 x 37 cm). In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. In Latin. In an attractive close hand.

Seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, a Terrier of John Head's lease lands in West Hendred, Berkshire.

[John Head of Langley, Hampstead Norreys, High Sheriff of Berkshire, 1698-1699; terrier his lease lands in West Hendred]
Publication details: 
[West Hendred, Berkshire.] Late seventeenth-century.

On one side of a strip of vellum (circa 40 x 18 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English. Scan of part on application

Signed seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, an Exemplification of a fine between John Dent and Thomas Hutchinson, plaintiffs, and William Mankin and Anne his wife, defendants, re a messuage and lands in Thirne [Thorne, Yorkshire].

[John Dent; Thomas Hutchinson; William Mankin; Anne Mankin; Thirne [Thorne, Yorkshire]]
Publication details: 
[Thirne [Thorne, Yorkshire].] 19 June 15 Charles I [1639].

On one side of a piece of vellum (roughly 32 x 43 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn, with the remains of the seal sewn up in a cloth bag. With monogram signature in customary place on gutter tab. Ruled with red lines, and with ornate initial capital and decorative margin at head. Docketed on reverse. In Latin. Scan on application.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] The Resolutions of the House of Commons, for the Impeachment of Sir William Scroggs Knt. Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench; [...]

[Sir William Scroggs, Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench; Sir Thomas Jones; Sir Richard Weston, Baron of the Court of Exchequer; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681; the House of Commons]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for John Wright, at the Crown on Ludgate-Hill, and Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1680.

ESTC 228205. Nelson and Seccombe, 647.50B. 17pp., 2o. Disbound. Paginated: [4] 145-148 139-142 153-159 [1]. The title-page reads: 'THE | RESOLUTIONS | OF THE | HOUSE of COMMONS, | FOR THE | IMPEACHMENT | OF | Sir WILLIAM SCROGGS Knt. | Chief Justice of the COURT of | King's Bench; | [this and following three lines bracketed on the left] Sir THOMAS JONES Knight, one of the | Justices of the same Court. | Sir RICHARD WESTON Knight, one of | the Barons of the Court of EXCHEQUER.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] The Informations of John Sergeant, and David Maurice, Gentlemen; relating to the Popishplot, (Deliver'd by them upon their respective Oaths) Reported to the House of Commons, Upon Saturday the 26th Day of March, 1681.

[John Sergeant; David Maurice; the House of Commons; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for Gabriel Kunholt, Book-Binder to His Highness Prince RUPERT; And are to be Sold at his Shop at the Kings-Head, over-against the Meuse. 1681.

ESTC R24519. Wing S2572. 9pp., 2o. Paginated: [2] 1-7. 'THE | INFORMATIONS | OF | JOHN SERGEANT, | AND | DAVID MAURICE, | [last three lines gathered by right brace to] Gentlemen; | RELATING | TO THE | POPISHPLOT, | (Deliver'd by them upon their respective Oaths) | REPORTED | To the HOUSE of | COMMONS, | Upon Saturday the 26th Day of March, 1681. | Then Ordered by the Commons | IN | PARLIAMENT, | To be forthwith Printed. | [rule] | LONDON, | Printed for Gabriel Kunholt, Book-Binder to His | Highness Prince RUPERT; And are to be Sold at his Shop | at the Kings-Head, over-against the Meuse.

[Henry Benjamin Wheatley.] Manuscript 'List of Plays seen by Pepys from 1660 to 1669' and other related material.

[Henry Benjamin Wheatley (1838-1917), author and editor; Samuel Pepys]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London, 1880s?]

Unattributed, but in Wheatley's hand. The 'List of Plays seen by Pepys from 1660 to 1669' is 5pp., foolscap 8vo, on loose leaves of unwatermarked ruled paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. It is neatly written out in ink, with occasional pencil emendations, giving dates, theatres and titles. A few comments on the theatres are included, for example on 'Davenant's New Theatre in Lincolns Inn Fields'.

[Item printed for the Chetham Society, inscribed by the editor.] A Forme of Confession grounded upon the ancient Catholique and Apostolique Faith. Made and composed by the Honorable Ladie the Lady Bridget Egerton. A.D.1636.

Lady Bridget Egerton; Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P.; Chetham Society, Manchester
Publication details: 
Printed for the Chetham Society. 1871.

Beneath title on title-page: 'From the original MS. in the possession of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart., M.P.' [1] + 31pp., 4to. With frontispiece facsimile in black and red. On aged and worn paper, in damaged binding, with front hinge split and spine held together with tape. Bookplate label of M. A. E. Cotton on front pastedown. In dark-green cloth binding, with gilt design on front board incorporating the words of 'BRIDGETS BELIEFE' within a ruled border. Inscribed by the editor on the front free endpaper: 'Marianne | from her affectionate brother | P. M.

[Robert Walton, London printer and printseller.] Two engravings: 'IULIUS CESAR. I' and 'AUGUSTUS II', with their reverses carrying manuscript accounts relating to farm rents [in Polmear, Cornwall, and owned by the Rashleigh family?].

Robert Walton, seventeenth-century printer and printseller, at the Sign of the Globe, St Paul's Churchyard [Rashleigh family of Polmear, Cornwall?]
Publication details: 
'<P>rinted and Sold by Rob: Walton at the Globe <...> the West end of St. Pauls Church [...] Ludgate | <N>ow sold in Bow-Church-Yard.' Seventeenth century. Manuscript accounts on reverses with entries dating from 1775 to 1802 [Polmear, Cornwall?]

BBTI has Walton trading between 1647 and 1688. Both prints roughly 17.5 x 12 cm. Both in fair condition, on aged paper. The first - 'IULIUS CESAR I' - has a rough edge on the right and a trimmed edge on the left. It shows Caesar in martial dress on horseback, beneath which: '

rinted and Sold by Rob: Walton at the Globe <...> the West end of St. Pauls Church turning to Ludgate | ow sold in Bow-Church-Yard.' At the foot of the engraving is a six line poem, beginning 'By ciuill wars unto the Empire came'. '151' in bottom right-hand corner.

[Hon. Henry Thynne, Tory Member of Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Thynne') to Sir William Blackett, regarding the payment of a debt.

Henry Thynne (1675-1708), Tory Member of Parliament for Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (1701, 1702-1708), and Tamworth (1701-1702) [Sir William Blackett (1657-1705) of Newcastle-upon-Tyne]
Publication details: 
No place. 10 December 1696.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed by Thynne, with two small seals in red wax, on reverse of the second leaf, 'For Wm. Blackett Bart | At Mr. Morlands in Manchester Court | Cannon Rowe | Westm[inste]r.' In fair condition, on aged and dusty paper. The letter reads: 'Sr | Had I not Recd yors of this day I should not have failed of Sending you the acquittance for the mony Recd upon the Bill you sent me which was very punctually paid, for which I Returne you many thanks and also the Usuall acquittance for theh Same. I am wth. great respect | Yor very humble Servt | H. Thynne'.

[John Evelyn, diarist and author.] Manuscript transcription [by his descendant W. F. Evelyn?], of the unpublished manuscript 'Testamentum in Procinctu', addressed to his son as he was about to go to Ireland.

John Evelyn (1620-1706), diarist and author [William John Evelyn (1822-1908) of Sayes Court]
Publication details: 
Evelyn's original dated 10 August 1692; this transcript c. 1880.

85pp., foolscap 8vo, on the rectos of 85 leaves. On laid paper with Stowford Mills watermark dated 1874. In a notebook with contemporary brown calf half-binding, with marbled boards and endpapers. Pencil notes regarding provenance precede the text: 'Evelyn MSS. Unpublished (?) | Copy by W. J. Evelyn (?) | Ex Joanna Booth | Ex Christies Evelyn Sale. | pencil MS Note verso p.32 in W. J. E.'s ordinary hand | See note | Transcript of unpublished Evelyn mss. c 1880.' Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding.

[Sir Robert Howard, restoration playwright.] Autograph Treasury receipt, signed 'Ro: Howard'.

Sir Robert Howard (1626-1698), English playwright and politician and Secretary to the Treasury
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of slip of 6 x 18 cm paper. In fair condition, aged, and with traces of mount adhering to reverse. Apparently concerning an enormous sum of money, the receipt reads: 'Registered upon the Register appointed to be kept by the Act within mentioned & payable there upon of

[William Maynard, 2nd Baron Maynard.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Maynard') to Sir Richard Bulstrode, expressing puzzlement that his grandson should have visited Brussels without calling upon him, and asking him to show the boy favour.

William Maynard, 2nd Baron Maynard (c.1623-1689) [Sir Richard Bulstrode (1617-1711), British ambassador at Brussels]
Publication details: 
'Windzor' [i.e. the Royal Court at Windsor]. 25 June 1686.

2pp., 12mo. 49 lines of text. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf (which also carries his seal): 'For Sr Richard Bulstrode | Envoy from his Matie of greate Brittaine Att ye Court | Att Bruxells | these'.

[Esmé Cecil Wingfield-Stratford, historian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Esmé Wingfield-Stratford') to an unnamed recipient, giving a positive assessment of Archbishiop Laud.

Esmé Cecil Wingfield-Stratford (1882-1971), historian [William Laud (1573-1645), Archbishop of Canterbury]
Publication details: 
No place. 10 December 1947.

2pp., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper.

Engraved portraits of the Flemish artists David Teniers the Elder (by Van Leysebetten from a painting by Van Mol) and his son David Teniers the Younger (by Meyssens from a self-portrait), both from Cornelis de Bie's 'Gulden Cabinet'

[David Teniers the Elder (1582-1649); his son David Teniers the Younger (1610-1690), Flemish painters from Antwerp; Cornelis de Bie (1627-1715); Pieter van Mol (1559-1650); Jan Meyssens (1612-1670)]
Publication details: 
[Antwerp: Juliaen van Montfort, 1662]

Both prints in very good condition. David Teniers the Elder: Dimensions of paper 22 x 17.5; dimensions of plate 18 x 14 cm. Captioned 'DAVID TENIERS SENIOR' and numbered 26. Brief biography in French beneath image, and 'P. V. Mol pinxit P. V. Leysebetten sculp'. David Teniers the Younger: Dimensions of page 20.5 x 15.5 cm; dimensions of plate 16.5 x 11.5 cm. Captioned 'DAVID TENIERS' and numbered 58. Short biography in French, followed by: 'Dav. Teniers pinxit Pet. de Iode sculpsit Io. Meyssens excudie.'

Eighteenth century manuscript manorial Court Leet 'Charge in the Court Baron', engrossed on vellum, giving instructions for an enquiry to be made by a land steward into matters 'that concen the Lord's Interest'.

[Eighteenth-century Manorial Court Leet 'Charge in the Court Baron']
Publication details: 
Place and date not given. [English; mid-eighteenth century?]

Engrossed on both sides of a long strip of vellum, 18.5 x 76 cm. Written in a neat clerk's hand. The vellum is worn, with slight damage at the head, and some passages, particularly at the start, are illegible. The heading appears to be 'Court Leet Charge', and the sub-heading 'Charge in the Court Baron' appears twice. The text is strongly reminiscent to the relevant sections in Giles Jacob's 'Complete Court-Keeper, or, Land-Steward's Assistant'.

Holograph essay by the Nantwych antiquary T. W. Jones, entitled 'Notices of Richard Brathwayte and his Works.' Accompanied by an Autograph Letter Signed ('T: W: Jones.') from Jones to Rev. Henry Green, regarding Brathwaite.

T. W. Jones, Attorney at Law, Barker Street, Nantwich, antiquary [Rev. Henry Green; Richard Brathwaite [Brathwait; Brathwayte; Brathwayt] (1587-1673), English poet, Shakespeare contemporary]
Publication details: 
Holograph essay dated 'T. W. J. | June 1866.' Letter: Barker Street, Nantwich. 3 July 1866.

Both essay and letter on aged and brittle paper, with some chipping to extremities (not affecting text). Both are written in a tight, close hand. The letter: 2pp., 12mo.

[Printed Georgian pamphlet of song lyrics, not in ESTC.] The Gentleman's Concert. Being A Choice Collection of Favourite Songs. Containing, [twenty numbered song titles, including '15. I am a poor black, it is true.'

[Georgian song book; Cluer Dicey & Co., London publishers; 'George Seghious'; 'The Black's Lamentation'; slavery]
Publication details: 
Publication details and date not give. [London: Cluer Dicey & Co. 1770s?]

The full drophead title, beneath a headpiece of three lions in folliage, reads: The Gentleman's CONCERT. | BEING | A Choice Collection of Favourite SONGS. | Containing, | [following 10 lines in left-hand of two columns] 1. Where's my swain so blyth and clever | 2. To an arbour of woodbines. | 3. The flame of love sincere I felt. | 4. When all the Attic fire was fled. | 5. Cupid, god of pleasing anguish. | 6. As I walk'd forth, &c. | 7. O give me leave to love you dearly. | 8. When Fanny I saw as she trip'd, [sic] &c | 9. Bumpers 'Squire Jones. | 10. Sweet Annie.

Itemised manuscript accounts of an early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant, for customers including William Cavendish of Dovebridge, Thomas Stanhope, William Sacheverell, Reginald Cynder.

[Accounts of an 18th-century Derbyshire winemerchant; William Cavendish of Dovebridge; Brook Boothby; Thomas Stanhope; William Sacheverell; the wine trade; vintners]
Early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant
Publication details: 
Derbyshire; between 12 July 1702 and 13 January 1711.
Early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant

15 pp, narrow folio (14.5 x 38 cm), in the remains of a volume which has been reused and cut up (see below). Although aged and dogeared, the eight pages carrying the accounts are in reasonable condition, with all texts clear and complete, although the last leaf of the eight has the lower third cut away. In remains of original vellum binding, with '17 Maij j683' on front board. The pages are variously paginated in a contemporary hand between 245 and 274.

Itemised autograph 'Accompt Good Toun to Adam Burknay 1697' for expenses incurred 'At ye ryding of ye Marches [riding of the marches]' at 'Lythgow [Linlithgow]', with signed authorisation from the council, and Burknay's signed receipt.

[The Riding of the Marches, the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, 1697; Adam Burknay]
The Riding of the Marches, the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, 1697
Publication details: 
Burknay's 'Accompt' dated 1697; the Council authorisation dated 14 August 1697; Burknay's receipt dated 'Lythgow 26 Apryll 1698'.
The Riding of the Marches, the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, 1697

8vo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper, with text clear and complete. The account, in Burknay's hand, is headed 'Accompt Good Toun | to | Adam Burknay | 1697 | Imp At ye ryding of ye Marches'. Itemised with eight entries totalling £29 19s 0d. Items are 'meal', 'ale tobacco & pyps', 'to ye men yt sett ye march-stone', 'to ye officers ale & bread', '6 pynts 1 chopen wyne', 'at ye making doctor Bane and othr burges 5 pynts wyne', 'Tongues & bread' and 'to ye servtts'.

[Printed handbill.] The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 3.] [Regarding the victory of the Duke of Marlborough at Ramillies.]

John Smith, Speaker, House of Commons [Queen Anne; Jacob Tonson; Timothy Goodwin; the Duke of Marlborough; the Battle of Ramillies, 1706]
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 3.]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, within Grays-Inn Gate next Grays-Inn Lane; and Timothy Goodwin, at the Queen's-Head against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. 1706.
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 3.]

8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Blank reverse. Fair, on aged paper. Paginated 9, with 'Numb. 3.' in the top right-hand corner. Returning thanks for the 'speech from the throne', and for Marlborough's victory at Ramillies, 'A Victory so Glorious and Great in its Consequences, and attended with such Continued Successses, through the whole Course of this Year, that no Age can Equal.' Tonson's and Goodwin's appointment, by Smith, is signed in type.

[Printed handbill.] The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 96.] [Regarding 'the French King's persisting to Invade'.]

John Smith, Speaker, House of Commons [Queen Anne; Jacob Tonson; Timothy Goodwin]
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen.
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, within Grays-Gate next Grays-Inn Lane; and Timothy Goodwin, at the Queen's-Head against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. 1707.
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen.

8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Blank reverse. Fair, on aged paper. Paginated 205, with 'Numb. 96' in the top right-hand corner. In small type. Returning thanks for the speech from the throne, giving 'the Account of the French King's persisting to Invade Your Dominions, and to Impose a Pretender upon these Realms'. Calling for, among other things, 'the severest Punishments' to be 'inflicted upon such as shall Assist in so Unnatural a Design, as that of Betraying Your Majesty and their Country'. Tonson's and Goodwin's appointment, by Smith, is signed in type.

Original seventeenth-century Dutch etching of man vomiting while onlookers hold their noses, attributed to Jan Both after his brother Andries Both, with caption beginning 'Seecker dat is geen Roy, wat mach dat varcken drinckien'.

Jan Both [Jan Dirksz Both] (c. 1614-1652), Dutch engraver and painter, brother of Andries Both (c. 1612-1642)
Publication details: 
[Dutch, seventeenth century.]

On a piece of watermarked laid paper, roughly 26.5 x 20 cm. Dimensions of image 18 x 13.5 cm. The image and text are clear and complete. Fair, on foxed and aged paper, with fraying to margin at edges. Complete text reads 'Seecker dat is geen Roy, wat mach dat varcken drincken | Die Reuck is niet heel moy, gans velten is dat stincken.' Depicts a group of five peasants in the countryside, one sitting on a tree stump vomiting, while another puts her hand on his head, and two hold their noses. The attribution is in the entry on the copy in the Wellcome Library (no.

Anonymous Manuscript, apparently unpublished, docketed: 'Copie of a Letter to Sr Philip Warwick [secretary to King Charles I] assisting at the Treatie at the Isle of Wight Oct: 17th 1648', written a few months before the king's trial and execution.

[Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I; Isle of Wight, 1648; English Civil War]
Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I
Publication details: 
[Seventeenth-century. Docketed date of copied document 17 October 1648.]
Sir Philip Warwick (1609-1683), secretary to King Charles I

Folio, 3 pp. Bifolium. Printed on laid, watermarked paper. Around thirty-four lines to the page. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with loss to one corner (not affecting text). Reverse of second leaf docketed, and with thin strip from mount adhering at fold. Written in a neat seventeenth-century hand, with a number of emendations (including a deletion of three lines) suggesting that this copy was made by the anonymous author himself.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jane Lane.') to 'Mr. Howarth'.

'Jane Lane' [pen name of Elaine Kidner Dakers] (1905-1978), English historical novelist
Jane Lane, historical novelist, letter
Publication details: 
29 January 1956; on her Hampstead letterhead.
Jane Lane, historical novelist, letter

4to, 1 p. Ten lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with some creasing at head. The delay in replying is due to 'a rather severe attack of influenza'. She has no photograph to send ('I have been meaning to have some new ones taken, but never seem to get time'), but is 'so glad that my books give you pleasure, & I hope that I shall be able to continue to entertain you with them'.

Autograph Signature ('Steph: Waller') on detached flyleaf of a book, with shelfmark in autograph.

Stephen Waller (1654-1706), son and executor of the poet Edmund Waller (1606-1687)
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On a piece of laid paper, roughly 14 x 9 cm. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Reads 'Steph: Waller | (Eng. 21)'. Docketed in ink on lower part of same page: 'Flyleaf of Book from Library o Stephen Waller - 2nd. Son of Edmund Waller, the poet, and one of t Commisisoners appointed by Quee Anne on the Union between Scotland and England -'.

The Art of Poetry, Written in French by The Sieur de Boileau. In Four Canto's. Made English By Sir William Soames, Since Revis'd by John Dryden, Esq;

Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux; Sir William Soames; John Dryden; Henry Hills junior, London printer
Publication details: 
London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in Black-fryars near the Water-side. 1710.

12mo: 40 pp. Disbound. Good, on lightly aged paper. Contemporary ownership inscription of 'William Francklyn" on title-page. This edition is scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Liverpool.

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