Printing History

Autograph Letter to 'Sir J. Phillepart' [i.e. John Philippart].

Cyrus Redding
Publication details: 
Thursday [docketed 'Feb 1847']; [10?] Hill Road, St John's Wood.

Editor and journalist (1785-1870). The recipient (1784?-1874) was a writer on military matters, and editor of the United Services Journal. Two pages, 12mo. Good, though grubby, and with docketing, rust from paperclip and biographical details typed in line at head. A formal letter, unsigned and in the third person. 'Mr Redding presents his Compts. to Sir J. Phillepart with but scanty recollections for it is many years since they met and wishes to remind him of an article sent to the U[nited]. S[ervices]. J[ournal]. thro' Mr Hunt.

Autograph Letter Signed to J[oseph] Swain.

Thomas Robert Macquoid
Publication details: 
25 July 1873; Stanley Place, Chelsea.

English artist and illustrator (1820-1912). Swain (1820-1909) was a noted wood-engraver, and the letter concerns his possible employment by Macquoid. Two pages, 12mo. Good, but on discoloured paper, heavily sunned along one edge and browning in one corner, with small closed tear at top of fold. Swain's price 'for Blocks will do - £8. 8. 0 for full page & £6. 6. 0 for front page -'. He has seen Williams 'who was very polite & promised me some work'. Williams is 'going to be married soon - wh: he said wd. "come in the way" of drawings at present'. Signed Thos. R. Macquoid'.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr. Wilson' [the bookseller John Gideon Wilson of Bumpus?].

Edmond Xavier Kapp
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on letterhead '2 Steele's Studios | Haverstock Hill N W. 3'.

English artist (1890-1978). His wife, Yvonne Kapp, published four novels under the pseudonym Yvonne Cloud. One page, octavo. Very good, though a little creased and with dogeared corners. Reads 'Dear Mr. Wilson, | It is good of you to have taken so much trouble - I am greatly obliged to you. The lists have gone off to Berlin to-day. | All my thanks - & good wishes for a restful holiday'. Signed 'Edmond X. Kapp'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Sir Francis Graham?] Moon.

William Chevalier
Publication details: 
Thursday Morn' [no date, but on paper watermarked 1825]; '3. Edwards Place | Hackney Road.'

English engraver (1804-66). One page, octavo. Good, on slightly discoloured paper with spike hole at centre. Addressed to 'Mr. Moon' on verso of second leaf of bifoliate, which has a hole from the breaking of a wafer which still adheres. Reads 'I've taken the liberty of leaving for your inspection a few specimens of my stile of engraving - your brother Mr.

Eleven (11) Autograph Letters Signed to Swan Sonnenschein, publishers.

Charles Duke Yonge.
Publication details: 

Historian (DNB). Total thirty (30) pages, 8vo (10) and 4to (1). The subject is his book "Our Great Naval Commanders" published by his correspondents, Swan Sonnenschein, in 1884, from its inception to the proof stage. He begins (16 Dec. 1882) "It is not quite easy to decide whom it would be best to include in such a volume as you propose - Nelson of course stands at the head of all sailors. Next to him, I think, comes Rodney . . . but there are no materials to be procured for a sketch of Hawke . .

Autograph Note Signed to J.G. Wilson, Managing Director of Bumpus's, publishers and booksellers

C.E. Lawrence.
Publication details: 
The Quarterly Review, 50 Albemarle Street, London, W1, 1 November 1932.

Novelist and dramatist. One page, 8vo, good condition. "I was away yesterday - unwell, & today your Bombshell frightens me. Do spare me if possible [all from "Do" underlined] (& certainly if J.M. v. [John Murray V] is there, for he's the one to speak . ..); but Ican't refuse your request if you really want me. There is nothing new to say on the subject of Scott & Q.R."

Autograph Letter Signed to T. Gilks, prob. the printer and writer on wood-engraving, Thomas Gilks.

Dudley Costello.
Publication details: 
Adelphi, 12 June [no year].

Author and journalist (see DNB). Three pages, 8vo, some damage not affecting text. He acknowledges receipt of some proofs and asking him to hold on to the ones he has "until I can make sure of a publisher". He finds the times "bad" and the work would not necessarily be published immediately. They should wait to make their "mark". "I write this in order that you may not let the blocks which you have engaged to [?] for us interfere such pressing & I hope more immediately useful work."

2 Notes signed, third person, to "Mr Bohte", bookseller

Dr Samuel Parr, divine, schoolmaster and scholar
Publication details: 
15 April 1824 and to "Mr Jones", 23 April [1824].

12mo. In a quavering hand (he died the following year), he is returning two volumes of Terence to Bohte with a payment and inviting a visit from Jones. Two items,

Autograph Note Signed to "Mr Wilkinson" (Robert? see Maxted).

Duchess of Rutland.
Publication details: 
Sackville Street, 8 Oct. 1801.

See also her letter to Triphook (#2031). One page, 4to, spike-hole reaired, usual condition, text clear and complete: "The Dss of Rutland desires Mr. Wilkinson will be so good to send her a Print of herself, from Sir Joshua Reynolds's Picture the full length, & to bring it to her House No. 28 Sackville St. in the course of this [excision] day, as she is going out of Town,[.] when the Print comes the Dss desires the Person will make a Bill of it & wait for the money -"

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent (poss. Cadell).

Coventry (Earl of).
Publication details: 
Piccadilly, 13 June 179[?].

One page, 4to, some discoloration, but text readable. "Sir,/ Please to deliver to the Bearer, Mr Clarke, the Evidence on Mr Hasting's Trial from page 1204 to page 1244 so much being wanting to compleat my Numbers." Note (for dating purposes and identification of correspondent = publisher): prob. Minutes of the evidence taken at the trial of Warren Hastings ... upon an impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors, etc. [London,] 1788[-94]. fol.

Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Charles Butler.
Publication details: 
Lincoln's Inn, 15 Sept. 1820.

Legal and misc. writer (1750-1832). Part of page (trimmed), 5 x 5", stained but text clear and complete. "I wished to see you, on your return from Clark, tomention my doubt whether the manuscript, which I put into your hands, is proper in its present state, for insertion in the review, which [excisions] you notived [excison] to [inserted] me;- If you will have the goodness to return it to me, I will endeavour to cast it into a more proper form for your publication:-".

Autograph letter signed to Bohte ("Compliments to Mrs Bohte")

D.G. Wait (Daniel Guilford Wait).
Publication details: 
Redland House, W. Bristol, 10 April 1824.

Hebraist and Biblical scholar (1789-1850). One page, edges discoloured, chipped, text complete and clear. "I was mentioning to a friend here Ebert's Bibliographisches Lexicon, who wishes much to see it: Mrs Wait [prob. mother, he was unmarried re. DNB] will leave town on Sunday, when she will arrive on Saty ["for" excised] on her way to this place. Would you entrust me with a copy to shew him, & direct it to me on Saty morng. to the care of Mrs Wait, at Mrs Bowdens 33 Gt Coram St. Brunswick Square? & if he does not take the copy, I will bribng it back.

Autograph letter signed to Triphook.

W.S. Roscoe
Publication details: 
Liverpool, 21 Sept. 1816.

Poet, son of William Roscoe (1782-1843). One page, 4to, spike-hole, edges stained, fold marks, text clear. "I beg to enclose a Bill for £20.8.0 - for £12 due for & £8.8. - from Mr Roscoe / In the letter I believe there was some exchange of Books but I apprehend the account is correct tho' I have mislaid the particulars - / May I beg you to make my compliments to Mr & to believe be . . .". Some figures added in another hand ("5.8/3.3").

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent (bookseller).

Alaric A. Watts.
Publication details: 
Ardwick Green near Manchester, 23 Aug. (no year, 1825-1826?).

Poet and journalist (1797-1864). Two pages, 4to, edges discoloured, fold marks, good condition. "Sir// I borrowed your shop Catalogue a few days ago and accidentally brought it away with me for which I beg you will accept my apologies. I send it by the first opportunity and I will thank you to send for me to the care of my Publishers Hurst Robinson & Co. Cheapside. I will remit the amount of the invoice whatever it [page 2] may be by an parcel[.] The young man to whom I the day I called at your shop will recollect the terms upon which he promised to supply me. . .

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Arthur Taylor.
Publication details: 
No place, 28 May (no year).

Printer to a publisher. One page, 8vo, some marks, mainly good. "Sir/ You must be quite aware that it is not usual for a Printer to be sent about to seek Payment out of the proceeds of a work./ I must again request that you [underlined] will arrange the settlement, which has already been deferred far beyond the time." There is an Arthur Taylor in Brown (i.e -see also Todd - good info.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent [Jeffery re. Lowndes].

Edmund Boehm.
Publication details: 
<?> Sidmouth, Devon, 20 Oct. 1810.

One page, 4to, grubby, repaired (after being torn in two), text clear and complete. "Sir/ Having received your advertisemt. of the Antiquarian Repertory published by you in 4 Vol. at 12 Gs. a few copies of which remain on large Paper at 20 gs. I should like to purchase one or the other if you would send them to my House in St. James Square or keep them untill my return to town which will not be untill after Christmas perhaps not untill February---". Lowndes says of thenew edition (4 vols., 1807-1809 "Published and edited by Jeffery the bookseller . . .).

Autograph Note, third person, to "Messrs Blackwoods' Printing Office".

John Wilson [ Christopher North ]
Publication details: 
No place or date.

One page, trimmed, 6 x 5", some defects but text clear and apprently complete, as follows: "Professor Wilson wishes the enclosed LIst to be set up immediately [underlined]; & a proof of it to be ready in the [shop?] [phrase underlined] at 10 O'Clock tomorro morning [underlined] as it will be wanted at 1/2 Eleven." A further instruction, "Set it up in the same [?]" is crossed out. An interesting insight into Wilson's relationship with Blackwood's printers.

Stanley Morison 1889-1967 [The Monotype Recorder, vol. 43, no. 3, Autumn 1968].

James Moran
Publication details: 
Sine loco. The Monotype Corporation Limited. 1968.

32 pages, 4to. Unbound and stitched in original mustard-coloured printed wraps. 8 plates and numerous illustrations in text. Good only with some heavy creasing and a few pencil annotations.

The law the lawyers know about.

H. D. C. Pepler [Eric Gill, David Jones, S. Dominic's Press]
Publication details: 
PRINTED AT S. DOMINIC'S PRESS, DITCHLING, SUSSEX' at foot of verso of last leaf; no date.

4 leaves. 8 unpaginated pages. 16mo. 9 centimeters by 12 centimeters. Dusty but very good indeed. Evan Gill 272 describes the first edition of 1923 and a subsequent edition of 1929, but makes no mention of an undated issue. Wood engravings by Gill: lawyer's wig on cover-title; bird in cage on verso of third leaf; angel before tombstone on verso of last leaf. 'WITABEL WATLO' engraving [by David Jones?] on recto of third leaf. Prob. Taylor & Sewell 117c

Signed Typed Memorandum of Agreement between Lindsay and the publisher Anthony Blond Limited, for 'a contribution to THE NEW LONDON SPY edited by Hunter Davies on the subject of Lesbianism'.

Cressida Lindsay [Anthony Blond Ltd; The New London Spy]
Publication details: 
1965; no place.

One page, A4. In poor condition: creased and dogeared with several closed tears and a staple in the top left-hand corner. With 'not valid' in ms in top right-hand corner. The contribution, to be delivered by 1 August 1965, was to have been five thousand words in length, 'at the rate of 10 guineas for each thousand words of the contribution'. In the event it was replaced by Maureen Duffy's piece on 'Lesbianism in London'. Signed by 'Cressida Lindsay' and by 'Desmond Brian' on behalf of Blond.

SPECIAL LIST FOR Brewers, Wine Merchants, Aerated Water Trade, &c.' of firm making 'Carts, Wagons, Vans, Drays, &c. of all descriptions, also Dog-Carts, Phaetons, and other Carriages'.

The Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works Co. Ltd. [TRANSPORT]
Publication details: 
February 1895; 'HEMMONS, TYP., BRISTOL'.

4 pages of advertisements. 2 leaves folio (roughly 12 inches by 18 inches). In extremely poor condition: grubby, creased and stained, with several closed tears and damage involving loss, particularly to the first leaf, the heading of which has been cut away, so that the name of the firm can only be deduced from the illustrations. There are 27 steel-engravings of various vehicles, of which 5 on the first leaf have been seriously damaged. Details, including prices, are given for each vehicle.

Autograph Note Signed "Dufferin and Ava" to [John] Murray, publisher.

Dufferin and Ava, Marquis of
Publication details: 
46 Cadogan Square, S.W., 3 July 1891.

Blackwood, Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple, first Marquis of Dufferin and Ava 1826-1902, diplomatist and administrator (DNB). One page, 8vo, tarces of having ben laid down in album, text cleqar and complete. "My dear Murray / A thousand thanks for your kind little note about Mrs Elliot's book . . ."

Autograph Letter Signed to the wife of the Rev. Charles Henry Middleton Wake.

Alexander Henry Hallam Murray
Publication details: 
9 June 1881; on letterhead '50, ALBEMARLE ST. | W.'

Son (1854-1936) of the publisher John Murray and partner in the firm. The husband (1828-1915) of the recipient was a connoisseur and print collector. Two pages, 12mo. Folded three times. In very good condition. He cannot accept the dinner engagement for the 13th June. 'I have unfortunately an engagement on that evening to dine with friends in this neighbourhood.'

Autograph letter signed to Mr [Otto] Haas, dealer in musical autographs?]

Ebenezer Prout
Publication details: 
26 February 1879, 12 Greenwood Road, Dalston.

Musical composer, organist and theorist (1835-1909). Two pages, 8vo, minor defects fold mark (notoiceable fold marks on blank last page, one or two faint spots, white paper, black ink, original, mainly very good condition. In answer to a novel enquiry. "In reply to your letter I write to say that I have today made enquiries about a silent piano, and find that no such instrument as you describe is to be produced ready-made. There is no mechanism by which a silent piano could be made to give a faint sound; and what your customer wants is, I think, impossible.

One Autograph Letter Signed to "Gosse" and one Autograph Note Initialled to an unnamed correspondent.

Philip Sainsbury.
Publication details: 
The Cayme Press, 21 Stanhope Mews West, Kensington, S.W.7, no dates but the printed address (36 Queen's Gate Mews, S.W.7") has been replaced by handwritten "Stanhope Mews" address.

Founder, with Humphrey Toulmin of the Cayme Press. Total 3pp., 8vo, minor defects, good condition, text clear and complete. (The ALS (2pp.) is addressed to [Edmund prob.] "Gosse", inviting him to dinner at the Double Crown Club and thinking he would be amused. "The members are mainly publishers & include such people as Sadleir, Sidgwick, Holbrook Jackson, Harold Monro, Albert Rutherston, Emery Walker & C".

Eight Autograph Letters Signed "Stanley" to Messrs Routledge, publishers.

Henry Edward John Stanley, 3rd Earl.
Publication details: 

Diplomatist and orientalist (see DNB). Total 20pp., 8vo, good condition. The main subject is illustrations of animals and birds perhaps relating to a book (a "book" is mentioned) which I cannot trace in NSTC, etc., but perhaps multiple copies of pages of illustrations of monkeys, kangaroos, cats, dogs, birds, seals, squirrels, etc. His first letter is dated 27 July 1851 (signed "Stanley" by Henry had not yet succeeded to the title[?]) and he asks "Will you commence printing a thousand of the monkeys. How many thousand sheets would form a convenient parcel . . . 6000 . .

Unpublished proof of illustration for "Henry Esmond".

W.M. Thackeray.
Publication details: 
No date.

C. 6 x 4", in envelope, on which a description has been written as follows: "With Mr E.L. Legatts kind regard. 2 proof copies [note: only one present] from an unpublished [underlined] wood block cut by Mr swain being an illustration to Thackary's [sic] "Esmond" shewing the boy being introduced to the Lord Castlewood by the Roman Catholic priest. 1 Copy for your sister please. / Novr 05". Postmak, 2 Dec. 1905, addressed to "Mrs Walker, 36 Elsworthy Road, London, NW".

typed note signed and typed letter signed to Elliott O'Donnell. author

Allen Lane
Publication details: 
3 Sept. and 21 Dec. 1936

Publisher (1902?-1970). One page each, 4to. In one he discusses someone's sighting of ghosts (about which O'Donnell has written and the possibility of reprinting O'Donnell's work on werewolves in Penguin. In the other he briefly gives information about his family and anticipates an announcement with regard to the Bodley Head "in the New Year". The letter has the stamp of the "Receiver", so the announcement may well refer to the company's financial difficulties (see W.E. Williams, "Allen Lane", p.41 "bankruptcy" of Bodley Head).

Printed Circular Autograph Letter Signed with Subscription Form)

Comte Alexis de Saint Priest.
Publication details: 
August 1845, 124 Regent Street, London.

French writer (1805-1851). Three pages, 8vo, bifoliate, good condition. "Sir,/ I have the honor to forward you the enclosed prospectus of the "Encyclopedie du XIXe Siecle" in which the high approbation given to this work by his Holiness, and also that of the R.R.

Autograph letter signed to J.H. Burn, Bookseller, King Street, Covent Garden, London.

Daniel Terry.
Publication details: 
T[heatre] R[oyal], Cheltenham, 3 June 1827.

One page, 4to, fold marks, text clear and complete.

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