Printing History

Twelve Typed Letters and one Autograph Letter relating to the printing of the 'Society of Arts Journal', addressed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood and George Kenneth Menzies, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts, together with one printed circular.

[PRINTING: FIRST WORLD WAR]William Archibald Clowes (1866-1937), Chairman, William Clowes & Sons Ltd, English printers
Publication details: 
10 August 1915 to 23 November 1917.

Clowes is an eminent firm of English printers, founded in London in 1803, and still thriving in Suffolk. The twelve typed letters are each one page, quarto, on the firm's Duke Street letterhead. The autograph letter is one page, 12mo, with mourning border. The collection in good condition overall, with a few items aged and lightly creased. Most items docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. All items except the circular signed by 'W A Clowes', who (he informs Wood in his first letter) has taken over from his cousin, Captain W. C.

Engraved trade card with illustration.

[PRINTING] Henry Sandon, Victorian engraver
Publication details: 
Without date [circa 1850?]; 60, Wellington Street, Goswell Street, London.

On good thick wove paper, roughly six and a quarter inches by four and three-quarters wide. Dimensions of plate indentation five inches by three wide. Good, on aged and lightly-foxed paper, left edge irregular indicating extraction. A very attractive card, carrying an engraving of a sylvan scene giving a very good idea of Sandon's qualities. Reads, in a variety of hands, 'EVERY | Description | OF | ENGRAVING & PRINTING | Neatly executed. | [vignette] | HENRY SANDON, | 60, Wellington Street, Goswell Street, | London.' Sandon does not feature in BBTI. is he real?

Printed Advertisement Leaf advertising Mavor's 'Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries'.

E[dward]. Newbery, Bookseller, Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard, London
Publication details: 
London; [1797].

Two pages, on leaf roughly eight and a half inches by five. Very good, with three stab holes along one margin. Headed 'NEW COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, [...] This Day is published'.

A Priced Catalogue of the whole stock of Theological Books, [...], of the late firm of Dickinson & Higham, together with the additions thereto made during the printing of the catalogue by the firm's junior partner and successor, Charles Higham.

Charles Higham (1846-1920), London theological bookseller [Dickinson & Higham]
Publication details: 
London: Farringdon Street, E.C. 1878. [S. & J. Brawn, Printers, 13, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.']

Octavo, 216 pages. One of 'only fifty copies printed, on thick paper'. Title-page in red and black. Aged and a little stained, in recent half-leather rebinding. 9670 items listed, 'for the most part second-hand'.

Autograph Note to Messrs Hodder & Stoughton, publishers.

Charles Higham (1846-1920), London theological bookseller [Hodder & Stoughton]
Publication details: 
Undated [1890s]; on Higham's letterhead, 'FROM | CHARLES HIGHAM, | Second-hand-Book-Seller, | 27a FARRINGDON STREET, LONDON, E.C.'

One page. Dimensions of slip roughly four inches by five and a quarter wide. Somewhat aged, but entirely legible. Reads 'British Quarterly Review | Can you tell me what was the last part of this issued, if it is possible to get a title-page and index to vol 83. My last part is 166 April 1886'. Docketed note of reply states that no title was published to the volume containing April 1886.

Receipted Invoice, part printed, Signed, account of [Lechbury? - in pencil]

David Ferrier, Scottish bookseller.
Publication details: 
Bible Depository, 17 Leith Street, Edinburgh, 29 March 1860

One page, 8vo, good condition. A "Sederunt Book".

Printed Advertisement Leaf, with illustration.

William and Joseph Marshall, Bookseller and Stationer, 'At the Bible in Newgate-street, over against the Blue-Coat Hospital Gate'
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1720].

Dimensions roughly six inches by three and a half. Wormed (but only affecting two letters of text) on aged paper. One page, blank reverse. Wood cut at head, roughly one and a quarter inches square, illustrating a leather-bound book with clasps. Thirty-three lines of text, beginning 'At the Bible in Newgate-street, over against the Blue-Coat Hospital Gate.

Antiquarian Book Monthly Review, vols. I-IV

Ed. Elke Sadeghi and others.
Publication details: 
Feb. 1974- Dec. 1977, issues 1-44.

Four vols, simply bound in variant colours, good condition. Ex lib (Public Library) but latterly from the Reference Library of Peter Eaton (Booksellers) Ltd, library stamp, and number on spine. The periodiocal which best informed booksellers and collecvors from its institution.

Steel engraving by de Mare, after drawing by Rochussen, printed by Brugman, of 'Eene Dames Kunstbeschouwing in de Kunstzaal der Maatschappij: "Arti et Amicitiae."

Charles Rochussen (1814-94), Dutch painter; Johannes de Mare, Dutch engraver; J. F. Brugman, Dutch printer
Publication details: 
[Amsterdam: circa 1880?]

Paper dimensions roughly ten and a half inches by eleven and a half; print dimensions eight and a half inches by ten and a half. Aged and with three inch strip, roughly half an inch wide, torn away from surface of print in top left-hand corner. Depicts a crowded and rather grand hall, containing a long horseshoe-shaped table around which are crowded connoisseurs of both sexes contemplating engravings and illustrated books or engaged in discussion. Arti et Amicitiae is an Amsterdam society of artists and art lovers, founded in 1839.

Invoice, printed heading, account of Lord Glenbervie.

Budd & Calkin, booksellers, stationers (add bookbinding and "To their Royal Highnesses The Prince Regent & Duke of Kent"
Publication details: 
"At the Crown & Mitre, No. 100, Pall Mall", March-Sept. 1813.

One page, 8vo, defects but text clear and complete. "State Trials" and "Cobbett's Register".

Autograph Letter Signed "W. Galignani" to "Monsieur le Baron" [not named]. In French.

William Galignani, publisher, 1798–1882.
Publication details: 
"Samedi matin" [ no place or date, perhaps c.1870?].

Two pages, 8vo, fold marks but good condition. He apologises for not returning a book he had borrowed from the Baron ("L'almanack Medical"). He had taken it to the country "pour en lire quelques passages a mon frere" and forgot to bring it back. He plans the eventual return. "L'etat de la sante de mon frere ne s'ameliore que peu et bien lentement - Il reviendra de la campagne probrablement avec moi mardi prochaine." Heconcludes with politenesses at length.

John Lydgate's "Pylgremage of the Sowle" [...] Printed by William Caxton at Westminster, June 6th, 1483. A hitherto unknown copy. In the possession of William H. Robinson, Ltd. 16 and 17 Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.

W. Loftus Hare [William Caxton; William H. Robinson Ltd, booksellers]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from 'Apollo', October 1931.' Printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode Limited, His Majesty's Printers, East Harding Street, London, E.C.4.

Quarto, twelve pages. Unbound. In original grey printed wraps, with facsimile portrait of Caxton laid down on front cover as part of design. Stitched. Lightly aged and worn, and a little loose. A handsome production, with five full-page facsimiles of pages from the book, and three other illustrations (including duplicate of that on front wrap). Large plate of charcoal drawing, captioned 'A view of the facade of 16 & 17 Pall Mall as seen from the Athenaeum', laid down inside back wrap.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with a cancelled printed application form for membership of the Society.

Edward Unwin Junior [Unwin Brothers Ltd; The Gresham Press]
Publication details: 
23 January 1917; on ornate letterhead of Unwin Brothers Ltd, 27 Pilgrim St, Ludgate Hill.

Chairman of Unwin Brothers (born 1870). One page, quarto. Good, but discoloured and lightly creased, and with staple stain at head. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. He is sorry not to have answered sooner, but 'some very important business has engaged my attention during the last few days with the result that I put your letter into my private drawer without acknowledging it.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed 'Friend'.

Publication details: 
5 September 1890; on letterhead 'BUCKFIELD, | LEOMINSTER.'

Newman established the Orphans' Printing Press in 1873 to enable orphans to earn money and learn a trade. One page, 8vo. Folded twice. Good only: paper slightly discoloured with some closed tears and creasing. 'Dear Friend/ | We should be much pleased if you will come & lodge with us at our approaching Quarterly M[eetin]g. on the 16th & 17th Instant | I suppose E. L. Squire is off to America & will be unable to come | Your sincere Friend | Henry Stanley Newman'.

Apocalypse block-book; Caxton's Golden Legend.

J. & J. Leighton, booksellers.
Publication details: 
1910; J. & J. Leighton, 40 Brewer St., Regent St., London W.

Proof with manuscript changes in pencil and printed additions pasted onto p.viii. 14 pages, folio. Five plates and five illustrations in text. In original green printed wraps. In good condition: paper discoloured and with some creasing at head; wraps grubby, creased and worn, with small closed tear along top end of spine. An attractive production, 'reprinted from J. & J. Leighton's illustrated catalogue of early-printed books, manuscripts, &c. part xiv.' Describes the edition of the Golden Legend published by Caxton in 1483, and a block-book published in Germany around 1470.

Autograph Letter Signed ""Coblence" to John Bellows, Printer and publisher (of a pocket French Dictionary), Gloucester.

Victor Coblence
Publication details: 
Paris, 19 Rue des Missions, le 11 Juin 1877. En francais.

Printer ("electrotype"). Four pages, 8vo, a few letters masked by a strip of brown paper on the last page, mainly good condition. A stamp (timbre) is stuck top left of page 1, with the image of an electrotype machine surrounded by the name "Victor Coblence" and the word "electrotypie". The contents of the letter indicate a close business relationship and contain many technical (printing) terms. In the first paragraph he discusses Sutton & Co and "la caisse renfermant la forme [a?] la cliche".

Printed document with a form which Firmin Didot has filled in and signed "Alfred Firmin Didot".

Alfred Firmin Didot.
Publication details: 
Societe Arti et Amicitiae, Paris, 8 July 1880.

Printing family (famille des imprimeirs) and eminent collector. One page, 4to, chipped with small loss of text., torn along a fold mark, fragile. The printed form is headed as above with further details of the Society ("Maison de Retraite et de Sante en faveur des Artistes, des Hommes de Lettres et de Science") Firmin Didot has signed a declaration ("Adhesion aux Statuts") that he will adhere to the "Statuts de la dite Societe . . .

Twenty-eight Typed Letters Signed, seventeen Autograph Letters Signed, etc, to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, and others.

John Alexander Milne [Henry Stone & Son; the Medici Society; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1938-43; various letterheads, including 11, Old Cavendish St, W.1.; Greengates, Sunningdale, Berks; and 35 Grosvenor Square, W.1.

British businessman (1872-1955), chairman of the Medici Society Ltd, chairman and managing director of Henry Stone & Son Ltd, printers. Very good. Mostly octavo, with a few quarto and 12mo. Some bearing the Society's stamp and others docketed. Occasional rust marks from paperclips. Mainly concerned with the day-to-day activities of the Royal Society of Arts, of which Milne was a prominent member, around the time of the Second World War. On 7 September 1939: 'I hardly anticipate that you are likely to have trouble in regard to occupation of the premises.

Autograph note signed to T.C. Croker.

John Bowyer Nichols.
Publication details: 
Admiralty, 15 April (no year).

Printer and antiquary (1779-1863), editor and owner of Notes and Queries, also published ‘Anecdotes of William Hogarth,’ 1833, with forty-eight plates, a compilation from his father's ‘Biographical Anecdotes of Mr. Hogarth’ (see Notes and Queries, 4th ser. i. 97). Autograph note signed, 2pp., 8vo, trimmed without loss of text, to T.C. Croker, folklorist and antiquary, at the Admiralty, 15 April (no year). He has received "the Vols of Hogarth" safely, and asks to borrow "the Volume of W.

Autograph Note, third person, to "Monsieur le President de l'Assemblee Nationale"

E.A.J. Anisson Duperon (Anisson-Duperon).
Publication details: 
Paris, 27 August 1790.

Director of the Imprimerie Royale, Paris, and later met his end on an "echafaud revolutionnaire" (1794). One page, 8vo, good condiiton "M. Anisson Duperon, Directeur de l'Imprimerie Royale, a l'honneur de presenter son respect a Monsieur le President de l'Assemblee Nationale"; il a celui de les prevenir qu'en vertu du Decret de l'Assemblee il a fait remettre au M. Baudouin son [to the Assemblee] Imprimeur Douze cents Soixante Exemplaires de cinq nouvelles Lois, dont il [joint..?] Deux Exempls de chacune pour la disposition particulaiere de Monsieur le President."

Letter Signed to "Monsieur le Directeur de l'Imprimerie Imperiale". In French.

Joseph Hippolyte Vinchon
Publication details: 
Parisd le 20 Juillet [1817?]

One page, folio, good condition. In a copperplate hand (ecriture moulee) Vinchon (or a professional) has written an appeal for a job to the Director of the Imprimerie Imperiale. He says: Compositeur, typographer, ayant fait des etudes assez suivis, bien appris mon etat, et desireux de reussis, je viens solliciter de votre bonte mon admission a l'Imprimerie Imperial. J'ai servi, ai fait honorablement la campagne de Rome, suis grave [accent acu], et ai un conge temporaire illimite appuye d'un certificat de bonne conduite, sans punition durant les 3 ans de mon service.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Leigh Sotheby') to unnamed male correspondent.

Samuel Leigh Sotheby (1805-61), British auctioneer and antiquary
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Three pages, 12mo. On aged paper, with a few closed tears and rust marking to blank verso of second leaf of bifolium. He thanks him for sending the books for examination. 'Mrs. Sotheby will take a photograph of the phiz of Peter Schoeffer, But as to the woodcut being of that I do not at present believe it - | The letters & papers are not of the time.' He asks him to translate a passage, comments further on Schoeffer, and asks if his correspondent has 'any new of Paper Factory for me.' Concludes 'Write me the full particulars of what Dutch Collection in the library of Sir Ths.

Two Autograph Letters Signed "Sydney C. Cockerell" and "SC Cockerell" respectively, one to to "May [Morris]", daughter of William Morris, the other to "[Emery] Walker".

S.C. Cockerell, museum director and bibliophile (DNB)
Publication details: 
Wayside, Cavendish Avenue, Cambridge, 29 March 1914 and Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 20 May 1914.

Six pages, 8vo, water-stained but texts clear and complete. Much of the letters are concerned with elements of his executorship of the will of William Morris - (and trusteeship). In the letter to May he begins by expressing relief that "the Horace [book or manusript] was safe", then discussing a payment of £785 due to her (she adds the comment "About £785 due to me" in pencil at the end) and the payment due to Jenny. "When we were at Kelmscott I explained ot her that all claims contracted after Jan.26 would be payable by your father's executors.

Manuscript document signed "William ffindall" with crude seal, "Printer in the University of Oxford.

William Findall.
Publication details: 
[Oxford], 19 May 1685.

Manuscript document, c. 9 x 8", chip from one corner not affecting text, discreet repair to long tear through signature, some soiling and fold marks, text clear as follows: "Bee it knowne unto all men by these presente that William Fyndall Printer in the University of Oxford, in consideration of the summe of five and thirty shillings of lawfull moneys of England to him in hand paid by Wright Croke of the Inner Temple London Esqre.

A collection of autograph letters signed or initialled to [John] Lane, publisher

D.Y. Cameron.
Publication details: 
Dun Eaglais Kippen and other places, 1903-1916, one undated.

Artist and etcher. See new DNB for substantial entry. Twelve autograph letters and notes signed, all 8vo, total 35+ pages, good condition. Contents: (undated letter) asking Lane to get a "Miss Hester Frow" work as illustrator with a weekly or monthly periodical (19 May 1903) He tells Lane to expect a letter from a Miss White concerning "an interesting matter" which she had already put before another London publisher, but Cameron thought Lane "the real man for the subject". He thinks the projected book would have a large circulation and she is "well known" as is her father, J.

Autograph Letter Signed, apparently to his publishers Sampson Low & Co.

Sir William Laird Clowes
Publication details: 
Sark. 9.9.02.'

British naval historian (1856-1905), author of a standard history of the Royal Navy (7 vols, 1897-1903). One page, on piece of stiff paper, roughly four and a half inches by three and a half. In poor condition, discoloured and stained, and with one small hole and some fraying to extremities. Reads 'Thanks for yours of the 8th. | I am afraid that I can only express the hope that you will, in this case, keep the price as low as possible, - as I do not know the business aspects of the question.

Libellus lapidum.

Hilary Pepler and David Jones [S. Dominic's Press]
Publication details: 
Printed & published by the Author at | Ditchling Sussex | & at 350, Oxford Street. London, W. I. | A. MCMXXIV. D.' [1924]

Small 8vo. Pages: viii + 24 + [4 blanks]. Original cream paper wraps: title and price in red and engraving in green on front. Wraps discoloured, rubbed and stained, with covers loosening and loss at foot of spine. Internally sound and tight, but quite heavily foxed. Dated ownership inscription on flyleaf. Titlepage vignette and 15 engravings. Collection of whimsical poems about places like Hampstead Garden Suburb and people like G. K. Chesterton and Bernard Shaw. Taylor & Sewell A125b.

Typed message (to departing employee?), on printed letterhead, with thirty-eight signatures (of work-colleagues?).

Medici Society [Cobden-Sanderson]
Medici Society
Publication details: 
Without date; on the company's Grafton Street letterhead.
Medici Society

Company founded in 1908 by Philip Lee Warner and Eustace Gurney, 'to bring artists' work to the appreciation of a wider public'. One page, quarto. Folded twice. Good, but slightly foxed and lightly creased. The typed message reads ' "The best of Prophets of the future is the Past" | With the best of wishes for future success.' The signatures are arranged in four columns. The inclusion of 'Cobden-Sanderson' is unexplained.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Drinkwater Meadows
Publication details: 

Drinkwater Meadows (DNB), actor, taking up Hewlett's offer of help to get him published in the New Monthly Magazine. (Nothing by Meadows is listed in the Wellesley Index for NMM, but he contributed a series to Ainsworth's Magazine, Oct. 1845-August 1845.) Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and other books.

Andrew Spottiswoode .
Publication details: 

Andrew Spottiswoode ( Boase), of the printers and publishers (BBTI as printers only), proprietor of Hood's Magazine from early 1844 (see Jane Hood #3138). Hewlett has obviously followed Hurst's suggestion (above) that he contact Spottiswoode about the editorship of the Pictorial Times and contributions. The latter here replies that there is no vacancy and comments that it is not desirable "to fill up the Pages of a Newspaper with Novels".

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