Printing History

[Printed item.] Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography 1796-1896. [With introduction by Louis Prang.]

Louis Prang [The Grolier Club, Artistic Lithography Exhibition, 1896; The De Vinne Press]
 Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography
Publication details: 
[The De Vinne Press.] At the Grolier Club, 29 East 32nd Street, New York, 6 to 28 March 1896.
 Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography

12mo, 73 pp. Introduction followed by bibliography (pp.11-19). In original red and black printed wraps. Good tight copy, in lightly-worn and chipped wraps. Unlimited edition, without illustrations. The only copies of this edition at the British Library and University of London.

Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham', and showing the offices of the printing office and bookshop of the print's publisher R. S. Cheek.

Richard Sutton Cheek, printer and bookseller, Witham, Essex
Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham'
Publication details: 
[1850s.] 'Published by R. S. Cheek.' [Witham, Essex.]
Original sepia lithograph engraving, titled 'Newland Street, Witham'

On piece of paper roughly 29.5 x 44 cm. The image itself is 30 cm wide, with an arched top 18 cm high at sides and 22 cm at the highest point. The image is clear and complete, on dusty spotted paper with fraying and loss to top edge especially. A charming image, showing Victorian middle-class townsfolk comporting in the town centre, with a wide main street with two carriages, and shop names including 'ELLIS' and 'WILSHER BUILDER'. Towards the centre is 'CHEEKS PRINTING OFFICE', 'BOOKSELLER STATIONER'.

[Pamphlet] Asinus Loquax; or, The Talking Donkey. A Pasquinade.

'A Little Old Man'
Asinus Loquax; or, The Talking Donkey. A Pasquinade.
Publication details: 
Guildford: Printed by Billing and Sons, 1888.
Asinus Loquax; or, The Talking Donkey. A Pasquinade.

24pp., 12mo, original red paper wraps, sl. chipping and staining, mainly good. From the personal library of Richard Bentley, sometime publisher, for whose House Billing did work. One copy listed on WorldCat, at the BL.

Autograph Postcard Signed "R.S." (Randolph Schwabe) to Jean Inglis, Scottish artist.

Randolph Schwabe, draughtsman and printmaker
Randolph Schwabe, draughtsman and printmaker
Publication details: 
Slade and Ruskin Schools of Art, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford [stamp], [1941]
Randolph Schwabe, draughtsman and printmaker

C.14 x 9cm, calligraphic writing style, good condition. "Of course it's allright about the reference for the Pilgrims. I hope it comes off. W.M. Rothenstein, Walter Bayes and Hagedon have all worked for the Trust. | All pretty well here. It looks as if Alice and Bish may get married about Easter: no details yet. Our love to you -" Note: Entries referring to the Schwabes in Jean Inglis's diaries indicate a strong friendship involving meals, films and plays.

[Printed Address] To the Electors of the Borough of Stoke-upon-Trent

[Mary Brougham, Printer, Burslem, Stoke-upon-Trent] John Wood
Mary Brougham, Printer, Burslem,
Publication details: 
[Burslem, 1835]
Mary Brougham, Printer, Burslem,

Broadsheet, c.24 x 40cm, fold marks, light foxing, mainly good condition. He sets out his principles in the usual high-flown manner, not identifying with any party.

Collection of correspondence, membership cards and other ephemera tracking Carey's career as Newspaper Reader.

[Sunday Graphic/Times] L.G. Carey, Newspaper Reader
Publication details: 

All items freshly mounted in a photo album, very good condition. The core of the collection is a full series of membership cards for the Association of Correctors of the Press (1949-1965), London Typographical Society (1966), National Graphical Association (1967-1988). With their variant typographical and colour, these make an attractive display.

Manuscript Letter, signed 'Spotttiswoode & Co., to Hudson, regarding copies of his 'The Second War of Independence in America'.

Spottiswoode and Co., Printers & Lithographers, New-Street Square, London [Eduard Maco Hudson, American historian]
Spottiswoode and Co., Printers & Lithographers, Letter
Publication details: 
28 November 1867; on Spottiswoode and Co. letterhead.
Spottiswoode and Co., Printers & Lithographers, Letter

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Nineteen lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. They have '300 Bound Copies' of the book 'on hand', 'the remainder have been sold, producing £3. 1 6'. States the cost of shipping the books to Hudson.

Typed Letter Signed, in English, to R. W. C. Vail of the Roosevelt House Library and Museum, with typed invoice.

Edouard Champion, Paris bookseller, publisher and autograph dealer, 'Seul Agent (France, Belgique, Suisse) du British Museum'
Publication details: 
Both items dated 11 July 1924, and both on his letterhead.

Both items fair, on lightly-aged paper. Both with list of Champion's publications down the left-hand margin, and with the list continuing in the letter to the blank second page. Letter: 4to, 1 p. He is sending 'a few documents which I have so far collected' relating to the Marquis de Chamilly. 'It is a long time since I last heard from the ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION, and am always at your entire disposal.' Invoice: Landscape 8vo. 12mo, 1 p. Containing five Chamilly letters, totalling 268 francs.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edw. Baines') to 'Robt. <Scarbrow?>'.

Sir Edward Baines [Edward Baines junior] (1800-1890), nonconformist English newspaper editor and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
3 Queen Sq | 1st. June <year?>.

12mo, 2 pp. In bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Difficult hand. He has not considered the question carefully, but his impression is that 'the Monopoly of the printing of the Holy Scriptures in Scotland and Ireland might cease by the Kings Printers not only without injuring but with benefit to the public'.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Ridgway.

Edward Law (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough [James Ridgway (1755-1838), London bookseller]
Publication details: 

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with remains of stub adhering to blank second leaf of bifolium. Ask for the Morning Post to be sent to Euston Square, and 'the Standard discontinued'. He will require the Morning Post the following day.

[38 & 39 Vict.] Canada Copyright. [Ch. 53.] An Act to give effect to an Act of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada respecting Copyright. [2d August 1875.]

Canada Copyright Act, 1875 [British Act of Parliament, 1875, respecting Canadian copyright]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1875.

8vo, 9 pp. Disbound. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Headed with the royal crest. The last seven pages carry the 'Schedule'. The British legislature had refused to ratify the 1872 Dominion of Canada bill that enshrined a fixed-royalty principle for Canadian publishers to re-print British copyrighted works. This act only allowed Canadian republishing of books that had gone out of print.

Autograph Receipt Signed (J. Stockdale, publisher)

T. Bensley.
Publication details: 

Printer (d.1833). One page, c.7 x 3", signs of laying down, some marking but text decipherable. "Recd Jany 31, 1795, of Mr. John Stockdale by a Note at Ten Months) the Sum of Four Hundred & Seventeen Pounds 18/- for Printing & Hotpressing Perry's Pocket Dictionary, as per Bill delivered./ T. Bensley./ £417.18.0" Prob. William Perry's "General Dictionary of English Language" (Stockdale, London, 1795).

Dry Stereo Flong for the stereotype printing of a poster headed 'Printers' Night. | Printing and Allied Trades' Amateur Boxing Club'.

Printing and Allied Trades' Amateur Boxing Club [stereotype printing; trades unions; pugilism]
Publication details: 
Printing and Allied Trades' Boxing Club. For an event to be held at the Stadium Club, 85, High Holborn, W.C.2., 12 February 1935.

The flong is 31.5 x 19 cm. Stamped on reverse 'LIGHT'S - "IDEAL" | HAND CASTING | DRY STEREO FLONG'. Small triangle missing from the top left-hand corner, causing the loss of the first letter of the first line (the 'P' in 'PRINTERS'); apart from that text clear and complete. Top right-hand corner slightly dogeared, crease along one rule, and thin strip of wear at foot (not affecting text). An interesting piece of printing ephemera.

A Broadside for July, 1911. [No. 2. Fourth Year] ['Blow, Bullies, Blow (Halliards Chanty)' with three illustrations by Jack B. Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1911. E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. In fair condition: a little grubby, with a couple of light folds and slight wear to extremities. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7.5 cm square) and second (7 x 10 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('Derby Day') on third page. Final page blank.

A Broadside for March, 1914. [No. 10. Sixth Year] [the poems 'Nora Creina' and 'The Tan-Yard Side' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E. C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7.5 x 10 cm) and second (9.5 x 7.5 cm) pages; full-page black and white illustration ('The Metropolitan Regatta Dublin') on third page. Final page blank.

Autograph draft of letter to the Editor of the Daily Chronicle, rebutting in strong terms the claim that Knowles was editor of the Contemporary Review.

Alexander Strahan [Alexander Stuart Strahan] (1833-1918), English publisher [Sir James Thomas Knowles (1831-1908); Alfred Tennyson]
Publication details: 
14 February 1908; on letterhead of Oakhurst, Ravenscourt Park, W.

12mo (17.5 x 11 cm): 5 pp. On two bifolium letterheads and half of a third. The text of each page is clear and complete on aged and lightly-spotted paper, but gaps between the various sections indicate that the draft is incomplete. Begins 'Sir | I see that in your obituary notice of Sir James Knowles inn today's paper you say that he was the Editor of the Contemporary Review from 1870 to 1877. | This is news to me. I was the Editor and proprietor of the Contemporary Review all these years, and I think I ought to know the facts of the matter.

A Broadside for February, 1914. [No. 9. Sixth Year] [Hyde's poem 'I shall not die for thee' and Guthrie's poem 'Paternoster Callaghan' with three illustrations by Yeats.]

Jack B. Yeats; James Guthrie; Douglas Hyde; Cuala Press
Publication details: 
1914. By E.C. Yeats at the Cuala Press, Churchtown, Dundrum, County Dublin.

4to bifolium (27.5 x 18.5 cm): 3 pp. 300 copies only. Good, on aged paper with a light vertical fold. Hand-coloured illustrations on first (7 x 10 cm) and second (8 x 7.5 cm) pages; black and white illustration ('Drowned Sailor', 12 x 10 cm) alone on third page. Final page blank. The first poem is not ascribed, but is known to be by Hyde.

Typed Letter Signed ('Holbrook Jackson') to G. S. Tomkinson of Whitville, Kidderminster.

George Holbrook Jackson (1874-1948) [Sir Geoffrey Stewart Tomkinson (1881-1963); Lovat Fraser; Flying Fame; Fleuron; New Age Press; fine printing; bibliography]
Publication details: 
26 February 1925; Regent House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.

8vo: 2 pp. 32 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He is willing to help Tomkinson with his book 'Modern Presses', but would not 'have time to be responsible for the writing of any chapters'. Offers to answer 'a questionnaire' regarding 'Flying Fame', and directs Jackson to his 'articles on the work of Lovat Fraser in the "Bookman", the "Fleuron", and "To-day".' Paragraph discusses the 'New Age Press', which 'was not a Press at all, but a publishing business'. In the last paragraph changes his mind, and offers to write a brief chapter.

Ecce Mundus. Industrial Ideals and the Book Beautiful.

T. J. Cobden-Sanderson [Hammersmith Publishing Society]
Publication details: 
Hammersmith: Hammersmith Publishing Society, 7 The Terrace. 1902. ['Printed at the Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham & Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. And sold by the Hammersmith Publishing Society, 7 The Terrace, Hammersmith.']

8vo: [38] pp (unpaginated). In original quarter binding, with buff boards and vellum spine on which is stamped in black 'ECCE MUNDUS'. Good copy: internally tight and clean, in slightly-grubby and worn binding bumped at foot of spine and at one corner. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription by Cobden-Sanderson on the front free endpaper: 'To Mr. Wheatley [the bibliographer Henry Benjamin Wheatley] with the compliments of the writer'. With green leather and gilt bookplate of Alfred Sutro on front pastedown.

Printer's trade catalogue, titled 'Cut Book. Showing a few of the many cuts carried in stock and for sale by The Enterprise Printing House, Corfu, N.Y.' Containing more than a hundred vignettes, with prices.

The Enterprise Printing House, Corfu, New York [American trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
Undated [late Victorian or Edwardian]. Corfu, New York State.

8vo (23 x 15 cm), 32 pp. Stapled. Outer pages in blue. In fair condition, with a little damp-staining at the head of the first leaf (with minimal effect on the text), and a tiny dab of the same staining continuing at the corner of each leaf (not affecting the text). Title-page on cover illustrated by C. H. Dennis, showing Uncle Sam sharpening a razor of 'GOOD CUTS'. Note on page 2 begins: 'THIS CUT BOOK contains a few of the many varieties and styles of cuts which we carry in stock and use on your printing free of charge. We have many more and are constantly adding new designs. [...]'.

First issue of 'John Nichols's Metropolitan Advertiser'.

John Nichols, printer, The Milton Press, Strand [The Metropolitan Advertiser]
Publication details: 
No. 1. 7 January 1836. 'Printed at the Milton Press, 9, Chandos Street, Strand, by John Nichols.'

4to, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and grubby paper. Engraving of beehive, with motto, beneath title. Given away 'GRATIS'. Begins with a prospectus for what is described as 'a new medium of communicating with the public', concluding, 'for the inconsiderable sum of 5s. an Advertiser may give publicity to his business in FIVE THOUSAND respectable channels inaccessible to every other advertising medium hitherto established'. The rest of the first page carries 'ADVICE TO A YOUNG TRADESMAN' by 'AN OLD TRADESMAN'.

Large original wood engraving, in black and blue, titled 'OXFORD | AQUATICS AT THE UNIVERSITIES | CAMBRIDGE', containing eight images of rowing and punting.

Percy Macquoid (1852-1925), illustrator [The Graphic; Oxford and Cambridge boat race; punting; rowing]
Publication details: 
Supplement to THE GRAPHIC, March 20, 1875.'

Printed on one side of a piece of cream wove paper, roughly 41.5 x 60 cm. Central vertical crease. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. A little grubby, with a few closed tears and slight creasing to extremities. Consists of two rectangles (each 29 x 22.5 cm) in black ink, each containing four illustrations, surrounded by an ornate thick blue decorative border of intertwined mermarids, rowers, children in boats, swans, fishes and other aquatic motifs.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Gourlie Jr.') to 'Mr. Ward'.

William Gourlie (1815-1856), Glasgow calico printer and botanist [Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward (1791-1868); William Keddie (1809-1877), Editor of the 'Scottish Guardian'; Scotland; Scottish textiles]
Publication details: 
18 June 1849; on letterhead of South Frederick Street, Glasgow.

4to, 1 p. Sixteen lines of text. Clear and complete. Neatly written in copperplate. On lightly-aged and creased paper, with one 4 cm vertical closed tear (through one word) along fold. He will be 'in town [i.e. London] for a few days next week and will be accompanied by Mr. Keddie, Editor of the "Scottish Guardian", an ardent lover of Botany & Botanists'. Asks if Ward can 'chalk out an excursion' for them, '& perhaps accompany us, to some place like Cobham [regularly visited by Ward], where we would see English Scenery, and gather good English plants'.

Autograph letter signed to Daniel George, author and editor

Catherine Carswell
Publication details: 
7 Sept. 1944

Novelist. Two pages, 4to, chatting about personal matters and a MS. by a Mr Bligh which Rosamund Lehmann and C. Day Lewis wish to recommend for publication. [A note added to the letter in Goerge's [?] hand says that the book was published by Secker & Warburg.] She looks forward to the end of the War, concluding with impromtu verse: "I want to climb a steeple/ I want to ring the bell,/So I can tell the people/I love them all so well".

Printed Receipt, completed in manuscript and signed, for five works by Williamson legally deposited in the Library of the British Museum.

Department of Printed Books, British Museum, London [George Charles Williamson (1858-1942), writer on art and historian of Guildford; George Bell & Sons]
Publication details: 
6 October 1904; Department of Printed Books, British Museum, London.

On one side of piece of paper 23.5 x 16 cm. With perforated edge. Good, on aged paper, with traces with strip of glue from previous mount on reverse. Printed in copperplate. The deposited works are 'Notes on the Maces, Insignia of Office, and Town Plate of the Town of Guildford', 'Progress of Catholic Work', 'Token Pamphlet', 'Guildford Shakespeare' and 'County Town'. Ostensibly signed by the 'Keeper', but the signature is not decipherable (''). In his obituary in The Times, 6 July 1942, Williamson was praised as 'a highly industrious and versatile writer on art'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the numismatist Ewald Junge, with papers relating to the artist and theatrical Edward Gordon Craig (1872-1966).

Sebastian Carter, printer and typographer (born 1941)
Publication details: 
Letter undated, on letterhead of Victoria House, 40 Oxford Road, Cambridge.

LETTER: One page, quarto. Somewhat aged and creased. An attractive item in Carter's disciplined calligraphic hand. A damning assessment of Craig's son Edward Anthony Craig ('Edward Carrick', 1905-98). '[...] If you know him, you presumably also know what you are taking on! We had some dealings with Teddy over possibly printing old EGC's engravings of Robinson Crusoe, but Teddy sold them, [...] My impression is that the old rogue manufactured archives in order to sell them to someone - preferably twice.

Printed paper serviette, illustrated in colour, headed 'Official Programme and Route of the Lord Mayor's Show'.

William Burgess & Co., printers, Aldgate, London [Sir James Thompson Ritchie, Lord Mayor of London, 1903]
Publication details: 
Burgess William & Co. Printers 12, Mansell St. Aldgate, E. London'. [1903]

Printed in blue, pink, green, gold, white, yellow, brown and purple on one side of a piece of tissue paper roughly 34.5 cm square. Good, on lightly creased paper with a little wear to extremities and slight loss to the top left-hand and bottom right-hand corners (not affecting the design). The text, with an engraved portrait (5.5 x 4.5 cm) of Lord Mayor Ritchie, is printed in blue in two columns of around 32 lines each, and surrounded by coloured decorative border of flowers, around 6 cm thick. It lists the order and route of the procession. An attractive piece of ephemera.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Alec Maclehose') from Alexander MacLehose; and one Autograph Letter Signed ('James MacLehose'); all three to John Gideon Wilson.

Alexander MacLehose & Co.; James MacLehose; publishers [John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963), Scottish bookseller, proprietor of the London firm of Bumpus]
Publication details: 
Alexander MacLehose: 10 August 1931 and 23 June 1932; both on letterhead of Alexander MacLehose & Co., 58 Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.1. James MacLehose: 20 November 1931; on letterhead of Saint Johns House, 30 Smith Square, Westminster, S.W.1.

Alexander MacLehose: Letter One: 4to, 1 p. Good, on slightly aged and lightly creased paper. He is sending a copy of his catalogue, 'which has reached me from the printers to-day'. He has 'sent a copy also to the firm'. Would like Wilson's 'advice as to whether "Memories of the Months" should have a paper jacket. The binders have sent me a nice cellophane cover, which shows the rather handsome binding. Would there be any objection, from a selling point of view, to a cellophane cover in place of the ordinary paper jacket?' Letter Two: 12mo, 2 pp.

Three items (a printed announcement, invoice and receipt) relating to Johnstone & Hunter's edition of Dr John Owen's 'Works'.

John Johnstone & Robert Hunter [Johnstone & Hunter], printers, binders and publishers, 15 Princes Street and 104 High Street, Edinburgh [James Alsop of Leek, Stafford]
Publication details: 
June and July 1855;

All three items in good condition, a little grubby and lightly creased. Three pieces of nineteenth-century Scottish book trade ephemera. Item One (12mo, 1 p, nine lines of text): printed announcement that the 'concluding Volumes of our Edition of OWEN'S WORKS [...] will not be sent to Subscribers in arrear'. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the verso of the blank second leaf docketed by Alsop. Item Two (12mo, 1 p, on grey-paper printed form): invoice, 'To JOHNSTONE & HUNTER, 15 PRINCES STREET.', dated June 1855. The subscription of 'J. Allsop Esqr.

Four items: the three numbers of the 'Album of the Bannatyne Club', with the first number bound with 'A Catalogue of Works printed for The Bannatyne Club. No. I.'

David Laing, Secretary, The Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, Scotland [Sir Walter Scott; Scottish; antiquarian]
Publication details: 
[Edinburgh: 1825 ('Catalogue' and first number of 'Album'), 1831 and 1854]

All four items tastefully and crisply printed. ITEMS ONE AND TWO ('Catalogue' and first number of 'Album'): Both 8vo, bound together in original dark-green wraps. 'Catalogue': 12 pp; 'Album': 22 + [i] pp. All edges gilt. Wraps creased and worn, with slight chipping at head of spine. Some creasing to prelims and last few leaves. Note to 'Catalogue' (by 'D. L. | S.') explains that the 'following List contains the titles of such Books as have been printed for the Bannatyne Club since its Institution in February 1823'.

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