Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Mozley') from the Church of England cleric and Times leader-writer Thomas Mozley to 'My dear Rickards' [Rev. Samuel Rickards], like him associated with the Oxford Movement.

Thomas Mozley (1806-1893), Church of England clergyman, author and Times leader-writer, associated with the Oxford Movement [Rev. Samuel Rickards (1796-1865), Tractarian]
Publication details: 
7 Holly Place, Hampstead. 21 June 1853.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. He thinks that Rickards 'could answer the question in the enclosed letter with much more authority, exactness, and detail, than I could.' If Rickards has 'anything to say on the subject', Mozley asks him to 'send it at once to my brother at Oxford, as he is in the last crisis of an article on the Manuscript Commission'. He continues with news of 'Grace' ('now home for the holidays') and of his health.

Printed card of Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham, advertising 'Wines' and 'Genuine Spirits'.

[Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham] [fine wines]
Publication details: 
[Richard Tuckey, Wine & Spirit Merchant, High Street, Fareham.] Undated [1820s].

An attractive example of provincial printing, in letterpress on one side of piece of 9 x 6 cm card. Headed: 'RICHARD TUCKEY, | WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, | High Street, | FAREHAM.' Giving prices in shillings and pence for four Wines (Fine old Port; Sherry; Maderia [sic]; White Cape) and six 'Genuine Spirits' (Cognac, Fine old; Jamaica Rum, old and soft; English Geneva; Hollands ditto. pure white; Porter; Cyder). Printed in roman, with four words in black letter ('FAREHAM', 'Wines' and 'Genuine Spirits') and two words in italic ('High Street,').

[Presentation copy of printed pamphlet.] Delays in Chancery considered, with Practical Suggestions for their Prevention or Removal.

M. D. Lowndes [Matthew Dobson Lowndes, Solicitor] [William Wynstanley Hull (1794-1873), liturgical writer]
Publication details: 
London: S. Sweet, 1, Chancery Lane, 1843. [Printed by Richard Kinder, Green Arbour Court, Old Bailey.]

xii + 56 pp., 12mo. Disbound. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Presentation inscription on half-title: 'W. W. Hull Esq | With the Authors | Respects'. Uncommon: four copies on COPAC (not counting the 'electronic resource' ones).

[Cloth-backed lithographic engraving.] A Chart of Anglican Church Architecture: Arranged Chronologically with Examples of the Different Styles.

F. Bedford [Francis Bedford (1816-1894), lithographer and photographer; R. Sunter, York publisher; John Weale, London publisher; Standidge & Co., London printers]
Publication details: 
Drawn and Lithographed by F. Bedford, 40 Ely Place, Holborn. Published as the Act directs by R. Sunter, 23 Stonegate, York, and John Weale, 59 High Holborn, London: 17 August 1843. Printed by Standidge & Co. 77 Cornhill, London.

An attractive Gothic Revival item, tastefully printed in red and black. Printed on nine 13 x 9 cm panels, laid down on a cloth backing opening out to 39.5 x 28 cm; in original 14 x 10 cm printed card cover, with engraved title on front, within a gothic arch. In fair condition: aged and worn in worn and rubbed covers, with small white circular label on front board. Arranged, appropriately enough, in four columns headed: Name of Style; Reign A.D.; Illustrative Examples; Characteristics.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John S. Hart') from the American author and educator John Seely Hart, Principal of the Central High School, Philadelphia, to 'G. Harry Davis', accepting his election as an honorary member of the Irving Literary Institute.

John Seely Hart (1810-1877), American author and educator, Professor of Languages at Princeton, Principal of Central High School, Philadelphia [G. Henry Davis, Secretary, Irving Literary Institute]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Central High School, Philadelphia; 15 May 1856.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper. The letterhead features a steel engraving of the monolithic Central High School. Hart has received Davis' letter informing him that he has been 'elected an Honorary Member of the "Irving Literary Institute".' He asks Davis to 'communicate to the members of the Institute my thanks for the honor conferred, & say that I accept it with sincere pleasure.' Hart writes 'Mr. G. Harry Davis, | Secretary &c -', but the middle name is given as 'Henry' in printed texts.

Twenty-two bookseller's catalogues

James Coleman, Genealogical & Topographical Bookseller, of High Holborn and Tottenham
Publication details: 
22, High Street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.: 1867, 1873 (2), 1874; 9, Tottenham Terrace, White Hart Lane, Tottenham, N.: 1881, 1882 (4), 1883 (4), 1884 (2), 1885 (2), 1886 (4), 1887. S. and J. Brawn, printers.

All items octavo, stitched and unbound. Page range between 16 and 32. Each catalogue carrying an illustration on the front cover. The condition of the collection is variable. All items on aged paper: some dogeared or with closed tears, and a handful with damp and other staining. Several catalogues annotated in a contemporary hand, and one with an entry cut out. Coleman's speciality was 'Heraldry, Genealogy, Topography', and the first three catalogues are headed 'Pedigrees!

Legal documents relating to a Chancery suit, between Richard Elisha Farrant and the Trustees of the Archer Burton Estate, concerning the property No. 2 Park Square, Regent's Park. Including manuscript map.

[Regent's Park, London] [Richard Elisha Farrant; Henrietta Lucretia Archer Burton, Widow, Edward Arthur Maund, and Vivian Ellis Archer Burton, Trustees of the Archer Burton Estate]
Publication details: 
1895 and 1896; London.

Item One: Manuscript of requisitions by Farrant the purchaser's solicitors Ashurst, Morris, Crisp & Co of 17 Throgmorton Avenue, London E.C. Dated 31 July 1895. Titled 'Requisition Title [and Replies] | Trustees of Archer Burton Estate to R. E. Farrant | 3 [corrected to '2'] Park Square West'. Three pages and covering page, on one side each of four leaves each 41.5 x 34 cm. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and grubby paper.

Proof ('Saunders sculp.'), 'Engraved for Ashburton's History of England', of 'Henry II after having his Son crowned King serving the first dish to his Table'.

[Charles Alfred Ashburton; Ashburton's History of England; Joseph Saunders, engraver; W. & J. Statford, Print Sellers, High Holborn, London]
Publication details: 
Published by W. & J. Stratfords, No: 112 Holborn Hill March 16, 1793.'

On wove paper, with watermark '179< >'. Dimensions roughly 22.5 x 39 cm. Very good on lightly aged paper. One small unobtrusive spot of foxing. The illustration is within an oval roughly 21.5 cm wide, enclosed in a decorative box of dimensions 18 x 27.5 cm. A couple of bishops with croziers and a mass of nobles in ermine look on in a vaulted castle hall while Henry II presents what looks like a pie to his bemused offspring, who is seated beneath a canopy.

The Eric Gill Workshops.

Denis Tegetmeier; Laurence Cribb [Eric Gill]
Publication details: 
Pigotts, North Dean, High Wycombe'; 'December 5 | 1940'.

Leaflet. Two pages, 12mo. Tasteful bifolium on cream wove paper. Unbound. Good, though a tad grubby. Gill woodcut (roughly two inches by one and a half) on front: two hands around the front of a large 'V' with rest of word 'Veritas' on stem and cross at head. Apparently numbered in pencil bottom-right of woodcut 579.

Seven Autograph Letters Signed, one Letter in a secretarial hand Signed, and two Typed Letters Signed to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Society of Arts.

Fritz Bernhard Behr [High-Speed Mono-Rail System]
Publication details: 
February to November 1901; all on letterhead '5, Queen Anne's Gate, | London, S.W.'

Anglo-German engineer (1842-1927), who administered 'a portion of the conquered territory for the German Government' following the Franco-Prussian War, and who, following his naturalisation as a British citizen in 1876, 'invented practically the mono-rail, now known as the High Speed Mono-Rail System, and obtained two acts of Parliament for the construction of the Manchester and Liverpool Electric Express Railway in 1901 and 1902' ('Who was Who'). No items by this important figure are present in the British Library Department of Manuscripts.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Miss J. Scott Rogers, | Acting Secretary, | Royal Society of Arts'.

Julian Mockford [SOUTH AFRICA]
Publication details: 
11 September 1943; on letterhead of the 'OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, | Trafalgar Square, | LONDON, W.C.2.'

South African author and journalist (1898-1950), Public Relations Officer at the South African High Commission. One page, octavo. Very good if somewhat grubby. Docketed and stamped. 'Herewith the translation by a colleague, as asked for in your letter dated September 9. I hope "Here are South Africans" does not bore you too much!'

Autograph Letter Signed to 'H Hoare Esq'.

William Scott
Publication details: 
Hoxton | Monday Even[in]g.'

English high-churchman and writer (1813-72), co-editor of the 'Christian Remembrancer' and one of the founders of the 'Saturday Review'. Three pages, 12mo. Grubby, and with two small closed tears at head of first leaf of bifoliate, and one small closed tear at head of second leaf; remains of grey-paper mount on verso of second leaf. There was a meeting of 'several clergy of this archdeaconry' at his house that morning: 'There were I think ten or twelve present. We agreed to nominate Messrs. Bageley & Toogood on Wednesday'.

Autograph Letter Signed to <?>.

Francis Henry Bacon
Publication details: 
11 August 1893; on letterhead 'KENTWELL HALL, | LONG MELFORD, | SUFFOLK.'

Three pages, 12mo. In good condition, but with the name of the recipient scored through. Judge (born c. 1832), and son of Sir James Bacon (1798-1895), the last of the pre-1875 Vice-Chancellors. A late reply to a request for information for an article on snuffboxes for The Windsor Magazine. 'I have no snuffboxes I suppose somebody suggested our name but I have never been a collector and my father [the late Ex Vice Chancellor] who took snuff always used the commonest of boxes.' The name of the recipient has been scored through.

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