[Sir Joseph Paxton.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Paxton') to 'Mr. Smith', regarding the financing of a project, with reference to Sir Joshua Walmesley and 'the liberal party'.

Sir Joseph Paxton (1803-1865), landscape gardener and architect, designer of the Crystal Palace, head gardener to the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth, Derbyshire [Sir Joshua Walmesley (1794-1871)]
Publication details: 
Chatsworth [Derbyshire]. 6 September 1848.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'My dear Sir, | Having a day to spare, and having a little business in London, I left home by midnight mail yesterday, but unfortunately got into the smash that took place on the North Western line [i.e.

[George Crowther junior, land agent and surveyor.] Manuscript ledger giving detailed itemised accounts with customers including railway companies (for example the Leeds, Dewsbury and Manchester Junction Railway Co.). With additional matter inserted.

George Crowther junior, Huddersfield land agent and surveyor [Clarke-Thornhill family of Fixby Hall, Yorkshire]-
Publication details: 
Huddersfield, Yorkshire. Between 1843 and 1861.

The records of the firm of G. and G. H. Crowther, Land Agents and Surveyors, Huddersfield, are in the West Yorkshire Archives in Kirklees, which also holds other Crowther material in the papers of the Clarke-Thornhill family of Fixby Hall. Local historian Edward J.

[Samuel Smiles, railway administrator and author of 'Self-Help'.] Autograph notebook, containing information relating to his work as Secretary of the South Eastern Railway, including memorandums, tables and transcripts of letters.

Samuel Smiles (1812-1904), railway administrator, biographer and author of the influential book 'Self-Help' (1859) [South Eastern Railway; Victorian steam engines; nineteenth-century locomotives]
Publication details: 
Smiles's ownership inscription on fly-leaf: 'S Smiles, South Eastern Railway | 1854.' Entries dating from between 1854 and 1886.

According to Smiles's entry in the Oxford DNB, he was 'prominent in the negotiations for the amalgamation of the Leeds and Thirsk Railway [by which he was employed] with the North Eastern, which was effected in 1854 and abolished his own office. Thereupon he left Leeds for London on being appointed secretary to the South Eastern Railway (11 November). He held the post for twelve years, in the course of which he successfully arranged for the extension of the line from Charing Cross to Cannon Street (1858–9).

[First World War postcard poem by the 'Bath Railway Poet', Henry Chappell.] The Day. ['You boasted the Day, and you toasted the Day, | And now the Day has come.']

Henry Chappell (1874-1937), the 'Bath Railway Poet' [Daily Express, London; First World War poetry]
Publication details: 
London: "Daily Express". Undated [1914]. 'Reprinted from the London "Daily Express" (Copyright).'

Chappell gained a degree of fame with the publication of this poem in the Daily Express of 22 August 1914. The poem is addressed to the German people, and concerns the supposed toast among German army officers in the lead-up to the First World War, 'Der Tag' (i.e. 'the day' on which the war with England would commence). The poem is printed in portrait alignment on one side of a 14 x 8.5 cm postcard, within red and blue ink borders, giving a 'red white and blue' effect. Beneath the title in square brackets is the following: 'The author of this magnificent poem is Mr.

[William Huskisson, as joint secretary to the Treasury.] Two secretarial letters, both signed by him 'W. Huskisson', to the Quarter Master General Major General Robert Brownrigg.

William Huskisson (1770-1830), Tory Member of Parliament for Liverpool and the first railway fatality [Sir Robert Brownrigg (1759-1833); the Royal Military Canal; Sir Brook Watson]
Publication details: 
Both from Treasury Chambers [London]. 12 December 1805 and 24 January 1806.

Both documents 1p., folio. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged laid paper, the first with pin-holes from its attachment to another item. The first letter relates to 'the Expences incurred in constructing the Royal Military Canal', with reference to a 'Letter from Sir B[rook]. Watson Bt' and 'Lieut. Col. Brown's Accounts for expenditure'. The second letter again deals with communications from Watson and Brown, the latter 'enclosing Accounts & Vouchers for the Expenditure on the Royal Military Canal & Rampart'.

[Ann Bill, daughter of Thomas Bill, Leeds china dealer.] Autograph Letter Signed to her mother, describing an excursion to Chester, with reference to the construction of the Manchester and Leeds Railway, and the Marquess of Westminster's Eaton Hall.

Ann Bill, daughter of Thomas Bill, china dealer of Leeds [Robert Grosvenor (1767-1845), 1st Marquess of Westminster, of Eaton Hall, Cheshire; Manchester and Leeds Railway]
Publication details: 
'Chester Sept 15th. 1837', '1/2 Past two Friday afternoon'.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. 76 lines of closely and neatly written text, including a four-line postscript cross-written on the first page. Addressed, with Chester postmark, on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. Bill | Boar Lane | Leeds | Yorkshire'. ('Bill Thomas, 7, Boar lane' is listed among the 'Glass, China, and Earthenware Dealers' in Haigh's 'General and Commercial Directory of the Borough of Leeds', Baines & Co., 1839). The reverse of the second leaf also carries the remains of the wax seal, stamped 'Ann'. In fair condition, on worn and aged paper.

[John Wallis Shores, engineer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank Short') to the curator Sydney Pavière, regarding prints which he is sending him.

Frank Short (1851-1935), artist [Sydney Pavière (1891-1971), curator]
Publication details: 
56 Brook Green, W6 [London]. 8 December 1926.

1p., landscape 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Mr Pavière, | I will look carefully at the prints you send in (as, indeed, & of course, at all of them), and hope you may be successful at the election. The whole of the members will this year, at last, express their opinon on the candidates work, but the final decision rests, as it must under the charter, with the Council.' In the second paragraph he expresses pleasure that 'you are interesting your gallery in prints'.

Frank Short] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank Short') to the curator Sydney Pavière, regarding prints which he is sending him.

Frank Short (1851-1935), artist [Sydney Pavière (1891-1971), curator]
Publication details: 
56 Brook Green, W6 [London]. 8 December 1926.

1p., landscape 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Mr Pavière, | I will look carefully at the prints you send in (as, indeed, & of course, at all of them), and hope you may be successful at the election. The whole of the members will this year, at last, express their opinon on the candidates work, but the final decision rests, as it must under the charter, with the Council.' In the second paragraph he expresses pleasure that 'you are interesting your gallery in prints'.

Two printed documents, 'In the Matter of the Hull and Selby Railway': 'In the House of Lords. [...] Copy of the Petition of Robert Raikes, Esq. in Opposition to the Bill' and 'Objections against the Bill, on the Part of Robert Raikes, Esq.'

[Robert Raikes (1765-1837) of Welton House, banker; The Hull and Selby Railway Bill, 1836]
Publication details: 
Both documents printed by 'Meredith and Reeve, Lincoln's Inn, For Wilkinson, Hull.' Both dated 1836.

The two items are uniform in layout, on folio bifoliums, with the text covering the whole of the recto of the first leaf, and the details printed lengthwise on the reverse of the second. Both in good condition, and folded into the customary packets. An early example of nimbyism, rather rich coming from a banker. The petition begins: 'In the House of Lords.

Manuscript minute book of meetings of the directors of Huntley & Company, Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, coal factors and builders merchants, with each entry signed by the chairman.

H. A. Burnell, Secretary, Huntley & Company of Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, coal factors and builders merchants, also 'Hauling & Furniture Removal', 'House Furnishing & Drapery' and 'Estate Agency'
Publication details: 
[Huntley & Company, Coal Factors and Merchants, Lawrence Hill Railway Wharf, Bristol.] Entries dating from 1 July 1904 to 7 October 1930.

293pp., 4to. In brown leather half-binding, with black cloth boards and marbled endpapers. Three-page form relating to the firm's dealings with National Provincial Bank of England, filled-in and signed on behalf of the company by the secretary Henry A Burnell, dated July 1904. The minutes are in a number of different hands (beginning with Burnell's) and signed by a number of different chairmen.

Long Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank H. Evans') from the banker Sir Francis Henry Evans, writing while a young man in Santos, Brazil, to his parents in England, describing a mishap with a tent at the turning of 'the first sod' of a railway station.

Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907) of Tubbendens, Orpington, Kent, banker and company director, Liberal Member of Parliament for Southampton, 1896-1900, and Maidstone, 1901-1906 [Santos, Brazil]
Publication details: 
Santos [São Paulo state, Brazil]. The first part, to his mother, dated 29 and 30 May 1860; the second part, to his father, dated 30 May 1860.

14pp., 12mo. The first 11pp. are addressed to his mother and signed, and the last 3pp. to his father and not signed (possibly indicating that a continuation is lacking). In fair condition, on aged paper, with the last leaf worn and creased. He explains his situation at the beginning of the letter: 'First of all you may see from my address above that I am in Santos, & secondly from the more cleanly appearance of the letter that I am not in the woods. - Would that I were back again for ever since I have been here I have been ill [...] On the 11th.

Autograph Letter Signed from J. W. Leach in Australia to his aunt Mrs Baker in Sidcup, England, discussing his return to 'good old Sydney', the 'frightful state' of the country post-War, and the arrival of 'a great number of English Brides'.

J. W. Leach of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia [Mrs Baker, Sidcup, Kent, England]
Publication details: 
84 Victoria Street, Potts Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. 27 November 1919.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with small rust hole to second leaf affecting two words of text. He begins in the hope that she is 'quite well & Plenty of Business'. He reports the death of his mother the previous may: 'she only lasted 5 Months after I left her'.

Copy of typed report into the 'Development of Rail Car Services in Europe [Germany, Austria, Hungary and Denmark]', by the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Junin, Peru [William Frank Stanton?]. With six fold-out blueprints.

[Chief Mechanical Engineer, Junin, Peru [William Frank Stanton (1887-1962), English civil engineer?]
Publication details: 
Junin, Peru; 29 November 1935.

32pp., foolscap 8vo, bound into white wraps with the six fold-out blueprints. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Figure 1: '2-6-2 Diesel Locomotive V.1601 (showing the 'general characteristics' of the 'new 1400 H.P. Diesel locomotive'). Figure 2: 'General Arrangement of the small standard Shunting Locomotive' ('75 H.P. Diesel shunting locomotive made by the Deutz Motorenfabr, Köln, Germany'). Figure 3: 'general proportions' of 'the old "Flying Hamburger" and the new unit equipped with hydraulic transmission'). Figure 4: '150 H.P. Diesel-Hydraulic Rail Car'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the dramatist and editor of 'Punch' Tom Taylor to Francis Mewburn of Darlington, announcing his retirement from the Northern Circuit, and describing his appointment as Assistant Secretary of the Board of Health.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and comic writer, author of 'The Ticket of Leave Man' (1863) and editor of 'Punch' [Francis Mewburn (c.1785-1867) of Larch Field, Darlington, 'railway solicitor']
Publication details: 
near Thirsk; 23 March [1850].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper, with remains of stub along one edge. Written in a difficult hand. Taylor begins: 'Dear Mr Mewburn, I shall not be at Sessions [as a barrister on the northern circuit] any more. I have just accepted an appointment as legal Assistant Secretary to the Board of Health, and I enter on the duties of the place on Monday. The salary is £500 per: an: to begin with, with the prospect of increase.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Lord') from the theologian Eleazar Lord to the Rev. Dr James Richards of Newark, discussing the endowment of 'another Professorship' and other matters apparently relating to the New York Sunday School Union Society.

Eleazar Lord (1788-1871), DD, American financier, railway president, theologian and philanthropist [Rev. James Richards, DD, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Newark]
Publication details: 
[2 September 1823.]

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on the reverse of the second leaf to 'Revd Doct Richards | Newark'. Undated, but docketed by Richards 'E Lord DD | Sepr 2d | 1823 | author of the Biog. Dictionary'. Lord writes that he was glad to receive Richards' letter. 'I have as yet only the offer of a mann to be one of 4 to endow another Professorship. - He is however deliberating of a larger grant. The man on whom I hd placed some dependence, will I fear disappoint me.' He asks if 'any thing in this way' could be done on Richards' 'side of the river'.

[Printed book.] Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway (Northern Division) Literary Institute [Newcastle-upon-Tyne].

[North Eastern Railway (Northern Division) Literary Institute, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Thomas Elliot Harrison (1808-1888), civil engineer, designer of the Jarrow and Hartlepool Docks; lending libraries]
Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway
Publication details: 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Printed by Michael Benson, No. 57, Side. 1870.
Rules and Catalogue of Books of the North Eastern Railway

12mo, 10 + 67 pp. In original purple morroco binding, with 'PRESENTED TO | T. E. HARRISON, ESQ., | VICE-PRESIDENT.' stamped on the front cover in gilt. A tight copy, in fair condition, on aged paper, with front endpapers sprung, and in a worn binding. Vignette woodcut on title-page, showing man working beside track as locomotive goes past.

Death of the Broad Gauge [Letters to his father about the transition from broad to standard gauge]

Richard Bentley [grandson of Richard Bentley, publisher]
Richard Bentley, Death of the Broad Gauge
Publication details: 
Richard Bentley, Death of the Broad Gauge

18pp., 8vo, marbled boards, cloth spine, label on front, some pages damaged at spine (hinge strain), ow good. This copy if from the archives of Richard Bentley & Son, publishers, and this copy was personalized by rebinding to become Richard Bentley the Younger's own copy. A typed note has been tipped on to the front endpaper, saying, Letters from young Richard Bentley to his father George Bentley on the transition of the G.W. Railway from Broad Gauge to standard gauge in 1892. George Bentley to encourage his son's early literary effort printed 40 copies of this booklet.

Manuscript two-part petition, with signatures of numerous residents, addressed to Member of Parliament Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, in favour of the building of 'a Railway from the Town of Oswestry through Llansilin and Llanrhaiadr to Llangynog'.

[Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, 6th Baronet (1820-1885), Conservative M.P. for Denbighshire from 1841 to 1885; Cambrian Railways; Oswestry and Newtown Railway; Oswestry, Ellesmere and Whitchurch Railway]
Manuscript petition, with signatures of numerous residents (Welsh Railway)
Publication details: 
Undated (1850s?).
Manuscript petition, with signatures of numerous residents (Welsh Railway)

In two parts, each with the first page carrying the identically-worded petition. Part One: folio, 10 pp. Part Two: folio, 8 pp. Both texts clear and complete. On heavily aged and worn paper, with part of the blank last leaf of the second part torn away.

Handbills and other ephemera relating to the Great Northern Railway Company.

[Irish Railways ephemera]
Ephemera relating to the Great Northern Railway Company
Publication details: 
Ephemera relating to the Great Northern Railway Company

Seven handbills, c.14x22cm, variyng condition from fair to good, some chipping and marking, mainly advertising cheap tickets to Dublin (1, Sept. 1940), Portadown (1, Nov. 1940), and Warrenpoint (2, 1940-41). With: a. Return of Passenger Traffic at [Newtownstewart](189-); b. [Card, c.7x11cm] "Shipping Goods to Belfast"; Form for answer choices to be ticked for Traffic Manager, Belfast (x2); blank cards for recording details of goods consigned (One headed "Live Stock", another "Important Goods".

Printed prospectus, with separate leaves of testimonials and illustration, for shares in 'The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited

The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [the Perry Green Gardiner Patent Elliptic and Sprial Spring; Victorian locomotives; nineteenth-century railways]
The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [
Publication details: 
London: 1876.
The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [

The prospectus is folio, 3 pp, in a bifolium. Loosely inserted is a folio leaf, with the testimonials printed on one side, and a quarto leaf with four engraved illustrations: two of wheels under carriages, and two showing details of the springs on those wheels. The three items are on aged paper, with the illustrated leaf in good condition, and the other two items with chipping and closed tears. The texts and illustrations of all three items are clear and complete, apart from some loss to a footnote to the testimonials, caused by the page being printed too low on the leaf..

Letter, in a secretarial hand, signed by the Whig politician William Huskisson ('W. Huskisson'), to John Sweetland on Treasury business.

William Huskisson (1770-1830), British Whig politician [John Sweetland, Principal Commissary of Stores and Provisions at Gibraltar; Stephenson's Rocket; railways; locomotives]
William Huskisson (1770-1830), British Whig politician
Publication details: 
11 August 1807; Treasury Chambers [London].
William Huskisson (1770-1830), British Whig politician

Folio, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Removed from an album, and with docketing on second leaf slightly obsucred by thin strip of paper in margin. Written while Huskisson was Secretary to the Treasury, and requiring Sweetland to provide to the Lords Commissioners 'an account of the Revenues of Gibraltar for the last three Years distinguishing the amount under each head of Revenue and also a Statement fo all Payments charged upon the said Revenue'. Despite his achievements, Huskisson is now best-remembered as the first railway fatality.

Five mounted publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities: showing the interior of restaurant cars in the first and third class compartments, the first class smoking saloon, the kitchen, and an exterior shot of the cars.

[Great Eastern Railway; British railways]
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1910?].
5 publicity sepia photographs of Great Eastern Railways dining facilities

The five photographs are all in sepia and 15 x 20 cm. Each is mounted, with a 17.5 x 22.5 white backing, on a piece of grey 25 x 30 cm card. Each is neatly captioned in black copperplate, with red underlining. The photographs are all in good condition, on discoloured and worn mounts. The items were clearly produced for display by the company, as they all have pinholes in their mounts. The captions read: 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Cars.' [exterior shot]; 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car - Kitchen', 'G.E. Rly. Restaurant Car Third Class Compartment', 'G.E. Rly Restaurant Car.

Printed notice ('PRIVATE. - For Railway Servants only.') offering a reward for the return of a number of 'G.W.R. HIRED WAGONS.'

C. A. Roberts, Great Western Railway
Printed notice ('PRIVATE. - For Railway Servants only.')
Publication details: 
20 December 1916. Chief Goods Manager's Office, Paddington Station, W.
Printed notice ('PRIVATE. - For Railway Servants only.')

12mo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper. Giving the numbers of thirteen wagons which are 'still undelivered', 'the position with the Owners' having become 'so acute that a Reward of Ten Shillings per Wagon is offered to anyone who traces either of the Vehicles and takes the necessary steps to ensure delivery of same'.

Printed notice from the General Manager of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway's Managing Committee, headed 'Government Control of Railways. Free conveyance of traffic carried on behalf of the Admiralty or War Office'.

Francis H. Dent, General Manager, South Eastern and Chatham Railway's Managing Committee [First World War; British Army; Royal Navy; War Office; Admiralty]
South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Printed Notice
Publication details: 
[London.] Dated in print 10 October 1916.
South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Printed Notice

Folio, 1 p. Thirty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper, with spike-hole at head, with 'ack[nowledge]d 3/10/16' in manuscript. Giving instructions regarding the means by which 'all consignments conveyed by Passenger or Goods Trains over controlled Companies' Lines on behalf of the Admiralty or War Office, [...] be invoiced without charges'. 'The above instructions will also apply to Traffic with Irish Ports when conveyed by Controlled Companies' Steamboats.'

Detailed coloured hand-drawn plan of a broad gauge locomotive, with dimensions, on large piece of cloth headed 'F.C.G.O.A.', and text in Spanish and English, designed by the Stephenson Locomotive Works for the Argentine Great Western Railway Company.

Robert Stephenson & Co. Ltd., Locomotive Works, Darlington [railway engines; F.C.G.O.A.; Ferro Carril Gran Oeste Argentino; the Argentine Great Western Railway Company]
Publication details: 

An attractive item, on one side of a piece of cloth roughly 57 x 94 cm. Good: lightly aged and creased. Side section of the engine roughly 21 x 61 cm, with dimensions in grey, outlines and other lines in purple, one block in pink and red, and a few small parts in blue. Also a cross-section from the front, of the left side of the train only, roughly 22 x 9.5 cm. Beneath the heading 'F.C.G.O.A. are six lines of neatly-written text, the first reading 'Trocha de. 1676<?> Gauge.

Watt and the Measurement of Power. Being the Watt Anniversary Lecture delivered before The Greenock Philosophical Society, 5 February, 1897.

Sir William Henry Preece (1834-1913), 'Engineer-in-Chief and Electrician, General Post Office, London; Vice-President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.'
Publication details: 
London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 1897.

8vo: 13 pp. Stitched. In original cream printed wraps. On aged, spotted paper, in heavily worn wraps. Facsimile of handwriting at head of front wrap reads 'With the Author's Compliments'. Two diagrams in text.

Prospectus and 'Form of Application' for shares in the Metropolitan Electric Tramways, Limited.

The Metropolitan Electric Tramways, Limited. [London Transport]
Publication details: 
March 1904. William Brown & Co. Limited, Printers, &c., London, E.C.

The prospectus is a four-page bifolium. Dimensions of leaf roughly 38.5 x 24 cm. Aged, creased and worn, and with slight loss to spine and with a panel in the second leaf worn through, resulting in loss of some of text. The prospectus is addressed by hand to 'Eton College Wilds Estate'. The 'form of application' is printed in green on one side of a leaf roughly 34 x 20.5 cm. It is in better condition than the prospectus, lightly creased and aged, and complete with a perforated 'Banker's Receipt'. Note: The Wilds Estate provided the land for Hampstead Garden Suburb and the Heath.

Two Letters Signed "Ducros" (body of letters secretarial) to "Monsignor" and (presuambly the same party) Monsignor Pacca "maestro di Camera di Sua Santita".

[J.] Ducros, ingénieur
Publication details: 
Hotel de la Minerva, Rome, 23 avril 1857 and 5 octobre 1857

One page each, 4to, sl. chipped. (avril)He requests an audience with a Cardinal and concludes with a statement about himself: "Ingénieur en chef au Corps impérial des Ponts et Chausées; ingénieur en chef de la Compagnie du Chemin de fer de Rome à Ceprano." (octobre) requesting another (?0 audience (or is it the same one?)

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed male correspondent.

Stéphane Flachat, Ingénieur, Engineer.
Publication details: 
No place, 12 Janvier 1830.

One page, minor damage and staining marginally affecting text, which has lost one letter, as follows: "D'après l'autorisation que mon frère [Eugène Flachat, eminent engineer] m'a transmise de votre part, je prends la liberté de vous demander un rendez-vous, pour vour entretenir du Canal maritime, et vous soumettre notamment la partie des plans de cette entreprise qui interesse plus spécialement la ville de Paris.

Autograph Note Signed to "Monsieur Lucas de Montigny, Chef de Division a la Prefecture, Rue de Petit-Vaugirard, no. 9.

Stéphane Flachat, Ingénieur, Engineer.
Publication details: 
"Samedi matin", no place or date.

One page, minor damage not affecting text, as follows: "D'apres a que vous avez bien voulu dire a mon frère [the eminent engineer Eugène Flachat], je viens vous demander a quelle heure, je poussais avoir l'honneur de vous voir demain dimanche; j'ai toute ma matinée a votre disposition, jusqu'à trois heures. / J'ai l'honneur . . ."

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