Signed Autograph Inscription by the English cinema actor Peter Haddon.

Peter Haddon (1898-1962), English actor, whose career began in 1924 and ended in 1952
Publication details: 
Dated by Haddon 1928.

On leaf removed from autograph album, with one set of rounded corners. In good condition. Reads ' Good Morning - Bill! | With every good wish | Yours Sincerely | Peter Haddon | 1928 -'. Together with a loose newspaper cutting carrying a photographic portrait.

Two Typed Letters Signed from the Hollywood actress Bebe Daniels, wife of Ben Lyon, to 'Ruby', the variety entertainer Rubye Mae Colleano, mother of the film actor Bonar Colleano.

Bebe Daniels [Phyllis Virginia Daniels] (1901-1971), Hollywood actress, and star of the British radio series 'Life With The Lyons' [Rubye Mae Colleano; Ben Lyon (1901-1979)]
Two Typed Letters Signed from the Hollywood actress Bebe Daniels
Publication details: 
Letter One: 24 October [1943]; Queen's Hotel, Leeds. Letter Two: 2 April [no year]; 18 Southwick Street, London.
Two Typed Letters Signed from the Hollywood actress Bebe Daniels

Both items on 'Bebe' letterheads, and both with signature 'Bebe' incorporating a drawing of a stick figure with hat. Letter One: 12mo, 1 p. Twelve lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. With addressed envelope. She is sorry they missed one another 'at the station, especially after all the trouble you went through to get there'. Gives news of show: 'Boy, it will be good to get back to town again. | I have enjoyed the tour but as you know travelling nowadays isn't what it used to be, by a long shot.' Letter Two: 8vo, 1 p. 21 lines.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jackie & Ann Coogan') by Hollywood actor Jackie Coogan to the variety entertainer Rubye Colleano.

Jackie Coogan (1914-1984), Hollywood actor [Rubye Colleano; Bonar Colleano]
 ALS signed by Hollywood actor Jackie Coogan
Publication details: 
Undated [c. 1947?]. On letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Plymouth.
 ALS signed by Hollywood actor Jackie Coogan

12mo, 2 pp. 19 lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Begins 'Just a line to tell you we miss you like mad & hope you are well & happy. Praises a 'dinner at Mary's'. They hope to call on Colleano when passing through London on 'Sunday Nite'. Ends 'Well honey, keep us in mind & we will see you soon - Our very best to Bonar Jr. [Colleano's son the film actor Bonar Colleano]' Postscript 'Billy sends his best'. Coogan was married to Ann McCormack, his third wife, from 1946 to 1951. From the Colleano Family archive.

Typed Letter Signed by Bruce Long, concerning the William Desmond Taylor murder case, together with the first issue of Long's pamphlet 'Taylorology'.

Bruce Long [William Desmond Taylor (1872-1922); Taylorology]
Bruce Long [William Desmond Taylor (1872-1922); Taylorology]
Publication details: 
Letter: 10 January 1986; Mesa, Arizona. Pamphlet: Number 1, Fall 1985.
Bruce Long [William Desmond Taylor (1872-1922); Taylorology]

Letter: 4to, 1 p. Twenty-six lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with a couple of holes, light staining and indentations. Addressed to 'Jon', whose book, with a 'chapter pertaining to the Taylor case' Long 'would like very much to see'. Long encloses the copy of 'Taylorology', of which he writes, 'Despite my intentions, there was only one issue due to very poor response -- only a dozen subscribers.' He boasts that his 'collected material on this case', 'primarily newspaper clippings', 'weighs over 30 lbs., with more information coming in every week'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Gilbert Parker.') to 'Mr Anderson'.

Sir Gilbert Parker [Sir Horatio Gilbert George Parker] (1862-1932), Canadian novelist and British politician [early cinema]
Publication details: 
5 April 1922; on letterhead of 24 Portman Square, [London] W.1.

4to, 1 p. On aged, worn paper with small area of loss at head (not affecting text). He will be 'pleased to act on the Committee to judge of the stories for filming', and is glad that 'the work will not be onerous'. In a postscript gives the version of his name he wishes given for announcing ('Right Hon. Sir Gilbert Parker Bt.'). According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, no fewer than sixteen of Parker's novels were filmed. As head of British propaganda in America, 1914-1916, Parker had a direct involvement with the medium.

Typed Letter Signed to the actress Mary Lawton.

Samuel L. ('Roxy') Rothapfel [Rothafel], American theatre impressario
Publication details: 
29 December 1917; on letterhead of the Rialto, Times Square, New York.

One page, quarto. On paper discoloured with age. Attached along one edge of blank verso to card mount. Reads 'To simply tell you that your work is good would be putting it mildly. Things that I have heard all about me as I sat and watched the performance for the first time, from a loge seat, if you heard them, make [sic] you very very happy. | Your appearance is majestic; your enunciation beautiful; your reading and interpretation a delight. I cannot tell you how proud I am of you.

Typed Note Signed ('O. H. Mavor. | James Briddie') to Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

James Bridie' (Osborne Henry Mavor,1888-1951), Scottish playwright, screenwriter and surgeon
Publication details: 
20 February [no year]; on letterhead 6 Woodlands Terrace, Glasgow, C.3.

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'Do forgive my delay. I had lost your letter!'

Autograph Signature ('H de Vere Stacpoole.').

Henry de Vere Stacpoole [Harry] (1863-1951), Anglo-Irish novelist, best known for his often-filmed book 'The Blue Lagoon' (1908)
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On a piece of thin card roughly 8.5 x 11.5 cm. Very good. Good signature, 7.5 cm long, neatly centred.

Photographic portrait, with Autograph Signature.

Arnold Korff (1870-1944), Austrian film actor who continued his film career in Hollywood on emigrating to America in the early 1930s
Publication details: 
Wien 25. Oct. 1923'.

The sepia photograph, 10 x 7 cm, shows Korff's head and torso. He is dressed in the costume of a flying ace, with leather coat, gloves, googles and scarf, and is striking a match while staring moodily at the viewer. It is mounted on a leaf of cream paper (24 x 20 cm) removed from an album. In very good condition and attractively mounted, with a piece of nicely-patterned paper (12 x 8.5 cm) beneath the photograph acting as a frame. Korff's large, bold signature runs across the page beneath the phtograph, reading 'Arnold Korff | Wien 25. Oct. 1923'.

Photographic portrait by Letzer of Vienna, with Autograph Signature ('Raoul M. Aslan:') and quotation.

Raoul Aslan [Raoul Maria Aslan-Zumpart] (1886-1958), Austro-German actor of Turkish extraction
Publication details: 
Wien, Oktober 1923. -' [Photograph stamped at foot: 'Letzer | WIEN | VII. HOFSTALLSTR. 5.']

The sepia photograph, 10 x 7 cm, is a head and shoulders shot of Aslan staring at the viewer in the character of Hamlet holding Yorick's skull. It is neatly mounted on a leaf of cream paper (24 x 20 cm) removed from an album. The whole attractive and in good condition. In a firm, bold hand Aslan has written, across the page beneath the photograph: '"Zu was für schnöden Bestimmungen | wir doch kommen, Horatio"! - | (Hamlet) | Ein Erinnerung | [signed] Raoul M. Aslan: | Wien, Oktober 1923. -'

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Nunnez'.

Elinor Glyn [born Elinor Sutherland] (1864-1943), English novelist
Publication details: 
15 March [docketed 1936]; on letterhead of 11 Connaught Place, London W.2.

8vo, 2 pp. Very good. She has been recovering from influenza at Brighton. 'I think your Paper is going on Splendidly [last word underlined] & I am so glad! [last two words underlined]'. 'Yes, isnt Margaret Ettinger a charming Creature! She told me you had talked together of me'. Asks for Ettinger's address. 'How's the home? - how's the charming wife? - & when shall we discuss the affairs of the world, the flesh, & the devil?!' She is well, 'all but my knee, which has been behaving like an ungrateful child'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Osbert') to 'My dear James'.

Osbert Sitwell [Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th Baronet] (1892-1969), English writer and aesthete
Publication details: 
Monday' [no date]; on illustrated letterhead of Renishaw Hall, Derbyshire (amended by Sitwell to 'Renishaw | N[ear]. Sheffield').

12mo, 2 pp. Very good. Attractive letterhead with engraved illustration of 'Renishaw Hall | Derbyshire' (last word crossed out by Sitwell). Written in purple ink. Asks if there is 'anything to be made of a curtain-raiser, or short film, which wd. show Napoleon catching the cold, which lost him the Battle of Waterloo? . . It is an amusing idea.' He considers that it is 'sure to have been some very silly person who sneezed at him . . . Or is the idea nonsense!'

Ten-line 67-word Post Office Telegraphs radio telegram, taken down by 'Mayhew', to the Daily Graphic newspaper, London.

Mary Pickford [Gladys Louise Smith] (1892-1979) [Douglas Fairbanks [Douglas Elton Ullman] (1883-1939)]
Publication details: 
Received at Lands End from the S.S.Lapland, 20 June 1920.

Written in pencil by 'Mayhew' on an official printed 'Post Office Telegraphs' form, stamped with telegraph number and dated postmark. Good, on aged high-acidity paper, dimensions roughly 14 x 21.5 cm. Neatly laid down on a piece of brown card. Sent on Pickford and Fairbanks' honeymoon voyage to Europe. The couple have 'received so many lovely messages from friends in England' that Pickford's 'Life Long dream of visiting the old country seems to be all [she] had hoped more [sic] and that saying great deal Douglas is ready to jump from the Top mast the minute we sight Southampton'.

Autograph Signatures ('Gertrude Lawrence.', 'Ivy St. Helier' and 'Joyce Carey').

Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952), Ivy St Helier (1886-1971); Joyce Carey (1898-1993); English actresses associated with Noel Coward
Publication details: 
Dates and places not stated.

On a leaf of cream paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, part of a bifolium taken from an autograph album. Very good. All three signatures are bold and clear. The signatures of Lawrence and St Helier are on one side of the leaf, and that of Carey is on the other. Lawrence's signature is in ink, and the other two in pencil. Three signatures,

Autograph Signatures ('Laurence Olivier' and 'Gladys Cooper').

Laurence Olivier (1907-1989), English stage and film actor; Gladys Cooper (1888-1971), English actress
Publication details: 
Dates and places not stated.

On piece of cream paper, roughly 8.5 x 12 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on paper with a few light marks. Bold, firm signatures in pencil, one on each side of the leaf. Two signatures,

Autograph Signature

Tom Mix
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed '1925'.

Movie cowboy (1880-1940) whose real name was Thomas Hezekiah Mix. Dimensions approximately 2 inches by 3 inches, with the signature 'Tom Mix,' in blue ink and approximately 1 1/2 inches long. In good condition although the 'om' of 'Tom' slightly smudged, and with a small brown stain above the tip of the 'T'. Mounted on an irregularly-shaped piece of blue card, docketed '93 | Famous Cinema Star | noted particularly for His wonderful riding and His famous horse Tony'.

Typed Letter Signed to the Rev. Dr. R. D. Daunton-Fear.

Douglas Fairbanks, Junior
Publication details: 

American film actor. 1 page, 8vo. In good condition with some minor creasing. He was interested in his correspondent's comments, in a letter of 14 August, regarding the parish church of St George's at Gravesend. 'I, like so many others, am familiar with the church and its association with Pocahontas.

two typed letters signed to Malcolm Mackenzie, Hon. Secretary, The Empire Art Council

Douglas Fairbanks
Publication details: 
the first 1p, 4to, on blue paper, 28 November 1949, 3 Hill Street, London, W.1; the second, 1p, 8vo, 23 April 1952, 28 The Boltons, Kensington, London, S.W.10

American actor. In the first letter he says he has Mackenzie's letter of 22 November inviting him to become vice-president of the Empire Art Council. 'I am deeply sensible of the honour you offer me and I am touched by the gesture. I accept most heartily and gratefully. | I have known the Empire Art Council for some time and have been keenly interested in its aspirations and have applauded its progress.

draft typed letter signed to a Frenchman named Brandel

Gerald Wynne Rushton
Publication details: 
3pp, 8vo, 27 August 1947, Haddiscoe Manor, Norfolk.

English army officer and agent in the film business. Long and informed summary of 'the necessary points of our conversation'. Begins with description of Indian film industry: 'I have checked with India House these figures, and discovered that my sources of information are far more up to date than the Government's'. He encloses (not present) one of the stories he has found to 'make into Arabic films': 'Enslaved' by the Poet Laureate John Masefield. 'I have his written permission to make it into an Arab film'.

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