[ The British Military Cemetery at Solymár, Hungary. ] Long typescript, titled 'The Budapest War Cemetery', including a 'Register of the Graves in the Budapest War Cemetery', with letter by the Hungarian author, and photographs and negatives.

[ The Budapest War Cemetery; The British Military Cemetery at Solymár, Hungary ]
Publication details: 
Covering letter dated from Budapest [ Hungary ], 8 April 1985.

27pp., 8vo. (The article on 'The Budapest War Cemetery' is 7pp., 8vo, and the accompanying 'Register of the Graves in the Budapest War Cemetery' is 21pp., 8vo. There is also a page of 'Abbreviations to the Register'.) A few manuscript emendations. The covering letter is addressed to 'David', and is effusive in its offer of further assistance, the author urging 'David' to rewrite the piece as he sees fit. It is signed, faintly and undecipherably. The author writes in good, but not entirely idiomatic, English, and has gone to some trouble.

[ Robinson & Sons, Ltd., Chesterfield. ] Two British Army cloth bandages, in cloth packet with printed instructions headed 'First Field Dressing'.

Robinson & Sons, Ltd., Chesterfield, textile and packaging manufacturers, suppliers of textile goods to the British Army in the Second World War ]
Publication details: 
Robinson & Sons, Ltd., Chesterfield. January 1941.

Two pink cloth bandages, in brown cloth packet, roughly 8 x 11 x 2 cm. The contents are described as 'Two Dressings in Waterproof Covers, each consisting of a gauze pad stitched to a bandage and a safety pin.; The printed text, encased within a border, also includes instructions 'To Open' and 'Directions for Use'. The Imperial War Museum has three such dressings (1940, 1942 and 1944), but none with the same date as the present item.

[ Printed periodical, with contribution by A. A. Milne. ] 'The Prisoner of War', official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St. John War Organisation, London,

A. A. Milne contributes to 'The Prisoner of War', official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St. John War Organisation, London
Publication details: 
Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St. John War Organisation, St James's Place, London. Vol. 2 No. 17. September, 1943.

16pp., 4to. Illustrated with photographs of PoWs and camps. Stapled pamphlet on cheap paper. In fair condition, aged and with rusted staples, with slight wear at corners of last few leaves. Milne's contribution, titled 'It depends on the Book', and with two illustrations, takes up p.10. Milne writes that 'To a prisoner of war, shut up for an indefinite time in an enemy country, any book must be a haven of escape from his thoughts; any book must be better than no book. [...] the Prisoners of War Department of the British Red Cross and St.

[ Lady Carmichael-Anstruther and the Polish Children Rescue Fund. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C. Anstruther') to 'Mr Blake', discussing the activities of the organisation.

Lady Fay Carmichael-Anstruther [née Fay Sibyl Marie Rechnitzer], wife of Sir Windham Eric Francis Carmichael-Anstruther (1900-80) [ Polish Children Rescue Fund, London; Second World War Poland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Polish Children Rescue Fund (British Committee for Polish Welfare), 1 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, London. 21 February 1945.

2pp., 12mo. Written in a small close and neat hand. In good condition, on lightly aged paper.

[ Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, City of London livery company. ] Printed facsimile 'Report to the Livery' by Prime Warden Sir George Courthope, describing the Company's recent 'good and bad days'.

Sir George Courthope (1877-1955), Prime Warden, Goldsmiths' Hall, and Conservative Party politician [ The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, City of London livery company ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Goldsmiths' Hall, Foster Lane, Cheapside, London EC2. May 1945.

4pp., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. With facsimile signature of 'George Courthope'. The document begins: 'Dear Sir, | The last Report to the Livery was issued in Professor Hutton's Prime Wardenship at Christmas, 1942. I succeeded him in May, 1943, and this Report coincides with the end of my term of office and the declaration of Peace in the West.

[Royal investiture, Buckingham Palace, 1943.] Printed programme of an 'Investiture at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, the 11th of May, 1943, at 11 o'clock a.m.'

[King George VI; Royal investiture, Buckingham Palace, 1943.]
Publication details: 
Buckingham Palace [London]. 11 May 1943.

7pp., folio. On seven leaves of thick paper, stapled together. In fair condition, aged and worn. Annotated in grey and blue pencil. Ownership inscription at head: 'Mr. Mann'. Divided into subsections, with the main ones being the Distinguished Service Order; The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire; The Distinguished Service Cross; The Distinguished Flying Cross. Ten individuals receive the Military Cross, beginning with 'Major Thomas Scrymsoure-Steuart-Fothringham, The Black Watch'.

[Second World War ephemera.] Printed card of 'Instructions', headed 'Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence. Knitted Patchwork Covers for Evacuated Children.'

[Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, London; Second World War evacuees; evacuation; evacuated children]
Publication details: 
[Women's Voluntary Services for Civil Defence, London. 1939.]

Printed on one side of a piece of 15cm square card. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Four numbered instructions, preceded by: 'There would be a great need for extra bed coverings for children should evacuation ever take place. Suitable covers can be made by sewing together squares knitted up from scraps of wool. They will always be useful even if, as we all hope, they are not needed for their original purpose.' This initiative can be dated from a reference in 'Home & Country' magazine, 1939. Scarce: no copy traced in the Imperial War Museum or elsewhere.

[Two printed items.] 'Regulations for The Organisation of Detachments of The British Red Cross Society' (January 1939) and 'Dress Regulations for British Red Cross Detachments and the Society's Voluntary Detachments' (May 1939).

[The British Red Cross Society, regulations and dress regulations, 1939]
Publication details: 
Both items by The British Red Cross Society, London. The 'Regulations' ('Form D'): 14 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.1. January 1939). The 'Dress Regulations' ('Form D(7)'). May 1939.

Two stapled pamphlets. Both in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both items are scarce, with no copies of either listed on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. ONE ('Regulations'). 52pp., 8vo. Fold-out at rear: 'Chart shewing the organisation of the British Red Cross Society and its connection with (a) the International Red Cross, and (b) His Majesty's Government departments'. Table of contents at front, listing numerous topics from 'Definitions' to 'Air Raid Precautions Reserve'. Addendum (1p., 8vo) headed 'FORM D. January, 1939 | Amendments No. 1', loosely inserted.

[Second World War pamphlet in support of the Conservative and Unionist Party.] Politics in War Time. What the Opposition Leaders are Working for To-day.

[Sir Douglas Hacking, Chairman of the Conservative and Unionist Party; Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister]
Publication details: 
Printed and Published by Deverell, Gibson & Hoare, Ltd., 5, Lavington Street, London, S.E.1' [1939]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. An interesting survival (no copies traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat), indicating that British party politics was not entirely suspended during the 'Phoney War'. The pamphlet gives no indication that it is directly issued by the Conservative and Unionist Party, but see the quotation from Chamberlain below. The front cover reads: 'Politics in War Time.

[Royal Army Medical Corps printed Second World War circular.] Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements.

Major K. G. A. Barlow [Kenneth Green Armitage Barlow], Royal Army Medical Corps [blood transfusion in the British Army of the Second World War]
Publication details: 
[Royal Army Medical Corps.] 'BLA | 1 June 45.'

1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Headed: 'Subject: Blood Transfusion Arrangements. Ref: 1BTU/S/108/45. | To: ALL GENERAL HOSPITALS. | CCSs. | Transfusion Officers. | Pathologists. | Officers i/c Blood Banks.' Facsimile at foot of the signature of 'KGA Barlow Major, RAMC., | A/CC., No. 1 Base Transfusion Unit.' The document is arranged under four headings: 'Blood Taking Sets'; 'Blood Storage'; 'Grouping of Donors' and 'Cross Matching'. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[War Office publication, regarding the Royal Army Medical Corps.] R.A.M.C. Training Pamphlet No. 1 [2]. 1943.

[The War Office, Whitehall] [The Royal Army Medical Corps; government publications; British Army; Second World War]
Publication details: 
No. 1: 'The War Office [Whitehall], 9th June, 1943.' No. 2: 'The War Office, 21st July, 1943.' [Both 'Notified in A.C.Is.']

Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and creased, and each with three punch holes to spine. No. 1: 27pp., 12mo. With illustrations and diagrams in text. In two parts: 'Progressive Field Training for Stretcher-bearers' and 'Purposeful Physical Training for Stretcher-bearers'. No.2: ii + 65pp., 12mo. With three 'figures' in text. Divided into six chapters (including 'The Army Dental Corps in the field' and 'Evacuation and methods of estimation of casualties') and appendix. Scarce: the only copy traced, either on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat, in the Imperial War Museum collection.

[War Office publication.] Pay and Allowance (Officers). Royal Army Medical Corps.

[The War Office, Whitehall; Royal Army Medical Corps; British government publications; World War Two]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], October, 1943.'

6pp., 12mo. Pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper with vertical fold. Headings: Pay [with table giving 'rates of pay [...] applicable to medical officers of the Royal Army Medical Corps']; Issue of Pay and Allowances; Rations, Accommodation, etc.; Allowances in respect of family. Marginal headings: Banking facilities; Disposal of pay; Advance of pay; Issue of allowances; Instructions to agents and paymasters; Joining certificate; Outfit allowance. Scarce: no copy in the Wellcome Library, or on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[War Office pamphlet, 'Not to be published'] Memorandum for the Guidance of Officers commanding Units [...], regarding the procedure to be followed in connection with admission to Hospitals, etc., and the care of Sick treated under unit arrangements.

[The War Office, Whitehall] [British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], April, 1940.'

Full title: 'Memorandum for the Guidance of Officers commanding Units and of Officers in medical charge of effective Troops in areas or units, regarding the procedure to be followed in connection with admission to Hospitals, etc., and the care of Sick treated under unit arrangements.' 22pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Printed item.] British Medical Students Association. 1942-1943.

[Professor J. A. Ryle, Honorary President, British Medical Students Association] [British Medical Association [BMA]]
Publication details: 
B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.1. [1942 for 1943.]

[2] + 14pp., 8vo. In white printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with vertical fold. Printed 'Entry Form' on postcard loosely inserted. Divided into four sections: Foreword [by Ryle]; Constitution; Schedules to Constitution; Report on Inaugural Meeting of the Association; Ministry of Health Letter. Scarce: no copy located on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[Printed War Office pamphlet.] Water supplies in the Field. Notes for Medical Officers. (Reprinted with Amendments 1 and 2, 1941.)

[Director of Hygiene, War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued under the authority of the Director of Hygiene, War Office [Whitehall]'.

iii + 109pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In good condition, lightly-aged. Stapled addendum titled 'Amendment No. 3.' (5pp., 12mo) loosely inserted. Main headings: Amounts; Sources; Metal Solvency in Water; Hardness of Water; Brackish Waters; Bitter Aperient Waters; Examination of Water Supplies; Purification of Water; Water Vehicles, Water Points and Distribution; Poisoning of Water by the Enemy; Water Supplies Contaminated with Schistosome Cercariae.

[Printed item.] Selections from the Army Medical Department Bulletin 1941-1942.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. April, 1943.'

74pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Three page table of contents at front, and two page index in small print at back. Numerous entries under the following headings: Injuries and Wounds; Blood Transfusions; Surgery; The Legs and Feet; The Teeth, Jaws and Face; Infection and Sterilization; Administration; Nutrition; Heat-Stroke; Malaria; Epidemic Diseases; Immunization; Vaccination; The Nervous System; Epididymitis; Venereal Disease; Bacteriostatic Remedies; Psychiatry; The Home Guard; For the Press; Museum Collections.

[War Office publications, 'Not to be published.'] Booklet of 'Training Notes & A.M.D. Bulletins For Medical Officers', containing 14 issues of the Army Medical Department Bulletin, index, and nine issues of its 'Supplement'.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
The War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. The bulletins (nos.24-33, 35-38) dating from between June 1943 and August 1944. The supplements (nos.1, 4, 6-8, 10, 12, 15, 16) dating from between January 1943 and June 1944. The index dated February 1944.

The thirty-one items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, each with punch holes at spine, and all attched within a grey printed card folder by blue string. The bulletins (nos. 24-33, 35-38) are all 8pp., 12mo, except for No.33, which is 12pp., 12mo, and hence total 116pp., 12mo, with occasional illustrations.

['Official Copy' of British Army publication.] Regulations for the Medical Services of the Army. 1938.

[British Army regulations for the Medical Services]
Publication details: 
London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1943. ['Notified in Army Orders for July, 1938'.] 'Printed [...] by William Clowes & Sons, Ltd., London and Beccles.'

xiii + 457pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Divided into 14 sections (from 'Composition and General Organization of the Medical Services of the Army' to 'Regulations affecting the Royal Air Force'), with 56 appendices ('Sanitary Reports' to 'Contents of Case of Tracheotomy Instruments'). Scarce: no copy of this 1943 issue traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat (and only four of the 1938 version). From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[British Army printed circular.] Notes on Psychiatric Disabilities in the Army.

[British Army; Royal Army Medical Corps; psychiatry; psychiatric battle casualties; shellshock]
Publication details: 
Place and source not stated. [London: [Royal Army Medical Corps?] 'Revised. | February [amended in manuscript to 'July'] 1944.'

6pp., foolscap 8vo. Duplicated typescript on three leaves of pink paper pinned together. In fair condition, aged and worn, with two fold lines.

[Printed item.] Army Medical Department Bulletin No. 38. [290 to 297: Early Tubercle is Easily Missed; The Medical Officer as Scientist; Prognosis in Coronary Occlusion; Valvular Disease of the Heart; Treatment of Casualties from Phosgene [...] .

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. August, 1944.' ['Distribution scale: One copy to every Medical and Dental Officer.']

8pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with vertical crease and three punch holes at spine. 'Lieut Kyten' in manuscript at head of first page. Sections 296 and 297 are titled: 'Formalin Frees Footwear from Fungi' and 'Use of Army Numbers'. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These bulletins are scarce: the only copies traced are 38 issues (unspecified) in the Wellcome Library, a copy of no.32 in the Imperial War Museum, and a 'Supplement' in the University of California.

[Printed item.] Army Medical Department Bulletin No. 39. [298 to 305: Clinicians and Special Departments; Gas Gangrene: An Illustrative Case; Padded or Unpadded Plaster Casts; An Improved Tobruk Plaster (Mark III); Overdosage with Aspirin [...]'.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. September, 1944.' ['Distribution scale: One copy to every Medical and Dental Officer.']

8pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with three punch holes at spine. 'Lt. Miss Kayton' in manuscript at head of first page. Sections 303 to 305 are titled: Penicillin Units: Oxford and Mega; "My Doctor Told Me."; Diphtheira Antitoxin: New Scales of Issue. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These bulletins are scarce: the only copies traced are 38 issues (unspecified) in the Wellcome Library, a copy of no.32 in the Imperial War Museum, and a 'Supplement' in the University of California.

[Printed item.] Army Medical Department Bulletin No. 44. [335 to 340: Trench Foot; Laboratory Diagnosis of Smallpox; Varicose Veins; Mental Factors in Skin Disease; Peripheral Nerve Palsies from Intramuscular Injections; Too Much of a Good Thing.]

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. February, 1945.' ['Distribution scale: One copy to every Medical and Dental Officer.']

8pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with three punch holes at spine. 'Miss Kayton' in manuscript at head of first page. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These bulletins are scarce: the only copies traced are 38 issues (unspecified) in the Wellcome Library, a copy of no.32 in the Imperial War Museum, and a 'Supplement' in the University of California.

[War Office publication.] Memorandum for Medical Officers on Acute Ulcerative Gingivitis and Stomatitis. 1941. ['(Synonyms Vincent's Infection, Ulcero-Membranous Stomatitis, Fuso-Spirochaetal Stomatitis, Trench Mouth, etc.)']

['By Command of the Army Council'] [The War Office, Whitehall; Second World War; British government publications]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 7th May, 1941.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Headings: General Description; Diagnosis; Symptoms; Treatment; Preventive Methods. Scarce: no copy in the Wellcome Library or on COPAC, and only two copies on OCLC WorldCat. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[War Office publication.] Self-training for Medical Officers. 1941.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 24th December, 1941.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

10pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. The preface states that the pamphlet 'is issued so that medical officers may examine themselves and judge how successful or otherwise their training has been'.

['Restricted' War Office publication, 1944.] Notes on the Prevention and Treatment of Scabies, 1942. (Reprinted with Amendments (Nos. 1 and 2) 1944.)

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 19th February, 1944.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

12pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. At head of title-page: 'Restricted | The information given in this document is not to be communicated, either directly or indirectly, to the Press or to any person not authorized to receive it.' Headings: Introduction; Incidence; Causal Agent; Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Sarcoptes; Method of Infestation; Incubation; Diagnosis; Complications; Health Inspections; Differential Diagnosis; Prophylaxis; Treatment; Policy. An appendix gives the 'Formula for making 80 ounces Benzyl Benzoate Emulsion'.

['Restricted' War Office publication.] Instructions regarding Kit and Equipment for Officers. 1944.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
The War Office [Whitehall], 2nd February, 1944. ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

[1] + 15pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged paper, with vertical fold. Divided into 17 sections (including 'Sub-Tropical and Tropical Climates', 'Compensation for Loss or Damage' and 'Weight of Clothing and Equipment'), under the main headings: 'Uniform - Home Service' and 'Method of obtaining Uniform, etc.' Three appendices, including 'List of Uniform Officers are Required to Provide during the Present Emergency' and 'Weights of Principal Items of Officers' Clothing and Equipment'.

['Restricted' War Office pamphlet.] Medical Categories for other Ranks, 1944.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 15th July, 1944.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

18pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. At head of first page: 'RESTRICTED | The information given in this document is not to be communicated, either directly or indirectly, to the Press or to any person not authorized to receive it.' Containing several table, including one divided into: Army category; Army standard as regards physique and capabilities; Locality in which men may normally be employed.

[War Office publication, 'Not to be published'.] The Control of Epidemic Typhus 1942.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War; Royal Army Medical Corps]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], June 17th, 1942.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

12pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with three punch holes at spine. Headings: General principles of control; Bionomics of the louse; Mode of spread of infection; The prevention of lousiness; Methods of disinfestation; Disposal of typhus cases and suspects; General epidemic measures [Measures in conjunction with civil authorities; Military organization; Action by the medical officer of the unit; Unit arrangements; Divisional arrangements; L. of C. and base areas; Disinfestation of prisoners of war].

[War Office pamphlet, 'Not to be published'.] Care of the Feet. Notes for Foot Orderlies. 1942.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War; chiropody]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 7th October, 1942.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

48pp., 12mo. In brown printed wraps. With leaf carrying 'Amendment No. 1.' (headed 'Restricted') on 'Care of the Feet - Notes for Foot Orderlies, 1942' (1p., 12mo), dated from 'The War Office, | 7th October, 1942.', loosely inserted. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The pamphlet contains 20 figures, and is divided into nine chapters, with five appendices on chiropody.

['Ribbentrop's Speech on the Occupation of Norway 1940'.] Duplicated copy of typescript of the speech (in 'diplomatic French'), as 'found by W/Cdr S. John Peskett OBE in 1945', with English translation by him and covering note.

[Joachim von Ribbentrop (1893-1946), Foreign Minister in Nazi Germany; Wing Commander S. John Peskett, OBE]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Three items, all typed. In good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Covering note, probably by Peskett. 1p., 12mo. Headed 'Ribbentrop's Speech on the Occupation of Norway 1940'. Beneath the heading is an eight-line quotation from Low's 'Years of Wrath', followed by: 'The document herewith, issued by the German Foreign Office, is the Italian ambassador's copy of a number issued to those present on the occasion of Ribbentrop's speech to the Heads of Foreign Missions and members of the German and foreign press in Berlin in 1940.

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