[Paddy Carstairs, film and television director.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Mrs Greenwood', the first encouraging her screenwriter aspirations, the second rejecting one of her scripts.

Paddy Carstairs [John Paddy Carstairs, born John Keys] (1910-1970), film and television director
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of Two Cities Films Ltd, 15 Hanover Square, London. The first undated (but with date of receipt noted as 10 July 1949; the second dated 22 July 1949.

Both 1p, 8vo, and each in fair condition, on aged paper, with creasing along one edge. The first letter with smudged date of receipt in one corner. The first letter signed 'Paddy Carstairs', the second 'John Paddy Carstairs'. ONE: Begins: 'Dear Miss Greenwood | What can I possibly say? I am “set” for my next pic, but always want very unique stories – who doesn't?! | In 22 years (nearly!) I've only sold 3 originals for the screen and none of my novels – you see, there aren't any rules'.

[Duff Cooper, as Minister of Information in Churchill's wartime government.] Publicity document, in facsimile of typed letter, praising the British Commonwealth of Nations, attacking Hitler, and looking ahead to a union of European nations.

Duff Cooper [Alfred Duff Cooper, 1st Viscount Norwich] (1890-1954), Conservative politician, diplomat and author, Minister of Information in Winston Churchill's wartime government
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Special Secretariat, Ministry of Information, Malet Street, London, W.C.1. 2 August 1940.

2pp, 8vo. On a single leaf. In fair condition, aged, worn and creased, with one short closed tear. Folded twice.

[Commander Stephen King-Hall's propaganda battle with Joseph Goebbels.] Printed pamphlet, in German, a letter from King-Hall to 'Lieber deutschen Leser', ridiculing Hitler, Goebbels and the Nazis. With contemporary English translation.

Stephen King-Hall [William Stephen Richard King-Hall, Baron King-Hall] (1893-1966), writer, politician, naval officer, propagandist
Publication details: 
[London, 1939.] Letter dated from 162 Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W.1. Slug: 'L.C.P. - 5404'.

The present item is part of a propaganda battle between King-Hall and Goebbels. The only other copy of the item located is at the German National Library, King-Hall having 'contrived to infiltrate', as his Oxford DNB entry has it, this 'German version' of his 'King-Hall News Letter' to 'individuals in the Reich, provoking a vehement reaction from Goebbels and Hitler himself'. See also the article in Time magazine, 7 August 1939: 'Last week all Europe was excited about the propaganda battle between England's Commander Stephen King-Hall and Germany's Paul Joseph Goebbels (TIME, July 31).

[V-Letter from Karl Shapiro to George Barker, written in publication year of Shapiro's 'V-Letter and other Poems'.] A V-Mail [Victory Mail] letter (i.e. photographic print of autograph letter), praising Barker and criticising current 'War Poetry'.

Karl Shapiro [Karl Jay Shapiro] (1913-2000), American poet [George Barker (1913-1991), English poet]
Publication details: 
A V-Mail [Victory Mail] letter. San Francisco. February 1944.

An interesting communication from one noted twentieth-century English-language poet to another, and of additional significance as a V-Letter written in the year of publication of Shapiro's first successful collection, the Pulitzer Prize winning 'V-Letter and Other Poems' (1944). (See Diederik Oostdijk, 'The Wartime Success of Karl Shapiro's V-Letter' (2006).) The present item is a V-Mail [Victory Mail] letter: a 13.5 x 11 cm photograph print of an autograph letter bearing the censor's stamp.

[Dame Vera Lynn, 'the Forces' Sweetheart'.] Autograph Signature from album ('"Sincerely Yours" | Very Lynn').

Dame Vera Lynn [née Welch] (b. 1917), singer who entertained the British troops in the Second World War, known as 'the Forces' Sweetheart'
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of 9 x 14 cm leaf of cream paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: "'Sincerely Yours' | Very Lynn". A good, firm underlined signature, in a large sloping hand, with the words 'Sincerely Yours' in single quotation marks.

[Ivan Maisky, Soviet Union Ambassador to the United Kingdom during the Second World War.] Autograph Signature ('I. Maisky').

Ivan Maisky [Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky] (1884-1975), Soviet Union Ambassador to the United Kingdom during the Second World War
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On 6 x 7.5 cm slip of paper, laid down on a piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. A good firm and large signature, reading 'I. Maisky'.

[Christmas Card from the British Expeditionary Force, France, 1939.] Lithographed Christmas Card, with 'B.E.F.' and Spearhead Badge of 1 British Corps, and illustration by 'L. D. C.' of White Cliffs of Dover, France, military convoy, army camp.

[British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.), France, 1939; 1 British Corps; British Army]
Publication details: 
British Expeditionary Force [France]. Christmas 1939.

A nice piece of Second World War ephemera, of which no other copy has been traced. 1 British Corps formed part of the B.E.F., travelling to France in September 1939, and withdrawing from Dunkirk at the 'Darkest Hour' in May 1940. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Lithographed in black on the four sides of a 9.5 x 15 cm bifolium. Two parallel diagonal red lines printed at top left of front cover, which also carries the Spearhead badge of 1 British Corps at centre, above 'B.E.F.' in a scroll, with 'Christmas – 1939' at bottom left.

[Sir Hughie Edwards, V.C., Australian aviator and Governor of Western Australia.] Typed Letter Signed ('H. I. Edwards'), supplying David Dean with an autograph.

Sir Hughie Edwards [Air Commodore Sir Hughie Idwal Edwards, VC, KCMG, CB, DSO, OBE, DFC] (1914-1982), Australian aviator with the Royal Air Force, Governor of Western Australia, and recipient of the
Publication details: 
On letterhead of His Excellency Air Commodore Sir Hughie Edwards, V.C., Governmkent House, Perth, Western Australia. 7 March 1975.

1p., 4to. On aged paper with wear and one short closed tear to extremities. Dean writes from a P.O. Box in Maidenhead, Berkshire. Edwards is returning Dean's 'cardboards suitably autographed', but regrets that he has 'no photographs of myself, either modern or old, to send you'.

[Anne de Vere Chamberlain, widow of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.] Typed Letter Signed ('Anne Chamberlain') to journalist Collin Brooks, regarding his editorship of 'Truth' and the possibility of a meeting.

Anne de Vere Chamberlain [née Cole] (1883-1967) wife of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940), proponent of Appeasement of Nazi Germany [Collin Brooks (), journalist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead 8 Chester Square, S.W.1 [London]. 15 October 1954.

Anne Chamberlain stood before the crowds on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with her husband and the members of the royal family, following his return with the 'piece of paper', 30 September 1938. 1p., 12mo. On blue paper. In fair condition, worn and lightly-creased, with a couple of staple-marks at head. The salutation and valediction are written in flowing autograph: 'Dear Mr. Brooks' and 'Yours sincerely | With all kind remembrances | Anne Chamberlain'.

[ Evacuation of Queen Mary College, University of London, to King's Cambridge. ] Autograph Journal of Jean Kilgour Hart, undergraduate of Queen Mary College, in two volumes, kept over a year during its evacuation to King's College, Cambridge.

Jean Kilgour Hart (1921-2001), civil servant [ Queen Mary College, University of London; King's College, Cambridge; Girton College ]
Publication details: 
Cambridge [ Queen Mary College, University of London ]. First volume: 1 January 1942 to 9 May 1943. Second volume: 10 May 1942 to 29 April 1943.

The two volumes of diaries of Jean Kilgour Hart cast light on the interesting wartime crossover between the Universities of London and Cambridge. On the evacuation of Queen Mary College to Cambridge at the beginning of the Second World War, both the College administration and male staff and students were accommodated at King’s College. Women staff and students were initially provided with accommodation at Girton College, but from 1940 they were housed in two private houses in Hills Road.

[ Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Second World War Free French organisation. ] Membership card of 'Sympathiser-Member' William R. Guillet, signed by him and by T. J. Guérille, President.

Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Second World War Free French organisation [ William R. Guillet; T. J. Guérille ]
Publication details: 
Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London. 4 November 1941.

On both sides of a 7.5 x 12 cm card, with curved corners. A frail survival, heavily aged and worn. The text on the recto is printed in black, with the organisation's logo to the left in blue and red. The recto also has a large red 'S' superimposed at centre, and carries the two signatures, that of Guérille certifying that Guillet has been 'enrolled as a Sympathiser-Member'. Printed on the reverse are the 'Aims of the Association': 'To continue the war at the side of the British Government and of our Allies. | To co-operate with General de Gaulle's Free French Forces.

Poem, printed in colours for display, regarding the Blitz and 'those blackout times of London' during World War Two, titled 'The Cockney | Dedicated to the Citizens of London'. followed by another poem, by 'Bill Smiff, Esq.', titled 'Victory 1945'.

'Bill Smiff, Esq.' [G. J. McCarthy, Bedford Street, Strand; George Reynolds, Stepney, printer; the Blitz; air raids on London; Second World War; Nazi; music hall]
Publication details: 
Printed by George Reynolds, Ltd., 21-23, Stepney Green, E.1., and published by G. J. McCarthy, 38, Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. [Christmas 1945.]

On a piece of thin, shiny card, 33 x 20 cm. The text of the two poems is printed in red capitals, in two columns, with the title and border in brown, and a green design surrounding the words 'Wishing you a Happy Xmas and Prosperous New Year' at the foot, together with green leaves to red holly berries surrounding the title.

Binder containing forty mimeographed typed documents from the Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park, London, a top secret wartime organisation to prepare Allied officers for the occupation of Germany. With an autograph paper by a student.

Air Vice-Marshall D. M. T. MacDonald (1909-1988), Officer Commanding, Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park [F/o A. H. Reeve]
Publication details: 
[Control Commission School (Air), Viceroy Court, Prince Albert Road, Regent's Park, London.] February and March 1945.

A significant collection of documents relating to the secret effort, at the end of the Second World War, to prepare officers of the British and allied armed forces for the coming occupation of Germany. Excessively scarce: the only other holdings appear to be in the British National Archives, and the Maurice M. Goodner papers (OAC), the latter relating to a later Parisian branch of the school.

[ Dwight D. Eisenhower, as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. ] Printed address to the 'Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!', spurring them on to 'full Victory' (in Operation Overlord). With facsimile signature/

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), 34th President of the United States of America, and Supreme Allied Commander in Europe in the Second World War [ Operation Overlord, 1944 ]
Publication details: 
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force. 1944.

1p., 12mo. A frail survival of a historic document, aged, worn and stained, with slight loss to one corner. On reverse, in blue pencil, with illegible signature: 'No Report for 30th'. The document is headed 'SUPREME HEADQUARTERS | ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE', followed by the insignia. The address begins: 'Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! | You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

[ North African Campaign, 1940-1943. ] Duplicated four-page document giving 'Some Golden rules for the desert', 'Tips for the desert' and 'Hints on desert driving for "B" vehicles'. With signature of Lt M. P. M. Ollard, Leicestershire Yeomanry.

North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943 [ Lt M. P. M. Ollard of 154 (Leicestershire Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; Field Marshal Montgomery of Alamein ]
Publication details: 
[ North African Campaign, British Army, 1940-1943. ]

4pp., 4to. On four leaves. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with minor rust marks from paperclip. Ownership signature at top right of first page: 'Lt M P M Ollard'. The pages are numbered in type 5 [corrected in manuscript to '1'], 2, 3 and 4. The first page is headed 'Some golden rules for the desert', with subheadings 'Desert March Discipline', 'Protection', 'Navigation', 'Messing, Rations etc.', 'Maintenance' and 'General'. The next section is headed 'Tips for the desert', with subheadings 'Clothing', 'Stores and Equipment', 'M.

[ Royal Air Force School of Army Co-operation, Old Sarum (No. 2 Combined Ops. Bombardment Unit).] Bound collection of thirty-five Second World War duplicated lecture notes, with annotations by 2nd Lieut. J. S. Eason, and an autograph report by him.

Royal Air Force School of Army Co-operation, Old Sarum [ No. 2 Combined Ops. Bombardment Unit ] [ Second World War lecture notes; 2nd Lieut. J. S. Eason, Royal Marines ]
Publication details: 
School of Army Co-operation [ No. 2 Combined Ops. Bombardment Unit ]. Most from Old Sarum. Dating from between September 1943 and December 1944.

None of the items in the following collection has been traced elsewhere, either at the Imperial War Museum, or on WorldCat or COPAC. The background to the collection is explained by one authority as follows : 'The School of Army Co-operation was originally established at Old Sarum in 1920, to provide training for air officers supporting troops on the ground. It became the School of Air Support in 1945 when its remit was broadened to cover assistance by air in amphibious operations. It was reformed again in May 1947, within No. 11 Group, as the School of Land/Air Warfare.

[ Vera Dart, social worker and Labour Party politician. ] Duplicated Typescript of unpublished autobiography titled 'My Six Lives in a Changing World'.

Vera Dart (1892-1984), social worker and Labour Party politician, born in Liverpool [ Women's Voluntary Service for Civil Defence; London County Council ]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [ London, c. 1977. ]

[3] + ii + 152pp., 4to. Perfect bound, with each page on a separate leaf. In fair condition, aged and a little dogeared. Title-page reinforced at fore-edge. Missing the last page or so of the 'Conclusion'.

[ Barry Pitt, military historian. ] Typescript, with autograph emendations, of article on 'Orde Wingate'.

Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian [ Orde Wingate [ Major-General Orde Charles Wingate ] (1903-1944), British Army officer, tactical innovator during the Burma Campaign of World War Two
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

3pp., 4to. On three leaves of yellow paper. In good condition, with slight staining from paper clip. Emendations in black and red ink. No evidence of publication of the text has been discovered. It begins: 'On 25th July, 1943, Mr. Churchill wrote "I consider Wingate should command the army against Burma. [...]"'.

[ Barrie Pitt, military historian. ] Typed account, titled 'Monty', of meetings with Field Marshal Montgomery of Alamein, first in Egypt in 1942, and then 'some time in the 1970s'.

Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), British military historian [ Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein (1887-1976); Basil Liddell-Hart; the Savage Club, London ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [ 1980s? ].

4pp., 8vo. In good condition, with light signs of age. A lively and vivid account, as the opening indicates: '"Ah!

[ Barrie Pitt, military historian. ] Two Typed Drafts of a biographical account of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. One with autograph emendations.

Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), British military historian and editor, 'Purnell's History of the Second World War' [ Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States of America ]
Publication details: 
Neither with place or date stated.

Both items in good condition, on yellow paper. Apparently written as an entry in a work of reference, but no evidence of publication discovered. ONE: Later draft. 10pp., 4to. Single spaced. Begins: 'ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN DELANO was born on January 30th 1882, the only son of James and Sara Delano Roosevelt.

[ Nursing on the Home Front in the Second World War. ] Typescript 'War Diaries of Nurse K. M. Phipps | (including letters and letter extracts and notes describing wartime England.)'

Nurse K. M. Phipps [ Kay Phipps; Second World War; nursing; Red Cross; Emergency Medical Service ]
Publication details: 
London (Westminster Hospital and University College Hospital), Beechwood, Bradford (Yorkshire) and Devon. Diary dating from between 22 August 1939 and 2 August 1943. Transcription made by author in the early nineteen-seventies (1970, 1973).

159pp., 8vo. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear, in a card folder with 'Best Copies | A | Nurse Phipps | War Diaries | (1939-45)' in autograph on front. Each page of the typescript is on one side of a separate leaf.

[ L. P. Williams, English art director. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bill') and Typed Letter Signed ('Bill | Bloody Williams') to 'Edward Carrick' (Edward Craig), giving personal news and 'a little professional dirt' from Hollywood.

L. P. Williams [ Lawrence Paul Williams ] (1905-1996), English art director in England and Hollywood 'Edward Carrick' [ pseudonym of Edward Anthony Craig ] (1905-1998), film and stage designer ]
Publication details: 
ALS: 138 Mabery Road, Santa Monica, California, USA. 12 December 1940. TLS: 1914 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, Hollywood, California, USA. 21 June 1941.

Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper., the typed letter having a few autograph notes by Craig at end. ONE: ALS. 4pp., 8vo. He begins by telling Craig that he has been worrying about 'how to get your dope for you'. He is going to get in touch with 'Say & Drier', but does not know how the latter will react, 'being pro German you know - in the Guard Cuirasiers of the Prussian Guard in the last war'.

[ King Ferdinand II of Naples. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ferdinando'), in Italian, to a nephew ('Carissimo Nipote').

King Ferdinand II of Naples [ Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies ] (1810-1859), Bourbon monarch
Publication details: 
Place not stated. With docketed date 1850.

2pp., 12mo. Fifteen lines of text. In fair condition, on aged paper. The second leaf of the bifolium is docketed, and has a small burn hole to it, but the leaf with the king's autograph on it is undamaged. Written during his exile following the revolution of 1848. Contains a reference to 'la Cujina Luisa' [María Luisa Fernanda de Borbón].

[ Auxiliary Territorial Service in the Second World War. ] Album of Junior Commander Kathleen Wynne-Edwards, commander of 'five Platoons, on the average 220 strong' at Prestatyn, containing original photographs, letters, circulars, cuttings, ephemera

Kathleen Violet M. Wynne-Edwards [ née Touzel ] (1895-1978) of the ATS [ Auxiliary Territorial Service ], wife of Lieut-Col. John Copner Wynne-Edwards (1891-1967)
Publication details: 
2nd Signal Training Centre, Prestatyn, North Wales. Between 1939 and 1942.

The material is laid down and loosely inserted on 39pp. of a folio album with paper covers (the ATS badge drawn on the front). The album itself is aged and worn, but the material inside is in good condition, with light aging.Biographical information on Wynne-Edwards is given in a loosely-inserted copy of an autograph letter to 'Mrs.

[ P. G. Wodehouse, humorist. ] Two typewritten drafts, each with autograph emendations, of 'The Day I met the Master', Barrie Pitt's account of his encounter with Wodehouse in Tost internment camp. With printed version the article, and other material

[ P. G. Wodehouse [ Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse ] (1881-1975), English humorist ] Barrie Pitt (1918-2006), military historian, editor of 'Purnell's History of the Second World War'
Publication details: 
1992 and 1993.

All items in good condition, with minor signs of age. The drafts are both printed on yellow paper. Each is 4pp., 4to. The two appear the same textually, but one has two slips of paper with amended text attached, and the autograph emendations to the two are different from one another. Also present is a leaf from 'Lifewise' magazine, November 1993, with one page carrying Pitt's memoir, accompanied by a photograph of Wodehouse being interviewed at Tost by Angus Thuermer. The piece begins: 'I first saw P. G.

[ Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell. ] Papers relating to 9th Corps, BNAF, compiled immediately after the Tunisia Campaign, including a 'General History of Ninth Corps' by Campbell, original manuscript tracings, duplicated maps, order by Crocker.

Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell (1899-1980), Chief Engineer, IX Corps, BNAF [ British North Africa Force ]; General Sir John Tredinnick Crocker (1896-1963), Officer Commanding [ Tunisia Campaign ]
Publication details: 
On folder: 'Field B.N.A.F. [ British North Africa Force ] 29th May, 1943.' Campbell's 'General History' dated from 'FIELD, | 18 May 43.'

Twenty-seven items in paper folder with printed (not duplicated) cover: '"If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle" | General History of Ninth Corps | Field B.N.A.F. 29th May, 1943.' The collection is in fair condition, with rust staples from paper clips and other signs of age and wear. The presence of matter including the manuscript originals of maps makes it clear that the collection derives from Campbell himself. The following description divided into six items. ONE: Duplicated typescript: 'GENERAL HISTORY OF 9 CORPS'. 10pp., 8vo. Anonymous.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, North African, Second World War. ] Duplicated typescript: 'C.S.O. 9 Corps | Signal Report on the Tunisian Campaign, 1943.' With coloured maps and diagrams.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North Africa, Second World War ]
Publication details: 
[ Tunisian Campaign, 1943. ]

29pp., 8vo. On white and pink paper. Followed by three fold-out plates and two diagrams, all in colour ('Battle of Fondouk', 'Battles of Goubellat Plain & Tunis', 'Later Phase of Battle of Tunis', 'Wireless Communications | H.Q. 9 Corps - Apr/May 1943 | Standard Layout', 'Wireless Communications | Corps H.Q. | Suggested requirements'). Stapled, with grey front cover bearing title. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with the last few plates detached.

[ W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre manager and historian. ] Typescript of an unpublished account of the work of British millers and bakers during the war: 'No Medals for This (The Story of Bread in the Blitz)'. With two related Typed Letters Signed

W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian [ Sydney Walton, publicist ]
Publication details: 
[ London, 1941. ]

148pp., 4to. Bound with pink ribbon into grey card wraps with typed label on cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and aged binding. Pencil note on title page states '40000 words'. An interesting piece of social history during wartime. In a foreword Macqueen-Pope thanks a number of individuals for their assistance, adding that 'the leading characters in this real life story must perforce remain anonymous'.

[ Major General Douglas Wimberley. ] Author's copy, with bookplate and autograph additions, of typed volume: '"Scottish Soldier". An Autobiography by Douglas Wimberley. (A private account for my wife and family) Volume II Part IV - World War II'.

Douglas Wimberley [ Major-General Douglas Neil Wimberley (1896-1983), commander of the 51st (Highland) Division at the Second Battle of El Alamein in the Second World War; North African Campaign]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 1974.

[3] + 280pp., 8vo, on the rectos only of the leaves. Bookplate of Douglas Neil Wimberley on flyleaf. Around half a dozen additional duplicated maps inserted. With copious autograph additions on upwards of 70pp. of the blank reverses of the leaves, several taking up the whole page, and a number initialled 'DW'. Internally in good condition, on aged and worn paper, in worn green fake-cloth binding, with 'SCOTTISH SOLDIER | VOLUME II | BY | DOUGLAS WIMBERLEY' in faded gilt on cover.

'Secret' document, titled 'Brief Tactical Notes | 6th Armoured Division | To be carried by Officers on all training in the field.'

C. F. Keightley, Major General Commanding, 6th Armoured Division [ General Sir Charles Frederic Keightley (1901-1974) ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [ North Africa ]. 20 September 1943.

[1] + 14pp., 16mo. Unbound stapled pamphlet. A frail survival (no copy found on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC). Aged and worn, with rusting staples. Stencil of the Division's insignia on cover. Divided into seven sections: 'Tactical Notes', 'Appreciations', 'Orders', 'Approach and Contact', 'Attack', 'Defence' and 'Breaking Contact'. In his 'Foreword' Keightley urges the reader, somewhat confusingly, to 'make absolutely certain that there is nothing left to help him ['your men'] fight efficiently and gallantly which it is in your power to do'. From the papers of military historian Barrie Pitt.

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