[J. M. Barrie [Sir James Matthew Barrie], Scottish writer, author of 'Peter Pan'.] Copy of numbered edition of 'Sir J. M. Barrie / His First Editions Points and Values By Andrew Block', with numerous knowledgeable manuscript annotations.

J. M. Barrie [Sir James Matthew Barrie], Scottish writer, author of 'Peter Pan'; Andrew Block, London bookseller; W. and G. Foyle Limited [Foyles], London booksellers
J. M. Barrie
Publication details: 
'W. & G. Foyle Limited / At the Sign of the Trefoile / London'. 'The edition is limited to Five hundred copies. / Copy number 16'. Vol.3 in the 'First Editions and their Values' series. [Annotations from around the 1970s.]
J. M. Barrie

xiv + [1] + 38pp, 12mo. No.16/500. In blue cloth binding, titled in gilt on cover and spine. No dust wrapper. Printed on thick paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Annotated in pencil throughout, and with a page of annotations at the end. The handwriting is distinctive (and certainly not Block’s), with the capital N in particular. Some of the annotations give dates from the 1970s, but the handwriting is that of someone from an earlier generation. As an example, one of the longer pencil annotations, on p.5, listing an additional item: ‘Caught Napping. / c. 1883.

[W. & G. Foyle (Foyles), Charing Cross Road booksellers.] Printed prospectus for ‘The Centenary Life of Lewis Carroll ' by Langford Reed, published by the firm as a ‘Trefoile Publication’.

Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], author of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ [Langford Reed; W. & G. Foyle, booksellers (Foyles), Charing Cross Road, London; Trefoile Publications]
Publication details: 
[1932.] ‘A Trefoile Publication from the House of - W. & G. FOYLE, Ltd., 119-125, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.1’.

This prospectus is a scarce item: no other copy has been traced. A 4to bifolium, with four unnumbered pages printed in red. Somewhat aged and worn, with a horizontal strip of light discoloration at the head of the cover, which has the title and author’s name surrounded by a border made up of Tenniel’s illustrations, beneath this is a quotation from Dodgson’s poetry and the price of ‘7/6 net’. Across the middle two pages is the heading ‘The Centenary “Life of Lewis Carroll”’. The text begins by explaining that Reed has made use of Dodgson’s letters to Ellen Terry.

[Printed pamphlet poem with note by ‘A. H. M.’, i.e. Alfred H. Mayhew, bookseller at 56 Charing Cross Road, London.] St. Patrick’s Breastplate [Adapted by Katherine M. Buck]. ['Made for the Wayland-Dietrich Saga'.]

Katherine M. Buck; ‘A. H. M.’ [i.e. Alfred H. Mayhew, bookseller at 56 Charing Cross Road, London] [the Wayland-Dietrich Saga]
Publication details: 
‘PUBLISHED BY ALFRED H. MAYHEW / At the Sign of “The Smithy,” 56, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. / 1926. / Printed in Great Britain by R. Stockwell, Baden Place, Crosby Row, S.E.1.’

Five copies listed on JISC. Now scarce. 8pp, 16mo. Stitched pamphlet, on good wove paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small closed tear at head of first leaf. First two leaves with light crease. Enfolded in ‘wallet’ of the same paper, repeating the title on the front (differently positioned), and also giving the price as sixpence. The poem, covering pp.2-7, is in small print, and the first stanza reads: ‘I bind upon myself to-day / The Strength of the Holy Trinity: / That mighty Breastplate be my Stay! / I here invoke . . . I here confess . . .

[Joseph Jekyll, Regency politician and wit.] Autograph Letter Signed to George Agar-Ellis, on missing the 'Academy Dinner' by dining with the king; and manuscript copy of pun-laden account of ‘Bazaar in Mr Penn’s Garden for Charing Cross Hospital’.

Joseph Jekyll (1754-1837), Welsh lawyer, Whig politician and wit, Master in Chancery and Solicitor-General to the Prince of Wales [George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1st Baron Dover]
Publication details: 
Letter written on 'Sunday Morning'

The first item is fairly witty, while the second exhibits the sort of ‘excruciating puns’ for which Jekyll is, according to his entry in the Oxford DNB, largely remembered. See also Agar-Ellis’s entry in the same work. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Letter of ‘Sunday Morning’ to ‘Dear Ellis’. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘Joseph Jekyll’. Folded twice. Minuted by recipient at head of first page: ‘May 1825 / Jekyll’.

[ George Allen, London publisher and associate of John Ruskin. ] Sale catalogue of 'Books and Pictures from the Estate of the Late Mr. George Allen', containing a large number of books and pictures by Ruskin.

[ George Allen (1832-1907), London publisher, craftsman and engraver associated with John Ruskin [ Allen and Unwin ]
Publication details: 
'For Sale | May be seen at 156, Charing Cross Road | London | December 1908'.

12 pp., 8vo. Modern marbled bds. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. This interesting item is of significance to Ruskin scholars, containing a whole page describing 24 drawings and engravings by him, as well as a number of interesting books from the library of a close associate. The item was previously bound by Rossetti in a volume with two, unrelated, others. It then passed into the collection of the art historian Rose Sketchley, whose sister C. J. Sketchley presented it to Fulham Public Libraries in 1949. It is scarce: no copy has been traced on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC.

[C. W. Beaumont, dance writer, bookseller and publisher.] Typed Letter Signed ('Cyril Beaumont') to 'Mr White', dismissing 'would-be Diaghilevs'.

Cyril Beaumont [Cyril William Beaumont; C. W. Beaumont] (1891-1976), dance writer, bookseller and publisher
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'C. W. Beaumont | Bookseller & Publisher | At the Sign of the Harlequins Bat', 75 Charing Cross Road, London WC2. 3 April 1954.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by stating that his book 'contains the details' his correspondent requires, and continues: 'I am sorry to say that I made a little mistake when I was talking to you over the telephone about "Pulcinella". I think I said there was a long description of that ballet in my "Diaghilev Ballet in London", but of course it is the "Complete Book of Ballets".

[Trelawney Saunders, cartographer and map seller.] First part of long Autograph Letter to Commander James Mangles, RN, discussing his 'Illustrated Geography & Hydrography' and other works, and his desire for a London 'depot' for the sale of maps.

Trelawney William Saunders (1821-1910), FRGS, book and map seller, 6 Charing Cross, London; Geographical Assistant, India Office; cartographer [Captain James Mangles (1786-1867); Edward Stanford]
Publication details: 
6 Charing Cross [London]. 14 May 1846.

Four pages, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with small pinholes to both leaves and slight loss at the head of the second. Substantial first part of long letter, and hence lacking the signature. BBTI has Trelawny [for Trelawney] William Saunders at 6 Charing Cross between 1846 and 1853, and Edward Stanford's entry in the Oxford DNB records that he was an apprentice there, returning as partner in 1852 ('The partnership was dissolved by mutual consent in July 1853.'), and that it was Saunders who proposed Stanford for membership of the Royal Geographical Society.

Eighteenth-century transcription of inscription relating to the Eleanor Cross, Geddington, Northamptonshire, filled with errors and describing its restoration in 1712. From the papers of John Blackburne of Orford Hall, Warrington.

[Queen Eleanor of Castile, wife of King Edward I of England; Eleanor Cross, Geddington, Northamptonshire; John Blackburne (1694-1786) of Orford Hall, Warrington, naturalist and horticulturalist]
Publication details: 
Without place or date[1750s?].

1p., landscape 12mo. On aged and lightly-creased laid paper ('PRO PATRIA' watermark), with chipping to extremities. On reverse, in another hand: 'At Northampton a Monument at the Inn'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. E. Dobell') from Arthur Eustace Dobell of the London booksellers P. J. & A. E. Dobell, to 'Mr. Price', regarding deeds relating to Watlington, which the firm could get 'on apro [sic]'.

Arthur Eustace Dobell, partner with his brother Percy John Dobell in the firm of London booksellers P. J. & A. E. Dobell, 77 Charing Cross Road, and son of the booksellerBertam Dobell (1842-1914)
Publication details: 
On the firm's letterhead: 'P. J. & A. E. DOBELL, | Sons of the late BERTRAM DOBELL, | Dealers in Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters, | 77, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C.2. | AND 8, BRUTON STREET, LONDON, W. 1.' 8 June 1926.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Mr. Price | In reply to our advertisement for items on Watlington we have received the enclosed report of deeds, which we could supply at £2.15.0 if of any interest to you. If you wish to see them I think we could get them on apro. | Yours truly | A. E. Dobell'.

[printed draft copy] Dated 24th Day of September, 1883. Charing Cross Hospital. Royal Charter of Incorporation. Fladgate, Smith & Fladgate, 40, Craven Street, Street, Solicitors for the Hospital.

[Charing Cross Hospital, London, Royal Charter of Incorporation, 1883]
Charing Cross Hospital, London, Royal Charter of Incorporation, 1883
Publication details: 
[London.] G. Norman and Son, Printers, Hart Street, Covent Garden. [Fladgate, Smith & Fladgate, 40, Craven Street, Solicitors for the Hospital.]
Charing Cross Hospital, London, Royal Charter of Incorporation, 1883

Folio, 12 + [i] pp. Text clear and complete, with a few pencil underlinings. Aged and somewhat worn. Folded vertically in the centre to make the conventional long legal packet, with the right-hand side of the reverse of the last leaf (with is stamped in red with the number 273683) carrying the printed title, with the address of the solicitors altered in pencil to 18 Pall Mall SW1, and with two manuscript names deleted: 'Mr. Finlay. Q.C. | Mr. Rowland Gibson'. Unsigned draft copy. No copy of this historical item on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Norman Tanner') to Noon.

Norman Tanner [Norman C. Tanner] (1906-1982), gastric surgeon to Charing Cross Hospital [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
6 February 1952; on his Streatham Park letterhead.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on aged paper, with two punch-holes to top left-hand corner. Describing the qualities of his former 'chief assistant Mr Colin Craig who has taken up your Lowestoft appointment', including the comment 'I would be quite happy for him to operate on myself or one of my family'.

Shakespearian and Dramatic Catalogue [including books from the libraries of Ellen Terry and Henry Arthur Jones]

P. J. & A. E. Dobell, booksellers, 77 Charing Cross Road [Shakespeare; Ellen Terry; Henry Arthur Jones]
Publication details: 
1930. No. 362. Printed by Robt. Stockwell, Baden Place, Borough, London.

8vo, 72 pp. Stapled and unbound. Complete. On aged paper. The outer leaves are worn and coming apart at the spine. Otherwise the item is sound and tight. 1976 items. Items 783 to 883 concern 'the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy'. Items 888 to 893 are 'Books from the Library of the late Dame Ellen Terry.' ('Only a few Books from her Library were sold, and Association Books are very difficult to obtain.'). Items 894 to 982 are 'Books on the Drama and Shakespeare, from the library of Henry Arthur Jones'. Items 983 to 1976 are 'Books on the Drama'.

Typed Letter, signed by 'C B', 'per W. & G. Foyle, Ltd, to C. F. Bradshaw, headmaster of the Council School at Cresswell, Worksop, Derbyshire.

Foyles Bookshop [W. & G. Foyle Ltd of 119-125 Charing Cross Road, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
18 March 1939; on 'W & G FOYLE LTD' letterhead.

4to, 1 p. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper with minor rust stain from paperclip at head. Letterhead, in light and dark blue, featuring globe and the mottos 'BOOKSELLERS TO THE WORLD' and 'STOCK OF NEARLY THREE MILLION VOLUMES'. Thirteen lines of text. Bradshaw is clearly unhappy at the price asked for a copy of Cox's 'Memorials of Old Derbyshire'. 'The writer would point out that we received six reports regarding this book from various clients, but in no case at a price allowing us to quote below 15/-.

Typed Letter Signed ('Ruth Knowles'), a reference for her 'ship-keeper' William Stilwell. With four photographs of her barquentine 'Friendship' ('Emma Ernest'), moored at Charing Cross, and typed reports, with newspaper cuttings, by Stilwell's son.

Ruth Mitchell [Knowles] (c.1888-1969) [Chetniks; Yugoslavia; Brigantine 'Emma Ernest'; Charing Cross Pier; World Explorers Friendship Clubs; The Yellow Rolls Royce (film, 1964); ]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 21 May 1932; on 'World Explorers' letterhead. The two reports from 1988, with one dated 'JS [James Stilwell] Oct 88'.

An interesting collection of material relating to an extraordinary woman whose exploits deserve recognition. According to one obituary Mitchell (sister of American General 'Billy' Mitchell) was 'he only foreign woman to serve with the Chetniks', for whom she acted as a dispatch rider. Captured by the Gestapo while swimming at Dubrovnik, 'still in her bathing suit, and with papers on her that would have caused her to be executed without trial, she turned to the agents and asked: "Gentlemen, you will permit me to change my trousers?" They agreed.

Four Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

John Hudson Elder-Duncan
Publication details: 
5 Feb 1927; 4 and 28 Feb and 8 March 1930; all four on letterhead of 'THE ARCHITECTURE CLUB | "THE LONDON MERCURY" OFFICE, | 229, STRAND, LONDON, | W.C.2.'

English politician (1877-1938), MInister of Agriculture and Fisheries, and Secretary of the Architecture Club. All four items one page, quarto, and in very good condition. Last item with one inch closed horizontal tear (not affecting text). Three items stamped and two bearing the Society's stamp. All four signed 'J. H. Elder-Duncan'. ITEM ONE: At a recent meeting of the Architecture Club committee Arthur J. Davis 'raised the question of our helping in some way to give wider publicity to your prizes for design'.

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