
Autograph Note Signed to "Mr Wilkinson" (Robert? see Maxted).

Duchess of Rutland.
Publication details: 
Sackville Street, 8 Oct. 1801.

See also her letter to Triphook (#2031). One page, 4to, spike-hole reaired, usual condition, text clear and complete: "The Dss of Rutland desires Mr. Wilkinson will be so good to send her a Print of herself, from Sir Joshua Reynolds's Picture the full length, & to bring it to her House No. 28 Sackville St. in the course of this [excision] day, as she is going out of Town,[.] when the Print comes the Dss desires the Person will make a Bill of it & wait for the money -"

Autograph Letter, third person, to "Mr. Sunter" (stationer)

Mrs William Thornton.
Publication details: 
Sutton Hall, 8 Nov. (no year).

Three pages, 8vo, somewhat faint but good. "Mrs William Thornton presents her compliments to Mr Sunter & requests that he will be so good as to send her tomorrow 2. Dozn. of Letter sized Envelopes, with Quenns=Heads stampt upon them. Also 2. Dozen of a larger size of Letter Envelope without [underlined] Queens-heads.- Likewise a ver soft black-Lead pencil for making a very marked [page 2] outline in drawing, & a quire of Letter=paper of that very thin sort used for writing to France or India./ Mrs. W. Thornton would also be extremely obliged if Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Mr Legge"

Hesba Stretton [pseud. for Sarah Smith]
Publication details: 
70 Lansdowne Road, W., London, 3 January 1883.

Author, see DNB. Two pages, 8vo, good condition, with additional biographical notes by another hand. "Will you please to read the enclosed, & ascertain for [me?] if there is a Polish translation of "Jessica" ["Jessica's First Prayer"]. My cousin, Dr Manning, several times told me it had been translated into every European laguage; but he may not have thought of Polish. /Could you also tell Mr. Stevens for me that I never received the October [no.?]. of the Leisure Hour or Sunday at Home .

Autograph Letter Signed to "Mr Redgrave", one of the Artistic Redgrave brothers (see DNB).

Anna Maria Hall.
Publication details: 
Avenue Villa, 50 Holland Street, Kensington, W., London, 17 Feb. [no year].

Irish novelist and editor, see DNB. She is not allowed to leave the house but cxan have visitors. Her husband, Samuel Carter Hall, has been very ill as has his nephew Sanford Rochat. She thanks God that Rochat "is able to get back in a quiet way to the War Office - and Mr Hall is working not so quietly at "the Art Journal again" - but it has been a dangerous season. She looks forward to seeing him and reports on the health of friends.

Typed Note Signed "Enid", with manuscript addition, to Mark Bonham-Carter.

Enid Bagnold.
Publication details: 
Rottingdean, Sussex, 12 Nov. 1945.

Novelist and playwright (DNB). One page, 8vo, fold marks, good condition. She wants the names and addresses of his "party" (presumably a group who will visit her), adding: "You are quite right not to come up to London for cocktail parties, but I'm sorry all the same and wish you were." She adds in manuscript "I'm now really thinking it all fun - & no trouble at all (well - trouble it is - but pleasant & gay trouble)."

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to her 'Cousin'.

Barbara Hofland
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Author (1770-1844) and friend of Miss Mitford. Paper dimensions roughly three and a half inches by one inch. Slightly discoloured, creased, and with one small closed tear. Read 'Believe me dear friend, | your truly affectionate Cousin | B Hofland'.

Autograph Letter Signed to T[homas]. F[rederick]. Dillon Croker.

Eliza Johnstone
Publication details: 
Tooles Theatre | Strand'. No date, but in envelope postmarked 15 July 1876.

British actress (born c. 1836). In the 1881 census Johnstone features as a visitor in the house of the actor-manager John Laurence Toole (1830-1906). Three pages, 12mo. Good, though grubby and with a few stains. In envelope with penny red stamp and black wax seal, addressed to Croker at 9 Pelham Place, Brompton. 'I return your book my father having complied with your request | I can not tell you the great pleasure I received in looking over your lovely collection. It is so good it makes one almost envious.' Signed 'Eliza Johnstone'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unknown male correspondent.

Maria Acland [Sir Charles Abraham Elton; POOR LAW]
Publication details: 
Gloucester Row Clifton Feby 10th 1823'.

Docketed in pencil at foot of page 'Authoress of book on Poor Laws &c'. One page, quarto. Creased, discoloured and stained, with the rear repaired with tape. Interesting letter, referring to the publication of an essay. She is gratified by her correspondent's approbation of her 'attempt' and accepts his offer. Had the essay been published she would have asked for proof-sheets. 'I believe I have made a mis-quotation about the 8th or 9th page, & have written "Whosoever hath not &c" instead of "If any man have not".

Autograph Card Signed [to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Jean Elmslie Henderson, Viscountess Dunedin
Publication details: 
8 March [1938]; on crested letterhead '42, LOWER SLOANE STREET, | S.W.1.'

Scottish aristocrat and translator (died 1944). Dimensions roughly four and a half inches by three and a half inches. Very good, but with two small staple holes (not affecting text). Docketed and bearing red date stamp. Reads 'Dear Sir - | I have your letter of March 4th - I enclose £3. 3 & agree to your request to nominate me | yours truly | J E Dunedin'.

Document Signed.

Maria Theresa.
Publication details: 
Date obscured

Queen of Hungary and Empress of Germany. In German. One page, circa 2.5 x 2 feet, vellum, folded, attractive, red mark where seal is missing, some fading but signature clear Item bought in The Czech Republic (Bohemia).. Scan provided on request.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Rosaline Masson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Biographer of Robert Louis Stevenson. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by one and a quarter. Very good. Taken from autograph album and mounted on larger piece of cream paper. Reads 'Yours very affectionately | Rosaline Masson.'

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Edna Lyall (Ada Ellen Bayly)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English novelist (1857-1903). Paper dimensions roughly four and a quarter inches by two and a quarter inches. Very good, but grubby and with a few light glue stains. From autograph album and mounted on larger piece of light blue paper. Reads '[...] | it will save confidencce. | In gt. haste | Yrs. truly | A. E. Bayly.' Docketed '(Edna Lyall)' in pencil beneath signature.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter

Eleanor Catharine Price [E. C. Price]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two and a half inches. Very good. Folded once (not affecting signature). From an autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of blue paper. Reads '[...] | It was a real pleasure | to see you again the other | day. | Yours afftely | E C Price -'. Docketed in pencil at foot.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Jean Morison [Mrs Jean Morison Campbell]
Publication details: 
Without date; on embossed letterhead 'MORISON HOUSE. | HETLAND. | RUTHWELL.'

Scottish author. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by one and a quarter. Very good, with some light glue staining. From autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of blue paper. Reads '[...] your welcome letter which | [...] | [...] your loving friend Jean M. C. Miller Morison'. Docketed in pencil 'Poet & Critic - "The Purpose of the Ages" etc'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Annie S. Swan [Annie Shepherd Swan Burnett-Smith]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

novelist (1859-1943). Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two inches. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of pink paper. Reads 'Yrs sincerely | Annie S. Swan.'

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Emily Taylor
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Victorian novelist and hymn-writer (1795-1872), author of 'Tales of the Saxons'. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two. Very good though somewhat grubby. Folded once (not affecting signature). From autograph album. Mounted on piece of green paper. Reads '[...] I heard - remember me very kindly to him & to your sister & daughters. | I am, as ever, | faithfully yours | Emily Taylor.'

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Anna Brownell Jameson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Anglo-Irish author (1794-1860) and art critic. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two inches. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger sheet of paper. Reads '[...] Oxford Street London for the next 3 weeks - Ever yours truly & affecly - | Anna Jameson'. Docketed in pencil at foot '(Legendary Art etc) | Written to my Mother - S[arah]. E[lizabeth]. S[iddons]. M[air].'

Part of an autograph letter signed "C.M. Yonge" to [Catharine Eleanor Price?]

Charlotte M. Yonge.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Fragment of an autograph letter, c.4" x 2",laid down on slightly larger card (from an album).Text only "I am reading ["Foreigners"?] and enjoying them. / Yours very truly / C.M. Yonge.

Autograph Letter Signed to a would-be contributor to "Aunt Judy's Magazine".

Margaret Gatty.
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, 11 August 1866.

Children's Author and Editor. Two pages, 8vo, attached to slightly larger card (a page from an autograph album), good consition. Text: "I am much obliged to you for the offer of your tale, but think it better to return it as I am fully supplied at preset with material for my Magazine. Will you allow me to say that it strikes me as being better adapted for such a puvblication as the "Monthly Packet" which is intended for rather older readres than mine." DNB entry: "In May 1866 Mrs. Gatty established a monthly periodical for young people called ‘Aunt Judy's Magazine.’"

Signed Typed Memorandum of Agreement between Lindsay and the publisher Anthony Blond Limited, for 'a contribution to THE NEW LONDON SPY edited by Hunter Davies on the subject of Lesbianism'.

Cressida Lindsay [Anthony Blond Ltd; The New London Spy]
Publication details: 
1965; no place.

One page, A4. In poor condition: creased and dogeared with several closed tears and a staple in the top left-hand corner. With 'not valid' in ms in top right-hand corner. The contribution, to be delivered by 1 August 1965, was to have been five thousand words in length, 'at the rate of 10 guineas for each thousand words of the contribution'. In the event it was replaced by Maureen Duffy's piece on 'Lesbianism in London'. Signed by 'Cressida Lindsay' and by 'Desmond Brian' on behalf of Blond.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Fletcher'.

Ethel Snowden, Viscountess Snowden (née Annakin)
Publication details: 
15 October 1934; on letterhead 'EDEN LODGE, | TILFORD | NR. FARNHAM.'

Wife of Philip, Viscount Snowden (1864-1937), British Labour politician. Two pages, 4to. Folded twice. Good, but with minor staining to reverse. Neither she nor her husband has forgotten her correspondent and her husband: 'We often speak of you both.' But they are 'in a difficulty' about accepting the invitation: 'We have no servants at present and my hands are horny with honest toil. We expect a couple in about eight days time. If and when they materialise the first thing we shall want to do is to come and see you.

Autograph Letters Signed.

Elizabeth Palgrave [Sir Francis Palgrave, Dawson Turner]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but after 1823, and with the draft reply dated 'Nov. 30'

Three pages, 12mo. Good, but with a couple of closed tears on crease and with the remains of a brown-paper mount adhering to the blank verso of the second leaf of the bifoliate. The letter (2 pages) reads 'The coming coach drove my husband [Sir Francis Palgrave, 1788-1861, civil servant and antiquary] into London before he had well finished his note [see below].

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Middleton Walker'.

Constance Williams
Publication details: 
No date (but docketed 'probably 1886'); '1, Campden House | W.'

Two pages, 12mo. Very good. She is sorry that her correspondent should have 'taken the trouble to call twice & have found me out, but I am working at the school just now, & am very not returning as a rule until the evening | So I trust you will excuse my calling with kind regards to yourself & Mr. Middleton Walker'. Signed 'Constance Williams' and docketed in pencil, 'a very clever sculptor in wood'. Not traced.

Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mrs. Eldridge'.

Lady Cathcart
Publication details: 
10 December [no year, but late nineteenth century]; on letterhead 'THORNTON-LE-STREET NEAR THIRSK'.

Three pages, 12mo. Creased, foxed, and with traces of archival tape adhering to blank reverse of second leaf of bifoliate. Formal letter in the third person, requesting the return of 'Mr. Charles Cathcarts clothes, when they have been disinfected, directed to Prince of Wales Terrace Scarborough'. He is 'pretty well, and she thinks the change & sea air at Scarborough will most likely restore him to his usual health'. He 'would be glad to get his clothes as soon as they are considered quite free of infection'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Burns'.

Lady Dorothy Macmillan
Publication details: 
No date; on letterhead '14 CHESTER SQUARE | S.W.I'.

Wife (1900-66) of the Conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, and daughter of the Duke of Devonshire. Three pages, 12mo. Grubby, creased and stained (perhaps with tears?). She was 'up in Stockton' the previous week, and heard that her correspondent's son was ill. 'Having children of my own, I know how very precious they are & how terribly one feels it when anything is wrong with them. It is dreadful when one sees such little things ill & one feels it is so cruel that it should happen to them.

Autograph Letter (signed 'Anon') to unnamed male correspondent.

Mrs. Manning [The Red Cross Sale at Christie's, 1916]
Publication details: 
26 February 1916; Tavistock, Salisbury, Wiltshire.

One page, 4to. Good, but creased and with slight damage to reverse from caused by removal from mount. Despite signing 'Anon' the author has written her name and address at the head of the letter. 'Since sending you the two ancient Documents & two Autographs which you courteously acknowledged (816) I have found This Programme which was used by Queen Victoria on Feby 7th. 1891. It was given to me by a friend who was staying at The Old George Hotel, Salisbury & I enclose her letter which accompanied it.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Graham'.

Elizabeth Jane Oswald
Publication details: 
4 February 1903; on letterhead 'Southank | Edinburgh'.

Author (died 1905) of the Icelandic travel guide 'By fell and fjord'. Two pages, 12mo. In good condition although grubby and with traces of mount adhering to verso and stub adhering along one edge. 'I am glad to say that I find the tickets in the row we are in - for the Reid Concerts on Friday, are not all gone - & excellent places - I enclose 2 - at 8/ each - 16/-. I expect it will be a lovely concert - I shall be glad to meet you thereX - | Yours truly | E J Oswald | X So dont send the money - as we shall be quite near each other'.

Autograph Note, Third Person, to [Edward] Jeffery, bookseller.

Lady Holland
Publication details: 
"Friday", no date.

Elizabeth Vassall Fox, Lady Holland, Society Hostess (DNB). Remnants of laying down process, chipped, text complete and clear, as follows: Lady Holland informs Mr Jeffery that in the set of English Poets sent to here there are six volumes wanting viz. 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 & 64 - which she wishes him to find as soon as possible in order to have the collection bound - She retruns one number of the Edinburgh [Review] as by mistake he has sent her two- / Holland House / Friday"

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Neighbour'.

Anne Benson Procter
Publication details: 
Home | Wednesday.' [Docketed 'December. 23. '85'.]

Victorian writer (1799-1888), stepdaughter of the jurist Basil Montagu (1770-1851), wife of the poet Bryan Waller Procter (1787-1874), and mother of the poet Adelaide Ann Procter (1825-64). One page, 12mo. Folded once. Discoloured and heavily foxed, but in good condition otherwise. 'I really do not know how to thank you for your lovely present - | I hoped to have seen you yesterday and been able to say farewell - as I go tomorrow to the Thomson Hankeys until the 2d. Jany. | I have also to thank you, for the pleasant dinner, as well as your having presented me to Mr Buckston -.

Autograph Signature on fragment of document.

Anna Maria Hall
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Irish-born author (1800-81; nee Fielding), wife of Samuel Carter Hall. On slip of paper roughly 14 centimeters by 2 centimeters. In good condition, although paper discoloured and with traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. Apparently the foot of a page of printed accounts, with 'Brewster & West, Printers, Hand Court, Dowgate.' in bottom left-hand corner. 'To be returned to Mrs. S C Hall on or before the 1st. of June' written over the printed part, but the signature 'Anna Maria Hall' written across clear paper.

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