Printed Ephemera

Typed Letter with cyclostyle signature to A. D. Snow of St Leonards-on-Sea.

George Cadbury
Publication details: 
19 December 1911; letterhead 'BOURNVILLE. | BIRMINGHAM.'

Quaker confectioner, social reformer and philanthropist (1839-1922). 1 page, 8vo. A little grubby and creased but in good condition overall, with the blank reverse attached to remains of another piece of paper. He thanks his correspondent for his letter and states that 'The Friends' Meeting House at Stirchley has been used for very many years by the Friendly Societies instead of the liquor shop. I believe that one society of 700 members [manuscript addition: 'the largest branch in the Midlands'] and another of 400 members have payments made in one of the rooms connected with it.

Typewritten Publishing agreement with Anthony Blond Limited, 56 Doughty Street, London, W.C.1.

Publication details: 

Poet and critic (born 1929), friend of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath, now best known as a poker player. In good condition. On one side each of 3 4to pages, neatly stapled to a piece of card. '[...] concerning a work at present entitled: | THE IRON CURTAIN SPY | Edited and compiled | by | Al Alvarez | [...]'. The authors name corrected by him in manuscript from 'Al' to 'A.' The first two pages initialled by Alvarez and the last page signed by him.

STATEMENT BY The Educational Endowments Committee of the Free Presbytery of Edinburgh of their objections to the Draft Scheme for the administration of the Fettes Endowment [...]

[FETTES SCHOOL] James Stuart Macdonald, Moderator, on behalf of the Educational Endowments Committee of the Free Church Presbytery of Edinburgh
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but circa 1870.

4to bifoliate pamphlet; four paginated pages. Creasing to corners and with recto of first leaf grubby and with some wear not affecting text, otherwise in good condition. Sir William Fettes died in 1836, and the school endowed by him opened in 1870. 'The Committee are decidedly of opinion that the Trustees have disregarded "the spirit of the Founder's intention" to an extent which has perhaps no parallel in the educational history of Scotland, and that the funds entrusted to their care have been misapplied, by the erection of buildings so costly.'

Bristol Docks: and related topics an album of newspaper cuttings.

No author.
Publication details: 

An Album, 55pp. with newspaper cuttings laid down, 4to, coves worn and sunned but contents intact and in good condition. Headings mainly "Press", presumably short for a local paper (Western Daily Press prob.), and "T & M", "Daily Press", "Mercury", "Express", etc. Subjects:duties of the Newhaven Master of Bristol, Britol Docks Commitrtee, Custom of thePort, The Destruction of the Avon Bank, The Dock Toll, The Canals Problem, The Alien Pilotage, Highest Bridge in the World, Appointment, The Housing Question at Avonmouth, etc, etc.

Printed handbill headed 'TABLES TURNED; | OR THE | Tories reduced to the Workhouse, | Being the First Examination of Paupert before the Commissioners of the New Poor Law'

Publication details: 
Without date or place, but circa 1834; printed by 'BIRT, Printer, 39, Great St. An- | drew St. Seven Dials. [London]'.

In 3 columns on a sheet of thin unwatermarked wove paper, 10 inches by 7. Creased and grubby, but in good condition overall. Lightly attached at head to a sheet of paper. Satirical report of examination of a Beadle, Bob Orange Peel [Sir Robert Peel], Old Nosey [Wellington?], Cumberland Griffin from Kew [?], Jack Cobley [?], Winchester Rat (a mayor) [?], Sailor Bill [William IV], and Madame Addle-head [?].

15 'INK-PHOTO' engravings.

Publication details: 
Circa 1890; by 'SPRAGUE & CO. LONDON'.

These illustrations are marvellously evocative of the period before Croydon was ruined architecturally. Suitable for framing. They are photographic, in black and white, and approximately 7 inches by 9 1/2 inches, on sheets of paper approximately 10 1/2 inches by 13. Dusty and with a little spotting but in good condition overall. Captions read: 'NORTHERN END OF MIDDLE ROW'; 'HIGH STREET FROM WHITGIFT'S HOSPITAL'; 'BUTCHER ROW, SURREY STREET'; 'MIDDLE ROW, LOOKING SOUTH'; 'THE TOWN HALL, 1890'; 'INTERIOR OF THE TOWN HALL.

Ruled exercise book filled calling cards, telegrams and Autograph and Typed Letters andn other communications of congratulation on the bar mitzvah of Thomas Bendheim.

Publication details: 
Most date from September 1941; most from London.

Mr and Mrs H. Benheim and family lived at 17 Holcroft Avenue, London, NW2. The exercise book has green wraps, with 'HABERDASHERS' ASKE'S HAMPSTEAD SCHOOL' printed on the front and scored through. Above this, in manuscript, 'R. Bendheim. | French Grammar & Vocab'. 23 ruled leaves, with the material mostly glued over the pencil French exercises. A few items loosely inserted. Not in the best of condition, but a fascinating insight into the Jewish community of north London at a critical moment in its history.

Typescript, with illustrations, of a children's tale entitled 'A story by patch'.

Evaline May Brierly
Publication details: 
[circa 1949]; no place

Typed on one side of 86 quarto leaves, the latter leaves paginated and ending with 86. In printed wraps neatly tied with blue ribbon. Somewhat dusty but in good condition overall. According to the British Library catalogue the story was published by Unity Products in 1949. Patch is a dog, and the first few leaves contain eleven charming illustrations his friends, including Scragg, Tatters and Madame Sing-Hi.

A collection of contracts and related material

claud cockburn
Publication details: 

Memorandum of Agreemen (Cockburn and Sidgwick & Jackson)t, 3 Dec. 1971, for "The Devil's Decade", 4pp., fol., signed by Cockburn. Memorandum of Agreement (Penguin), "Bestseller", photocopy, 6pp., unsigned. Memorandum of Agreement (Sidgwick & Jackson and Penguin), "Bestseller", 5pp., not signed by Cockburn. Ibid (Cockburn and Sidgwick & Jackson),"Bestseller" 6 Aug. 1971, 4pp., fol., corrected, initialled extensively and signed by Cockburn. Ibid.,(Sidgwick and Cockburn)) "News and Newspapers", 3 Aug. 1972, 4pp., fol., initialled extensively and signed by Cockburn.

Sailing ships on the Hudson River, New York, viewed from Hoboken Docks.

Publication details: 
Undated but certainly nineteenth century.

Evocative picture with docks to the right viewed through tree branches, and a number of boats and ships clearly visible, with three three-masted ones in the foreground, one sideways on and the two beside it viewed from the bows. Dimensions: 2¼ inches by 3¾ inches. Mounted on a piece of pink board which is docketed on reverse in nineteenth century hand: 'Hudson River. N.Y. from Hoboken Docks.' The picture is a little creased in the bottom left-hand corner and there is minor discolouration due to ink stains and grime.

Unpublished proof of illustration for "Henry Esmond".

W.M. Thackeray.
Publication details: 
No date.

C. 6 x 4", in envelope, on which a description has been written as follows: "With Mr E.L. Legatts kind regard. 2 proof copies [note: only one present] from an unpublished [underlined] wood block cut by Mr swain being an illustration to Thackary's [sic] "Esmond" shewing the boy being introduced to the Lord Castlewood by the Roman Catholic priest. 1 Copy for your sister please. / Novr 05". Postmak, 2 Dec. 1905, addressed to "Mrs Walker, 36 Elsworthy Road, London, NW".

(Printed circular) Autograph Note Signed.

J. Cooke.
Publication details: 
Paternoster Row, London, 22 January 1780.

(1731-1810 - Maxted). Maxted says he was an "Extensive publisher of works in weekly numbers", and refers to DNB, Plomer, Nichols, iii.719, and Timperley. One page, c.7.5 x 4", minor damage, text clear and complete, printed in italic. "Paternoster Row London/ I hereby promise if this Work shall exceed Eighty Numbers, to deliver the Bearer all above that quantity Gratis, on producing this Note/ J. Cooke/ January 22nd. 1780."

photograph and note signed,

John Laurence Toole
Publication details: 
the note dated 1898.

English actor and theatre manager (1830-1906). The photograph, a portrait of a formally-dressed Toole staring straight ahead, approximately 5½ inches by 4, somewhat creased, crudely mounted and bearing traces of paper and glue. The note, not in Toole's hand but signed by him, 28 April 1898, to an unnamed female correspondent, no place, one page, 8vo. "Dear Madam / Here is my Autograph as you wish / Yours truly / J. L. Toole". Two items,

Offer for Sale of £4,000,000 Seven per cent.

The Cunard Steam Ship Company Limited
Publication details: 
[Liverpool], 5 Jan. 1921.

(Title continued) Mortgage, Debenture Stcok at the Price of £90 per cent. 4pp., folio, folded, front sl. stained, mainly good. WITH: enclosure of blank application form, good condition. Two items,

Photograph signed,

W. H. Berry
Publication details: 

Comic actor. A charming photograph, 5 inches by 3 inches, of a winking Berry in sailor suit and cap of "H.M.S. CISSY", his arms folded across his chest. Inscribed "Yours. v. truly / W. H. Berry / 1921". Mounted on pink paper docketed "Very Popular Actor". In good condition.

Printed letter about the Chicago Fire attached to autograph letter signed "Horace".

Publication details: 
Chicago, Oct. 10th [1871]

Printedletter, one page 12mo, with Autograph Letter Signed "Horace" attached by paper clip (I have replaced the rusty old clip with a new one). The printed letter as follows: "[COPY]/ Chicago, Oct. 10th/ My dear Father,/ Do not fret as I shall be O.K.; our poor Town all burnt to the ground EXCEPT A FEW WOODEN SHANTIES; about 150,000 people without shelter; I have saved my clothes and am under shelter. DO NOT FRET as I am not the WORST OFF BY FAR; hundreds of people burnt and all business places. They are giving free passes everywhere.

Photograph signed,

Hermann Vezin
Publication details: 
no date or place.

Actor and teacher of elocution (1829-1910). Small publicity portrait of a stern-looking Vezin, glowering in an open-necked white shirt. Printed on thin art paper, 2¾ by 1¾ inches, with large white border, on which, "Yours truly / Hermann Vezin." Not in the best of condition: creased, grubby, and with tears to the borders.

Photograph signed to unnamed recipient,

Gertie Gitana (real name Gertrude Mary Ross née Astbury)
Publication details: 
no date or place.

Music hall entertainer (1889-1957), famous for singing the song "Nellie Dean". Full-length photograph by Elite Portrait Co. Ltd of High Holborn and Kilburn, 5½ inches by 3¾, of a very young Gitana, with long hair and centre parting, in tiered broderie anglaise dress with sash at waist, looking determinedly to the left, while holding before her a white top hat. Inscribed "Yours sincerely / Gertie Gitana". Mounted on white card. Not in the best of condition: stained and dimpled.

Photograph signed,

J. Alexander
Publication details: 
no date or place.

Opera singer. Photograph by James Dickinson of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 5¼ inches by 3¾, of a pensive Alexander dressed in the costume of a knight, wearing a patently false beard and moustache, seated with his head resting on his right hand, and holding a harp against his left leg. Card mount stamped in silver "Jas. Dickinson, / [Crest] / The City Galleries, / Newcastle on Tyne." The reverse carries an advertisement for Dickinson ("PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST"), and is inscribed "Yours Faithfully, J.

Pictorial Christmas Card, 8 x 6"

Frederick, Prince of Prussia and Brigid, his wife
Publication details: 
c. 1954

Conventional Christmas Card with winter's scene on front, signed inside "Brigid & Frederick" with greetings and their address (Patmore Hall, etc.) printed. In original envelope which says "Photographs Do Not Bend" suggesting that the card may have been accompanied by a photograph.

Photograph signed,

J. Alexander
Publication details: 
no place or date.

Opera singer. Full-length photograph by James Dickinson of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 5¼ inches by 3¾, of a dashing Dickinson dressed as a matador, left hand on hip and right hand resting on a sword. Mounted on grey card. The reverse carries an advertisement for Dickinson ("PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST"), and is inscribed "Yours Faithfully, J. Alexander / Character in Carmen / Moody-Manners Opera Co." In bad condition: faded, stained and worn.


Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff]
Publication details: 

Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). Portrait photograph, 3¾ inches by 2½, from the studio of Charles Watkins, 54 Chancery Lane, of a heavily-bearded Halliday looking to the right in jacket, coat and striped tie. The photographer's details and device are printed on the reverse of the mount, which is docketted "Andrew Halliday / 1873", and carries traces of glue and paper. Somewhat grubby.

Memorandum of Agreement with Anthony Blond, publishers

George Mikes
Publication details: 

Contract for an article entitled "'English' London" included in "The New London Spy" (1966) ed. Hunter Davies, signed by Mikes.With: ANS, one page, 8vo, Mikes to Anthony (Blond), 25 Oct. 1965, enclosing contract (signed) and saying he has finished the article.

To the Brave of the Land of the Mimosa. The Japanese. (Poem).

Everard Digby
Publication details: 
No place or date but 1905-ish.

Printed Handbill, c.7.5 x 12", pink paper, fold marks, sl. tear on folds. An exhortation to the Japanese against the Russians commencing "Heed not the boasting Russian horde who claim our dearest rights, / Hold we our heads aloft, stand firm, in many glorious fights; / Forward - ye sons of Fair Japan . . ./ Sedition enters not our ranks as in the Russian host . . ./ They shall lead us to Port Arthur, our Standard there shall soar . . ./ . .. the treacherous Muscovite . . . / Anarchy looms in the distance . . ./ The innocent who have been sacrificed in Siberia's icy zone . . .".

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