Printed Ephemera

Printed poster, headed 'Salt-Hill Society, (Instituted 1783) For the Protection of Persons and Property from Felons & Thieves, Within the Hundreds of Burnham and Stoke, In the County of Buckingham.', giving the 'Rules and Articles of this Society'.

Edmund J. Craske, Treasurer, Salt-Hill Society, Burnham and Stoke, Buckingham [R. Ingalton Drake, printer, Eton; provincial printing]
Publication details: 
At a General Meeting, held at the ROYAL HOTEL, Slough, on Tuesday, the 13th day of April, and (by adjournment) on Tuesday, the 20th day of April, 1897'. ['R. INGALTON DRAKE, PRINTER, ETON.']

Printed on one side of a piece of paper roughly 680 x 430 mm. Good, on aged paper with a little spotting and one short closed tear. Text complete and entirely legible. Heading printed in a variety of types and point sizes, with the Rules and Articles, dated 'Slough, April 20th, 1897. and 'Signed on behalf of the General Body of Subscribers, EDMUND J. CRASKE.', in double-column beneath. Final list of subscribers, in four columns, beginning with 'ABORN, Edwin, Eton' and ending with 'WOLLASTON, H. U., East Burnham'.

French broadside celebrating the accession of 'Napoléon III, Empereur des Français.', containing a biography, a panegyric poem, and a handcoloured engraved portrait.

Pellerin, Imprimeur-Libraire, à Epinal, Vosges, France [Napoléon III, Empereur des Français]
Publication details: 
[1852.] 'Fabrique de PELLERIN, Imprimeur-Libraire, à EPINAL.' [Vosges, France]

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, dimensions roughly 65 x 41.5 cm. Within a ruled border. On lightly aged paper, with chipping and slight loss to extremities. Three closed tears (two of them affecting the portrait) have been repaired on the reverse with archival tape. Text entirely legible and portrait clear, bright and without loss. The full-length portrait (31 x 25 cm), crudely coloured in yellow, red and blue, depicts the Emperor, in full regalia, standing in a sumptuous throne room. Sixty-six line biography, arranged in two columns.

Autograph Signature ('Jan Kubelik') in pencil beneath photographic portrait on cover of Percy Pitt and A. Kalisch's programme for 'Kubelik Farewell Recital' at the Queen's Hall, London.

Jan Kubelik (1880-1940), Czech violinist and composer
Publication details: 
Printed date on programme: 7 October 1905.

The cover is printed on one side of a piece of shiny art paper, roughly 20.5 x 13 cm. Photograph of Kubelik and his violin roughly 10.5 x 8 cm. Paper lightly creased and with slight wear along vertical fold across middle of photograph. Good firm signature.

Belle Fresque Napoléonienne', in the form of a broadside poster in a wallet, inscribed by de Régie to Jules Dechamps, together with twenty cuttings of newspaper and magazine articles by de Régie.

René de Vivie de Régie, 'Rédacteur à la "Revue des Études Napoléoniennes" [Napoleon Bonaparte; Professor Jules Dechamps (1888-1968), Queen Mary College]
Publication details: 
The poster dated 1925; the cuttings circa 1928-29.

The poster is printed on one side of a piece of paper approximately 110 x 75 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. With its green printed wallet (21 x 28.5 cm), lightly worn and creased. Wallet covered in text, including the words 'NAPOLÉON FLORILÈGE' in large type. A curious piece of Napoleonic hagiography, with the text, consisting of a large number of unconnected effusions on his greatness ('Astre humain. Dieu terrestre'), in a variety of types and point sizes, arranged in six columns.

Prospectus for Keynes's 'William Pickering, Publisher. A Memoir & a Hand-list of his Editions.'

Geoffrey Keynes; The Fleuron [William Pickering; The Chiswick Press]
Publication details: 
1924. 'London . MCMXXIV | At the office of THE FLEURON'. ['London: Chiswick Press.']

Quarto (25.5 x 19 cm) bifolium. Attractively-printed on watermarked laid paper. Unbound. Foxed and lightly-creased. Two short 0.5 cm buff strips of cloth from mount neatly adhering to the margin of the reverse of the second leaf. 'PERENNIS ET FRAGRANS.' enclosed within engraved wreath on title. Eighteen-line prospectus for the work on reverse of first leaf, with the recto of the second carrying a full-page facsimile of the title of Pickering's 1844 edition of John Merbecke's 1550 'The Book of Common Prayer Noted', printed in red and black. Printer's slug on reverse of second leaf.

Calendar, with colour illustrations and quotations, issued by the 'Ejército Argentino. Dirección General del Instituto Geográfico Militar', for '1950 Ano del Libertador General San Martin'.

[Ejército Argentino. Dirección General del Instituto Geográfico Militar; General San Martin; Argentina; Argentinian; South America]
Publication details: 
10.000 - XII. - 49' [i.e. one of ten thousand copies printed in December 1949]. Ejército Argentino. Dirección General del Instituto Geográfico Militar.

Landscape. Unbound. On thirteen pieces of paper, each 17 x 23 cm. Each leaf with two punch holes at head, and all held together by a piece of blue string. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The calendar has been printed on the reverses of old coloured maps. Covering leaf (illustrating the "Antartida Argentina"), followed by one leaf for each month. Each month carries a quotation from General San Martin (January: 'La calumnia como todos los crimenes, no es sino obra de la ignorancia y del discernimiento pervertido').

Printed authority completed in manuscript, 'To the Aldermen, Deputy, and Common-Council of the Ward of Queenhithe', signed by the City of London Commission of Lieutenancy, authorising the collection of a tax to pay the expenses of the City militia.

Stuart Knill, Lord Mayor of London [The Ward of Queenhithe in the City of London; livery companies; tax; economic history]
Publication details: 

On the recto of the first leaf of a folio bifolium (leaf dimensions 42.5 x 27.5 cm). On grey watermarked laid paper. Good, with slight offsetting from the ten red wafers placed beside the signatures. Headed 'LONDON. To the ALDERMEN, DEPUTY, and COMMON-COUNCIL of the Ward of [Queenhithe]'. Fifty-two lines of text, with manuscript additions, including the name of the ward ('Queenhithe') and the sum assessed (£89 15s 6d). At the foot of the page are large, bold signatures of the ten members of the Commission of Lieutenancy, including that of the Lord Mayor, Stuart Knill.

Coloured advertisement for 'Burke's Colonial Gentry'.

Sir Bernard Burke, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms [Burke's Peerage; English genealogy]
Publication details: 
1890 [1891]. [London.]

8vo: 1 p. A bifolium (leaf dimensions roughly 270 x 185 mm), on thin wove paper, with the printed page on the recto of the first leaf, the rest being blank. Very good, on lightly aged paper. Attractive item printed in red, blue, black and gold. Text reads 'Vol I in the Press. Burke's Colonial Gentry. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Principal Families residing in the British Colonies by Sir Bernard Burke, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms.

Offprint entitled 'Two Remarkable Letters to Lord Beaconsfield on Trade and Peace.' ['Lord Beaconsfield and Trade' by 'JEW', and 'Lord Beaconsfield and Peace' by 'RABBI'.]

[?] Baker; the Bolton Guardian [Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield; William Ewart Gladstone; Victorian anti-semitism; nineteenth-century judaism]
Publication details: 
Undated. 'Reprinted from The Bolton Guardian.'

In three columns of small type on one side of a piece of unwatermarked wove paper, dimensions 39.5 x 29 cm. Text clear and complete, on aged and lightly creased paper. Four short closed tears at the extremities of folds. An unusual production, docketed in pencil in a contemporary hand at the head: 'These letters were written by Baker, Consul out in the Principalities & a great protege of Gladstone'. Begins 'We have been favoured with a copy of a remarkable letter addressed to the Premier by an old friend of his father's.

Handbill poem entitled 'After Fifty Years! | September 20, 1874.' With Hall's autograph signature ('S. C. Hall').

Samuel Carter Hall [S. C. Hall] (1800-1889), journalist, editor and author
Publication details: 
Date not stated [1874?]. At foot: 'M. W. & CO., ENT. STA. HALL.'

Attractively produced on a piece of thin card, dimensions 17 x 11 cm. The recto of the card has a shiny, light-blue coating, on which the text and design is printed in gold and bronze. The verso is blank and white. Very good, with minor damage to the blank reverse caused by removal from mount. The poem, of thirty-one lines, is enclosed within a grecian-style border. A tender poem addressed to his wife, and reviewing their years together, beginning 'YES!

Printed publicity material relating to the insertion of an advertisement in 'The Manchester Weekly Times'.

The Manchester Weekly Times [Victorian newspapers; nineteenth-century provincial periodicals]
Publication details: 
Undated [late Victorian]. Place [Manchester] not stated.

The main text is printed on one side of a piece of paper roughly 28 x 13.5 cm, headed 'Upwards of Thirty Thousand Copies Of the "Manchester Weekly Times," with Eight-page Literary Supplement, are Issued Every Saturday.' The main block of text, in a variety of types and point sizes, consists of 27 lines ending 'The Proprietors respectfully solicit instructionsn to insert your Advertisement.' Describes the newspaper's merits and boasts that it is 'one of the Largest and most complete Weekly Papers published'.

Four mid-eighteenth-century printed forms relating to English county militia: 'A Protection', 'Summons for Absentees or other Offenders', 'Mittimus on Refusal to Pay the Penalties', 'A Certificate of a Militia Man changing his Place of Abode'.

[the county militia in eighteenth-century England; Hanoverian English magistracy; warrant; Justice of the Peace]
Publication details: 
The 'Summons' dated '175[ ]' and therefore from the 1750s, the other three items dated '17[ ]' and so eighteenth century. Three of the four 'Printed by J. TOWERS, near Air-Street, Piccadilly.'

All four items well printed on one side of a piece of watermarked laid paper. All four lightly-aged but good. None of them filled in. The third item more dusty than the rest. Item One (15.5 x 20.5 cm): Headed 'No. VII. A PROTECTION.' To be signed by one of the 'Deputy Lieutenant, | Captain, | Commanding Officer.' Exempting the bearer, as a militia man, 'from doing any Highway Duty, commonly called Statute Work'.

Five items relating to the appointment of Special Constables, 'in consequence of the unsettled state of the Metropolis', including a signed warrant appointing Cater a Special Constable, as 'a tumult or riot may be reasonably apprehended'.

William Charles Cater, hatter, 56 Pall Mall, London [Parish of St James, Westminster; Riot Act; Chartism; Chartists; 1848]
Publication details: 
The five items produced between March and June 1848. One of them printed by T. Brettell, Rupert Street, Haymarket.

A collection of items indicating the panic felt by the bourgeoisie around the time of the Great Chartism Meeting on Kennington Common, 10 April 1848. Items Two to Five are laid down on a piece of grey paper removed from a scrapbook. Item One: Printed warrant signed by two magistrates, appointing Cater a Special Constable, it appearing, 'upon the oath of a credible witness, that a tumult or riot may be reasonably apprehended'. On one side of a piece of laid paper roughly 320 x 210 mm. Watermarked 'W H FELLOWS 1847'.

Five hand-coloured prints of French actors performing in French and Italian plays at the Comédie Française in the eighteenth century.

Robert Sayer of Fleet Street, London printseller [theatrical prints; Comédie Française; Bellecour; Marie Favart, Trial, Clerval; Laurette]
Publication details: 
All five prints 'Publish'd by Robt. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street London, as the Act directs, 1st. Septr. 1772.'

Each of the five on a piece of good laid paper, roughly 15 cm square. Wide margins, with indentation of plate 9.5 x 8 cm. All five good, with occasional light creasing to margins. The second and third items more aged that the others, but all good and suitable for framing. Delicately engraved and skillfully coloured. Item One: 'Mr. Bellecour. 3 Comed. Franc. Le Joueur. dans la Comédie du même nom.' Item Two: '19 Comed. Franc. Michau et Henri. dans la Partie de Chasse d'Henri IV. Qu'êtes-vous? allons, qu'êtes-vous?' Item Three: 'Made. Favart. 22 Coméd. Ital. La Vieille.

Satirical political handbill, in the form of a funeral service, entitled 'Death & Burial of the Whigs, and Resurrection of the Tories.'

T.' [English political satire; Sir Robert Peel; British General Election of 1841; Lord John Russell]
Publication details: 
No date, but produced following the General Election of 1841. 'Lowe pr. Dorrington st. Leather-lane.'

Printed in three columns of small type on one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 22.5 x 18 cm. Text clear and complete on grubby, worn, creased and foxed paper.

Handbill carrying two satirical political poems, 'A New W[h]ig Song, To a Barbarous OLD Tune.' and 'The Ballad of the Burgesses, To BOBBING ADAIR. | Tune - "ROBIN ADAIR." '

[Victorian political satire; Liberal Party; John Bright; Robert Alexander Shafto Adair, MP for Cambridge 1847-1852, 1854-1857; Sir Hugh Edward Adair of Flixton Hall, MP for Ipswich 1847-74]
Publication details: 
Date, place and printer not stated. [1850s?]

Two pages, printed on the recto of the first leaf and verso of the second of a yellow wove-paper bifolium. Leaf dimensions 22.5 x 14.5 cm. Grubby and creased, but with text clear and complete. The first poem, 'A New W[h]ig Song', begins 'In our town there's a street, with a chapel and shop, | Where a gay pole once hoisted of late is let drop, | There a fam'd Barber deals with his w(h)ig as he wills, | From full bottom'd P----r to little scratch M--ls.' References to 'shot-yellow A---r [Adair]' and 'M----y, the close button'd Barber'.

Two handbills relating to the Sudbury Municipal Election of 1877.

Sudbury Municipal Election, 1877 [Suffolk; East Anglia; English council elections; county councillors in Victorian England]
Publication details: 
1877. One of the two items 'Printed at the Free Press Office, Sudbury.'

Both items printed on one side of a piece of cheap wove paper. Both items aged and lightly creased, but with text clear and entire. Item One (23 x 12.5 cm): Headed 'Sudbury Election.

Ten printer's specimens, copies of curious alchemical woodblock engravings from the 'Hortus Sanitatis' and other early sources, with captioned title and price.

[English woodblock engraving; woodcuts; Georgian fine printing]
Publication details: 
Undated: early nineteenth century.

On one side each of two leaves of thin laid paper (quality of tissue). Both leaves are good: lightly creased and spotted on aged paper. The first leaf (roughly 19 x 18 cm) carries six illustrations, arranged 2 x 3, and with the captions reading: 'Price 2s/6d | a way of purifying sea water'; 'Price 1s/6d | preparation Acid Sulphuric'; 'Price of block | 1s/- | Physician Galenical School'; 'Price 1/- | cold still'; 'Price 1/- | Pelican'; '2s/6d | distillation'. Printers blue pencil around third woodcut.

Coloured lithographic dioramic print, captioned 'Dawson's Diorama No. 4. The British Queen, a first rate Steem [sic] Ship, which on holding it up to the light changes to her Magesty [sic] Queen Victoria, attired in her Robes of State.'

T. Dawson, London printseller [Queen Victoria; SS British Queen; diorama; dioramic print; optical illusion; naval and maritime]
Publication details: 
Undated, but between 1839 and 1844. 'London: Published by T. Dawson, 29, Bedeord [sic, for 'Bedford'] St. Covent Garden.'

Dimensions of print roughly 13 x 17.5 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (22 x 28.5 cm). Engraved label (3 x 12.5 cm) beneath the print, with small remarque-style illustrations of the ship and the queen. The print itself is good, although aged and a little worn and spotted; the spotting and aging to the margins and mount is a little heavier. Attractive and unusual item, the image changing when held up to the light. The ship is depicted sailing on choppy seas, and the young queen seated with drapery around her on a verandah with stone balustrades and a landscape behind. Scarce.

Coloured lithographic dioramic print, captioned 'Dawson's Diorama No. 1. The Emperor Napoleon in Captivity at Elba, changing to his reception by the Army whom he walked up to with these words "If there be among you a Soldier [...] Here I am!'

T. Dawson, London printseller [Napoleon Bonaparte; diorama; dioramic print]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1838]. 'London: Published by T. Dawson, 29, Bedford St. Covent Garden.'

The caption ends '[...] a Soldier who desires to kill his General let him do it now. Here I am!' Dimensions of print roughly 13 x 17 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (22 x 27.5 cm). Engraved label (4 x 12.5 cm) beneath the print, with small remarque-style illustrations. Aged and spotted, with slight wear to the print. An unusual and attractive piece of Napoleonic iconography, a full-length image of the deposed Emperor of the French, characteristically attired, on a beach with his hand on a rock, looking out to a sunset at sea.

Original watercolour illustration, with measurements, captioned 'Drill Motions', and docketed 'Drill Motions at Bunhill Fields'.

[the Honourable Artillery Company; Bunhill Fields; the City of London; military drill manual; the British Army]
Publication details: 
Anonymous and undated. [Circa 1810?]

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 28.5 x 24 cm. On aged, somewhat grubby paper, with 6 cm closed tear repaired with tape on reverse. Full-length diagrammatic depiction of a British army officer in uniform of the Napoleonic period (black boots with spurs, tight white breeches, green jacket with yellow trim and black hat with red plume), holding his sword horizontally in front of his face. A set of thirteen numbered angles are projected from the tip of the blade, some bracketed 'all these are strait in Front'. Others are described as 'flat'.

Coloured lithographic dioramic print, captioned 'Morgan's Improved Transformations. The Royal Magic Pear. This Print upon holding before the Light will undergo an entire change and will present [...] the Portraits of the Royal Bride and Bridegroom.'

William Morgan, printseller [the Marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, 1840; diorama; dioramic print]
Publication details: 
London. Published by Wm Morgan, 68, Upper Harrison St. Grays Inn Rd. 15th. Feby. 1840.'

Dimensions of print roughly 13 x 17.5 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (22 x 28.5 cm). Engraved label (3 x 12.5 cm) beneath the print, with small remarque-style Dimensions of print roughly 20 x 14.5 cm. On original grey paper windowpane mount (34 x 24 cm). Engraved label (5 x 19 cm) beneath the print. Worn and discoloured. An usual and attractive item, with a simple picture of a pear which transforms into a portrait of the royal couple, under drapes, when held up to the light.

Illustrated Victorian handbill poem, a street ballad entitled 'The Golden Glove.'

[Victorian street ballad; handbill poem; street ballad; broadsheet; nineteenth-century folk song]
Publication details: 
Publisher and date not stated. [Circa 1840?]

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 280 x 95 mm. Aged, creased and spotted, with chipping to extremities, but with text and illustration clear and entire. Curious small (roughly 40 x 65 mm) crude illustration at head, showing dove with olive branch and acorn. Forty-line poem arranged in five stanzas. Interestingly-garbled nineteenth-century folk song with ancient antecedents.

Illustrated handbill poem, a street ballad entitled 'A New Song, entitled, Dear Peggy.'

[Victorian London street ballad; broadsheet; handbill; death]
Publication details: 
Date and publisher not stated. [London; circa 1840?]

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 230 x 90 mm. On pitted, aged paper. Text complete. Approximate 30 x 50 mm piece torn away from top right-hand corner, causing loss to small illustration at head, which appears to be a crude woodcut of a woman lying in a coffin. The poem consists of thirty-six lines arranged in five stanzas. The first stanza reads 'Dear Peggy, read this letter, | its the last one I'll send, | Our long correspondence, | is now at an end.

Seven-page advertisement, written by Cobbett, and headed 'This Day is published, Cobbett's Annual Register, Vol. I. From January to June, 1802.'

William Cobbett [Cox, Son, and Baylis, Great Queen Street]
Publication details: 
Dated 'Pall Mall. | October 11th, 1802. } W. COBBETT.' ['Printed by Cox, Son, and Baylis, Great Queen Street.']

8vo: 8 pp. Unbound. Stabbed as issued. Very good, on rough-edged wove paper. The seven-page advertisement, signed in type by Cobbett, is succeeded by a page headed 'New Books, published by COBBETT and MORGAN'. (Eight titles are listed.) The advertisement is a personal address from Cobbett, the second paragraph casting valuable light on his motives and intentions: 'When I first undertook the Register, I was fully persuaded, that the plan, which, indeed, I had long thought of, was well calculated to ensure a wide circulation, and to produce an extensive as well as a lasting effect.

Illustrated poem, a street ballad entitled 'The Wheel of Fortune'.

[Victorian street ballad; broadsheet; handbill; death; nineteenth-century folk song]
Publication details: 
Date [circa 1840?] and publisher not stated.

On one side of a piece of thin wove paper, roughly 260 x 95 mm. Aged and creased, with internal 25 mm closed tear affecting four words of text (all of which can be completed from the context) repaired on blank reverse with archival tape. Otherwise text and illustration clear and entire. Small (30 x 40 mm) woodcut at head, showing two early nineteenth-century country coves outside a cottage. The poem consists of ten four-line stanzas.

Allegorical coloured engraved portrait of 'Buonaparte', with explanation, 'Drawn & Etched by W Heath'.

William Heath ('Paul Pry'); Rudolph Ackermann, publisher, 'The Repository of the Arts', Strand [Napoleon Bonaparte; Battle of Leipzig, 1814]
Publication details: 
London Pub March 6th 1814 by Ackermann Strand'.

BM 12195. Landscape. On a piece of wove paper. Originally a rectangle roughly 240 x 340 mm, but with an arc cut away beginning in the top left-hand corner and ending at bottom right. This loss has no effect on the text, and only the merest effect on the image, only trimming the outer edge of some very lightly-painted clouds. Apart from this good, on lightly spotted paper, with a thin strip from blue paper mount adhering to the blank reverse.

Spoof notice by 'T. N. Mitchell, Benson, Henley', regarding the death of an 82-year-old 'Wireless Dealer' who is said to have left a fortune of £50,000', with signed inscription by Mitchell on reverse.

T. N. Mitchell of Benson, Oxford [Blows, printer, Henley; spoof; hoax]
Publication details: 
Dated by Mitchell in manuscript 'Xmas 1930'. Printed by 'BLOWS, HENLEY'.

On a piece of brown card roughly 250 x 200 mm. Designed to be hung from two punch holes at head. Worn and aged, but with text (printed in red and black within a decorative border) clear and entire. A clever and amusing spoof, deliberately old-fashioned typographically in a parody of 'improving' texts. Reads '£50,000 | A Wireless Dealer aged 82, died - He left £50,000; thanks to long hours, close attention to business, strict economy, and - a bequest of £49,650 from an Uncle in Australia | T. N. MITCHELL | Benson, Oxford.' Inscribed on the reverse 'Xmas. 1930.

Printed notice of the death of President McKinley.

[William McKinley (1843-1901), President of the United States of America] [Leon Frank Czolgosz; assassination]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

Text on one side of a piece of thin card, dimensions roughly 140 x 85 mm. Mourning border on both sides. In good condition: on lightly aged card with a few scuff marks on the reverse. Text reads 'We deeply regret to have to announce that President McKinley, after getting much better up to Sept. 13, then gradually sank from decline of strength and failure of the heart's action, and died.' The source of the text is unclear. Probably intended for display. McKinley was shot in Buffalo, New York, on 5 September 1901, by the anarchist Leon Frank Czolgosz, and died on 14 September.

Lines Drawn and ornamentally inscribed on a White Silk Riband with which [...] the Editor was decorated [...] by the Baron and Baroness Von Sass, at their seat of Tadaiken, in the Duchy of Courland, on 21st November, 1790, [...].

[William Tooke the younger (1777-1863)] [Russia; Russian; Bloomsbury Inns of Court Association; rifle clubs; George Bramwell; private printing; St Petersburg]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

12mo: 8 pp. Leaf dimensions 18 x 11.5 cm. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Good, on lightly-aged paper with foxing to first page. Complete: paginated [1] to 8, and with 'Finis.' at the end.

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