[Scottish peer who planted millions of trees: John Murray, 4th Duke of Atholl.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Captn Ross [Rayley?] R. N.’, apparently regarding the sale and transportation of timber.

John Murray (1755-1830), 4th Duke of Atholl, Scottish peer who planted millions of trees by firing seeds from cannon
Publication details: 
‘Dunkeld [Perthshire, Scotland] Novr: 3d 1828’.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Thirty-six lines of text, signed ‘Atholl’. Text complete (except for address of recipient), on grubby and worn paper. Folded three times. The letter has been trimmed at the foot, resulting in some loss to the address of the recipient, which appears to read ‘Captn Ross R. N. / 160 New Bond Street’. This is presumably the ‘Rayley, [sic] Captain, R.N. 160, Bond-street’, who in 1832 was listed among the proprietors of shares in London University. The Duke’s handwriting is execrable.

[Lord Longford [General William Lygon Pakenham, 4th Earl of Longford]. Autograph Signature, as Under-Secretary of State for War, to document in secretarial hand, regarding the Army Chaplains' Bill.

Lord Longford [General William Lygon Pakenham (1819-1887), 4th Earl of Longford], Anglo-Irish soldier and Conservative politician, Under-Secretary of State for War [Army Chaplain's Bill]
Lord Longford
Publication details: 
'War Office [Whitehall] 29 June 1868'. On embossed letterhead of the War Office [Whitehall].
Lord Longford

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, foolscap 8vo, on recto of first leaf of bifolium. Docketted in customary style, lengthwise on reverse of second leaf: ‘Earl of Longford / War Office 29 June 68 / Army Chaplain’s Bill’. Addressed to ‘John Graham Esq / &c &c / 3 Westminster Chambers’. Small tight signature 'Longford', good and uncrowded, on creased and worn paper. Folded into packet. The rest of the document is written hurriedly in the under-secretary’s hand.

[Lord Albemarle, Whig politician.] Autograph Signature (‘Albemarle’) to a long secretarial letter to the surgeon William Barnard Boddy, describing in detail the state of his cataracts, and discussing possible treatment.

Lord Albemarle [William Charles Keppel, 4th Earl of Albemarle] (1772-1849), Whig politician, Master of the Horse who travelled with Queen Victoria to coronation [William Barnard Boddy (1796-1884)]
Publication details: 
24 October 1845; Quidenham, near Kenninghall, Norfolk.

An interesting item from a medical point of view, with a well-informed patient describing and discussing his condition, symptoms and treatment options. Three years after the writing of this letter the appropriately-named Boddy, who is addressed here as ‘W. Barnard Boddy Esqr / 3. Saville Row. Walworth’, published ‘Diet and Cholera’ (London, 1848). 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Fifty-five lines of closely-written text. The signature is large and shaky, and the use of an amanuensis is understandable in the light of the content of the letter.

[Lord Carnarvon [Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon], Conservative politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to E. Lovell, expressing a desire to attend an event, while explaining that this is unlikely.

Lord Carnarvon [Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon] (1831-1890), Conservative politician, known as Lord Porchester from 1833 to 1849, who served as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Publication details: 
4 April 1857; Torquay.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight damage to one corner from removal from mount. Folded four times. Signed ‘Carnarvon’ and addressed to ‘E. Lovell Esr.’ If he possibly can he will ‘attend on the Wednesday’, but he doubts whether his ‘other business’ will allow this. ‘Wednesday is a less convenient day than Tuesday to me, but I sd. be very glad to attend if possible.’

[Lord Esher [Lionel Brett, 4th Viscount Esher], architect and town-planner.] Typed Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed to the lutenist Desmond Dupré, discussing costs and options for new house.

Lord Esher [Lionel Brett; Lionel Gordon Baliol Brett, 4th Viscount Esher (1913-2004), British architect and town-planner [Desmond Dupré (1916-1974), English lutenist]
Publication details: 
Both items on his letterhead, Wellington Park, Oxon, and New Town House, Hatfield, Herts. ANS: 22 October 1952. TLS: 28 October 1952.

Dupré is thinking of retaining Brett as architect in the rebuilding of a house on an attractive site, and the two items deal with the practicalities. Both signed 'Lionel Brett', and both in fair condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS. 2pp, 4to, Folded three times. Forty-two lines of text. Addressed to Dupré at The Lodge, Windlesham, Withyham, Sussex. Deals firstly with ‘the estimate for demolition’, with comments ‘On the technical side’, before moving on to the question of ‘salvage materials’.

[George Boyle, 4th Earl of Glasgow.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Glasgow'), as Lord Lieutenant of Renfrewshire, transmitting the condolences of 'the Co: of Renfrew - and Paisley' on the death of heir to the throne Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales.

George Boyle, 4th Earl of Glasgow [Lord Glasgow] (1766-1843), Scottish peer, successively Lord Lieutenant of Renfrewshire and Ayrshire, Rector of University of Glasgow [Princess Charlotte Augusta]
Publication details: 
29 November 1817; Hawkhead, Paisley.

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded several times. Endorsed on reverse of second leaf: 'Transmitting two Addresses of Condolence from the Co: of Renfrew - and Paisley -'. Reads: 'My Lord | I am directed by a Meeting of The Noblemen, Gentlemen, Justices of Peace, & Commisioners of Supply of The County of Renfrew, Held at Renfrew on the 27th.

[Castlereagh; F.W.R. Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry, as Viscount Castlereagh, rake and Tory politician.] Autograph Note Signed ('Castlereagh') regarding his presentation of petitions 'for the Abolition of Church Patronage in Scotland'.

Frederick William Robert Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry (1805-1872), styled Viscount Castlereagh 1822-1854, Anglo-Irish nobleman, rake and Tory politician
Publication details: 
'H. of Cs. [i.e. House of Commons] | Thursday.' No date, but on paper with 1840 watermark.

For information on Castlereagh, who in his rakish youth was known as ‘Cas’ or ‘Young Rapid’, see his entry in the History of Parliament. In 1833 he is said to have sired a child by the celebrated actress Madame Vestris, leading Lady Holland to comment that he was 'enchanted at his feat’. Queen Victoria considered him unfit for any serious responsibility. He inherited the family trait of mental instability (Lord John Russell commenting that‘he talks, but does not seem mad’) and spent his last years incarcerated. 1p, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ William Wyndham, Secretary at War ] MS Document (text secretarial) Signed "W Windham" addressed to "His Grace The Duke of Portland, KG"

William Windham, Secretary at War in Pitt's government.
Publication details: 
War Office, 1 August 1799.

One page, folio, top corner lost with apparently little loss of text, fold marks, small closed tear, faint foxing, mainly good condition. "The undermentioned Arms &c being [expec?]ted to complete the 4th/or King's Own Regiment of Foot: I have the Honour to request that your Grace will receive and transmit His Majesty's commends to the Master General and Board of Ordnance, that the said Arms &c. may be delivbered out of His Majesty's Stores, for the use of the said Regiment, and the Expense thereof charged to the Estimate of Ordnance for Parliament".

[ Lord Castlereagh, Tory politician. ] Autograph Signature ('Castlereagh') on frank addressed to Captain Wood, 10th Hussars, Kilkenny.

Lord Castlereagh [ Frederick Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry ] (1805-1872), Tory politician, Member of Parliament for County Down
Publication details: 
'London June Twenty Four 1833'.

On 7.5 x 12 cm piece of paper, cut from the front of an envelope. With frank postmark in faint red ink. Laid out in the customary fashioin, with the date and address reading 'London June Twenty Four 1833. | Captn. Wood | 10th Hussars | Kilkenny', with 'Castlereagh' at bottom left.

[ Henry Howard, 4th Earl of Carnarvon, Conservative politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Carnarvon') to an unnamed recipient (the Secretary of the British Academy?), reaffirming his decision not to send pictures.

Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon (1831-1890), Conservative politician [ Highclere Castle art collection ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Coppice, Henley on Thames. 1 November 1879.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. He writes: 'It really costs me a great deal to say no to any wish that you and the Academy may express: but I do not like to alter my conclusion, at all events at present, in regard to the pictures. I hope you will not think me illiberal, but I have so great an objection to their incurring the risk of an unnecessary journey that I hope you will not ask me.'

[ Sir George Warrender of Lochend, as Lord of the Admiralty. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Warrender') to an unnamed recipient

Sir George Warrender [ Sir George Warrender of Lochend, 4th Baronet (1782-1849), Scottish politician nicknamed 'Sir Gorge Provender', Lord of the Admiralty, 1822-1828
Publication details: 
Admiralty [ London ]. 10 April [ no year ].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on aged paper. Reads: 'My Dear Sir | Mr Macpherson Grant the Member for Sutherland wishes to see the Dock Yard at Woolwich tomorrow and you will oblige me very much by directing that he & his party may be admitted into the Dock Yard. | I am My Dear Sir | every Yours truly | G. Warrender'.

[ William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton. ] Autograph Signature ('Berkeley') on part of an Exchequer receipt, as 'Executr. of Ann Gendrault assignee of James Gendrault.

William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton (d.1741), Master of the Rolls in Ireland, 1696-1731, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1710-1714 [ Anne and James Gendrault, Huguenots ]
Publication details: 
Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 20 December 1714.

On 15 x 12 cm. piece of paper, cut from a printed document completed in manuscript. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, laid down on square of plain paper. Payment of an annuity ('for carrying on the War, and other Her Majesty's Occasions').

[ General John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun, Scottish politician and soldier. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hopetoun') to Viscount Melville, respecting the fitting up of a part of the Old Palace at Linlithgow for the county meetings.

General John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun [ Lord Niddry ] (1765-1823), Scottish politician and British Army officer [ Robert Saunders Dundas, Viscount Melville ]
Publication details: 
Hopetoun House. 23 May 1819.

3pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged, on two leaves each neatly cut out of a windowpane mount. Headed 'Private'. Docketted by the recipient: 'Resp[ectin]g. the fitting up a part of the Old Palace at Linlithgow for the County Meeting'. He describes the applications he has made to the Lords of the Treasury and the Prince Regent, and a correspondence between the Keeper of the Palace and the Secretary of State. 'Your Lordship is aware that the Building is a complete Ruin; & of no use whatever, it its present state to any one [...]'.

[ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa. ] Autograph article titled 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro. A character study from "German East"'. With newspaper cutting about the author Captain Francis Robinson, and a print of a drawing by him.

Captain Francis Robinson, Chaplain, 4th South African Horse [ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa ]
Publication details: 
The article (regarding Morogoro, German East Africa, in the First World War) and the drawing are both without place, the latter being dated to 1902. Newspaper cutting from 'The Pictorial', Durban, 9 February 1917.

12pp., 4to, including title-page: 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro | A character study from "German East" | by Capt. Francis Robinson | Chaplain. | South African Horse | with the British Expeditionary Force | German East Africa'. In good condition, on aged paper, with closed tear to last leaf. A reference dates the item to after the Battle of Salaita Hill on 12 February 1916. The following captures the tone of an enthusiastic tribute: 'Wherever you go in that unattractive collection of miscellaneous buildings, you come across a little nurse, prim & smart in her uniform & cap.

[ Algernon Percy, 4th Duke of Northumberland. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Northumberland') to Admiral William Henry Smyth, the first regarding 'Dr Braun in Rome', and the second sending condolences on the death of his daughter.

Algernon Percy (1792-1865), 4th Duke of Northumberland, Admiral in the Royal Navy and Conservative politician [ Admiral William Henry Smyth (1788-1865) ]
Publication details: 
Both letters from Alnwick Castle, Northumberland. 20 July 1856 and 14 November 1859.

ONE: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. He is enclosing a letter from 'Dr Braun in Rome', and suggests that Smyth will be able to correct the translation. 'I am sorry Dr Braun is not more successful, but he has zeal in the Cause, & will not lose an opportunity.' TWO: 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with remains of mount on blank page. A letter of condolence on the death of Smyth's tenth child, Caroline Mary Smyth (1834-1859).

[ George Greville, 4th Earl of Warwick. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Warwick') to Sir George Scharf, regarding five paintings (including a Rubens and a Canaletto) which he has at Stable Yard in London.

George Guy Greville (1818-1893), 4th Earl of Warwick and 4th Earl Brooke [ Sir George Scharf (1820-1895), art critic, illustrator and Director of the National Portrait Gallery ]
Publication details: 
19 Stratford Place, Oxford Street [London]. 27 October 1856.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium on grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. He has received Scharf's 'private list' (of paintings to borrow?) and will let him know 'which I can spare immediately'. In the meantime, as Scharf is in town, he suggests that he go and see 'what I have' in 1 Stable Yard, St James! - The pictures there belonging to me are a Canaletto - view of Venice - a Rubens - His own daughter - an Original of Mrs. Siddons, by Sir W. Beechey & a View of Jerusalem by D. Roberts'.

[Katharine Villiers, Countess of Clarendon.] Four letters to the London merchant bankers Thomson Hankey & Co., all relating to the Mesopotamia Estate sugar plantation in Jamaica, two signed by both the Earl and the Countess.

Katharine Villiers, Countess of Clarendon [née Grimston and previously Foster-Barham] (1810-1874), wife of George Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-1870) [Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., bankers]
Publication details: 
Two letters from the Vice Regal Lodge, Dublin in 1851, one of them signed by the Earl and the Countess. The other two letters from London, 1845 and 1849.

The Countess of Clarendon had inherited the Mesopotamia Estate from her previous husband John Foster Barham (1799-1838), who had died a certified lunatic year before her marriage to the Earl. The Estate had been in the hands of the Barham family for more than a century. The four items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All four with notes by the recipients. ONE: Letter signed by George J. Nicholson of the London soliticitors Vizard & Leman, in secretarial hand, to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co. Lincolns Inn Fields; 7 July 1845 ('Mesopotamia Estate'). 1p., 4to.

Typed Letter Signed ('Raglan') from Fitzroy Richard Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan] to fellow anthropologist J. H. Driberg, regarding a proposed stay at Trinity College, Cambridge.

FitzRoy Richard Somerset (1885-1964), 4th Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan], President, Royal Anthropological Society [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University,1934-42
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cefntilla Court, Usk, Monmouthshire. 11 October 1938.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Having been 'very comfortable' at Trinity College, Cambridge, as a guest of Bernard Thomas, Raglan thinks it will be 'very pleasant' to stay there again. He gives details of his proposed itinerary, makes suggestions regarding his motor-car, and accepts an invitation to 'dine in Hall'.

[Mimeographed catalogue of manuscripts of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich.] List of Manuscripts in two Glazed Cupboards of Billiard Room. Hinchingbrooke. March 1930.

[Catalogue of Hinchingbrooke manuscripts of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792)]
Publication details: 
March 1930.

7pp., 4to. Attached with a brass stud. The six pages of the catalogue are in fair condition, on aged paper, the title leaf is dusty and spotted. The manuscripts listed in this catalogue are primarily of a political and diplomatic nature. They do not appear to correspond with those in the 'Hinchingbrooke Collecton' listed by Cambridgeshire County Record Office on the National Archives website, an entry which gives a useful account of their origins (mainly the stables at Hinchingbrooke).

Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon.

George William Frederick Villiers (1800-1870), 4th Earl of Clarendon, British Liberal politician
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Autograph Signature of George William Frederick Villiers

On a square of paper, circa 10 x 11.5 cm. Aged and lightly-creased. Evidently a reply to a request for an autograph. Bold signature, with the whole reading 'Your's faithfully | Clarendon'. Docketed with a few biographical details on reverse.

Typed Letter Signed ('Aberdeen') to 'Peter Cavanagh, Esq., At/ The Empire Theatre, Edinburgh.'

George Gordon, 2nd Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair (1879-1965) [Peter Cavanagh (1914-1981), impressionist billed as 'The voice of them all']
Publication details: 
22 February 1952; on deleted letterhead of 16 Westbourne Street, London W.2, with embossed address Braehead, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen.

4to, 1 p, 17 lines. He 'deeply appreciate[s] the spirit undlying the contents' of Cavangh's letter, which he found waiting for him on his return the day before 'after attending our beloved late King's Funeral'. 'As you say, the sword and scabbard must have belonged to my great Grandfather, the 4th Earl of Aberdeen, who was Prime Minister during theh Crimea War by the express command of Queen Victoria. He accepted the Premiership on the condition that he should be allowed to resign at the conclusion of the war.' Suggests a meeting in Aberdeen.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Walpole') to unnamed male correspondent.

Horatio Walpole (1723-1809), 4th Baron Walpole, 2nd Baron Walpole of Wolterton, created Earl of Orford in 1806
Publication details: 

4to: 3 pp. A bifolium, mounted onto a larger piece of paper by a strip along the inner margin of the verso of the second leaf. Separated horizontally into two parts by a central tear which has been neatly repaired with archival tape, but with the 39 lines of text clear and entire. A signficant letter regarding the political climate in the County of Norfolk in the period preceding the general parliamentary election of 1768.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Clarendon') to Edmund Hodgson.

George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-1870) [Edmund Hodgson, bookseller and auctioneer, 192 Fleet Street; The Booksellers' Provident Institution, Abbots Langley]
Publication details: 
12 June 1867, on letterhead of The Grove, Watford.

12mo, 1 p, 11 lines. Good, with thin strip of discoloration along the outer edge. He is grateful to Hodgson 'for thinking of me'. Nothing would give Clarendon greater pleasure 'than to meet the Members of the Booksellers Provid[en]t Institution at Abbot's Langley', but unfortunately he has to go to London that Friday morning 'in order to keep some engagements that I have made on Saturday'.

Autograph Signature ('London=Derry:') on fragment of document.

Robert Ridgeway, 4th Earl of Londonderry (d.1714), Irish aristocrat
Publication details: 
Docketed '1711' on reverse.

On piece of paper roughly 1.5 x 7.5 cm. Closely cropped underlined signature 'London=Derry:'.

Autograph Signature ('Will: Yonge').

Sir William Yonge (1693-1755), 4th Baronet, Whig politician and poet
Publication details: 
Without date [but docketed '1755'] or place.

On piece of paper roughly 2.5 x 4.5 cm. Good, on lightly discoloured paper. Docketed on reverse '1755'.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed clergyman, on the back of a printed handbill.

Sir Oswald Mosley (1848-1915), 4th Baronet [Victorian Temperance Movement; John Garrett, D.D.; Robert Whitworth]
Publication details: 
Letter: Rolleston Hall; 15 December 1866. Handbill: '43, Market Street, Manchester, December 12th, 1866.'

On a leaf roughly 17 x 12 cms. A small strip is missing from the foot, but this does not appear to affect the texts. Aged and ruckled, with a little staining from previous mount at head and foot of printed side. In the Letter Moseley opines that 'the closing of Public Houses during the whole of Sundays would be attended with great inconvenience to the public, and I cannot therefore agree to the object of Promoters of that scheme'. Docketed in the top left-hand corner 'Mark name on list as unfavourable'. The handbill, signed in type by John Garrett, D.D.

Printed Circular ('To Her Majestys Consul') Signed 'Aberdeen'.

George Hamilton Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen (1784-1860), Scottish Tory politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1852-55
Publication details: 
Foreign Office, [London]; 30 April 1846.

One page, large octavo. Aged and with light staining. Docketed on second leaf of bifolium: 'Requesting Consuls not to receive Copies of books as presents to Her Majesty'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-70)
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Crescent; 11 July 1852.

Three pages, 12mo. Good. He did not receive the letter till his return from the continent the previous week. '"The Grove" is a comfortable mansion but there is nothing in any way remarkable about it - Clutterbuck's history of Hertfordshire contains all that is known respecting the persons who have possessed it. There is a fine collection of pictures, many of them by Vandyke & Sir P. Lely, wch. belonged to the Chancellor Clarendon & of them you will find an accurate description in the 3d. Vol. of the "Clarendon Gallery" published a few months ago by my sister Lady Theresa Lewis.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Charles Philip Yorke, 4th Earl of] Hardwicke

James Hamilton, 1st Duke of Abercorn
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (1811-85). Two pages, octavo. Good, on slightly discoloured paper, with some staining to corners from previous mounting. An amusing example of its type, casting a glimmer of light on the Abercorn papers now in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 'My dear Hardwicke | This is to introduce George Knox to you, who is this moment summon'd from the Priory to Dublin to resist very active & insidious machinations against his next Election to the College. | I recommend him to you as a perfectly amiable & kind hearted Man.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Bayly Scott Esq.'

William Hillier Onslow, 4th Earl of Onslow
Publication details: 
7 August 1905; on crested letterhead: '7, RICHMOND TERRACE, | WHITEHALL, | S.W.'

Governor of New Zealand (1853-1911). Two pages, 4to. Grubby, foxed and discoloured, and with traces of archival tape adhering to second leaf. 'I am entirely at one with you in thinking that there is no reason in cottage building why one should sacrifice appearance and picturesqueness to mere cheapness. I went very carefully over your cottage, and [...] I thought it the most practical of all those that were exhibited, and it was for that reason that I wrote for what I thought was a treatise upon the subject.

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