[ Fleet Street in the Thirties: Sir Robert Donald of United Newspapers and Ernest Outhwaite, editor of Leeds Mercury, Viscount Rothermere, Lord Harmsworth, Ernest Benn. ] TLsS from Donald and Outhwaite; copies of Rothermere and Benn letters.

Sir Robert Donald (1860-1933), editor, Daily Chronicle, and Managing Director, United Newspapers; Ernest Outhwaite, editor, Leeds Mercury [ Viscount Rothermere; Lord Harmsworth; Ernest J. Benn ]
Publication details: 
Donald: on letterhead of 12 Thorney Court, Palace Gate, W.8. [ London ] 24 March 1932. Outhwaite: on letterhead of La Dragonniere, Cap Martin, A.M. 8 April 1930. Rothermere copies from 1929 and 1930. Benn copy from 1932.

Six items from the Rothermere papers, on disparate subjects, casting light on the workings of 1930s Fleet Street. In good condition, lightly aged. The six are described below in chronological order. ONE: Typed Copy of letter, '(sgd) ROTHERMERE', to Donald. Hotel Splendide, 105 Piccadilly, W.1. 12 November 1929. 1p., 4to. The letter begins: 'My dear Donald, | I quite understand all the peculiar difficulties with which you are surrounded in connection with the Anglo-Foreign Newspapers Ltd.

[ Baron von Bunsen, Prussian diplomat. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Bunsen') to 'Mrs. Alexander', regarding 'Mr Gobah' letting her house.

Baron von Bunsen [ Christian Karl Josias von Bunsen ] (1791-1860), Prussian diplomat, scholar, and theologian who supported the German constitutional movement
Publication details: 
[ London? ] 'Friday 19/6 [ 19 June, no year ]'.

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Friday 19/6 | Dear Mrs. Alexander | One word to-day: Mr Gobah takes the house, on your terms. Pray, send the Inventory. More to-morrow. | Ever yrs | Bunsen'. Presumably written during Bunsen's long residence in London.

[ Lord Berwick [ Thomas Noel Hill, 2nd Baron Berwick ], art patron. ] Autograph Note Signed about wine.

Lord Berwick [ Thomas Noel Hill, 2nd Baron Berwick of Attingham ] (1770-1832), art patron who employed Angelica Kauffman
Publication details: 
Attingham [ Attingham Park, Shropshire ]. 23 January 1803.

1p., landscape 12mo. Aged and worn. Traces of red wax from the seal on the reverse, which is docketed. Reads: 'Sir/ as you do not import the Teneriffe Wine yourself; I had rather not have any. - I will thank you to inform Mr Southern when the Post leaves Town - Send it by Barton's Shrewsbury Waggon. | I remain, | yr. Obdt. Sert. | Berwick'. Contemporary biographical annotation in light pencil at head.

[ Yehudi Menuhin, one of the greatest violinists of the twentieth-century. ] Autograph Signature.

Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999), American-born Jewish violinist who settled in England and was ennobled as Baron Menuhin
Publication details: 
Dated 6 November 1934.

On one side of an 11.5 x 17 cm leaf extracted from an album. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Large bold signature, slightly smudged by Menuhin, written diagonally and upwards at the centre of the page. Reads: 'Yehudi Menuhin | Nov. 65, 1934'. On the reverse have been lightly tipped-in two cuttings from magazines.

[ William Noel-Hill, 3rd Baron Berwick, politician and diplomat. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Hill') [ to Rev. Daniel Lysons ], inviting him to breakfast, and describing 'the pressure of business' [ at the legation at Naples ].

William Noel-Hill, 3rd Baron Berwick (1773-1842) [ born William Hill ], British politician and diplomat [ Daniel Lysons (1762-1834), antiquary ]
Publication details: 
'Tuesday Eve | Novr <32?>'.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Note in contemporary hand on reverse of second leaf: 'Honble. Wm. Hill | Brirtish Minister at Naples to Revd Danl Lysons'. He has received Lysons's 'two notes & enquired at the time if your servant waited for my answers & was told that the servant was gone saying no answers were required'. Nevertheless he wishes to assure Lysons that 'we shall be ready for you on Monday but I trust you will have the goodness to excuse my joining your Breakfast party afterwards.

[ Sidney Herbert, Lord Herbert of Lea. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sidney Herbert') to 'Canning' [ i.e. the diplomat Stratford Canning ], regarding matters relating to a 'perfect gentleman' and a 'rat dog'.

Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea [ Lord Herbert of Lea ] (1810-1861), Conservative politician, close associate of Florence Nightingale [ Stratford Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Wilton House, Salisbury. 8 April 1855.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with minor marking to first and last pages. A high-spirited missive, headed 'Private' and difficult to decipher. He begins by asking him to 'read the enclosed, a perfect gentleman is certainly cheap at 12s. a week. | My interest in the matter is revealed by the closing sentence in the letter.' An indecipherable sentence follows, after which: 'At any rate will you send me an answer wh I can forward to Mr Kitto.' He asks Canning to inform his wife 'that Elcho took charge of the rat dog.

[ General Thomas Graham, Lord Lynedoch. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Graham') to an unnamed party, regarding a list of individuals (Commissioners of Supply?), with reference to Lord Keith and an act of parliament.

General Thomas Graham, 1st Baron Lynedoch [ Lord Lynedoch ] (1748-1843), Scottish politician and distinguished soldier
Publication details: 
[ Docketed as from Stratton Street, with date 31 January 1803. ]

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Written in a difficult hand. Docketed on reverse of second leaf in a neat hand, explaining the context: 'Genl Thomas Graham | Stratton Street | 31 Janry 1803 | wrote him first febry that Peers could not be Commssrs of Supply | 1803 | 3 Febry wrote L[or]d Keith.' Graham's letter reads: 'There is the list – except two names wch. L[or]d Keith wishes to have inserted & the mem[orandu]m. Of wch. I have mislaid – one is the Baillie of Kinkardine [sic] for the time being I think – but it wd.

[ Baron Henry de Bode, inventor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('de Bode'), accepting a dinner invitation, for himself and his nephew 'C. Cazalet'.

Baron Henry de Bode [ William Henry Charles Othon Baron de Bode ] (1778-1855), Major General in the Russian service, inventor in England
Publication details: 
39 Berners Street, Oxford Street [ London ]. 2 February 1848.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'My dear Sir, | I shall feel much pleasure in joining Your party tomorrow evening, with my nephew C. Cazalet, who conveyed to me the wish you had expressed to see us at your lodgings, before your not came. | I am Your's sincerely | de Bode'. See John H. Harland, 'Baron de Bode and his Capstan', in The Mariner's Mirror, vol.99, 2013.

[ John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell, Lord Chancellor, as Attorney-General. ] Autograph Letter Signed (J. Campbell'), concerning the 'Seminary Cadetship' of Robert Campbell at the East India Company Military Seminary at Addiscombe.

John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell (1779-1861), Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom [ East India Company Military Seminary, Addiscombe ]
Publication details: 
New Street, Spring Gardens [ London ]. 9 December 1834.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The recipient is unnamed. The letter begins: 'Sir | The President of the Board of Control has been pleased to present me with a Seminary Cadetship for Mr Robt. Campbell a youth of 16, son of John Campbell Esq of Kilberry in the County of Argyle.

[ Richard Bethell, 1st Baron Westbury, Lord Chancellor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richard Bethell') to 'The Lord Bishop of Oxford' [ William Stubbs ] regarding his Church Discipline Bill.

Richard Bethell, 1st Baron Westbury (1800-1873), Lord Chancellor [ William Stubbs (1825-1901), Bishop of Oxford ]
Publication details: 
'H[ouse] of Lords'. 11 May [ 1899 ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'My dear Lord'. He assures him that the 'matter' to which his note refers will have his 'immediate attention'. He draws his attention to 'the Church Discipline Bill', which he has 'caused to be prepared, & which has been handed to the Bishop of London'. The bill had received a second reading on the previous day, 10 May 1899.

[ Karl Josias von Bunsen (Baron von Bunsen), German diplomat and scholar. ] Autograph Letter in the third person ('Chevalier Bunsen'), as Prussian Ambassador to London, to Henry Kemshead, declining an invitation to a dinner at St Mary's Hospital.

Karl Josias von Bunsen [ Christian Charles, Baron von Bunsen; Chevalier Bunsen ] (1791-1860), German diplomat and scholar, Prussian Ambassador to London [ Henry M. Kemshead; St Mary's Hospital ]
Publication details: 
9 Carlton Terrace [ London ] 14 April 1851.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Written from the Prussian Embassy. The letter reads: 'Chevalier Bunsen presents his compliments to Mr. Henry M Kemishead, and regrets, that neither his health nor his public as well as literary occupations allow him to extend the sphere of the engagements, which he has already contracted for this season, and that therefore he shall not be able to accept the invitation for the Public Dinner of St. Mary's Hospital, which he has had the honour to receive.'

[ Charles William Vane, 3rd Marquis of Londonderry. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vane Londonderry') to the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer [ Sir Frederick Pollock ]

Charles William Vane, 3rd Marquis of Londonderry (1778-1854), politician, soldier and diplomat [ Sir Frederick Pollock (1783-1870), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer ]
Publication details: 
Holdernesse House [ London ]. 7 February 1843.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'My Dear Lord Chief Baron'. He is coming 'to Town for my waiting for a few days', and hopes that Pollock's 'important time could allow of you to see me for a few minutes'. He is willing either to call on Pollock, or receive a visit from him, 'at any time you would kindly appoint'.

[ Nicholas Vansittart, Lord Bexley. ] Autograph Note in the third person, in French, to 'Mr: le Comte d'Autraignes'

Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley [ Lord Bexley ] (1766-1851), Tory politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1812-1823
Publication details: 
Treasury Chambers [ Whitehall, London ]. 23 October 1806.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with creasing to one corner. Reads 'Mr. Vansittart presente ses Complimens a Mr: le Comte d'Autraignes et le prie de passer demain à la Tresoir a une heure apres midi.'

[ Lord Garvagh, Irish politician. ] Autograph Signature ('Garvagh') on part of Autograph Letter to 'Mr Lackington', i.e. the London bookseller George Lackington (or James?), with reference to 'Pictures' being 'turned out of doors'.

George Canning, 1st Baron Garvagh [ Lord Garvagh ] (1778-1840), Irish politician, Lord Lieutenant of County Londonderry [ George Lackington (1777-1844), London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 8 x 18.5 cm piece of paper cut from a letter. In good condition, lightly aged and creased, with thin strip of staining from mount at head. The signature side reads: '[...] but it might not be on Saturday, as on that day my House will be in a bustle - | I remain | Your Obedt: Humle: Servt | Garvagh | To | Mr Lackington | [...]'. The other page reads: '[...] letter in its first arrival - and to day I presume is not one that either yourself or Mr Dry could wish the Pictures to be turned out of doors in.'

[ Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild. ] Autograph Note Signed ('R.') to 'Mr May', i.e. Frank May, Chief Cashier of the Bank of England.

Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild [ Nathan[iel?] Mayer Rothschild, Lord Rothschild ] (1840-1915) [ Frank May (1832-1897), disgraced Chief Cashier of the Bank of England, 1873-1893 [
Publication details: 
Mentmore; 25 August 1887.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'My dear Mr May - | I am delighted you can come on Saturday. Please let me know the train you come by. Our station is Cheddington. | Yrs sincerely | R.' On May's death the New York Times reported (10 February 1897) that in 1893 he 'suddenly resigned after a mysterious meeting of the Board of Directors, and for several days exciting rumours circulated in London that something was wrong with the finances.

[ Anne Godolphin, Lady Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('A: Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, with signature of witness 'W Noble'.

Lady Anne Godolphin [ born Anne Marie FitzWilliam ] (1722-1802), Lady Godolphin, wife of Francis Godolphin (1706-1785), 2nd Baron Godolphin [ Lord Godolphin ]
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. January 1791.

1p., 8vo. Printed Exchequer receipt for £25, headed 'Annuities 3700l. per Week', made out to 'Lady Godolphin | Assignee'. In fair condition, on aged paper worn and creased at extremities.

[ Lord Whitworth, British diplomat. ] Manuscript Exchequer receipt for £2000, signed by 'Chas: Whitworth' ('Lord Whitworth Ambassador and Plenipotentiary at Cambray'), in the hand of the witness 'Tho: Lowther'.

Charles Whitworth, 1st Baron Whitworth [ Lord Whitworth ] (1675-1725), British diplomat [ Thomas Lowther; Court of Exchequer, London ]
Publication details: 
Court of Exchequer, London. 5 March 1724.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Headed 'Recordr 4 Mar'. Begins: 'Recd of the Rt. Honble the Lord William Powlett one of the four Tellers of the Recet of his Majys Excheqr the Sum of Two Thousand pounds in farther Parte of an Order dated the 18 day of ffebry 1724'.

[ Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere. ] Autograph Signature ('Vere.') on part of Exchequer receipt.

Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere (1699-1781), known as Lord Vere Beauclerk until 1750, British peer and politician
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 27 July 1764.

Part of printed receipt made out to Vere, on one side of a trimmed-down 18 x 12.5 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Recording the receipt of £42 10s 0d, on behalf of 'Lady Vere & Hble Aubrey Beauclerk'.

[ George Pitt, 1st Baron Rivers [ Lord Rivers ]. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rivers') to the engraver John Keyse Sherwin, regarding assistance he may be able to give him in a 'Business' concerning the King's engraver.

George Pitt, 1st Baron Rivers [ Lord Rivers ] (1721-1803), Tory politician and diplomat [ John Keyse Sherwin (1751-1790), engraver and history painter ]
Publication details: 
'Stratfieldsay' [ Stratfield Say House, Hampshire .] 6 April 1783.

2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Dear Sherwin'. He assures him of his desire to 'assist in seconding [his] wishes', explaining regarding the circumstances: 'I suppose ye honest Gentleman whom the Advertisement concerns, must have been the King's Engraver, tho' you do not say so, nor does the Advertisement import it.

[ Lord Lindley, Master of the Rolls. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Nathl Lindley') to Sir Richard Harington, with regard to his application for an Indian judgeship.

Nathaniel Lindley (1828-1921), Baron Lindley [ Lord Lindley ], English judge, Master of the Rolls 1897-1900
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 19 Craven Hill Gardens, Hyde Park, W. [ London ] 2 June 1899.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. A cordial and businesslike missive, reading: 'My dear Harington | Judges at least old ones like myself do not give testimonials to men at the Bar seeking appointments | But you may with pleasure say that you have my permission to refer to me & that may be of use to you; or it may not for the indian Secretary does not know me personally & he may not therefore refer to me at all'.

[ William Digby, 5th Baron Digby. ] Autograph Signature ('Digby') to an Exchequer receipt.

William Digby, 5th Baron Digby (1661-1752), Irish peer
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 30 April 1716.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with heavy chipping and wear at head and two holes to text, but signature clear and clean. Laid out in the usual style, with printed text competed in manuscript. Recording the receipt by Digby of £2 15s 10d, on an annuity. Filled in by the witness, whose signature is illegible.

[ William Clayton, 1st Baron Sundon. ] Autograph Signature ('Sundon'), on part of an Exchequer receipt, 'in behalf of my Wife Ass. of Francis Dyre'.

William Clayton, 1st Baron Sundon [ William, Lord Sundon ] (1671-1752), politician, Paymaster of the King's Private Pensions
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 18 December 1741.

On 12.5 x 17 cm. piece of paper. Aged and worn at one edge, but signature and surrounds clear and strong. Records the receipt, by 'Wm Ld Sundon in behalf of my Wife Ass. of Francis Dyre', from an annuity.

[ George, Lord Carpenter. ] Autograph Signature ('Carpenter.') to an Exchequer receipt, witnessed by 'J Boucher'.

George, Lord Carpenter [ Lieutenant-General George Carpenter, 1st Baron Carpenter ] (1657-1731), Governor of Minorca and Commander-in-chief of Army in Scotland who took surrender of 1715 Jacobites
Publication details: 
Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. 11 April 1752.

1p., 8vo. On brittle, aged paper, with chipping to edges and loss to one corner and closed tear (not affecting signature. The usual printed text, with manuscript additions. Begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[11th] Day of [Aprill] 175[2] | Received by me [George Lord Carpenter] | Of the Honourable Thomas Townshend, Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [Seven Pounds] | in full of all former Directions and for [6 -] Months Annuity, due at [lady day] last past, of [14] Pounds per Annum'.

[ Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere. ] Autograph Signature ('Vere.') on Exchequer receipt.

Admiral Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere [ Lord Vere Beauclerk ] (1699-1781), grandson of King Charles II and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 8 January 1765.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, aged and with particular wear to extremities. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. (The printed name of 'the Right Honourable James Earl Waldegrave, One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer' has been amended in manuscript to 'Ld Henley', and the change initaled 'W. C.') Recording payment of £42 16s 0d on an annuity of £85. Signed at end, with the signature of the witness ''.

[ Maurice Thompson, 2nd Baron Haversham. ] Autograph Signature ('Haversham') to Exchequer receipt.

Maurice Thompson (1675-1745), 2nd Baron Haversham [ Lord Haversham ], soldier and Member of Parliament, Treasurer of the Excise
Publication details: 
[ Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 10 July 1716.

1p., 8vo. On leaf removed from an Exchequer receipt book. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records payment of £15 to Haversham, as 'Assee of ffrancis Carter'. Signed at foot by witness ''.

[ Lord Hatherley, Lord Chancellor of England. ] Autograph Document Signed ('Hatherley C') regarding closure of circuit court of Richard Harington, in franked envelope. With signed document ('Hatherley C'), appointing Harington to another circuit.

William Page Wood (1801-1881), 1st Baron Hatherley [ Lord Hatherley ], Liberal Lord Chancellor, 1868-1872 [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, of Whitbourne Court, Worcester ]
Publication details: 
Document regarding closure of circuit court: 19 March 1872. Place not stated, but in envelope with London official frank. Appointment document: 28 August 1872.

ONE: 1p., 4to. Embossed with government seal at head. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'I The Right Honourable William Page Baron Hatherley, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, do hereby sanction the closing of the County Courts of the Circuit No. 34 during four weeks in the month of August next, Richard Harington Esqre., The Judge of the Same Courts, being desirous of holding Courts in the month of September next. | Hatherley C'. In envelope with Hatherley's signature ('Hatherley') at bottom-left of front, addressed in autograph to 'Richard Harington Esq | Heath Lodge | Hanwell'.

[ Samuel Jones-Loyd, 1st Baron Overstone [ Lord Overstone ], banker and politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Overstone') to 'G. Scharf Junr Esqr' [ the future Sir George Scharf ], regarding the possibility of a meeting in Brighton.

Samuel Jones-Loyd, 1st Baron Overstone [ Lord Overstone ] (1796-1883) of Overstone Park, Northampton, British banker and politician [ Sir George Scharf (1820-1895); National Portrait Gallery, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Overstone Park, Northampton. 20 November 1856.

1p., 12mo. In good condition. At the time of writing Scharf was on the verge of appointment as first Director of the National Portrait Gallery. Regarding a note he has received from Scharf he writes that the following Monday he goes 'thro' London direct to Brighton. This movement I fear does not hold out much facility for our meeting - but if your business carries you to Brighton you will find me at the Bedford Hotel.'

[ William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton. ] Autograph Signature ('Berkeley') on part of an Exchequer receipt, as 'Executr. of Ann Gendrault assignee of James Gendrault.

William Berkeley, 4th Baron Berkeley of Stratton (d.1741), Master of the Rolls in Ireland, 1696-1731, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1710-1714 [ Anne and James Gendrault, Huguenots ]
Publication details: 
Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. 20 December 1714.

On 15 x 12 cm. piece of paper, cut from a printed document completed in manuscript. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, laid down on square of plain paper. Payment of an annuity ('for carrying on the War, and other Her Majesty's Occasions').

[ Printed House of Lords publication. ] Case and Pedigree on behalf of Henry De Vere Vane, of 74, Eaton Place, In the County of London, claiming to be Baron Barnard of Barnard Castle, in the Peerage of England, on his claim to the said title, [...]

[ Henry De Vere Vane, 9th Baron Barnard of Barnard Castle (1854-1918); House of Lords, Lords Committee of Privileges ]
Publication details: 
In the House of Lords, Before the Lords Committee of Privileges. [ Trower, Freeling, & Parkin, Lincoln's Inn. ]

(The title ends: '[...] the said title, honour, and dignity.') 52pp., folio. With large fold-out 'Pedigree of the Barony of Barnard'. In brown printed paper covers with red ribbon spine. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, in worn and chipped wraps. Mainly consisting of 'Proofs to be adduced in support of the case of Henry De Vere Vane, claiming to be Baron Barnard of Barnard Castle, on his claim to the said peerage'. and an appendix in five parts. On the death in 1890 of the 4th Duke of Cleveland, the line of succession to the dukedom was left unclear.

[ Bryan Guinness, Lord Moyne. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bryan') to 'Dear Hubert' [ Wimbledon bookseller J. H. Dingwall ], placing an order and making suggestions.

Bryan Walter Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne [ Lord Moyne ] (1905-1992), poet, novelist and brewing heir [ J. H. Dingwall [ John Hubert Dingwall ] (c.1913-2001), Wimbledon bookseller ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Biddesden House, Andover [ Kent ]. 18 February 1960.

3pp., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with two punch holes for placement in album to margins of each of the three leaves. He congratulates him on his catalogue, states that he is attaching a wants list (not present) and that he is leaving it to the recipient 'to make out the account as I am not good at adding - & also dont know the postage. | The Librarian at the House of Lords showed great interest in your catalogue & is writing to you for one'. He suggests sending a copy to John Hayward, and gives his address.

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