Travel and Topography

Early Kent Maps. (Sixteenth century).

Grevile M. Livett, B.A., F.S.A., Honorary Canon of Rochester
Publication details: 
[1937;] 'Reprinted from "Archaeologia Cantiana," Vol. XLIX. Printed by Headley Brothers, Ashford, Kent.

Offprint of pp.247-77. Small 8vo. 4 plates, 3 of them folding. Foxed, loose copy with closed tear and crease to first leaf. In original light-brown printed wraps, which have become detached.. Presentation copy, with inscription to 'Mr. Edward Lynam from the writer' on front wrap. Manuscript annotation in pencil, presumably by Lynam.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Anna Brownell Jameson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Anglo-Irish author (1794-1860) and art critic. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two inches. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger sheet of paper. Reads '[...] Oxford Street London for the next 3 weeks - Ever yours truly & affecly - | Anna Jameson'. Docketed in pencil at foot '(Legendary Art etc) | Written to my Mother - S[arah]. E[lizabeth]. S[iddons]. M[air].'

Autograph Card Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Colonel Sir Charles Edward Yate
Publication details: 
Postmarked 19 January [1918]; on letterhead '17, PRINCE OF WALES' TERRACE, | KENSINGTON, W.'

British colonial administrator and politician (1849-1940). Dimensions of card four and a half inches by three and a half inches. Bearing postmark and stamp. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Good, but with creasing and closed tears along foot of card, affecting signature. Reads 'May I ask you kindly to send me a spare copy of the Journal for September. 21st. 1917 no. 3383 - giving the concluding portion of Professor lecture on Architecture - also the next number if not concluded in that.' Signed 'Chas. E. Yate'.

Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Illuminated Manuscripts, Printed Books and Americana formed by the Late Apsley Cherry-Garrard, Esq. The property of Mrs Gordon Mathias"


Wraps, illustrated, 5 June 1961, inscribed by the scholar C.E. Wright who has noted prices and purchasers beside 9 items which interested him. He also notes that Cherry-Garrard originally paid £5000 for a missal. A flick through the pages throws up Back, Bligh, Dalrymple, Scoresby for polar exploration.

Part of an autograph letters signed to an unnamed correspondent.

R.W. Seton-Watson.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Authority on the Balks, etc. (DNB). Fragment of a letter, c.6" x 2", laid down on slightly larger card from album, good condition. Text: By the time I leave, I hope we shall have our Serbian expedition virtually ready. The great trouble is to find a means of transit: it is hoped to get out all the way by ship. I will write agin: this has to catch the post."

Autograph Letter Signed "Milner" to "Russell".

Alfred Milner (later Viscount)
Publication details: 
Hotel Bristol-Naples, Palermo, 4 March 1908.

Three pages, 8vo, conjoint leaves, wear at spine, not affecting text. "After many wanderings your letter of Feb 13th. has caught me here. I have been out of England since the middle of January,/ Your letter refers to a previous one wh. I have never received. / I am afraid that I cannot throw much light on the subject wch you refer. There is a big monument on the tope of Spion Kop, a column, wh. may be in the form of an obelisk but it is to the memory of the men who fell then generally, though I think, if I remember rightly, there are a number of individual inscriptions.

Draught copy of Order in Council, with covering copy of minute signed by Greville.

Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville [Tobago, the West Indies]
Publication details: 
At the Court at Windsor | the 18th March 1829'.

Clerk to the Privy Council (1794–1865) and noted diarist. Items clearly disbound from volume, with minute foliated '84'. The Order in Council is three pages, folio, on two leaves of gilt-edged laid paper. Good, though slightly discoloured, dusty at head, and with several closed tears and stab marks along one edge. Small square cut away from corner of second leaf (not affecting text). Entirely legible in a clear neat hand.

Autograph Letter in the third person to [John Atkins,] 'the Lord Mayor [of London] elect'.

Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl of Harrowby and Viscount Sandon, and second Baron Harrowby
Publication details: 
London. 7. Nov[embe]r. 1818'.

English politician (1762-1847). One page, 4to. Stained, and with several closed tears and one small hole at foot; traces of previous mount adhering to blank reverse. Formal letter in the third person. 'Lord Harrowby presents his Compliments to the Lord Mayor Elect and the Sheriffs and is sorry that his absence from London will prevent his having the honour of attending the dinner at Guildhall on Monday the 9th of November.'

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Ernest George
Publication details: 
January 1881; on letterhead 'CROWN HILL, | NORWOOD. S.E.'

Architect and engraver (1839-1922). One page, 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, but with evidence of previous mounting on brown paper on reverse. Addressed to 'Dear Doctor'. He thanks him for his 'kind care of us' ('your crippled patient gave you much trouble') and asks him to accept a copy of his 'Belgium' ('Etchings in Belgium. With descriptive letterpress', 1878), which he is sending through the '' and 'will probably arrive someday'. Signed 'Ernest George'. Docketed in ink on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to Count D'Antraigues.

Culling Charles Smith
Publication details: 
Foreign Office | Novr. 12. 1811.'

Commissioner of Customs (circa 1775-1853), husband of Lady Anne Wellesley. The recipient is Emmanuel-Louis-Henri de Launay, Comte d'Antraigues (1753-1812). Two pages, 12mo. Folded twice. Somewhat grubby and discoloured with age, but in good condition overall. He was directed by the Marquess Wellesley to request that the Count call on him that day, in order to 'satisfy the object of your recent communications'.

On the observations made with a rigid specteoscope, by Captain Mayne and Mr. Connor, on a voyage to the Straits of Magellan.

J. P. Gassiot, F.R.S.
Publication details: 
London: presentation copy to John Tyndall of the Royal Institution of offprint from the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', No. 94, 1867.

8 leaves, 8vo, paginated [5-6] 7-19 [1]. Stitched: in contemporary brown plain wraps. In good condition, though folded in half lengthwise and with wraps rather grubby. Inscription reads 'Dr Tyndall FRS &c &c | from J P G'.

Autograph Signature.

Paul Belloni Du Chaillu
Publication details: 
26 June 1901; on letterhead of the Auguste Victoria (Hamburg-Amerika Linie).

French-born American traveller in the interior of West Africa (1831-1903). On piece of paper roughly 4 1/2 inches by 7 inches. In good condition although somewhat grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours very truly | Paul Du Chaillu | June 26th 1901'. Letterhead, with vignette in gold, gray and blue, reading 'Au Bord | des Schnelldampfers "AUGUSTE VICTORIA" | den ........ 19 | Hamburg-Amerika Linie'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Slade (perhaps Frederic William Slade (1801-63), son of Sir John Slade).

Count Guglielmo Di Ludolf
Publication details: 
Gloucester Place | December 5th. 1831'.

Neapolitan Minister in London (died 1839). 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition, although creased and grubby. Crabbed handwriting. Formal letter, written in the third person. States that he received from Slade, in 1826, 'Two hundred and odd Pounds sterling as part of Prize money for the capture of in 1806, allowed to the Crews of Two Sicilian gallys the Vespa, the , and a gun Boat No. 12. who acted in conjunction with the British forces'. Complains that 'Mr. Slade did not send to C.

Societe Asiatique. Seance Generale Annuelle Du 28 Avril 1825.

Societe Asiatique.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1825.

[75]pp., inc. Table, 8vo, original green printed wraps, back cover soiled, stitches loose, and other minor defects.

Societe Asiatique. Seance Generale Annuelle Du 28 Avril 1826.

Societe Asiatique.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1826.

[75]pp., inc. Table, 8vo, original green printed wraps, covers soiled and dulled, stitches loose, and other minor defects.

Autograph Letter Signed to George Glenny, horticultural writer and editor (DNB).

Julia Pardoe.
Publication details: 
Friday, no date.

Travel-writer and novelist (DNB). One page, 8vo, sl. marked, trimmed but text complete and clear, with partially detached conjugate leaf, verso of which has name "For George Glenny Esqre". "I have extracted all critiques on the Bouquet and R.L.M. [Royal Lady's Magazine and St. James's Archive] from the papers you sent me, and herewith enclose them. If you can send me any more by the bearer, I shall be obliged. / Papa, I am sorry to say, has not left his bed today . . ." Note: "The Bouquet" ([1835]) with contributions by eminent authors, Pardoe's role formerly unknown.

2 Autograph Letters Signed to unnamed male correspondents.

Thomas Fanshaw Middleton, Bishop of Calcutta
Publication details: 
The first letter, 17 December 1814, Calcutta; the second, 16 April 1822, <?>.

Middleton (1769-1822) was consecrated Bishop of Calcutta in 1814. Both letters are 8vo. The first is 1 page, 8vo, and the second, 2 pages, 8vo. Both are creased and with a few closed tears, but in good condition. Letter one is attached along one edge to the remains of a stub. In the first letter, signed 'T. F. Calcutta', he asks if his correspondent 'will give the Bearer of this, Captain Lockett, who is now about to sail for England, a neatly bound Copy of my Vol. on the Gr[eek]. Article'. The handwriting of the second letter, also signed 'T. F.

Autograph Note Signed to M. de Struve.

Alexander Cockburn.
Publication details: 
Hamburg, 10 July 1816.

Diplomat (1776-1852)(Boase). One page, 4to, in French, with added notesin another hand about Cockburn ("Envoye Britanique [sic] a hambourg"), thanking his correspondent for a prompt reply, adding "J'ai l'honneur de vous remettre [cy jointe?] . . ."

Printed form filled in in manuscript and with the Bishop's Autograph Signature, authorising the removal of the Rev John Gottlieb Lincke, Missionary Minister of Burdwan, to the Missionary Circuit of Calcutta; docketed with Signed Note by Fisher.

Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta, and Henry Fisher, Commissary
Publication details: 
The form, 9 May 1837; Fisher's note, 22 September 1838; place unstated in both.

Fifth Bishop of Calcutta (1778-1858). 2 pages, 8vo. In very good condition. Signed 'Daniel Calcutta'. Fisher's note reads 'I sanction the return of the Rev Mr Lincke back again to Burdwan his former station pending the confirmation of the Bishop on his return | Henry Fisher | Commissary | 22d. Sept. 1838'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

[BIG GAME HUNTING] Sir Edmund Lechmere, 4th Baronet
Publication details: 
No date (but docketed 'Letter of Mch 30' [1928]); on blindstamped letterhead 'Flat 2, | 45, Braham Gardens, | S. W. 5.'

2 pages, 16mo. Somewhat grubby and creased, and obtrusively docketed in ink, with the phrase 'Sent off | 10th 28' written across the text on the recto. Reads 'Dear Sir, | You hoped to return my book (album) last week but no doubt the holidays interfered. I am just sending a line to say I am leaving Town for the Country for the summer early on Monday next so hope it may be returned this week | Yours sincy | E Lechmere'.

Anonymous part of long autograph letter regarding the setting up of a syndicate to be named 'Guiana Rivers Ltd', addressed to 'My dear Joan'.

Publication details: 
9 March 1930; 'Trent House | Main Street | Georgetown'.

10 pages on 5 8vo leaves. In good condition, but with a few large blots. The first part of a letter by a writer who appears to be English. Straight out of B. Traven. The author wants Joan to join him and Gwen in partnership with Hamerly. 'Hamerly is down here from one of his expeditions & we became friendly through his having lived & travelled widely in the Paraguayan Chaco.

The Lordship of St Mawes, Cornwall

(Cornwall Manuscript)
Publication details: 

Deed, 2pp., 34" x 24", folded, 31 July 1727, release of the "Mannor or Lordship and Burrough of St Mawes", John Hawkins, Francis Scobell, and Dame Elizabeth Tredenham, widow of Sir Joseph, signatories, to John Knight (see Encyclopaedia Britannica, under "St Mawes" for detail of this transaction). With: deed, one page, 18 x 9.5", folded, 1 June 1614, stained with loss of text but not of sense. Sale of substantial property in St Mawes by Stephen Williams (aka Christopher), yeoman, to Peter Sydnam, gent.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Sir John Foster Fraser
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Special parliamentary correspondent, traveller and lecturer (1868-1936; DNB). Dimensions: 2 inches by 4½ inches. In good condition and attached to a sheet of paper docketed: 'Sir John Foster Fraser, Kt., F.R.G.S., F.J.I. | Great Journalist, Traveller, Lecturer. | (Cycled round the world. 19,234 miles in 774 days)'. Signed 'John Foster Fraser' beneath '<...> you. Salaams | Thine gratefully'.

Autograph note, third person, to "Mr Byfield, Stationer".

W.D. Adams.
Publication details: 
Great Queen Street, Monday, 10 March 1806.

(See Boase, Adams b. 1775 d. 1862, confidential secretary to William Pitt [for whom Lady Hester Stanhope kept house for a time], May 1804-Feb.[Note] 1806). One page, 4.5 x 10", damaged and stained but text readable, most clear. As follows: "Lady Hester Stanhope has desired me to order the Morning Post [underlined] to be sent to her at Dawlish near Teignmouth Devonshire/ Have you done anything about the Port Folios[both words underlined] which I sent for some days ago?" Byfield appears in Brown's London Publishers.

autograph letter signed to Major William Owen Lanyon, C.M.G. [later Sir William Owen Lanyon, Administrator of the Transvaal]

Earl of Carnarvon
Publication details: 
4pp, 8vo, 30 August 1875, no place, on mourning letterhead with blindstamped Carnarvon crest

Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon, British statesman who made Canada a confederation but failed to create a federation of South Africa; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Interesting matter relating to South African affairs. He encloses (not present) a passage of Lanyon's from the Government Gazette.

part of autograph letter signed to James Perry editor of the Morning Chronicle

Pryse Lockhart Gordon
Publication details: 
2pp, roughly 8vo (half of torn 4to sheet), place and date missing, but postmarked 6 March 1820

Sct.-Belg. writer (DNB) Perhaps divided in preparation for publication. The following scored through: 'My dear Sir | The above transaction (bien bizarre), I had viva voce from Mr Troyaux - perhaps you will think it worthy of a place in the Chronicle - | I rejoice to find from your friend Mr Thomas Hill [bookcollector, DNB] that you continue going on well & I hope you will be able to make your intended trip to the <...>'.

Autograph note signed to "A.W.".

Edward Churton.
Publication details: 
Crayke, 15 Feb. 1842.

Theologian and Spanish scholar (1800-1874). One page, 12mo. Text as follows: "This book seems quite unexceptionable, except the embellishments, which are but mean . . .I am glad you settled matters with Mr Campbell."

The Rebels

Alfred Neumann
Publication details: 
NY 1929

Ist American (trans), no dw, some bumping, sp. sl. sunned, contents good. INSCRIBED by the author: "To Countess Marion Giordani (?) Orsini with kindest regard Alfred Neumann Florence, 7.VI.35"

ALS, 3pp, 8vo, to Malcolm MacKenzie

Dorothy Brooks
Publication details: 
4 May 1950, Applegarth Studio, Augustus Rd, W14

On two letterheads of the West African Writers and Artists Club, 129 Camberwell Rd. Major Shepheard has suggested that correspondent might supply contacts for the Club. Describes the Club's activities and lists the names of thirteen Gold Coast students from a recent British Council exhibition, whose addresses she asks for, along with the names of others from Nigeria. Two items,

Autograph Letters Signed (x 3) to “Smith”.

Albert Way.
Publication details: 
No date.

Antiquary (1805-1874). 2pp. ea., 8vo, damp-staining and other marksbut text still legible. He is returning some “cuts” lent by the Sussex Society and enclosing “eight blocks for the Catalogue of the Chichester Museum”. He wants his correspondent to follow up on a “cut”. In another letter, he makes suggestions for the improvement of a “proof of the Ark” and requests a book. In the other letter, he says that he is sending “the continuation ofChichester Catalogue” and someone else will send “the greater part of thewoodcut blocks”. He asks for a “cut” to be sent to the printer. 3 items,

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