Travel and Topography

[ Florence Dixie, traveller ] Autograph Signature '"Yrs very sincerely | Florence Dixie.'

Lady Florence Dixie [Lady Florence Caroline Dixie, née Douglas] (1855-1905)
Publication details: 

Written on piece of paper, 11 x 7com. Boldly written, good condition.

[ Melton Prior, Special Artist of the Illustrated London News. ] Engraved illustrated invitation card to an 'Exhibition of Original Burmese War & Nile Expedition Sketches' at the St James's Gallery of 'Mr Mendozza'.

Melton Prior (1845-1910), Special Artist of the Illustrated London News [the St. James's Gallery, London, of I. P. Mendoza; Burma, Burmese; the Nile Expedition, Egypt ]
Publication details: 
St. James's Gallery, 4A King Street, St James's. 20 June 1891.

Printed on one side of a piece of 12.5 x 20 cm green card. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with central vertical crease line unobtrusively strengthened with archival tape. To the left of the page is an illustration of a British soldier officer a Burmese temple. The text is written out in a range of lettering characteristic of the period, and reads: 'Exhibition of Original Burmese War & Nile Expedition Sketches by Melton Prior Special Artist of the Illustrated London News. Under the Patronage of His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught.

[Hon. Capt. Francis Egerton, R.N.] Autograph Letter to 'John Bowring Esqre', regarding the writing of his 'Journal of a Winter's Tour in India, with a Visit to the Court of Nepaul'.

Hon. Capt. Francis Egerton (1824-1895), Royal Navy [Francis Leveson-Gower; Sir John Bowring (1792-1872), Governor of Hong Kong; John Murray, London publisher]
Publication details: 
[London?] 'Monday <June?> 20th' [1852].

1p., landscape 12mo (16 x 20.5 cm). Addressed on reverse 'To | John Bowring Esqre | 6 Freeman's Court | Cornhill'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded into a packet for hand-delivery. Written in a crabbed, difficult hand. Begins: 'Tomorrow I will send you a copy of my Character [clearly 'The Life and Character of the Duke of Wellington', which is however generally ascribed to his namesake the Earl of Ellesmere], which you will see


is just now in demand. Also a work which i can only lend him.

[Alexander Hattrick, carpenter, or R. Turnbull.] 28 illustrations: depicting Australian scenes (panoramas of North Head Quarantine Station; Farm Cove, Sydney; Hobart, Tasmania) and a narrative of an excursion to Nurstead Woods, Kent.

[Alexander Hattrick or R. Turnbull; Alexander Hatrick (1857-1918), New Zealand merchant; Pacific Steam Navigation Co.; North Head Quarantine Station, Sydney; Nurstead Woods, Kent; 'Swift Sure' whaler]
Publication details: 
One item with date 'May 1893'. All twelve items on stationery of the Pacific Steam Navigation Co., including eight 'Soundings' forms, filled in 'For Chief Engineer', signed 'Alex Hattrick', and dated 25 March and 2, 7, 8, 11, 18, 24, 29 June [1893?]

28 illustrations: 3 of which depict Australian scenes (panoramas of North Head Quarantine Station; Farm Cove, Sydney; Hobart, Tasmania) with a cartoon/narrative of an excursion to Nurstead Woods, Kent. One item with date 'May 1893'. All twelve items on stationery of the Pacific Steam Navigation Co., including eight 'Soundings' forms, filled in 'For Chief Engineer', signed 'Alex Hattrick', and dated 25 March and 2, 7, 8, 11, 18, 24, 29 June [1893?] One item with date 'May 1893'. The twelve items in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Charmingly-executed in a naive style.

[Robert Byron, traveller.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Strutt, discussing areas in Ceylon and South India that she should visit.

Robert Byron (1905-1941), traveller and authority on Byzantine civilization, author of 'The Road to Oxiana'
Publication details: 
'as from 91 Bishopsgate | EC2 [London]'. 2 February 1938.

2pp., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope addressed to Mrs Strutt at the Galle Face Hotel, Columbo, Ceylon. He lists four locations in Ceylon, and six in South India, with brief comments including:'15 sq. miles of ruins - the oldest tree in the world'; 'lovely temple, Adams Houses, Flaxman monuments'. The regarding the last location he writes: 'Madras itself has charming classical buildings, & in the Old Durbar Hall is to be

[Trelawney Saunders, cartographer and map seller.] First part of long Autograph Letter to Commander James Mangles, RN, discussing his 'Illustrated Geography & Hydrography' and other works, and his desire for a London 'depot' for the sale of maps.

Trelawney William Saunders (1821-1910), FRGS, book and map seller, 6 Charing Cross, London; Geographical Assistant, India Office; cartographer [Captain James Mangles (1786-1867); Edward Stanford]
Publication details: 
6 Charing Cross [London]. 14 May 1846.

Four pages, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with small pinholes to both leaves and slight loss at the head of the second. Substantial first part of long letter, and hence lacking the signature. BBTI has Trelawny [for Trelawney] William Saunders at 6 Charing Cross between 1846 and 1853, and Edward Stanford's entry in the Oxford DNB records that he was an apprentice there, returning as partner in 1852 ('The partnership was dissolved by mutual consent in July 1853.'), and that it was Saunders who proposed Stanford for membership of the Royal Geographical Society.

[Peel River Land and Mineral Company Limited, London.] Autograph Manuscript certificate by C. A. Aylmer, with two memoranda, one signed.

C. A. Aylmer [Charles Arthur Aylmer (1814-1885)], Secretary, Peel River Land and Mineral Company Limited [New South Wales, Australia]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Peel River Land & Mineral Company Limited, 54D Moorgate St Buildings, London EC. 21 April 1865.

The certificate is 1p., 4to, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. It reads: 'I hereby Certify that on the twenty-first day of April, One Thousand Eight hundred & sixty five, Walter Stevenson Davidson of No. 16 St. James's Street, Esquire, is a registered Proprietor in the Books of the Peel River Land & Mineral Company Limited of Sixty five thousand pounds (£65,000) Consolidated Stock. | C. A. Aylmer. | Secy.' The recto of the second leaf carries the following: '21st. Apl 1865 | Memo. | Mr.

[Album of black and white photographs.] Souvenir de Bretagne. Les Noces en Cornouailles. Étude des différents costumes de Fête.

[Victorian photographs of folk costume of Brittany; Cornish weddings; customs]
Publication details: 
'Villard Photographe - Editeur | Quimper | Dépôt G. Le Bras, Libraire. Heliotype E. La Deley, Paris.' Undated [late nineteenth century].

The album is landscape, 13 x 19 cm. Internally clean on lightly-aged paper, stapled into worn and spotted printed covers. It contains 26 photographs (10 full-page and 16 half-page), on 18 leaves separated by tissue guards, a mixture of indoor and outdoor scenes, and some posed. Images include: 'Les Mariages de Plougastel-Daoulas. - Le Défile des Mariés'; 'La Gavotte Bretonne'; 'DOUARNENEZ. - Toilette de la Mariée'; Arrivée du Cortege au Bourg'; 'Le Repas de Noces.

[Chile; periodical] The Republic of Chile. A Diplomatic Press Survey. Special Edition of the 'Diplomatic Bulletin"

[Periodical; Chile]
Publication details: 
No. 12, London, Oct. 1953.

19pp., paper covers, illus with photo of the President, good condition. Surveys history, economics, exports, British Trade, Wines of Chile, etc. No copies of COPAC, 7 on WorldCat (6 American, one French).

[Edwin Sandys, 2nd Baron Sandys.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ed: Sandys'), to an unnamed bookseller, asking a number of questions on published accounts of voyages to the Amazon.

Edwin Sandys, 2nd Baron Sandys (1726-1797), successively Member of Parliament for Droitwich, Bossiney and Westminster
Publication details: 
Ombersley [Worcestershire]. 14 September 1758.

2pp., small 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight loss to one edge. He begins: 'Sr! | I wrote to you a Post or two ago to desire you to send me Voyage de M. Condamine sur la Riviere des Amazons impr. a Paris en 1745. If you have it not in your Shop Pray enquire for it, & send it to me at Ombersley near Worcester: and I wish you would inform me if M. Condamine or any of his company that went with him to Peru, have publish'd any other account of any part of their Expedition? I have read Don Ant.

[Dr Edward Dalrymple Laborde of Harrow School.] Manuscripts of 'The South Sea Islands. A paper read before the Harrow Fifty Club' and 'The Pacific Islands. Rough drafts of a chapter [of one of his books]'. With four photographs of Fiji and documents.

Dr Edward Dalrymple Laborde (1890-1962), Head of the Geography department of Harrow School and author [Stinson Studios ('E. E. De Mole, Suva, Proprietor'); Fiji islands; Pacific Islands]
Publication details: 
[Harrow, Middlesex.] The paper dated 1928; the drafts of the chapter undated, but for a book published in 1932. Three of the four photographs with the stamp of Stinson Studios ('E. E. De Mole, Suva, Proprietor').

In his history of the school Christopher Tyerman points out that Laborde came to Harrow in 1919 after Colonial Service employment as a Head Master in Fiji.

[Florida.] Printed guidebook, titled 'Into Tropical Florida. A Round Trip upon the St. Johns'.

W. B. Watson, Manager, and C. B. Fenwick, Central Passenger Agent, De Bary Merchants' Line, Florida
Publication details: 
'Issued by the Passenger Department De Bary Merchants' Line. Undated [circa 1882].

33 + [25] pp., including wraps. Stitched, in brown printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, with repair to front cover. The inside cover and 24 of the last 25pp. are filled with advertisements, many of them illustrated. The volume begins with a 21-page description of 'The State of Florida' from 'Jacksonville (Duval County)' to 'Lake Monroe', with illustrationss of various views. It is followed by two pages by 'W. B. Watson, Manager' and 'C. B. Fenwick, Central Pass. Agent', headed 'A First Class Line'; a page of 'Distances to Landings on St. Johns River'; and a two-page 'Hotel List'.

[Major Douglas Thomson, Commissioner of Port Sudan.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (two each 'Douglas Thomson' and 'Douglas') one to Gladys and four to his sister, including three written from the Sudan and one from Abyssinia.

Major Douglas Thomson, Commissioner of Port Sudan, 1926-1932; appointed as Settlement Officer for Assyrians by the Iraqi government, 1933
Publication details: 
One: Minton, Essex. 18 July 1909. Two: Blue Nile, Lake Tana, Abyssinia. 4 March 1916. Three: Roseires [Sudan]. 31 May 1917. Four: on letterhead of Roseires, Sennar Province, Sudan. 19 November 1917. Five: Simkat [Sudan]. 28 September 1920.

The five items are in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ONE: To Gladys. 2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Giving personal news. TWO: 2pp., 8vo. He describes matters at Lake Tana: 'At present we are stuck here while the Engineers do their part of the work. I had rather thought as had Pearson that he & I would have to do some travelling round to see various people & give them their presents but the A[byssinian]'s are very suspicious towards us like anything, & they dont want us to separate at all.

[Mary Lane of Newport, New Hampshire.] Autograph Letter Signed to her brother Dr Robert Lane of Mobile Point, Alabama Territory.

Mary Lane, teacher of Newport, New Hampshire; her brother Dr Robert Lane, Mobile Point, Alabama Territory
Publication details: 
New Port [Newport, New Hampshire]. 1 November 1819.

2pp., 4to. In bifolium, the recto of the first leaf of which is addressed by Mary Lane to 'Doctor Robert Lane, Mobile Point, Alabama Territory'. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Mary Lane is semi-literate, but her letter is infused with anguish. 'Dear Brother | I have written to you Since I received your letter, but perhaps mine has never reach'd you almost every one of the family has wrote to you before this period no doubt you heard of the deaths of our father and Brother.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland.] Manuscript Letter, signed by James Hope of Rickman & Hope, solicitors, to the Bank of Scotland, regarding 'dues collected for the passage of Vessels through the Caledonian Canal'. With detailed accounts of receipts.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland, designed by Thomas Telford and completed in 1822; James Hope of Rickman & Hope, Edinburgh; George Sanby of the Bank of Scotland]
Publication details: 
31 Moray Place, Edinburgh. 27 December 1825.

4pp., foolscap 8vo, on two bifoliums. On aged and worn paper, with slight bloom at head and a little loss to spine from disbinding.

[Canals; printed report] To the Company of Proprietors of the Brecknock & Abergavenny Canal Navigation.

[Canal History]
Publication details: 
j. Wm. Morgan, Printer, Ship Street, Brecon, [1825]

Four pages, bifolium, folio, 1" tears on fold marks, staining, loss of small amount of margin, text complete and clear. It includes: a statement of the Company's affairs "to the 27th of April, 1825 (expenditure, payments, debts, salaries etc.); "Abstract Account of Tonnage and Rent [...]" (Timber, lead, iron etc). Submitted by B.A. Griffith, and concluded by the "Orders" (dividend, etc.). Final page has manuscript address to "Richard Griffith Esq. M.D. | Cardiff."

[Dame Freya Stark and Peggy Drower.] 15 items from the papers of Stark's assistant Peggy Drower, including two letters to her from Stark's biographer Jane F. Geniesse, with a copy the book, an Autograph Card Signed from Caroline Moorhead.

Peggy Drower [Mrs Margaret Hackforth Jones] (1911-2012), Egyptologist and Dame Freya Stark's last assistant at the Ikwan-al-Hurriayah in Cairo [Jane Fletcher Geniesse; Caroline Moorhead]
Publication details: 
Material from London and Washington. Dating from between 1993 and 2001.

The material is loosely inserted in a copy of 'Passionate Nomad. The Life of Freya Stark' by Jane Fletcher Geniesse (New York: Random House, 1999). xxvi + 402 + [2]pp., 8vo. Very good, in like price-clipped dustwrapper, and inscribed to Drower by her daughter. Drower is described on p.296 as 'daughter of Freya's old Baghdad friend Lady Drower, [who] followed Pam Hore-Ruthven as her assistant and spent two years trying to get repaid for the cost, not to mention the enormous effort, of packing up Freya's belongings and sending them to Asolo after the war'.

[Book; poem] To Prosperous Hellas. A Forecast.

A.H. Crosfield
Publication details: 
Athens, 'Pyrsos' S.A., 1933

28pp., 8vo, unopened, paper wraps with damaged cellophane cover (some loss), damage to top of spine,mainly good condition. Dedicated to Philip Ivanoff and the the Shareholders of Thracian Mineral Products Ltd: "One day an alchemist walked o'er the land [...]" No other copy recorded.

[Nineteenth-century coach building.] Lithographed handbill advertisement for 'Wright's Patent Drag' (i.e. brake for a horse-drawn coach), with two illustrations by Baddeley, and four testimonials. With accompanying engraving.

[Wright's Patent Drag (the Proprietor, No. 22 Church Street, Soho [subsequently 138 Holborn Bars]), London [Baddeley, engraver; nineteenth-century coach building; Victorian carriages; transport]
Publication details: 
'Royal Pier Hotel, Ryde, | July 25th, 1842.' ['Office of the Proprietor, No. 22 Church Street, Soho, London' , amended in manuscript to '138 Holborn Bars']

Text: 2pp., foolscap 8vo (35 x 20.5cm.). Engraving: 12 x 16cm with corners clipped. Both items in fair condition, on aged paper. The text is cropped at the head, through a royal crest, and has rounded corners at the head and trimmed corners at the foot. The engraving has traces of grey paper mount on reverse. The text has lithograph illustrations of two side-views of four-wheel carriages with the drag applied, beneath the cropped crest and above the title 'WRIGHT'S PATENT DRAG.' Text consists of around 60 lines in copperplate.

[George Clarke Musgrave, English-born American soldier and writer] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'G. C. Musgrave') to a reviewer on the 'Figaro', concerning his book 'To Kumassi with Scott'. With printed publisher's flier and press cutting.

George C. Musgrave [George Clarke Musgrave] (1874-1932) English-born American soldier and writer, "Victorian Adventurer", author of 'To Kumassi with Scott' [Sir Francis Scott; 4th Anglo-Ashanti War]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterhead of 12 The Leas, Folkestone [Kent, England]. 17 and 28 December 1896. Printed flier: Wightman & Co., "The Westminster Press," 104 Regency Street, London, SW. Undated.

The two letters and flier are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; the cutting is on aged newsprint, separated into two parts along a crease line. Letter One (17 December 1896): 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He informs the recipient that, as the review list for the book is closed, its publishers Wightman & Co have sent on the reviewer's letter to Musgrave. 'We are following this course as much interest exists between the North Country & West Africa.

[New Zealand; Maoris; Admiral David Robertson-Macdonald.] Autograph transcripts of 3 documents (defence of Kororarika, NZ, against an attack by 'natives' during the Flagstaff War). With 88 (eighty-eight) newspaper obituaries and other biographical matter.

Admiral David Robertson-Macdonald (1817-1910), Scottish Royal Navy officer who served under six sovereigns [his son David Macdonald Robertson-Macdonald (1857-1919)]
Publication details: 
[Edinburgh, Scotland; Kororarika, Nelson and Auckland, New Zealand.] The transcripts, made by the Admiral towards the end of his life, from documents dating from 1845. The newspaper obituaries all dating from 1910. Other matter from 1918.

At the outbreak of the Flagstaff War, Robertson-Macdonald was serving as Commander of HMS Hazard. On 11 March 1845 he was severely wounded while leading the defence of the town of Kororarika (now Russell) from 'the attack of an overwhelming body of natives', resulting in the loss of six of his men. The three transcripts that form Item One below relate to this action, and were presumably made out by the Admiral himself towards the end of his life, in a shaky hand and with a number of errors.

Printed order of British Privy Council, 'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846', describing 'the several duties of Customs' to be levied 'upon all goods, wares, and merchandize, imported into the district of Natal for consumption'.

William L. Bathurst [British Privy Council; Natal, South Africa; HM Customs and Excise]
Publication details: 
'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846. Present, The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.'

Drop-head title: 'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846. | PRESENT, | The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.' 12pp., foolscap 8vo. Paginated 1-12 and in two columns. No printer's slug. Signed in type at end 'Wm. L. Bathurst.' In fair condition, on aged paper with chips and short closed tears to central vertical fold. Spine repaired with archival tape. The first page headed in black ink manuscript 'Natal', and in red ink '144'. No other copy traced.

[W.E. Parry, arctic] Autograph Letter Signed "WE Parry" to "Mr. Melvill" [prob. James C. Melvill, Secretary, East India House]..

W.E. Parry, arctic explorer
Publication details: 
Haslar, Gosport, 29 March 1852.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, fold marks, ow good condition. "I cannot refrain from expressing to you my feelings on perusing your adnirable letter to our friend Gurney House on the painful subject of the window - It appears to me a most complete & satsifactory explanation of the part which you & he have taken in this matter & a most triumphant refutation of what has been urged on the other side against you.

Printed 'Memorandum on Programme of the Visit of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, K.G., to Sierra Leone on 6th & 7th April 1925.'

Visit of the Prince of Wales [later King Edward VIII] to Sierra Leone, 1925 [Alexander Howard Ross (1880-1965), Commissioner, Southern Province of Sierra Leone, 1920-1928]
Publication details: 
[Freetown, Sierra Leone?] '437-150. 14-3-25. [i.e. 14 March 1925]'.

21pp., 12mo. Printed with blue ink on cream paper. Saddle-stitched with blue ribbon, in light blue printed wraps. In fair condition, aged, worn and lightly creased. An interesting document, providing local information and casting light on the protocol of a Royal Visit. The document begins: '6th April. | I. 9.05 a.m. H.E. the Governor leaves Government House, accompanied by Staff, and drives to Government Wharf. | 9.10 a.m. The Governor, Mr. Basevi and Lieutenant Harrison embark on the Governor's Barge from the Eastern Jetty. By permission of Commander Geary Hill a launch from H.M.S.

[Bahamas; Printed] Notes on the Bahamas and Plan for a Colony.

[H.M. Frith]
Publication details: 
[Florida?, 1895]

Four pages, 4to, fold marks, closed tears on folds discreetly repaired, some marking, fair condition. Information about (headings) the climate, health, water, soil, fruit trees, cost of land, fruit, grain and fodder, vegetables flowers, sea water, fish, game, snakes, insects, animals, laboor, steamers. freight, cost of boats, cable, roads, inhabitants (mostly black, main occupation sponging, some petty theft, indolent, etc,) houses. schools. taxation, government, Wood Cay.

Typed Letter Signed ('Fitzroy Maclean') from Sir Fitzroy Maclean, thanking the London bookseller R. E. B. Sawyer for giving his opinion of his botanical drawings.

Sir Fitzroy Maclean (1911-1996), Scottish soldier and author best-known for 'Eastern Approaches' [R. E. B. Sawyer of the London booksellers Charles J. Sawyer & Co]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Strachur House, Argyll [Scotland]. 25 April 1978.

1p., 12mo. On light-blue paper. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He thanks Sawyer for his letter and enclosure, found on his return and read 'with the greatest interest'. 'It was extremely kind of you to come and look at my botanical drawings and I am most grateful for the information you have been able to give me. It was marvellous to be able to have the opinion of a real expert.'

Autograph Note Signed ('P. B. Du Chaillu') from the French-American traveller and anthropologist Paul Belloni du Chaillu, reminding his London publisher John Murray of a dinner engagement.

Paul Belloni du Chaillu (1831?-1903), French-American traveller and anthropologist [John Murray III (1808–1892), London publisher]
Publication details: 
129 Mount Street [London]. 10 January 1863.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount adhering to the reverse. The note reads: 'My dear Murray, | I hope you have not forgotten your promise to dine with me this evening, at Willis' Rooms, at 7 o'clock precisely. | Yours very truly | P. B. Du Chaillu'. Murray's published du Chaillu's books from 1861 to 1903.

Four long Autograph Letters Signed from Paul Bing of Vancouver, Canada, to his brother Jens Bing (in Sweden?), giving detailed and scientific advice on farming from a Canadian and American viewpoint. With Autograph Letter Signed from a third brother.

Paul Bing of Vancouver, Canada [North American agriculture; farming; Jens Bing; Sweden; Swedish; Scandinavian]
Publication details: 
One of the letters without place, the other three from Vancouver, Canada, two of them addressed from 4194 West 11th Avenue. 25 July, 24 September and 3 and 11 October 1944.

The four letters total 76pp., 4to. In very good condition, neatly written on lightly-aged paper. All signed 'Paul' (two preceded by 'Your old brother'). Three of the letters are addressed to 'My dear Jens' and the other 'Skål, Frater Amantissime!' The second letter is addressed from 'The Bing House in which live Lyn Bing and Porg [sic] Bing, Vancouver, Canada'. Bing refers to the four letter as 'the 5th. of the Epistles', indicating that one is missing from the sequence.

Part of a Manuscript, review of John Chetwode Eustace's "Tour in Italy [London, 1813) (reviewed in Edinburgh Review, 1813)

Henry Peter Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux, Lord Chancellor of England (1778-1868)
Publication details: 

Full article published in Edinburgh Review, vol.21, pp.378-424. Manuscript, two pages, 4to, trimmed at bottom with loss of text, with light corrections and additions, giving the text for pp.407-8, excluding two lengthy quotations from the book to which Brougham gives the reference only. The trimming had led to the loss of the passage from "In the Conservatorii or charity schools [...] He gives as an instance one Conservatorio where four hundred ... where four hundred...",apart from a few words (subject of pasage partly "repentant women" and vice in Naples).

Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney to his wife Mary Abraham's brother, with copy of long letter by him describing the 1859 South Seas shipwreck of his children on the Ellenita, Captain 'Bully' Hayes, and transcript from third letter.

Henry Murray of Sydney [Captain William Henry 'Bully' Hayes (1827 or 1829-1877), American blackbirder and bigamist, 'the last of the Buccaneers'; Ellenita shipwreck, 1859; Mary Abraham (1808-18]
Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney
Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney
Publication details: 
Murray's letter to his wife's brother: 20 April 1864; Sydney, New South Wales. Copy of letter by Murray: 21 December 1865; 20 Norton Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, New South Wales. Transcript: undated, on letterhead of Liverpool Polytechnic Society.
Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney
Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney

From the papers of Alfred Clay Abraham (1853-1942), Liverpool pharmacist, and his daughter Emma Clarke Abraham (1850-1934) of Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston. All items in fair condition, on aged paper, with texts clear and complete. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray to his late wife Mary's brother. 8 pp, 12mo. On two bifoliums. Begins: 'Although a Stranger to you I perhaps need not apologise for the obtrusion of this communication upon you, when I inform you that I am the husband - or rather was the husband of your poor Sister Mary. for alas!

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