Travel and Topography

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Bannister'), in French, to 'Monsieur de Monglave, l'Institut Historique'.

Saxe Bannister (1790-1877), English writer and lawyer, the first Attorney-General of New South Wales [Eugène Garay de Monglave (1796-1873)]
Publication details: 
Au Mai, Jouy, Près Versailles, 23 Juin 1834'.

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly aged paper. Addressed to 'Monsieur et Confrère'. He replied to de Monglave's last letters a couple of days previously, and he has addded 'deux ou trois propositions que je vous de traduire en bon François, et de lire à notre comité, au Conseil'. He wants to get to know 'quelques uns de mes voisins dans ce village où j'ai l'intention de passer six mois', and asks for letters of introduction. Lists four families he wishes to get to know and names some individuals with whom he is a little acquainted.

Subscription of letter Signed "Rich Ford".

Richard Ford, traveller in Spain.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Part of letter, 11 x 4cm, faint staining, text illegible but clear, as follows: "I [amyrobedtSt | Rich Ford||".

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ellenborough') to 'W Astell Esq'.

Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough (1790-1871), Tory politician and Governor-General of India [William Astell (1774-1847), Director of the East India Company]
Publication details: 
8 June 1830. India Board.

12mo: 2 pp. Eleven lines of text. A bifolium, docketed on the otherwise-blank second leaf '8 June 1830 | Ld. Ellenborough'. Good: lightly spotted and with traces of grey paper mount adhering to edge on reverse of second leaf. He is enclosing a letter (not present) 'from Keene' (docketed [by Astell?] ('Kearney.)', and possibly the watercolourist W. H. Kearney). 'I must not enter into a Correspondence with him and he asks nothing definite.' Asks Astell to 'consider the matter' and to let him know his opinion on the coming Saturday.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ellenborough') with pencil draft of Nichols's reply.

Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough (1790-1871), Tory politician; Governor-General of India [John Gough Nichols (1806-1873), printer and antiquary; Southam House, Southam Delabere, Gloucestershire]
Publication details: 
17 November 1832; Southam House.

12mo bifolium. Ellenborough's letter (15 lines of text) occupies the first leaf; with the pencil draft of Gough's reply (also 15 lines), with additions and deletions, on the recto of the second leaf. Very good, with traces of grey paper mount adhering in a thin strip to the reverse of the second leaf. Ellenborough will 'afford' Nichols 'every facility for the making of tracings from the Tiles at Southam'. If Nichols will let him know when he is coming he will 'make it a point to be here'. Suggests that Nichols might come 'after Church, about 2 o'clock, on Sunday next'.

Documents Signed by Campbell and Clifford relating to an Officer in the Government of the Falklands Islands, with related material.

Colin Campbell and Miles Clifford.
Publication details: 
Stanley, Falklands, 1952-1954.

A small archive, items one page folio (unless ow stated) comprising: (1952) appointment of J.E. Briscoe to be Deputy of officer administering the Colony, royal stamp, signed by Colin Campbell (Colonial Secretary) ND Briscoe; (Jan.

The Wandering Naturalists. A Story of Adventure.

J.A. Lawson.
Publication details: 
London: Remington and Co., 1880.

Advert. leaf, Title-page, pp.[1]-302, sl. shaken, hinge strain, corners bumped, some marking, but still a goodlooking book. The first thrust of the plot isan expedition, plant-hunting in Northern India and the Himalayas which they cross to Seksura on the River Arun in Nepal(possibly invented names, perhaps inspired by Aranachan Pradesh). While there they hunted wild boar, attempted to climb Mount Everest (15 April 1868). They travelled to Khatang (which exists), Tashay,, Amarpore, a tiger hunt (successful), another tiger-hunt, jackals, lynxes.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Cortambert'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Directeur de l’Athenæum français, Rue Mazarine, 9 | Paris'.

Pierre-François Eugène Cortambert (1805-1881), French geographer, Conservator of the Geographic Section of the Bibliothèque Nationale
Publication details: 
21 August 1853; Paris postmark.

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium, addressed, with circular postmark in black ink, on otherwise-blank second leaf of bifolium. Correcting 'une petite erreur' which he committed in 'le Comte rendu de la dernière Séance de la Société de Géographie', and which he wishes changed in the report which will be appearing in 'l’Athenæum français'.

Secretarial Letter Signed ('Conde de Funchal'), in French, to 'Mr. Falconet, Avocat Celebre a Paris'.

Domingo Antonio de Souza-Coutinho, Conde de Funchal (fl 1803-1833), Portuguese diplomat, Ambassador to England, and botanist [Ambroise Falconet? Jacques Récamier?]
Publication details: 
1 March 1816; Florence, Italy. Carrying postmarks and seal in red wax with impression of family crest.

8vo, 2 pp. Twenty-two lines of text. Bifolium. Address, postmark and seal on reverse of otherwise-blank second leaf of bifolium. On aged and lightly creased paper, chipped and foxed. Text clear and entire. Acting on Falconet's advice, the Count has sent 'une Procure en regle à Mr Recamier [husband of the celebrated Madame Récamier?] à fin qu'il puisse retirer l'argenterie des mains de Mr Delamarre à l'expiration des trois mois'. He is grateful for Falconet's assistance in terminating 'cette facheuse affaire'.

Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'E. Contambert'), in French: three to Ange de Saint-Priest and one to 'Monsieur le Caissier' of 'L'Encyclopédie'.

Pierre-François Eugène Cortambert (1805-1881), geographer, Conservator of the Geographic Section of the Bibliothèque Nationale [Ange de Saint-Priest, editor of 'L'Encyclopédie du Dix-Neuvième Siècle']
Publication details: 
1852, 1874 and two undated.

All items in good condition, on lightly aged paper, with text clear and entire. Letter Two with a little light spotting to the recto of the first leaf. Written in a crabbed hand. Concerning contributions by Cortambert to 'L'Encyclopédie'. Letter One (12mo, 3 pp): To 'Monsieur et honorable directeur', 9 July 1852. Letter Two (12mo, 3 pp): To 'Monsieur et honorable directeur', 7 June 1874. Letter Three (12mo, 1 p): To 'Mr de St Priest', undated. Letter Four (8vo, 1 p): To 'Monsieur le Caissier de Encyclopédie du 19e Siècle', Paris, Rue de Saintonge, 64.

Victorian panoramic sepia photograph of the bay at Simon's Town.

Simon's Town [Simonstown; Simonstad], Cape Town, South Africa [photograph; panorama].
Publication details: 
Taken on Saturday July 10th. Simons Town'. [mid-nineteenth century]

Made up of four sepia photographs, each roughly 7 cm square, laid down overlapping each other to make a strip of 7 x 27 cm. Somewhat faded (especially to the right of the image) and with one small stain, and a one cm closed tear to the left. The paper on which the panorama is laid down, which is captioned in a contemporary hand, is somewhat grubby and chipped.

Loyalty and Disloyalty. What it Means in Ireland

Alice Stopford Green, historian.
Publication details: 
Maunsel and Company, Dublin and London,

Pamphlet, original geen wraps, badly chipped, dusted, 14pp., 8vo, with additional publisher's list (2pp. inc. inside back cover). With obscured pencil inscription on front cover, perhaps to "Riobard ua Flynn" [Robert Lynd] and from his library.Scarce: COPAC lists copies at Oxford, LSE, BL, NLW

Autograph Letter Signed "Ch. Lemire" to Jules Gros, "Publiciste, Paris".

Charles Lemire, Administrateur colonial, Explorateurauthority on Indo-China [Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos]
Publication details: 
Trelage pres Angers, 21 Octobre 1883. In French.

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. He has sent Gros a brochure "sur l'Instruction publique en australie." Also, on the advice of his editor, Challamel, he has sent Gros his volumes on Indo-China, Caledonia and Australia further to a promise that he would cite them in his studies on "les mouvements geographiques.". He wants to be informed when they have arrived. He is also about to publish another book on Indo-China and one on Caledonia with maps and illustrations.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'J. H. Stocqueler') to Philippart.

Joachim Hayward Stocqueler (1800-1885), English traveller and writer [Sir John Philippart (c.1784-1875), editor of the United Services Gazette
Publication details: 
Two letters from 6 Wellington Street, Strand, London, both undated (one 'Thursday' and the other docketed by Phillipart 'Novr 1848'; the third letter 10 August 1870, 8 Henley Street, Kentish Town.

Letter One (November 1848; folio, 1 p; on discoloured, creased and worn paper): Availing himself of Philippart's 'kind permission to contribute to the U. S. Magazine', Stocqueler is sending 'the commencement of a Historical Sketch' he has 'long meditated writing'. 'A note in this month's Dublin University Mag. has afforded the text - & the pretext'. It 'will be calculated to please the India Office', and will contain 'a good deal of personal sketch'. Addressed on reverse to Philippart at the Magazine's office at 19 Catherine Street, Strand, and docketed by Philippart.

The Ulster Calendar of Persons and Events. By Alex. Riddell. 1911.

Alex. Riddell,
Publication details: 
N.p. 1911.

8vo, 76 + [i] + [iii]. Rebound in attractive green paper wraps, including surviving front wrap (back wrap missing), damaged but reinforced, staples rusty. Final page a Calendar for 1911, followed by three pages blank but for heading 'MEMORANDA'. Verso of front wrap carries an advertisement, with photograph of shop front, for James' Boys' Clothing, 10 Lombard St., Belfast. Scarce. No copy listed in National Library of Ireland online catalogue, and only one copy on COPAC (at the British Library).

Autograph Note Signed ('Elisabeth') in English to unnamed male correspondent.

Elisabeth [Elizabeth] Ludovika of Bavaria (1801-1873), Princess of Bavaria and later Queen consort of Prussia as wife of King Frederick William IV of Prussia (1795-1861)
Publication details: 
Friday' [date not stated]; on letterhead of York House, Twickenham, S.W. [London].

16mo (roughly 11 x 8 cm), 1 p. Creased and ruckled, and with slight discolouration from previous mounting, and with a piece of the mount adhering to the blank reverse. Reads 'My dear Sir | I thank you for your letter and the information it contained. I write to Paris to have PP' book as soon as it is out. | Yours truly | [signed] Elisabeth'. Signature stylized to the point of illegibility. Piece of mount docketed in contemporary hand 'Elizabeth late Queen of Prussia'.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Emma Roberts, author, inc. "Hindustan" (1845).
Publication details: 
[19 Decr 1827 - date entered in pencil in another hand]

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. She explains why she can't fulfil his wish that she receive his guests but looks forward to a visit to "Craven Street"., only postponed. Hhe has "written to Mr Pickering [publisher?] according to your instructions and shall feel obliged by the exertion of your influence in my behalf with him." She claims to be writing in great haste.

Long cutting from unnamed newspaper headed 'THE PATAGONIAN MISSION'.

Publication details: 
[1852]; place not stated.

The piece relates to 'the death by starvation of Commander A. Gardiner and the whole of the party sent out by the Patagonian Missionary Society in September 1850, to Picton Island, the southern extremity of America'. '3 columns, each 13½ inches by 2¾, attached to a piece of grey paper, and a fourth column, 3¾ inches by 2¾, attached to another piece. Discoloured and with minor spotting but in good condition overall. The article consists exclusively of transcriptions of two letters from Captain W. H. Morshead, H.M.S.

Robert Emmet: His Birth-Place and Burial.

David A. Quaid, Solicitor
Publication details: 
Dublin: James Duffy and Co, 1902

Pp.[vi].98, 8vo, frontis., plates, original green printed wraps, sunned at edges, wear to spine, contents good. Scarce.

Adargraphiad Llythyrenol o Flodau y Beirdd Brytannaidd, a gydgynnullwyd gan y dyfgedig Dr. John Davies, o Fallwyd [...] Ynghyd a Rhagdraethawd ar Farddoniaeth Gymreig, gan yr enwog Gadpen Wiliam Midelton.

Dr John Davies o Fallwyd [Wiliam Midelton; William Middleton; Robert Jones (1810-1879)]
Publication details: 
Llundain [London]: 1864. [Argraffedig dros y Parch. Robert Jones, yn Mhersondy "All Saints," Rotherhithe.'] ['Argraffedig yn Rhudd-ddwr-hydd.']

12mo: [xii] + xxiv + 76 pp. In original red cloth boards, with 'FLORES POETARUM BRITANNICORUM.' stamped in gilt on front board. Lightly aged and foxed, in slightly grubby binding, but good and tight. A few marginal notes in a contemporary hand.

Autograph Letter [or draft?] Signed ('Geo. Grey') to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir George Grey (1799–1882), politician [South Africa; Captain Stockenstrom]
Publication details: 
15 May 1838; Downing Street.

12mo, 3 pp. Good, with traces of previous brown-paper mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. His 'time is too fully occupied' for him 'to attend the meeting of the Aborigines Protection Society'. Discusses the parliamentary prospects of 'Mr. Baines' motion relative to the emigration of certain inhabitants of the Eastern district of the Cape'. 'In the meantime however I hope Mr is aware that he is fully at liberty to call on Mr. <?> the Librarian of this Dept. who is authorized to submit to him Captain Stockenstrom's despatches on this subject'.

The Economic Case for Irish Independence

Darrell Figgis
Publication details: 
Dublin and London, 1920.

[viii].91pp., 8vo, beige printed wraps, worn, sl. sunned, marked, chipped corner at back, discreet repairs to spine and edges, contents good. Scarce.

Autograph Card Signed [to Rev. E. J. F. Davies].

Edward Hutton (1875-1969), British writer on travel and Italy
Publication details: 
21 April 1934; Rome.

One page, on back of printed postcard. Very good. Photograph of the Via Appia on reverse. Reads 'Dear Sir | In reply to your request I have pleasure in sending you this'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Clara Gigliucci nata Novello'), 'To - Wright Esqre.' With Times obituary and another.

Countess Clara Gigliucci [nee Clara Novello] (1818-1908), English soprano, daughter of Ivor Novello
Publication details: 
Fermo. Marche | August 24th. 1863.'

One page, octavo. Very good, on lightly aged paper, with embossed blue ink monogram at head. 'Dear Sir | My Sister Isabella, just arrived, tells me you desire my autograph, I have great pleasure in complying with your flattering request. [...]' The blank second leaf of the bifolium is carefully attached to a larger piece of neatly-docketed paper, and has the two newspaper cuttings partially laid down on it. The short Times obituary, dated 17 March 1908, states that 'She must surely have been the last person alive to whom Charles Lamb addressed a poem'.

Ten Autograph Letters Signed (all 'E Walford') to a number of different correspondents (including A., F. and H. Barker, Mrs Ratcliffe and a newspaper editor named 'Taylor').

Edward Walford (1823-97), topographer, genealogist, antiquary and editor of 'Once a Week' and 'The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer'
Publication details: 
Five undated, the others 1860 to 1890; all but one (from Bracknell in Berkshire) from a number of London addresses.

All items good, though on dusty and aged paper. Five items are addressed to sellers of manuscripts (probably the same individual). ONE (to H. Barker, 23 April 1885, on letterhead of 'The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer', one page, octavo): Asks to be offered Wellesley autographs purchased at a recent Sotheby sale, of which he sent an account to 'The Times', which was 'crowded out'. TWO (to F. Barker, 25 April [1885], 'at T.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Frank Cundall (1858-1937), English author, Secretary and Librarian to the Institute of Jamaica
Publication details: 
20 Feb 1916; on letterhead of the Institute of Jamaica.

4to: 2 pp. Sixteen lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. Thanking Wood for his 'kindly notice of "Historic Jamaica"'. He hopes 'the good people of Jamaica will appreciate the book in time - I spoilt my 1914 holiday to produce it'. Wishes Wood could 'come out to Jamaica in these days of motor cars'. Cars 'make seeing the country very easy - the only drawback is that one goes too fast for seeing the country well'. The 'Examiner for the <?> Board' ('this year it is to be Dr Lloyd') is coming to the island the following month. 'I usually go with the Examiner, to keep him happy!

Autograph Note Signed "Lapie" to "Monsieur Andre Libraire a Paris". In French.

Pierre Lapie, sometime "Premier geographe du Roi", mapmaker.
Publication details: 
Paris, 12 December 1826.

One page, 8vo, minor stains, good condition, text clear and complete. He explains the arrangement that was made for him to get a copy of a book ("la geographe de Mr. Mattebrun" on the account of M. Buisson). He asks for the volume to be consigned to the "porteur" with a second copy to which he has subscribed.

Autograph Note, third person, starting "Ch. Michelot", to [Aime Andre, bookseller]. In French.

Ch[arles] [Auguste-Charles-Jean?] Michelot, geographer.
Publication details: 
No place, [?] 1827.

One page, 8vo, dulled but text clear and complete. Name and address of the bookseller on bifolium, missing a corner, not affecting text. "Ch. Michelot prie M. Aime Andre de lui envoyer le plutot possible [underlined] 1 [nouvel?] exemplaire du dictionnaire geographique Mac carthy".

Alexander von Humboldt : bibliographische Übersicht seiner Werke, Schriften und zerstreuten Abhandlungen.

Julius Löwenberg [Lowenberg]
Publication details: 
Stuttgart: F.A. Brockhaus Komm.-Gesch. Gmbh. Abt. Antiquarium. 1960.

8vo: 68 pp. In original printed wraps. Good, with light vertical crease to front wrap. Six copies on COPAC, but none at the British Library.

Typed Letter Signed ('Dorothy Black') to [Kathleen Cruise O'Brien] O'Duffy, the wife of the Irish writer Eimar O'Duffy.

Dorothy Black (Delius) (1899-1985), English romantic novelist, travel and short-story writer [Ladies' Home Journal; Eimar O'Duffy]
Publication details: 
26 June 1925; La Chaumiere, Shillong, Assam.

4to: 3 pp. Text clear and entire on creased, chipped airmail paper. A chatty, vivacious and entertaining letter, casting light on the state of mind of an English colonial wife. Thanks her for her 'kind remarks about my stories.

Catalogue of Fourteen Thousand Portraits of Authors, Actors, Legislators, Ministers and Celebrated Men and Women of All Countries. The Largest Sale that has ever taken place in the United States. [...] by Edelinck, Lemperour, Bause, Schidt, Doo [...]

Banks, Merwin & Co., Auctioneers, Broadway, New York [Auction Catalogue]
Publication details: 
New York: To be Sold at Auction [...] 8th, 9th and 10th of March, 1864, By Banks, Merwin & Co., At the Irving Buildings, Nos. 594 and 596 Broadway].

Octavo: 18 pp. Unbound: stabbed and unstitched. First leaf and leaves with pp. 15/16 and 17/18 loose. Leaves with pp.3/4 and 15/16 half-separated. Paper discoloured and chipping at edges. Extends to 918 lots. The odd number of leaves implies the loss of a final leaf, possibly bearing text. Stamp of the Public Library Ford Collection. Docketing in pencil notes a duplicate at the New York Public Library. No other copy traced.

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