Autograph Letters

Two Autograph Letters Signed "Augte Viquesnel" to an unnamed correspondent. In French [En Francais]

[TURKEY] Auguste Viquesnel (1803-1867), author of "Voyage dans la Turquie d'Europe"
Publication details: 
Paris, 7 June 1847 and Seaux, 14 August [1854?].

One page each, 8vo, minor stains and creasing, good condition. (1847) He describes a colleague, a "M. de La Roquette", for some years Secretary to the "Societe de geographie". whom he understands to be working on Turkey. "Je me [?] de lui indiquer un ouvrage Special sur Constantinople, son historie, ses monuments . . . " He wishes to avail himself of his correspondent's knowledge of "bibliographie" to help his colleague.

Autograph Note Signed ('Elisabeth') in English to unnamed male correspondent.

Elisabeth [Elizabeth] Ludovika of Bavaria (1801-1873), Princess of Bavaria and later Queen consort of Prussia as wife of King Frederick William IV of Prussia (1795-1861)
Publication details: 
Friday' [date not stated]; on letterhead of York House, Twickenham, S.W. [London].

16mo (roughly 11 x 8 cm), 1 p. Creased and ruckled, and with slight discolouration from previous mounting, and with a piece of the mount adhering to the blank reverse. Reads 'My dear Sir | I thank you for your letter and the information it contained. I write to Paris to have PP' book as soon as it is out. | Yours truly | [signed] Elisabeth'. Signature stylized to the point of illegibility. Piece of mount docketed in contemporary hand 'Elizabeth late Queen of Prussia'.

Letter Signed "Sidmouth" to an unnamed correspondent.

Viscount Sidmouth, statesman (DNB), here "Home Secretary".
Publication details: 
Whitehall, 8 Dec. 1817.

Two pages, 4to, copperplate text by secretary, fold marks, marks of sellotape (half inch square at most) at edge, small chip bottom corner,m text cleqar and complete. Sidmouth, who has received a letter in favour of the condemned John Vartie, forger, informs his correspondent that "the Case of this unfortunate Person had the most full and deliberate consideration, at the time when the Report was made to the Prince Regent in Council.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Emma Roberts, author, inc. "Hindustan" (1845).
Publication details: 
[19 Decr 1827 - date entered in pencil in another hand]

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. She explains why she can't fulfil his wish that she receive his guests but looks forward to a visit to "Craven Street"., only postponed. Hhe has "written to Mr Pickering [publisher?] according to your instructions and shall feel obliged by the exertion of your influence in my behalf with him." She claims to be writing in great haste.

Autograph Letter Signed "W. Hone" to an unnamed male correspondent.

William Hone, Radical bookseller and publisher (DNB).
Publication details: 
5 Bolt Court, 18 June 1840.

One page, minor staining not affecting text, laid down on grey coarse paper. "Here is the Cape Shipping List [perhaps including slavers?]. It's business-like details of murders by wholesale tell the cold blooded tales of horror more effectually than eloquent language. They [leave?] & lead the mind to imagine the terrible scenes enacted with poetical power which minute detail fails to [word excised "affect"] produce. I admire this brevity - it is inoffensively offensive. / I am grateful to you, my dear Sir, for your care of my daughter - your help to the helpless.

[Billet Autographe Signée] Autograph Note Signed "F Barry" with a cover note by Eugene Philippe (on its verso) and a Letter Signed "[Etienne] Dujardin-Beaumetz" (1852-1913), sous secrétaire d'Etat aux Beaux-Arts, about Barry's works.

François Barry, French artist
Publication details: 
No place for the former, but the docketing previously beneath the Note says 22 Aout 1805.

{Note/Billet} One page, c.16 x 11cm, some marking but text clear and complete, but partly illegible as follows: "Il faudrait . . . fut . . . merci un . . . je te ferais alors un bien joli tableau / FBarry/" This note has been soake away from a larger piece of paper in poor condition. at the foot of which an unknown hand explained that "Ces quelques lignes sont les dernieres que Monsieur Barry aient ecrits. Elles datent de 22 Aout 1905.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'J. H. Stocqueler') to Philippart.

Joachim Hayward Stocqueler (1800-1885), English traveller and writer [Sir John Philippart (c.1784-1875), editor of the United Services Gazette
Publication details: 
Two letters from 6 Wellington Street, Strand, London, both undated (one 'Thursday' and the other docketed by Phillipart 'Novr 1848'; the third letter 10 August 1870, 8 Henley Street, Kentish Town.

Letter One (November 1848; folio, 1 p; on discoloured, creased and worn paper): Availing himself of Philippart's 'kind permission to contribute to the U. S. Magazine', Stocqueler is sending 'the commencement of a Historical Sketch' he has 'long meditated writing'. 'A note in this month's Dublin University Mag. has afforded the text - & the pretext'. It 'will be calculated to please the India Office', and will contain 'a good deal of personal sketch'. Addressed on reverse to Philippart at the Magazine's office at 19 Catherine Street, Strand, and docketed by Philippart.

Two Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent ("Mon cher maitre et excellent ami")

Herve Mangon, French engineer.
Publication details: 
Ste Maries du mont, 31 July 1872 and 14 July 1876

Total 5pp., 8vo, good condition. (1872) Family matters and the election to the Bureau des Longitudes. (1876) He is going to Caen for the "inauguration de la statue de Mr E. de Beaumont". He is unhappy about "le chain fait par l'academie, car il n'a rien de scientifique et il est blessant pour un homme bon et excellent entre tous, votre ami Mr Dancour."

[Autograph?] Letter signed "Le Carpentier" to the "Citoyen Ministre de l'interieur".

Le Carpentier [L'Hospice des Vieillards, Paris].
Publication details: 
4 Quai Voltaire, Paris, le 6 Thermidor an4e [1797].

One page, folio, foxed, clipped with some minor loss, but text clear. A request on behalf of "La Citoyenne Nicolle Guiot de St Amand" to be granted a place in L'Hospice des Vieilards ("fauxbourg St Martin"). "Elle a ete jusqu'a present a la charge de ses parens, que les circonstances presentes ne permettent plus de venir a son secours [signature] de St. Amand." This is follwo0ed by the appeal by Le Carpentier on her behalf since he can no longer help her. Notes in the margin in a different hand reveal that Citoyenne St Amand has "a peu pres 200ff[?] de rentes"

Autograph Note Signed "Perreaux" TO [J.B. Delestre, French artist and art historian].

L. Gm Perreaux [Louis Guillaume Perreaux], French engineer and prolific inventor [motorbike etc]
Publication details: 
[Address blind-stamped] "L. Gm Perreaux/ Ingénieur Mécanicien/ 16 Rue Mr. de Prince/ Paris".

One page, creasing and sunning but text clear and complete, as follows: Cher Monsieur/ Demain ou apres, je doit recevoir chez moi un grand amateur de livres manuscripts, seriez vous assez bon pour remettre au porteur les deux livres Arabes que je vous ai remis il y a quelques temps." Note: A note in another hand states: "Adressée a J.B. Delestre". Perreaux is said to be the inventor of the motorbike (the "motocyclette"). See for information about his steam-driven "velocipede" and other inventions.

Autograph Note Signed to "Monsieur Lucas de Montigny, Chef de Division a la Prefecture, Rue de Petit-Vaugirard, no. 9.

Stéphane Flachat, Ingénieur, Engineer.
Publication details: 
"Samedi matin", no place or date.

One page, minor damage not affecting text, as follows: "D'apres a que vous avez bien voulu dire a mon frère [the eminent engineer Eugène Flachat], je viens vous demander a quelle heure, je poussais avoir l'honneur de vous voir demain dimanche; j'ai toute ma matinée a votre disposition, jusqu'à trois heures. / J'ai l'honneur . . ."

Visiting card with autograph message.

Duchesse d'Uzes
Publication details: 
Bonnelles, 10 October 1913.

Card, 8 x 6 cm, black border. [Printed] "Duchesse d'Uzès / Douairière" with the autograph message on both sides of the card, "Laissez-moi rire d'abord et ensuite dites-moi ce que je dois lui répondre. Avec toutes mes amitiés."

Autograph Letter Signed "Desse d'Uzès"

Duchesse d'Uzes [Adrienne Anne Marie Clementine de Rochechouart - Mortemart].
Publication details: 
(Headed, with insignia] 76 Avenue des Champs Elysees, no date. In French.

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. Text as follows: "Non, Monsieur, je ne fonde pas, un journal, mais je sais qu'on m'a demande mon avis au sujet d'un journal qui va je crois se fonder, et j'ai repondre que j'approuvais absolument l'idee; mais la se bornent mes pouvoirs. C'est a Mr le Vicomte [Pinty?], 5 rue Malar (quai d'Orsay) qu'il faut vous adresser. Voyez Monsieur . .

Seven Autograph Letters Signed to "Monsieur Villenard, Directeur des Annales Politiques et Littéraires de Paris".

Noel de la Morinière, L'Inspecteur des Pêches Maritimes, author of socientific books on Fish and Fishing.
Publication details: 
[Printed heading for three] Peches Maritimes de France. Inspection. L'Inspecteur des Peches marimtimes, 1817-1818.

One page each, 4to, good condition.

Fragment of Autograph Statement or Letter Signed (last page).

Alessandro Chiapelli, Italian philosopher
Publication details: 
No place or date on this page.

One page, 8vo, text as follows (square brackets when I can't read the Italian): "mova, come le antiche che la [?] a maestro d' sapienza politica e d'arte luminosa, è e [infende?] d'essere [affermazinne?] d'cultura e d'intellectualita. Il chiedere a gran voce l'istituzione d'una universitata italiana d'una universita italiana a Trieste, è [?] [affermaginnne?] d'italianita & d'civita: e nessu no [?] contrastar quella, senza rinnegar questa."

Four Autograph Letters Signed by Florrie Cockle (one signed 'Florrie Cockle (soon Iggulden)' and another 'Willie and Florrie'); one Autograph Letter Signed ('Birt') by Birt Cockle; all to their sisters Kate and Maggie.

Florrie Cockle and Albert ('Birt') Cockle [Willie Iggulden; Boer War; South Africa]
Publication details: 
East London, South Africa; 1898 and 1899.

Very good, on aged and lightly creased paper. Six long letters to family in England written during a turbulent period in South African history. Affectionate, chatty, and written from a lower-middle-class point of view (Florrie: 'we always have an h[ou]r., when I change my dress for the afternoon after dinner'). Mostly dealing with family matters. Letter One (from 'Florrie', 4 September 1898, 'P.O. East London, South Africa', 4to: 4 pp): tells an amusing story about Birt, a cart and a goat. Letter Two (from 'Florrie', 11 September 1898, address as Letter One, 4to: 2 pp).

Envelope front, franked “Clarence”.

William IV
Publication details: 
No date.

William IV (1765-1937).Envelope front, c.6 x 3.5", franked “Clarence”, to Herbert Taylor.

Autograph Signature.

Chief Jonathan M. Moshoesh [Moshesh, Moshoeshoe, Mshweshwe] , of modernday Lesotho [Basutoland]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated (but between 1905 and 1913).

Dimensions roughly 2.3 x 11.5 cms. On paper with three vertical rules. Reads 'chief Jonathan M. Moshoesh'. Neatly laid down on larger piece of grey paper (roughly 6 x 12 cms), docketed in a contemporary hand 'Basuto chief called Jonathan. He is the biggest chief in Basutoland after "Letsia", the Paramount Chief & next to the throne, being Uncle to "Letsia" who has no heir.' From the reference to childlessness 'Letsia' is clearly Parmount Chief Letsie II Lerotholi, who reigned between 1905 and 1913.

[Headed "The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society] Four Typed Letters Signed, to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (2), S. Digby (1) and G. K. Menzies (1), of the Royal Society of Arts.

Sir John H. Harris [SLAVERY]
Publication details: 
3 and 6 March 1917, and 31 January and 25 March 1918; all four on letterhead of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society.

Campaigner against slavery and colonial exploitation in Africa (1874-1940) and Liberal MP for North Hackney, 1923-24. All four items one page, quarto. All in good condition, though on somewhat discoloured paper. Two items docketed in pencil and two bearing the Society's stamp. ITEM ONE: He hopes to be present at Dr. Max Horn's lecture, and wants to know whether the Society is 'publishing the lecture by Mr. Wilson Fox on Imperial Resources'. He thinks he should join the Society, 'if not now soon after the war', and asks to be sent the conditions of membership.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to the Paris bookseller Paul Daffis.

Eugène Flachat (1802-1873), French civil engineer who worked on the first French passenger railway (Paris-Le Pecq, 1837), on the Paris-Rouen line and the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1851 [steam engines]
Publication details: 

12mo: 1 p. Fifteen lines of text. Good, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Minor foxing. Difficult hand. Begins 'Je voudrais avoir cette année la collection des Documents parlementaire qui seront distribué au corps legislatif. | Autrefois j'étais abonné pour une petite somme [...]'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Fevret e St. Mémin | Consr. du Musée de Dijon'), in French, to an unnamed correspondent.

Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin (1770-1852). French engraver painter and Conservateur du Musée de Dijon [Fevret de St. Mésmin; Févret de St. Mesmin; Fevret de St Mesmin; St. Mémin]
Publication details: 
Dijon le 1r. octobre 1842.'

4to: 2 pp. 26 lines. He is totally flattered by the obliging comments of the recipient in sending the first three issues of 'l'Artiste'. Discusses the merits of this 'intéressant ouvrage'. Describes the limited 'coopération' he will be able to provide. 'J'espere ainsi que vous voudrez bien vous contenter de l'envoi que j'ai l'honneur de vous faire de la notice, dernièrement publiée, du musée que je dirige, dont la 1re et la 4e.

Secretarial note in French, signed by Flachat.

Eugène Flachat (1802-1873), French civil engineer who worked on the first French passenger railway (Paris-Le Pecq, 1837), on the Paris-Rouen line and the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1851 [steam engines]
Publication details: 
23 February 1856; Paris.

12mo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased paper. Reads 'Je remets à Mr Pulin, porteur de la présente, la lettre de Mr Savoye pour l'aider à retirer les exemplaires des médailles et les diplômes donnés à MM les Membres du Jury.' Presumably relating to the awarding of prizes at an industrial exhibition.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edouard Lockroy | député | 21 Rue de Clichy'), in French, to an unnamed female correspondent.

Édouard Lockroy (1838-1913), French left-wing politician; secretary to Ernest Renan; fought with Garibaldi; signed the proclamation for the election of the Paris Commune
Publication details: 
21 March 1878; on letterhead of the Chambre des Députés, Paris.

12mo: 1 p. Fifteen lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed in a contemporary hand at head. Headed 'Madame'. Asking whether she would be willing to lend her 'admirable talent à une oeuvre d'instruction populaire', a matinée by 'Les membres de la bibliothèque du 17: arrondissement'.

Note with Signature ('E Lockroy'), in French, to an unnamed male correspondent, probably written by a secretary.

Édouard Lockroy (1838-1913), French left-wing politician; secretary to Ernest Renan; fought with Garibaldi; signed the proclamation for the election of the Paris Commune
Publication details: 
2 January 1882; on letterhead of the Chambre des Députés, Paris.

12mo: 1 p. Text clear and entire, on aged and lightly-stained paper. Reads 'Cher ami. | Je vous envois une demande d'admission dans notre société, avec pièces à l'appui que je recommendre à tous vos soins. | Votre bien devoue. | [signed] E Lockroy'. Although attributed to Lockroy in a contemporary hand in pencil at the head of the letter, this document appears to be by a secretary, as the handwriting differs from his (see #6997).

Carte de Visite with autograph note in French.

Le Père Ollivier des Frères-Prêcheurs [Marie-Joseph Ollivier (1835-1910)], French cleric and author [la Vicomtesse de Sousberghé]
Publication details: 
Kain: 31 décember 1909'.

Dimensions 5 x 9 cm. Good, with traces of glue from previous mounting on blank reverse. Dated in autograph in top right-hand corner. Printed on the card in copperplate is 'Le Père Ollivier | des Frères-Prêcheurs'. Beneath this, in a neat close hand, are four lines in autograph. Despite the fact that he is weighed down by rheumatism, which has paralyzed his right hand, he is writing 'à grand' peine' to wish Madame la Vicomtesse de Sousberghé and family best wishes for a happy new year. 'Ils sont offerte de grand cœur.'

Ten Autograph Letters Signed and a Signed secretarial Letter (eight signed 'Victor Meunier' and three 'V Meunier'), all in French, to individuals including Charles Nodier, Pierre-Simon Ballanche and (with Autograph Signed reply) Jean-Augustin Barral.

Victor Meunier (1817-1903), French author and journalist; editor of 'Cosmos', the 'Revue Synthétique', and 'L’Ami des Sciences' [Charles Nodier; Pierre-Simon Ballanche; Jean-Augustin Barral]
Publication details: 
Five undated, the others between 1856 and 1876; from a number of addresses including the offices of 'L'ami des sciences', 'Cosmos' and the 'Revue Synthétique', Paris.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and slightly creased paper. Text of all items clear and entire. Letter One: to Jean-Augustin Barral (12 June 1862, from 33 Rue de Vaugirard, 8vo, 2 pp, 30 lines). He has received 'les premières feuilles de votre notice', and has been prevented from coming to London by 'un rhumatisme articulaire'. On the recto of the second leaf of the bifolium is Barrel's nine-line autograph reply, signed 'J. A. Barrel' and dated 'Londres 16 juin 1862'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jules Simon'), in French, to unnamed male correspondent.

Jules Simon [François-Jules Suisse; Jules François Simon (1814-1896)], French philosopher and politician, one of the leaders of the Opportunist Republicans; member of the Académie française
Publication details: 
dimanche' [no date]; on letterhead of the 'SÉNAT'.

12mo: 1 p. Fourteen lines of text. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Simon is unwell. His correspondent may have noticed that he did not see him the day before or on the day of writing: and although he is feeling better it is unlikely that he will see him the following day. This irritates Simon greatly. 'Je desirais causer avec vous de ce ue vous savez. J'espère que je pourrai aller au journal et vous y rencontrer mardi.' Three lines of docketing in a contemporary hand at foot.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Colladon' | professeur à l Ecole Centrale') to 'Monsieur le Directeur Général des Douanes, Paris'.

Jean-Daniel Colladon (1802-1893), Swiss physicist and engineer, Professor of Mechanics at the École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris [Eugène Flachat (1802-1873)] [steam engines; railway]
Publication details: 
27 January 1835; 'à Lyon chez Messieurs Pine Des Granges', on letterhead of the École.

4to bifolium: 2 pp, with address on otherwise-blank second leaf. Very good on lightly aged paper. Slight wear to extremities. A significant document, casting light on the relative states of engineering in early nineteenth-century France and England, and the role of the scientist in France at that time.

Autograph Note Signed (illegibly as usual) to "Mr Tuckwell" (prob. Rev. Tuckwell, see new DNB).

Wilfrid Scawen Blunt.
Publication details: 
[Place illegible]6 Jan.1888.

Traveller, poet, diarist, etc. Two pages, 8vo, good condition. "I fear I cannot allow you to reprint the story of Mr Balfour's conversation on any authority of mine. I trust the [worst?] by coercion is pretty well over now in Ireland, and as all here are in excellent heatr I feel far more hopeful than I have been for some time."

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to 'Mr. Lee [sic]', giving commission bids on eight lots in a forthcoming sale.

Mr Howell of Craven Street, the Strand, London [Leigh and Sotheby; Sotheby's; book auctions; auctioneering; auction catalogues]
Publication details: 
Feb. 2d. 1815. Craven Street.'

12mo bifolium: 1 p, on recto of first leaf, with address on verso of second leaf. Grubby, and with spike hole and tear to outer edge through both leaves, that on the first neatly repaired on the reverse with archival tape. Text complete and entirely legible. 'Mr. Howell will be obliged to Mr. Lee if in addition to the Douglass case Lot 708, He will purchase Lot 213 'Discovery Witches' [...]'. A further seven bids follow. The note ends 'Mr Howell will thank Mr Lee will [sic] bear in mind, that these purchases will be upon condition of the books being in good order and perfect'.

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