
[Oscar Alfred Le Beau, Headmaster of the Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow on the Hill.] Inscribed copy of offprint ‘Halley’s Comet. / By / O. A. Le Beau, B.Sc.’

O. A. Le Beau, B.Sc. [Oscar Alfred Le Beau (1885-1975), headmaster of the Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow on the Hill, 1926-1951; Halley’s Comet]
Publication details: 
‘Reprinted from the “Beds. Times and Independent,” April 8th, 1910.’

Scarce: no copy on ViaLibri, OCLC WorldCat and JISC LHD. Stapled pamphlet. 7pp, 12mo. Unpaginated. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light spotting and slightly rusted staples. Inscribed at head of cover: ‘With the author’s compliments / O. A. LeBeau’. Drophead title on third page: ‘HALLEY’S COMET. / BY O. A. LE BEAU, B.Sc. / [Mr. Le Beau is an O. B. of the Grammar School, whose Astronomical Notes in our columns some years ago many of our readers will no doubt remember. - ED.]’

[J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Shakespearian scholar and antiquarian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. O. Halliwell') to Messrs Dickinson & Co., settling a bill and praising the paper supplied by them for his 'folio edition of Shakespear now completed'.

J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps [James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps, born James Orchard Halliwell] (1820-1889), Shakespearean scholar, antiquarian, and folklorist [John Dickinson & Co, papermakers]
Publication details: 
5 May 1866; on letterhead of No. 6, St Mary's Place, West Brompton, London, S.W.

For the context see Halliwell-Phillipps's entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that in 1852 he 'offered by subscription the most elaborate Works [of Shakespeare] ever attempted: published between 1853 and 1865 in sixteen thick folio volumes, lavishly illustrated by F. W. Fairholt and limited to 150 copies, it was initially priced 2 guineas a volume.

Collection of printed material by the Official Buddy Holly Appreciation Society, England, including membership cards, newsletters, publicity photographs, biographies, lists of recordings, facsimile letter from Holly's parents, fake concert poster.

Buddy Holly and The Crickets [The Official Buddy Holly Appreciation Society, England; Mr and Mrs L. O. Holley]
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1961 and 1965.

Following the singer's death in 1959 Johnny C. Beecher relaunched Holly's official English fan club, helping to keep his reputation alive at a time when he was practically forgotten in America. As Beecher stated in an interview, he kept 'in touch with Buddy's parents, Ella and L.O., and I can say that without them it wouldn't have been possible, as they sent us all sorts of information and photographs that kept up our enthusiasm. The Crickets also helped out and were pretty nice considering all we ever asked 'em was, "What was Buddy really like." Despite that, we became pals.

[ Edward Falkener, architect and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow-architect William Tite

Edward Falkener (1814-1896, pseud. 'E. F. O. Thurcastle'), architect and author [ Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect and Member of Parliament; Sir John Soane's Museum ]
Publication details: 
10 Carlisle Parade, Hastings. 5 January 1861.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. On two occasions, despite the urgings of his friends, he has declined to apply for 'the Curatorship at Sir John Soanes', but he has since 'thought my friends might be right, and that the appointment would afford means of study and relaxation'. He has been 'over worked lately', and is 'suffering from boils and nervous headaches, which came on the very day I had intended to leave for Paris and Berlin'.

[ Limited edition, inscribed by printer, de Vinne ] The Bibliomaniac by Charles Nodier. With forty-five illustrations from designs by Maurice Leloir, engraved on wood by F. Noel, and a preface by R. Vallery-Radot. Translated by Mabel Osgood Wright.

Charles Nodier; Maurice Leloir; F. Noel; R. Vallery-Radot; Mabel Osgood Wright; Theodore Low De Vinne; The De Vinne Press, New York; J. O. Wright & Company
Publication details: 
New York: J. O. Wright & Company, 1894. [ No. 122 of 150 copies printed on Japan paper by the De Vinne Press, New York. ]

79pp., 8vo. Tipped-in at front is an engraved plate of a bibliomaniac sitting reading in his crammed library, captioned 'MY DEN.' In good condition, lightly aged, in fake-vellum wraps, with medallion and title in gilt on lightly-worn cover. Inscribed by the book's printer Theodore De Vinne on front free endpaper: 'To David Douglas | With love of D V | Aet 1894'. No copy at the British Library, and none traced on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml. Smith') from the Whig poltician and barrister Hon. Samuel Stevens, asking the Adjutant General of the State of New York, L. Ward Smith, to be one of the 'groom's men' at his wedding.

Hon. Samuel Stevens (c.1798-1854) of Albany, New York, American barrister, Whig politician, friend and associate of Daniel Webster [L. Ward Smith (d.1863), Adjutant General of the State of New York]
Publication details: 
New York. 15 June 1842.

Stevens married Mary Frances Smith (d.1890; second husband John Fowler Butterworth), daughter of Silas O. Smith of Rochester, and two of their children were the novelist Augusta de Grasse Stevens (1852-1894), and Marie de Grasse, Lady Evans (d.1920), wife of the English Liberal politician Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907). 2pp., 4to. 35 lines of text. In good condition on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with postmark, to 'Mr L Ward Smith | Rochester | N.Y-'. The letter begins: 'My dear Ward | How affectionate & familiar a man is, when he is about to ask a favor.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Samuel Stevens') from the barrister and Whig politician Hon. Samuel Stevens of Albany, New York, to his future father-in-law Silas O. Smith of Rochester, asking for permission to court Mary Frances Smith.

Hon. Samuel Stevens (c.1798-1854) of Albany, New York, American barrister and Whig politician, friend and associate of Daniel Webster, husband of Mary Frances Stevens [nee Smith]
Publication details: 
Albany [New York]. 21 January 1841.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr Silas O Smith | Rochester'. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | During my short sojourn at your city last October, I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of your daughter. Since my return a correspondence has taken place between us in which she has given me permission to visit her & to entertain the hope that she may be persuaded to exchange the protection of the best of Parents for that of a husband.

[Mimeographed pamphlet.] 500 Hours In The Blitz. [On reverse:] Wartime Doggerel for the Dog Tired.

George E. O. Knight (b.1885) [The Blitz, 1940-1941; London; Thomas Edward Neil Driberg] (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell, journalist and Labour MP]
Publication details: 
London: "Earways", Flat 782, 67/9, Chancery Lane, W.C.2. 1941.

12pp., 4to. On the rectos of 12 leaves, stitched with red thread into yellow wrappers with crude design of airplanes in action. From the papers of the Labour MP Tom Driberg, and with 'Mr Driberg' in pencil at head of front wrap. In a preface dated 21 August 1941 Knight refers to 'twelve fateful and ferocious months', and criticises 'a deplorable lack of vision and imagination everywhere.

[Printed handbill poetical Christmas keepsake by Victor B. Neuburg, with wood engraving by 'O. W.']

Victor B. Neuburg [Victor Benjamin Neuburg (1883-1940), poet and author, proprietor of the Vine Press, Steyning, Sussex]
Publication details: 
The Vine Press, Steyning, Sussex. Christmas, 1921.

1p., 12mo. On piece of aged and lightly-creased laid paper. The engraving, at the head of the page, is 7 x 9.5 cm., is a stylised full-length depiction of a young man in eighteenth-century dress, wearing a cravat, with hands on hips, standing between two trees. The poem reads 'Dear He - / Or She - / This from me, / Victor B. / Neuburg, to thee.' Second stanza: 'Not me: we, / I forgot, you see.' In bottom left-hand corner, in italics, 'Christmas, 1921.' And in italics in bottom-right: 'The Vine Press, / Steyning, / Sussex.' No other copy found listed.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. O. Coxe') to <Innes?>.

Henry Octavious Coxe [H. O. Coxe] (1811-1881), Bodley's Librarian, 1860-1881 [The Bodleian Library, Oxford]
Publication details: 
16 January 1879; Bodleian Library.

16mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Thirteen lines of text. Clear and complete. On aged paper with heavy staining to outer pages. Clarifying the position regarding 'new editions with additions'. The Bodleian is entitled to copies of these, 'unless the additions are separate - then we can only claim the new matter'. Explains that the Library's 'agent in London', Eccles of Great Russell Street, 'receives for us, or collects, as it may be the of the Publishers'. Docketed in pencil in a contemporary hand on the blank reverse of the second leaf.

Fac-Simile of Autographs of Subscribers to the Picturesque Views of Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland.

[Francis Orpen Morris; list of subscribers; autographs]
Publication details: 
London: A. Clarke, 1880.

Quarto. 135 pages of skillfully executed autographs followed by a 45-page printed 'INDEX TO AUTOGRAPHS', ranging from 'H.R.H. The PRINCE of WALES, K.G.' to 'Zillwood, A., The Abbey, Romsey, Hants.'. Attractive title in gold, purple, blue, yellow and green, with illustration of Osborne House. A handsome, if somewhat flashy, production. Maroon morocco binding, with a large crest stamped in gilt within a decorative border on the front board. All edges gilt. Tight copy, rebacked with new endpapers. Offsetting to fly leaf and a little damp damage to corner of title.

Autograph Letter Signed to the naturalist Rev. Francis Orpen Morris (1810-1893).

James Blackwood, Scottish publisher
Publication details: 
17 October 1857, on his business letterhead, 8 Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row.

8vo: 2 pp. The 'idea is worth Consideration', but Blackwood 'can hardly see how any large sale cann be depended upon, so as to repay the expense of printing advertising &c.' Asks that Morris send him 'one sermon, to indicate style, length & to estimate cost'. Asks what size of paper should be used. Notices that Morris's works are 'principally on natural history'. Likes the idea of 'the <?> natural history', and 'will take an early opportunity of looking at it'. This notable London publisher is a surprising omission from BBTI.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank O. Salisbury') to Mrs Shirley Slocombe.

Frank O. Salisbury (1874-1962), English portrait painter [Francis Owen Salisbury; Shirley Slocombe (c.1873-1906)]
Publication details: 
17 May 1936; on letterhead of Sarum Close, West Heath Road, Hampstead, London, N.W.3.

8vo, 1 p, 14 lines. On lightly aged paper, with 9 cm closed tear (affecting a few words, but not the signature) neatly repaired on reverse with archival tape. A letter of condolence on the death of Mrs Slocombe's husband, 'after his long illness'. Salisbury is 'sure he must have had a very courageous spirit to the end - I remember it so well at the Academy Schools'. He suggests a firm that might be willing to buy 'the canvases etc you mention'. The letter links two artists who studied together at the Royal Academy Schools, and also establishes the date of Slocombe's death as 1906.

Typed Letter Signed ('Richard. O. Gross') to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Richard Oliver Gross (1882-1964), English-born New Zealand sculptor
Publication details: 
20 June 1949; on his letterhead from 7 Marie Avenue, Hillsborough, Auckland, New Zealand.

4to, 1 p, 8 lines. Lightly creased and with a little smudging from a carbon and some minor paperclip staining (none of which affects the signature). He is sending 'a short article [not present] - "Art in the Post War World", and a copy of an address to "The Auckland Society of Arts." ' He believes 'that countries like New Zealand, cut off from the inspiration and example of what is best in European Art, are prone to be dazzled by Materialistic Efficiency; even when linked with the best technical flavourings through Art in industry.'

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